Lucky Mojo Radio Show, 6/2/24: Oracle Hour: Numismatomancy Coin Divination (Miss Cat, ConjureMan, Jon Saint Germain) (2024)

Lucky Mojo Radio Show, 6/2/24: Oracle Hour: Numismatomancy Coin Divination (Miss Cat, ConjureMan, Jon Saint Germain) (1)

The Lucky Mojo Hoodoo Rootwork Hour will be on the air at 3pm PT, 6pm ET with catherine yronwode and ConjureMan and special guest, Jon Saint Germain. We begin this Oracle Hour show with a Tutorial on Numismatomancy: Divination with Coins and provide 90 minutes of free readings, free spells, and conjure consultations, giving listeners an education in African-American folk magic.

Tune in online to listen:
Numismatomancy: Divination with Coins with Jon Saint Germain

Join the chat room: Use a registered BlogTalkRadio account to connect with the hosts while the show is live.

Sign up as a client for this show: To get a free reading and rootwork consultation, copy the Show Sign-Up Form below into a new post in this thread and fill it out. On the day of the show, call in by phone to 818-394-8535 and press '1' to 'raise your hand' so the host can see you. Join the chat room using a registered BlogTalkRadio account.

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The LMC Radio Network

Lucky Mojo Radio Show, 6/2/24: Oracle Hour: Numismatomancy Coin Divination (Miss Cat, ConjureMan, Jon Saint Germain) (2)


Here's the chat log which was generated on the day of the show!

The Lucky Mojo Hoodoo Rootwork Hour CHAT LOG, June 2, 2024, 3:00pm PT - 4:30pm PT

2024-06-02 14:51rev_art'Allo folks!
2024-06-02 14:55heymagandahowdy
2024-06-02 14:59angelaelHello
2024-06-02 15:00catherine-yronwodeMUSIC!
2024-06-02 15:00luckymojohoodoorootworkhourWelcome once again to the Lucky Mojo Hoodoo Rootwork Hour!
2024-06-02 15:00luckymojohoodoorootworkhourIt's the longest-running hoodoo conjure rootwork radio show in the UNIVERSE!
2024-06-02 15:00luckymojohoodoorootworkhourI'm your studio board op Nagasiva Yronwode!
2024-06-02 15:00luckymojohoodoorootworkhourWelcome to the chat! So glad you could join us!
2024-06-02 15:00heymaganda::applause::
2024-06-02 15:00catherine-yronwodeWelcome, everyone -- it's a beautiful, sunny day in Forestville!
2024-06-02 15:00luckymojohoodoorootworkhour(Miss Cat, your tea will be delivered in a minute or two.)
2024-06-02 15:01luckymojohoodoorootworkhourSign up now!
2024-06-02 15:01catherine-yronwodeThe roses and azaleas are in bloom -- and we are posting photos of them almost daily on Facebook and Instagram. Come see them (and us!) at the shop.
2024-06-02 15:01balkandiviner14Hello, everyone!
2024-06-02 15:02luckymojohoodoorootworkhourWe're taking 2 clients today and we only have one signed up at the Forum!
2024-06-02 15:02luckymojohoodoorootworkhourThe Bloomfest!
2024-06-02 15:02reverendjamesWe do have a second signup!
2024-06-02 15:02ayaashshaaya13'Lo ALL!
2024-06-02 15:03luckymojohoodoorootworkhour
2024-06-02 15:03rev_artThe Flowers of Lucky Mojo series has been wonderful!
2024-06-02 15:03luckymojohoodoorootworkhourTwo weeks ago winner for Hoodoo Psychics was: BARRETT DOR!!
2024-06-02 15:04luckymojohoodoorootworkhourLast week's winner for Hoodoo Psychics was: ELIZABETH NAU!!
2024-06-02 15:04balkandiviner14You do have amazing Azaleas at luckymojo! Just lovely!
2024-06-02 15:04luckymojohoodoorootworkhourLAST WEEK'S WINNER for the Lucky Mojo Facebook Fridays was Wanda Cataldi
2024-06-02 15:04luckymojohoodoorootworkhourShe won the Treasury of Methods Part 3 Special
2024-06-02 15:04luckymojohoodoorootworkhourconsisting of the following books:
2024-06-02 15:04luckymojohoodoorootworkhour* "The Art of Making Mojos," by Catherine Yronwode;
2024-06-02 15:04luckymojohoodoorootworkhour* "Legends of Incense, Herb, and Oil Magic," by Lewis De Claremont,
2024-06-02 15:04luckymojohoodoorootworkhourrestored, revised, and edited by Catherine Yronwode
2024-06-02 15:04luckymojohoodoorootworkhour* "North Asian Magic," by David Borji Shi;
2024-06-02 15:04luckymojohoodoorootworkhour* "Paper in My Shoe," by Catherine Yronwode;
2024-06-02 15:04luckymojohoodoorootworkhour* "Secrets of the Crystal Silence League," by Claude Alexander Conlin,
2024-06-02 15:04luckymojohoodoorootworkhouredited and revised by catherine yronwode and Deacon Millett;
2024-06-02 15:04luckymojohoodoorootworkhourand
2024-06-02 15:04luckymojohoodoorootworkhour* "Sneaky Tricks," by Miss Michaele and Catherine Yronwode.
