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David L. Debertin


About The Member

Degrees Received:
BS (1969 Ag. Education-Agronomy ), MS (1970 Ag.Economics), North Dakota State University
MS Thesis: Cost-Size-Quality Relationships Affecting North Dakota Schools (Thor Hertsgaard, director), 1970 PhD, Purdue, August, 1973, Ag. Economics
Editor, Journal of Agricultural and Applied Economics 1993-1995 Volumes (with Angelos Pagoulatos and Barry Bobst)
Editor, Review of Agricultural Economics for the 1997 and 1998 volumes. Co-founded the Review of Ag. Economics in the current format under AAEA sponsorship (with Angelos Pagoulatos)

Agricultural Production Economics(Second Edition, 2012).Agricultural Production Economics(Second Edition, 2012, ISBN ) is a revised edition of the TextbookAgricultural Production Economicspublished by Macmillan in 1986 (ISBN 0‐02‐328060‐3). This is intended primarily for adoption at the beginning graduate level. Agricultural Production Economics available in paper
copy under ISBN 1469960648 and as a free e‐download at http://purl.umn.edu/158319
Agricultural Production Economics: The Art of Production Theory(2012). A 98 page companion book to Agricultural Production economics available in print as ISBN 1470129264 and as a free e-download at http://purl.umn.edu/158320
Applied Microeconomics: Consumption, Production and Markets (2012).Applied Microeconomicsis a concise 250 page text intended for use in upper division undergraduate courses in applied microeconomics. It is available in print as ISBN 1475244347 or as a free e-download at http://purl.umn.edu/158321