2024-06-02 15:05rev_jon_sgHello hello hello
2024-06-02 15:05heymagandaThat is such a great assortment of books!!!
2024-06-02 15:05luckymojohoodoorootworkhourAND FINALLY, this week our winners of Clarity Oil (6 winners!) were:
2024-06-02 15:05luckymojohoodoorootworkhourEd Pessalano, Donna Fayard, Jerry Olivarez, Isidora Xasapis,
2024-06-02 15:05luckymojohoodoorootworkhourFjona Rose, and Carolyn Wytaske!
2024-06-02 15:05luckymojohoodoorootworkhourCongratulations, folks!
2024-06-02 15:05luckymojohoodoorootworkhourIf you are one of our 6 winners this week,
2024-06-02 15:05luckymojohoodoorootworkhourplease respond to the message
2024-06-02 15:05luckymojohoodoorootworkhourfrom the Lucky Mojo Facebook page
2024-06-02 15:05luckymojohoodoorootworkhourand send us your mailing address
2024-06-02 15:05luckymojohoodoorootworkhourfor shipping purposes.
2024-06-02 15:05luckymojohoodoorootworkhourThank you very much
2024-06-02 15:05luckymojohoodoorootworkhourfor participating.
2024-06-02 15:05papageeWe just got in a big box of Lucky Mojo books in our store! The customers were happy!
2024-06-02 15:06luckymojohoodoorootworkhourYay!!
2024-06-02 15:06luckymojohoodoorootworkhourShe has contacted us and i've already set Wanda's prize in motion!
2024-06-02 15:06luckymojohoodoorootworkhourAll the winners are in the queue except for this week's.
2024-06-02 15:06reverendjamesLuckymojo will NOT reach out to you first and will never ask for sensitive information besides your address for shipping!
2024-06-02 15:07catherine-yronwodePapa Gee, thanks for carrying our books in your store!
2024-06-02 15:07reverendjamesIts OUR (taurus) month!
2024-06-02 15:08balkandiviner14I agree! The month of May was phenomenal!
2024-06-02 15:08balkandiviner14We're also having elections here on 9th June!
2024-06-02 15:08balkandiviner14In fact many elections are held in 2024!
2024-06-02 15:09balkandiviner14*many
2024-06-02 15:09luckymojohoodoorootworkhourA week and a half of tumultuous politics!
2024-06-02 15:10luckymojohoodoorootworkhourMaybe jailtime!! We can only hope!
2024-06-02 15:10luckymojohoodoorootworkhourLOL
2024-06-02 15:10luckymojohoodoorootworkhourAstrological conundrums!
2024-06-02 15:10luckymojohoodoorootworkhourYes!
2024-06-02 15:12luckymojohoodoorootworkhour2023 Spring Predictions Show! lucky-mojo-radio-show-3-19-23-spring-eq ... 98484.html
2024-06-02 15:13luckymojohoodoorootworkhourDivination on the ORACLE HOUR!
2024-06-02 15:13luckymojohoodoorootworkhourFirst Sunday of the MONTH!
2024-06-02 15:13dr-sweetsThey want Trump back to finish the wall. At least thats what I hear around here.
2024-06-02 15:14luckymojohoodoorootworkhourBrief tutorial segment unless we take fewer clients. We have 2 sign-ups, i'm told!!
2024-06-02 15:14reverendjamesDr-Sweets - finish?! Did it ever really start and was 4 years not enough time?! XD
2024-06-02 15:14phyllismargretgaborhello everyone! sorry I'm late
2024-06-02 15:14luckymojohoodoorootworkhourWe can take 1 client if there is enough discussion of this Oracle Topic.
2024-06-02 15:15luckymojohoodoorootworkhourHe's also MORE irrational!
2024-06-02 15:15phyllismargretgabori came in right at the right time because i thought this too! he looks terrible
2024-06-02 15:15heather_charetteTrump does not look well
2024-06-02 15:15luckymojohoodoorootworkhourWeirdly so!!
2024-06-02 15:15dr-sweets@reverendjames ....LOL
2024-06-02 15:15luckymojohoodoorootworkhourHe's opting for things and making statements without any conceivable rational foundation.
2024-06-02 15:15luckymojohoodoorootworkhourJon Saint Germain
2024-06-02 15:15ayaashshaaya13@dr-sweets - Don't believe everything you hear! #Felonius Lucky Mojo Radio Show, 6/2/24: Oracle Hour: Numismatomancy Coin Divination (Miss Cat, ConjureMan, Jon Saint Germain) (3)
2024-06-02 15:16dr-sweetsLOL
2024-06-02 15:16reverendjamesSuch a great book!
2024-06-02 15:16luckymojohoodoorootworkhourLithomancy, by Jon Saint Germain -
2024-06-02 15:19luckymojohoodoorootworkhourMiss Cat, of our two sign-ups neither of them has called in. 1 we're expecting and the other is unable to call. Shall we take 1 or 2 clients tonight?
2024-06-02 15:19luckymojohoodoorootworkhourIs Shay in our chat tonight?
2024-06-02 15:19luckymojohoodoorootworkhourCrystal Magic, by Jon Saint Germain -
2024-06-02 15:19luckymojohoodoorootworkhourBlooming typos! Removed!!!
2024-06-02 15:19rev_artAnd don't forget AN ARTIST AMONG THE SPIRITS:
2024-06-02 15:19rev_artThe Celebrated Life of Reverend Adele Clemens
2024-06-02 15:19rev_artby JON SAINT GERMAIN
2024-06-02 15:20luckymojohoodoorootworkhourAll of the first edition of "Crystal Magic" was sold out!
2024-06-02 15:20rev_art
2024-06-02 15:20luckymojohoodoorootworkhourYes, thank you Reverend Art
2024-06-02 15:20luckymojohoodoorootworkhourNumismatomancy
2024-06-02 15:20luckymojohoodoorootworkhourNU-MIS-MAT-O-MANCY
2024-06-02 15:20luckymojohoodoorootworkhournumismatics
2024-06-02 15:21luckymojohoodoorootworkhournumismatists
2024-06-02 15:21luckymojohoodoorootworkhour-mancy -- divination, oracular action!
2024-06-02 15:21luckymojohoodoorootworkhourDivination with Coins!
2024-06-02 15:21luckymojohoodoorootworkhourLOL
2024-06-02 15:22luckymojohoodoorootworkhourAn Artist Among the Spirits, by Jon Saint Germain -
2024-06-02 15:23luckymojohoodoorootworkhourSymbolism
2024-06-02 15:23luckymojohoodoorootworkhourCoins, tokens
2024-06-02 15:23luckymojohoodoorootworkhourGood luck tokens
2024-06-02 15:24luckymojohoodoorootworkhourBlessed medallions
2024-06-02 15:24luckymojohoodoorootworkhourExonumia
2024-06-02 15:25luckymojohoodoorootworkhourWe'll see if we have enough room for discussion as of the time of the scheduled 1st client sign-up.
2024-06-02 15:25luckymojohoodoorootworkhourI put that in our slide-show: You're Nice / You're Naughty (Santa / Krampus) coin with 2-sides decision.
2024-06-02 15:26reverendjamesOoo, that could be useful in seeing if someone is working against you yea? They're either naughty or nice! lol
2024-06-02 15:26luckymojohoodoorootworkhourIndeed!
2024-06-02 15:26tiegavMercury dimes already come up?
2024-06-02 15:26tiegavAlso the silver dollar
2024-06-02 15:26luckymojohoodoorootworkhourFor divination? Not that i heard.
2024-06-02 15:27reverendjamesNo @tiegav - were just getting started!
2024-06-02 15:27luckymojohoodoorootworkhourCoins tend to be METAL.
2024-06-02 15:27tiegav@reverendjames thanks. I think sacajawea had a quarter
2024-06-02 15:27luckymojohoodoorootworkhourTheir composition is one dimension of that significance / context.
2024-06-02 15:27luckymojohoodoorootworkhourLunar / silver ///. Solar / gold
2024-06-02 15:28tiegavI keep bags of coins around for various altars
2024-06-02 15:28reverendjames@tiegav those are $1 coins!
2024-06-02 15:28tiegavAwww ok.
2024-06-02 15:28luckymojohoodoorootworkhourDenominations are a number whch can be assigned to the situation.
2024-06-02 15:28reverendjamesI had a parking garage in the town i worked in that would give them back as change!
2024-06-02 15:28tiegavApparently the copper can stop headaches
2024-06-02 15:28tiegavThe sharecroppers would wear them tied to their ankles
2024-06-02 15:29luckymojohoodoorootworkhourYes, bimetal coins! Two or more metals compositing.
2024-06-02 15:29tiegavPenny with a hole in it
2024-06-02 15:29luckymojohoodoorootworkhourIs Shay in our chat tonight? I don't see them in the call-in queue from 470
2024-06-02 15:30tiegavI love mercury dimes bc they are cute with the little wings
2024-06-02 15:31luckymojohoodoorootworkhour59 minutes remain.
2024-06-02 15:31phyllismargretgabor@tiegav i do too. they are cute
2024-06-02 15:31luckymojohoodoorootworkhourAbout 7 minutes until our first client segment.
2024-06-02 15:32heymagandaI really like chocolate coins! :Lucky Mojo Radio Show, 6/2/24: Oracle Hour: Numismatomancy Coin Divination (Miss Cat, ConjureMan, Jon Saint Germain) (4):
2024-06-02 15:32luckymojohoodoorootworkhourYes, Jon said that too: you can start with 2-sides and work your way up.
2024-06-02 15:32dr-sweetsAnybody have a Billiken, Good Luck Piece where you rub its feet for good luck?
2024-06-02 15:32luckymojohoodoorootworkhourLOL heymaganda, limited resource! Could be problematic in hot weather!
2024-06-02 15:32tiegavYes, but if you ever read Circe @phyllismargretgabor mercury was far from the paragon of cute
2024-06-02 15:32heymagandaStill yummy tho!!!