Refereed Journal Articles:
Debertin, David L. and John M. Huie. "What Can the Public School Do to Reduce Dropout Numbers." Southern Journal of Agricultural Economics 6:2, 1974.
Debertin, David L., "Significance Tests of Regression Coefficients: An Additional Reminder," American Journal of Agricultural Economics 57:1, 1975.
Debertin, David L., Gerald A. Harrison, Robert J. Rades and Lawrence P. Bohl, "Estimating the Return to Information: A Gaming Approach," American Journal of Agricultural Economics 57:2, May 1975.
Debertin, David L., and R.J. Freund, "The Deletion of Variables from Regression Models Based on Tests of Significance: A Statistical and Moral Issue," Southern Journal of Agricultural Economics 7:1, 1975.
Debertin, David L., and John M. Huie, "Projecting Economic Activity Within Individual Towns and Cities: An Exploratory Study," Journal of the Community Development Society 6:1, 1975.
Debertin, D.L. and John M. Huie, "Secondary Education and Its Impact on the Performance of Purdue University Freshmen," Journal of Socioeconomic Planning Sciences, 9:3, 1975, Pergamon Press, Oxford, England.
Debertin, D.L., and John M. Huie, "Factors Influencing the Demand and Supply of Public School Teachers: An Exploratory Analysis," Journal of Socioeconomic Planning Sciences, 9:6, 1975, Pergamon Press, Oxford, England.
Freund, R.J., and D.L. Debertin, "Variable Selection and Statistical Significance," American Journal of Agricultural Economics 57:4, 1975.
Debertin, D.L., and G.L. Bradford, "Conceptualizing and Quantifying Factors Influencing the Growth and Development of Rural Economies," Annals of Regional Sciences 10:1, 1976.
Debertin, D.L., R.J. Rades and G.A. Harrison, "Returns to Information, An Addendum," American Journal of Agricultural Economics 58:2, 1976.
Debertin, David L., "Estimating Education Production Functions in Rural and Urban Areas," Southern Journal of Agricultural Economics 8:2, 1976.
Debertin, David L., Angelos Pagoulatos and Garnett L. Bradford, "Computer Graphics: An Educational Tool in Production Economics," American Journal of Agricultural Economics 59:4, 1977.
Debertin, David L., "Impacts of Community Characteristics on the Attributes of Public Education," Southern Journal of Agricultural Economics 9:2, 1977.
Debertin, David L., and John M. Huie, "Impacts of Socioeconomic Characteristics of a Community on the Availability of Resources for Public Education," Annals of Regional Sciences 12:1, 1978.
Infanger, Craig, Lynn Robbins and David L. Debertin, "Interfacing Research and Extension in Information Delivery Systems," American Journal of Agricultural Economics 60:5, 1978.
Pagoulatos, Angelos, David L. Debertin and Emilio Pagoulatos, "Impact of Selected Price Policies on the Demand for Crude Oil," Western Journal of Agricultural Economics, July, 1978.
Pagoulatos, Emilio, David L. Debertin and Angelos Pagoulatos, "Effects of EEC Agricultural Policy on European Imports of Meat, Dairy Products and Eggs,"Southern Journal of Agricultural Economics, 10:l, 1978.
Debertin, David L., Lynn Robbins and Larry Jones, "Kentucky's ANSER, Agricultural Network Serving Extension and Research," American Journal of Agricultural Economics. August, 1979.
Debertin, David L. and Angelos Pagoulatos, "Impacts of Declining Enrollments on Educational Costs in Rural Areas" North Central Journal of Agricultural Economics 2:1, Jan., 1980.
Debertin, David L. and Angelos Pagoulatos, "Energy Alternatives on Agriculture: Implications for the South," Southern Journal of Agricultural Economics 12:1, July, 1980.
Debertin, David L., Angelos Pagoulatos and Eldon Smith, "Estimating Linear Probability Functions: A Comparison of Approaches," Southern Journal of Agricultural Economics 12:2, Dec., 1980.
Debertin, David L., Charles L. Moore Sr., Larry D. Jones and Angelos Pagoulatos, "Impacts on Farmers of a Computerized Management Decisionmaking Model," American Journal Agricultural Economics 63:2, May, 1981.
Debertin, David L., Angelos Pagoulatos, and Abdessalem Aoun, "Determinants of Farm Mechanization in Kentucky: An Econometric Analysis." North Central Journal of Agricultural Economics 4:2, July, 1982.
Pagoulatos, Angelos, David L. Debertin, and William Johnson," An Econometric Analysis of Qualitative Choice Among Performance Characteristics of Agricultural Tractors." Southern Journal of Agricultural Economics 14:2, Dec. 1982.
Luzar, E. Jane, D. L. Debertin and Angelos Pagoulatos, "Revenue Tradeoffs: Implications for State Government Finance." Socioeconomic Planning Sciences 18:1 1983.
Debertin, David L. Review of "Value Judgments in Publicly Supported Research" Southern Journal of Agricultural Economics 15:1, 1983.
Debertin, David L., Rodney L. Clouser and Angelos Pagoulatos, "Impacts of Property Tax Relief on Educational Expenditures in Rural Areas. North Central Journ. of Agricultural Economics 6:2, July, 1984.