2024-06-02 15:32luckymojohoodoorootworkhourQuite! I eat them with coffee often!
2024-06-02 15:33catherine-yronwodeYes! I have a Billiken token!
2024-06-02 15:33tiegavYes at Christmas @heymaganda
2024-06-02 15:33dr-sweetsOh cool...LOL. I want one. Willl check ebay.
2024-06-02 15:33tiegav@dr-sweets which coin?
2024-06-02 15:34luckymojohoodoorootworkhourGold, Silver, Copper
2024-06-02 15:34heymagandaCan you use ingots for divination?
2024-06-02 15:34luckymojohoodoorootworkhourGold: highest self, your heart, you personally;
2024-06-02 15:34luckymojohoodoorootworkhourSilver: other people, including rivals
2024-06-02 15:34luckymojohoodoorootworkhourCopper: The mundane world
2024-06-02 15:35tiegavLove that
2024-06-02 15:35luckymojohoodoorootworkhourMiss Cat: 1 client or 2? 1 is now on the line!
2024-06-02 15:35tiegavWhat was the history of heads or tails
2024-06-02 15:35luckymojohoodoorootworkhourPresuming 2 until i hear differently.
2024-06-02 15:35tiegavWhy a toss?
2024-06-02 15:36dr-sweets@tiegav , Billiken, Good Luck Piece
2024-06-02 15:36tiegavTop to bottom?
2024-06-02 15:36luckymojohoodoorootworkhour1 minute until client segment.
2024-06-02 15:36phyllismargretgabori heard that a leap year mercury dime is the luckiest
2024-06-02 15:36tiegavYou can do that with a JFK half dollar
2024-06-02 15:36tiegav@dr-sweets
2024-06-02 15:36luckymojohoodoorootworkhourProceeding on 2-client plan until asked to change course.
2024-06-02 15:37luckymojohoodoorootworkhourBumper music is coming up!
2024-06-02 15:37luckymojohoodoorootworkhourBumper music is ON!
2024-06-02 15:37heymagandagreat topic
2024-06-02 15:38luckymojohoodoorootworkhourAsked about changing from 2-client format repeatedly. Set up for 2 today!
2024-06-02 15:38dr-sweets@tiegav, JFK half mean rub that coin for good luck?
2024-06-02 15:38phyllismargretgabortimes flies when your having fun Lucky Mojo Radio Show, 6/2/24: Oracle Hour: Numismatomancy Coin Divination (Miss Cat, ConjureMan, Jon Saint Germain) (5)
2024-06-02 15:38catherine-yronwodeYes, a leap year Mercury dime is luckiest!
2024-06-02 15:38luckymojohoodoorootworkhour818-394-8535
2024-06-02 15:39luckymojohoodoorootworkhourOur second client will not be able to call in.
2024-06-02 15:39luckymojohoodoorootworkhourSHAY:
2024-06-02 15:39luckymojohoodoorootworkhourI kind of feel like I’m stuck in the same spot in life as well as my finances and would like to know if anyone has me crossed, it’s like lately I’ve had no motivation nor drive to do anything."
2024-06-02 15:39luckymojohoodoorootworkhourBut the second client is in the chat.
2024-06-02 15:39luckymojohoodoorootworkhourShay is a Pisces
2024-06-02 15:39luckymojohoodoorootworkhourOh good!!
2024-06-02 15:40luckymojohoodoorootworkhourWhat the hell is a buzios?
2024-06-02 15:40luckymojohoodoorootworkhourMe too!
2024-06-02 15:40luckymojohoodoorootworkhourLOL
2024-06-02 15:40luckymojohoodoorootworkhourAfro-Brazilian Quimbanda
2024-06-02 15:40luckymojohoodoorootworkhour4 Cowrie shells
2024-06-02 15:40luckymojohoodoorootworkhourYes/No/Maybe
2024-06-02 15:40tiegavAwwww. Like cowrie
2024-06-02 15:41luckymojohoodoorootworkhour2 coins
2024-06-02 15:42luckymojohoodoorootworkhourSo comparable in some ways to a pendulum in questions/responses.
2024-06-02 15:42catherine-yronwodecrossed? yes?
2024-06-02 15:42catherine-yronwodeperson? yes
2024-06-02 15:42catherine-yronwodepraying against Shay? yes
2024-06-02 15:42phyllismargretgabor6 of cups and 8 of swords. someone from her past maybe?
2024-06-02 15:42catherine-yronwodeLighting candles? no
2024-06-02 15:42catherine-yronwodeFamily member no.
2024-06-02 15:43catherine-yronwodeLove matter , no
2024-06-02 15:43catherine-yronwodeEmployment No
2024-06-02 15:43catherine-yronwodecan be removed yes
2024-06-02 15:43catherine-yronwodeHelp from ancestors yes
2024-06-02 15:44catherine-yronwodeSomeone not closely related, but known to you.
2024-06-02 15:45catherine-yronwodeMalice directed by prayer work, but it can be removed.
2024-06-02 15:45jaydeehoodoohello everyone, late to the show, had a family event, glad to jump in when I can.
2024-06-02 15:46phyllismargretgaborwelcome @jaydeehoodoo i was late too Lucky Mojo Radio Show, 6/2/24: Oracle Hour: Numismatomancy Coin Divination (Miss Cat, ConjureMan, Jon Saint Germain) (6)
2024-06-02 15:46ayaashshaaya13So it's basically evil eye; or plain jealousy.
2024-06-02 15:46phyllismargretgaborthat echo is wild lol
2024-06-02 15:46reverendjamesOh thats trippy
2024-06-02 15:47phyllismargretgaborit was kinda fun... but maybe not for the radio show LOL
2024-06-02 15:47rev_artThat was new, lol
2024-06-02 15:47luckymojohoodoorootworkhour4 Liberty Half-Dollars.
2024-06-02 15:47luckymojohoodoorootworkhourYes, Rev. Art!
2024-06-02 15:47phyllismargretgabori think Gemini season has been fun all round this year haha
2024-06-02 15:48ayaashshaaya13Oooh! That echooooo
2024-06-02 15:48ayaashshaaya13:D Sounds like an event
2024-06-02 15:48rev_jon_sgcoming back
2024-06-02 15:48ayaashshaaya13Jon's here
2024-06-02 15:49tiegavRight. It was just like the last dragon when Eddie Arcadian wad taking over the disco @reverendjames with the echo
2024-06-02 15:49luckymojohoodoorootworkhourHi Jon! We may ask you to do the rootwork segment! If you can hear the readings
2024-06-02 15:49tiegav*was
2024-06-02 15:49luckymojohoodoorootworkhourMaking Jon live when next we have an opportunity (because it has been echoing).
2024-06-02 15:49luckymojohoodoorootworkhour3 Heads / 1 Tail
2024-06-02 15:49rev_jon_sgive returned
2024-06-02 15:50luckymojohoodoorootworkhourEagle standing on the ground.
2024-06-02 15:50luckymojohoodoorootworkhourYes, i see you in the queue, Jon, i'll make you live momentarily.
2024-06-02 15:50luckymojohoodoorootworkhour3 repetitions
2024-06-02 15:50luckymojohoodoorootworkhourIf one is bad, you'll need #4.
2024-06-02 15:50luckymojohoodoorootworkhourCleansings
2024-06-02 15:50luckymojohoodoorootworkhourJon, can you press the
2024-06-02 15:50luckymojohoodoorootworkhour'1' key?
2024-06-02 15:50luckymojohoodoorootworkhourI'm making him live NOW
2024-06-02 15:51luckymojohoodoorootworkhourNO ECHO!
2024-06-02 15:51jaydeehoodooGreat point Miss Cat I have had to explain this for clients before that it does not always cover
2024-06-02 15:51luckymojohoodoorootworkhourYou're live now Jon!
2024-06-02 15:51reverendjamesyay!
2024-06-02 15:51luckymojohoodoorootworkhour3 Tails / 1 Head
2024-06-02 15:51luckymojohoodoorootworkhourNo it is not that important.
2024-06-02 15:51ayaashshaaya13Cleansing AND some other remedy?
2024-06-02 15:51luckymojohoodoorootworkhourYou may find out later.
2024-06-02 15:54tiegavLove griffins
2024-06-02 15:54luckymojohoodoorootworkhourAbout 35 minutes remain; 3 minutes in the 1st client segment
2024-06-02 15:55luckymojohoodoorootworkhourOur second client tonight will be Balkan Diviner from Romania, as a write-in.
2024-06-02 15:56luckymojohoodoorootworkhour34 minutes remain.
2024-06-02 15:56ayaashshaaya13This is exactly why when I meet someone and I they're rude from the beginning, I write them off and completely ignore them, because added contact can lead to being crossed unknowingly - unless, (back then in my 20's, 30's) it was at the office then I would treat them with extra overt courtesy - WHICH always worked,..
2024-06-02 15:56catherine-yronwodeJin recommends 3 bath 3 baths Uncrossing Fiery Wall, Reversing.
2024-06-02 15:56tiegav@luckymojohoodoorootworkhour I see. It's just interesting to anthropomorphize the coin that way
2024-06-02 15:56reverendjamesevil eye pendant!
2024-06-02 15:56luckymojohoodoorootworkhourCoin!!
2024-06-02 15:56luckymojohoodoorootworkhourYes!
2024-06-02 15:56reverendjamesoh yea!
2024-06-02 15:56luckymojohoodoorootworkhourAmulet coin!
2024-06-02 15:56luckymojohoodoorootworkhourLOL
2024-06-02 15:56rev_artGreat list of Rootworkers!
2024-06-02 15:57jaydeehoodooMercury Dime
2024-06-02 15:57luckymojohoodoorootworkhour33 minutes remain, about 1.5 minutes in our 1st client segment.