Debertin, David L. "Developing Realistic Agricultural Production Functions for Use in Undergraduate Classes." Southern Journal of Agricultural Economics 18:2, Dec. 1985.
Debertin, David L., and Angelos Pagoulatos. "Optimal Management Strategies for Alfalfa Production within A Total Farm Plan." Southern Journal of Agricultural Economics 18:2 Dec. 1985.
Bradford, Garnett L. and David L. Debertin. "Establishing Linkages between Economic Theory and Enterprise Budgeting for Teaching and Extension Programs." Southern Journal of Agricultural Economics 18: 2, Dec. 1985.
Pagoulatos, Angelos, Kostas Mattas and David L. Debertin. "A Comparison of Some Alternatives to Input_Output Multipliers" Land Economics 62: 4, Nov. 1986.
Debertin, David L., Rodney L. Clouser, and John M. Huie. "Rural Poverty and Funding for Education." Policy Studies 15:2, Dec., 1986.
Pagoulatos, Angelos, Sylvie Marzin and David L. Debertin "Diversification and Farm Acreage Variation in Kentucky Counties." North Central Journal of Agricultural Economics 9:1 Jan., 1987
David L. and Garnett L. Bradford, "Agricultural Economics Research and the Experiment Station System." Southern Journal of Agricultural Economics 20:2, Dec. 1987.
Shrestha, C. M., David L. Debertin, and Kurt R. Anschel. "Stochastic Efficiency versus Mean Variance Criteria as Predictors of Adoption of Reduced Tillage: Comment" American Journal of Agricultural Economics 68: 4, 1987.
Debertin, David L. and Craig L. Infanger. "Welfare Programs, Farm Programs, and the Negative Income Tax." Policy Studies Review, 7:4 1988.
Pagoulatos, Angelos, David L. Debertin and Fachurrozi Sjarkowi. "Soil Erosion, Intertemporal Decisionmaking, and the Soil Conservation Decision." Southern Journal of Agricultural Economics 22:2, 1989.
Debertin, David L., Angelos Pagoulatos and Abdessalem Aoun. " Impacts of Technological Change on Factor Substitution in U.S. Agriculture: 1950-1979." Energy Economics 12:1 1990.
Debertin, David L. and Angelos Pagoulatos. "Categorizing State Economies and Forecasting Differential Economic Growth Rates." Best Papers, Atlantic Economic Society. January, 1991
Debertin, David L., Angelos Pagoulatos and Garnett L. Bradford. "New Applications of Three-Dimensional Computer Graphics in Production Economics." Review of Agricultural Economics 13:1 January, 1991.
Debertin, David L. and Larry D. Jones. "Applications of Computer Graphics to Undergraduate Instruction in Agricultural Economics." American Journal of Agricultural Economics. 73:1. Feb. 1991.
Debertin, David L. and Angelos Pagoulatos. " Research in Agricultural Economics, 1919-1990: Seventy-two Years of Change." Review of Agricultural Economics 14:1 January, 1992.
Goetz, Stephan J. and David L. Debertin, "Rural Areas and Educational Reform in Kentucky: an Early Assessment of Revenue Equalization," Journal of Educational Finance 18:2, Fall, 1992, 163-79.
Debertin, David L. "An Animated Instructional Module for Teaching Production Economics with 3-D Graphics." American Journal of Agricultural Economics. 75:2. May, 1993 485-91.
Goetz, Stephan J. and David L. Debertin. "Estimating County-Level Demands for Educational Attainment." Socioeconomic Planning Sciences Journal. 27: 1993 pp. 25-34.
Debertin, David L. "Rural Development Issues for Agricultural Economists in the Year 2000: Discussion." American Journal of Agricultural Economics 75:5 December, 1993.
Gallacher, Marcos, Stephan J Goetz, and David L. Debertin Managerial Form, Ownership and Efficiency: A Case-Study of Argentine Agriculture. Agricultural Economics 11 (1994).
Debertin, David L., E.Jane Luzar and Orlando D. Chambers. "A Protocol or a Set of Standards to Guide Agricultural Economics Research." Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics 20(1): 82-95 (July, 1995)
Mwana N. Mawampanga and David L. Debertin "Choosing Between Alternative Farming Systems:An Application of the Analytic Hierarchy Process." Review of Agricultural Economics 18:3 September, 1996 pp. 385-401.
Goetz, Stephan J. and David L. Debertin., "Rural Population Decline in the 1980s: Impacts of Farm Structure and Federal Farm Programs" American Journal of Agricultural Economics 78:3, August, 1996.
Goetz, Stephan J. and David L. Debertin., "Rural-Urban Locational Choices of Medical Doctors:A County-Level Analysis. Review of Agricultural Economics 18:4 October, 1996 pp. 547-63.
Debertin, David L. Review of Allan N. Rae, "Agricultural Management Analysis, Activity Analysis and Decisionmaking, American Journal of Agricultural Economics 77:3 (August, 1995) pp. 821-3 (Book Review)
Goetz, S. J., D. Hu and D. L. Debertin, "A Structural Model of Human Capital and Manufacturing Sector Change,"International Advances in Economic Research 2:1996.