2024-06-02 15:57tiegavLiberty coin
2024-06-02 15:57ayaashshaaya13@reverendjames - good to always have on you and in your house, next to windows and doors. EVIL EYE PENDANT
2024-06-02 15:57jaydeehoodoo
2024-06-02 15:57heymaganda
2024-06-02 15:57luckymojohoodoorootworkhourShield of David / Crown
2024-06-02 15:57heymagandagood reference for cleansing baths
2024-06-02 15:57luckymojohoodoorootworkhourBritish West-African half-penny
2024-06-02 15:57luckymojohoodoorootworkhourProtection Oil dressed
2024-06-02 15:57catherine-yronwodeBritish West African Half Penny
2024-06-02 15:57ayaashshaaya13OOooh, Shield of David is great too! @luckymojohoodoorootworkhour
2024-06-02 15:58luckymojohoodoorootworkhourBumper music is coming up!
2024-06-02 15:58luckymojohoodoorootworkhourBumper music is ON!
2024-06-02 15:58phyllismargretgabor@heymaganda someone got me that for my birthday. my Lucky Mojo library is growing
2024-06-02 15:58catherine-yronwodeConjureMan recommends also Uncrossing Incense - air against prosst
2024-06-02 15:58luckymojohoodoorootworkhourNext client is a WRITE-IN: from Romania: Balkan Diviner.
2024-06-02 15:59luckymojohoodoorootworkhourHe's in our CHAT tonight too!!
2024-06-02 15:59heymaganda@phyllismargretgabor that's a friend!!!
2024-06-02 15:59luckymojohoodoorootworkhourLucky Mojo Curio Company:
2024-06-02 15:59luckymojohoodoorootworkhourAIRR:
2024-06-02 15:59luckymojohoodoorootworkhourHoodoo Psychics: 1-888-4-HOODOO
2024-06-02 15:59luckymojohoodoorootworkhourCrystal Silence League -
2024-06-02 15:59luckymojohoodoorootworkhourBALKAN DIVINER:
2024-06-02 15:59luckymojohoodoorootworkhourI've had tremendous success in saving money by giving tutoring lessons to children in my local area. But now summer's coming and I need to find a new source of money. I'm autistic, can be pretty adaptable and I'm looking forward to enhance my independence. Will I find a suitable job in the summer? I believe I can adapt to a full-time position if the prospects are beneficial for me as an autistic individual....
2024-06-02 16:00ayaashshaaya13There are special mantras to say in the morning as soon as you wake up. They help protect against crossed conditions and evil eye.
2024-06-02 16:00luckymojohoodoorootworkhourHe's "balkandiviner14" today in our chat! Thanks for signing up, BalkanDiviner!
2024-06-02 16:00phyllismargretgabor@heymaganda when your friends are all across the country Amazon wishlists are awesome LOL
2024-06-02 16:01catherine-yronwodeAble to find a summer job. Yes
2024-06-02 16:01heymaganda@phyllismargretgabor they sure are...
2024-06-02 16:01catherine-yronwodeWill it bring in money and meet conditions specified Yes
2024-06-02 16:02catherine-yronwodeTravel or commute? No.
2024-06-02 16:02catherine-yronwodeAt home? No.
2024-06-02 16:02catherine-yronwodeSo local.
2024-06-02 16:02catherine-yronwodeCome through another? Yes.
2024-06-02 16:02catherine-yronwodeAdvertised online -- a posted opening? Yes.
2024-06-02 16:03catherine-yronwodeDo rootwork? Yes
2024-06-02 16:03catherine-yronwodeCandle work? No.
2024-06-02 16:03catherine-yronwodeTalisman? Yes.
2024-06-02 16:04balkandiviner14I also have Crown of Success oil!
2024-06-02 16:05reverendjames:-O
2024-06-02 16:05catherine-yronwodeTuring No
2024-06-02 16:05reverendjamesHow exciting!
2024-06-02 16:05catherine-yronwodeDivining? Yes.
2024-06-02 16:05rev_artBalkanDiviner's readings are outstanding!
2024-06-02 16:05balkandiviner14Thanks, rev_art!
2024-06-02 16:05ayaashshaaya13@balkandiviner14 - Very best of good luck to you! :FL:
2024-06-02 16:05balkandiviner14Thanks!!!
2024-06-02 16:06luckymojohoodoorootworkhourI've locked today's sign-up thread and started one for next week's show. You can sign up NOW for next week's radio show by filling out the form and posting it any time!
2024-06-02 16:06luckymojohoodoorootworkhourIf you wish to be selected to be a client on our show NEXT WEEK, sign up NOW at:
2024-06-02 16:06luckymojohoodoorootworkhourlucky-mojo-radio-show-6-9-24-the-art-of ... 99213.html
2024-06-02 16:06luckymojohoodoorootworkhourthen on that date call (818) 394-8535 and press 1 to raise your hand to be on the show. Join our chat also to help us be sure we understand your situation.
2024-06-02 16:06catherine-yronwodeJon -- every coin i threw has an animal on it -- childlike energies. 1969 Irish wale -- dive deeper into spiritual talents.
2024-06-02 16:06catherine-yronwodeIsraeli contact, reach out coin (i think it has a deer).
2024-06-02 16:07catherine-yronwodeAn albatross, camel, and buffalo, kangaroo -- hop to it, The Sun,
2024-06-02 16:07catherine-yronwodework with animals healing, even psychic readings for animals, zoo helper.