Gallacher, Marcos, Stephan J. Goetz and David L. Debertin, “Efficiency Effects of Institutional Factors: Limited Resource Farms in Northeast Argentina,” in R.Ross, M. Bellamy and C. Tanner, eds., Issues in Agricultural Competitiveness: Markets and Policies, International Assoc. of Agricultural Economists, Occasional Paper #7, 1997, pp.68-76.
Goetz, Stephan J. and David L. Debertin, “School Finance Reform”, in J.C. Lindle, J.M. Petrosko, and R.S. Pankratz, eds. 1996 Review of Research on the Kentucky Educational Reform Act.Univ of Ky/Univ. Of Louisville Center for the Study of Educational Policy, Lexington, KY, May, 1997, pp 271-286.
Goetz, Stephan J., David L. Debertin and Angelos Pagoulatos, “Linkages Between Human Capital and the Environment: Implications for Sustainable Economic Development” in R.Ross, M. Bellamy and C. Tanner, eds., Issues in Agricultural Competitiveness: Markets and Policies, International Assoc. of Agricultural Economists, Occasional Paper #7, 1997, pp. 336-43
David L. Debertin and Stephan J. Goetz. “A Comparison of Social Capital in Rural and Urban Settings” in Proceedings: Using Housing Policy to Build Healthy Communities: A Response to Devolution and Welfare Reform, Fannie Mae Foundation, April, 1997 Housing Conference, Washington DC.
Goetz, Stephan J., David L. Debertin and Angelos Pagoulatos, “Human Capital Income, and Environmental Quality: A State-Level Analysis.” Agricultural and Resource Economics Review 27:2, October, 1998.
Ngarambé, Octavian, Stephan J. Goetz and David L. Debertin, “Regional Economic Growth and Income Distribution: County-Level Evidence from the US South,” Journal of Agricultural and Applied Economics, 30 (December, 1998) :325-337.
Debertin, David L. Review of Urban-Regional Economics, Social System Accounts and Eco-Behavioral Science: Selected Writings by Karl A. Fox. Ed. James R. Prescott, Paul Van Moeske, ans Jati K. Sengupta. Ames Iowa, Iowa State Univ Press (book review) Growth and Change 31, Summer, 2000, pp. 438-441.
Debertin, David L. Review of Sydney C. James and Phillip R. Eberle, Economic & Business Principles in Farm Planning and Production. NACTA Journal (book review) March 2001. Pp. 57-8
Debertin, David L. “Are American Farmers Better Off as a Result of Technology Gains?” Journal of Agricultural and Applied Economics 33:2 2001 pp. 327-339.
Debertin, David L., Corporate Strategy in the Tobacco Manufacturing Industry: The Case of Philip Morris Review of Agricultural Economics 23(2) Fall/Winter 2001 510-522.
Goetz, Stephan J. and David L. Debertin. “Why Farmers Quit:A County-Level Analysis ” Amer . J. Agr. Econ 83(4) November, 2001 1010-1023.
Debertin, David L. Review of Char Miller ed. Fluid Arguments: Five Centuries of Western Water Conflict Growth and Change 33, 2002. (book review).
Pagoulatos, Angelos, Stephan J. Goetz, David L. Debertin and Tulin Johannson. Interactions Between Economic Growth and Environmental Quality in US Counties. Growth and Change 35(1) Winter, 2004 90-108.
Rupasingha, Anil, Goetz, Stephan J., David L. Debertin and Angelos Pagoulatos. The Environmental Kuznets Curve for US Counties: A Spatial Econometric Analysis With Extensions.” Papers in Regional Science: Journal of the Regional Science Association International 83(2) April, 2004, 407-424
Debertin, David L. and Stephan J Goetz. “Rural Poverty, Amenities and Social Capital” Special issue of the Southern Business and Economics Journal 2005.
Zimmerman, Julie, Stephan J. Goetz and David L. Debertin. “People and Places: Welfare Reform and the Separate Effect of Caseload Characteristics and the Local Conditions ” Sociological Spectrum, 2006.

Recent Teaching
AEC620 - ADVANCED PRODUCTION ECONOMICS I; Credits: 3 An advanced treatment of production economics with emphasis on flexible product and factor price situations, factor demand functions, multiple product production, and poly-periodic production theory. Prereq: ECO 601. (Fall)
Taught each year from1974-2013
AEC 303 Section 001 - MICROECONOMIC CONCEPTS IN AG ECONOMICS Credit: 3.0 Prereq: ECO 201 and MA 113 or 123.
Emphasis on the development of theoretical models of production and consumption economics and application of these models to problems. The importance of concepts of marginality to managers and consumers is emphasized. Role of risk and uncertainty in resource allocation is outlined.
Taught each year from 2004-2013.

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Name: Velia Krajcik

Birthday: 1996-07-27

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Hobby: Polo, Scouting, Worldbuilding, Cosplaying, Photography, Rowing, Nordic skating

Introduction: My name is Velia Krajcik, I am a handsome, clean, lucky, gleaming, magnificent, proud, glorious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.