2024-06-02 16:07reverendjamesAlbatross - might be from NZ
2024-06-02 16:08luckymojohoodoorootworkhour22 minutes remain in our show.
2024-06-02 16:08ayaashshaaya13Jon has a little Matthew McConaughey in his voice.
2024-06-02 16:08ayaashshaaya13:)
2024-06-02 16:08reverendjamesAlright alright alright! haha
2024-06-02 16:08luckymojohoodoorootworkhourOld Israeli phone token
2024-06-02 16:08luckymojohoodoorootworkhourContact magic
2024-06-02 16:08heymaganda@ayaashshaaya13 I hear it too
2024-06-02 16:09ayaashshaaya13@reverendjames Lucky Mojo Radio Show, 6/2/24: Oracle Hour: Numismatomancy Coin Divination (Miss Cat, ConjureMan, Jon Saint Germain) (7) @heymaganda YES!
2024-06-02 16:09luckymojohoodoorootworkhourFocus on the idea of contact.
2024-06-02 16:09rev_artNow I will never NOT hear Matthew McConaughey when Jon's talking, lol
2024-06-02 16:09luckymojohoodoorootworkhourStrength
2024-06-02 16:09ayaashshaaya13@rev_art Lucky Mojo Radio Show, 6/2/24: Oracle Hour: Numismatomancy Coin Divination (Miss Cat, ConjureMan, Jon Saint Germain) (8)^
2024-06-02 16:09luckymojohoodoorootworkhourYou should be doing something to do with animals.
2024-06-02 16:09ayaashshaaya13You know it
2024-06-02 16:10luckymojohoodoorootworkhourGet together some idea what you like about animals. The idea is that the animal spirit world is speaking and they need help.
2024-06-02 16:10balkandiviner14I love dogs and cats!
2024-06-02 16:10luckymojohoodoorootworkhourJust you as you have been a tutor, you might find work in a pet shop, or a psychic reader for pets.
2024-06-02 16:10luckymojohoodoorootworkhourDo homework.
2024-06-02 16:10heymagandaHelp people find their lost pets!!!
2024-06-02 16:10balkandiviner14Yes
2024-06-02 16:10luckymojohoodoorootworkhourYes what animals do you have?
2024-06-02 16:11balkandiviner14Two dogs!
2024-06-02 16:11luckymojohoodoorootworkhourTwo dogs!!
2024-06-02 16:11heymagandaAww.... that is heartbreaking.
2024-06-02 16:11phyllismargretgaborugh that sounds terrible
2024-06-02 16:12luckymojohoodoorootworkhour18 minutes remaining; about 7 minutes before the end of our client segment.
2024-06-02 16:12luckymojohoodoorootworkhourAnimal rescue.
2024-06-02 16:12luckymojohoodoorootworkhourTwo dogs!
2024-06-02 16:12luckymojohoodoorootworkhourGet your dogs to sit down beside you.
2024-06-02 16:12luckymojohoodoorootworkhourBrainstorm with them.
2024-06-02 16:12luckymojohoodoorootworkhourGet into a psychic mood with the two dogs.
2024-06-02 16:12balkandiviner14We are able to communicate!
2024-06-02 16:12luckymojohoodoorootworkhourHe has 2 dogs.
2024-06-02 16:13luckymojohoodoorootworkhourSaviours and helpers of animals.
2024-06-02 16:13luckymojohoodoorootworkhourMake a little talisman packet.
2024-06-02 16:13luckymojohoodoorootworkhourA coin of the year of the dog.
2024-06-02 16:13luckymojohoodoorootworkhourChinese Lunar Year of the Dog coin.
2024-06-02 16:13ayaashshaaya13Maybe he can place rescues? We've a rescue cat called dog. He used to be Doc Holliday - but I would always refer to him as the dog., which he would respond to. So dog stuck.
2024-06-02 16:13luckymojohoodoorootworkhourHair of your dogs.
2024-06-02 16:13luckymojohoodoorootworkhourPut that together with it.
2024-06-02 16:13luckymojohoodoorootworkhourHerbs for success.
2024-06-02 16:13luckymojohoodoorootworkhourFive-Finger Grass (Dog Grass!!)
2024-06-02 16:14luckymojohoodoorootworkhourMake a carrying packet. Carry it with you. Dress it with Crown of Success Oil, Holy Oil
2024-06-02 16:14luckymojohoodoorootworkhourDress your phone.
2024-06-02 16:14luckymojohoodoorootworkhourYou want someone to contact you.
2024-06-02 16:15luckymojohoodoorootworkhourCall and reach out to people.
2024-06-02 16:15luckymojohoodoorootworkhourAsk if they need volunteers
2024-06-02 16:15balkandiviner14I've actually stopped being shy and prefer phone calls
2024-06-02 16:15reverendjamesor maybe make a petition to dress and put between the phone and the phone case so as not to get the phone oily?
2024-06-02 16:15luckymojohoodoorootworkhourYour psychic reading skills will be improved.
2024-06-02 16:16luckymojohoodoorootworkhourAbout 2 minutes in our client segment.
2024-06-02 16:16luckymojohoodoorootworkhourYou will not be short on money. Put a little aside every week from that work.
2024-06-02 16:16luckymojohoodoorootworkhour13 minutes remain.
2024-06-02 16:17phyllismargretgabordo you have dog walkers in Romania? It's very popular in the towns around me
2024-06-02 16:17balkandiviner14Yes, we have!
2024-06-02 16:17phyllismargretgaboror dog sitters. they are popular too
2024-06-02 16:17luckymojohoodoorootworkhourAbout a minute left in our client segment.
2024-06-02 16:18luckymojohoodoorootworkhourBumper music is coming up!
2024-06-02 16:18luckymojohoodoorootworkhourBumper music is ON!
2024-06-02 16:18rev_jon_sgbumped out. im calling back
2024-06-02 16:18phyllismargretgaborgo to dog parks!
2024-06-02 16:18heather_charetteGreat show
2024-06-02 16:18luckymojohoodoorootworkhourJon was bumped off again, next up is our Network Tritone, ID, and Schedule, then the Free Spell!
2024-06-02 16:19balkandiviner14Thank you! I will come back with feedback!
2024-06-02 16:19ayaashshaaya13This was a fun client segment. Anyone like parrots? Here's my favorite parrot in the world, Gizmo:
2024-06-02 16:19luckymojohoodoorootworkhourYou're live again Jon
2024-06-02 16:19catherine-yronwodephyllis -- That was a GREAT suggestion!
2024-06-02 16:19rev_jon_sgim back
2024-06-02 16:19luckymojohoodoorootworkhourMade your mike live right away!
2024-06-02 16:19phyllismargretgaborthank you @catherine-yronwode it just popped in my head
2024-06-02 16:19phyllismargretgabor@balkandiviner14 you could take your dogs to the park to "break the ice'
2024-06-02 16:19luckymojohoodoorootworkhourNext, Reverend James gives us the detail on what our schedule holds this week on the LMC Radio Network!!
2024-06-02 16:20luckymojohoodoorootworkhourThen he'll bring on Jon for the Free Spell!
2024-06-02 16:20luckymojohoodoorootworkhourLMC RADIO NETWORK SCHEDULE
2024-06-02 16:20luckymojohoodoorootworkhourMONDAY: Mystics, Mages, and Magical Places (LIVE): Troll Towelhead on Satanism in Theory and Practice
2024-06-02 16:20luckymojohoodoorootworkhourTUESDAY: Crystal Silence League (syndicated): More Tools of Necromancy
2024-06-02 16:20luckymojohoodoorootworkhourTUESDAY: The Witch, The Priestess, and The Cauldron (syndicated): Protection Magic
2024-06-02 16:20luckymojohoodoorootworkhourWEDNESDAY: The Now You Know Show (syndicated): The Bible and an Egg and Mustard Seed
2024-06-02 16:20luckymojohoodoorootworkhourTHURSDAY: The Witch, The Priestess, and The Cauldron (LIVE): Aether, The Primordial God of Brightness and the Upper Sky
2024-06-02 16:20luckymojohoodoorootworkhourSUNDAY: Lucky Mojo Hoodoo Rootwork Hour: William Rader on the Art of Artisan Tarot
2024-06-02 16:21luckymojohoodoorootworkhourBreaking a Bad Habit
2024-06-02 16:22rev_artLooking forward to seeing everyone tomorrow night on Mystics, Mages and Magical Places!
2024-06-02 16:22luckymojohoodoorootworkhourMake a mixture of Master Root chips, John the Conqueror chips, Cleavers herb.
2024-06-02 16:22luckymojohoodoorootworkhourRoll a yellow candle in the mix.
2024-06-02 16:22luckymojohoodoorootworkhourWrite your petition "I no longer require your support and assistance, dear friend--(insert habit) I can proceed on my own".
2024-06-02 16:22luckymojohoodoorootworkhourBurn the candle and release the habit or behavior as you would say farewell to an old friend.
2024-06-02 16:22tiegavCan't wait! Read the satanic Bible super young.
2024-06-02 16:23luckymojohoodoorootworkhourWhen everything is consumed, wrap the remnants with a Silver Mercury Dime in the petition and either bury them at the crossroads or toss them in running waters.
2024-06-02 16:23luckymojohoodoorootworkhourFor something like this, I like either railroad tracks or mountain streams.
2024-06-02 16:23reverendjamesJon is excellent at helping to remove bad habits! He has great quit smoking products like mojos and hypnosis sessions!
2024-06-02 16:24luckymojohoodoorootworkhour6 minutes remain in our show.
2024-06-02 16:24catherine-yronwodeThe Mercury Dime is for quick results and movement.
2024-06-02 16:24luckymojohoodoorootworkhourRailroad Spells!
2024-06-02 16:24luckymojohoodoorootworkhourPatreon!!
2024-06-02 16:24heather_charetteSo good thank you
2024-06-02 16:24luckymojohoodoorootworkhour
2024-06-02 16:25luckymojohoodoorootworkhourSee Hoodoo in Theory and Practice online otherwise, which is at
2024-06-02 16:25luckymojohoodoorootworkhourAt the 2 minute and 55 second mark i'll start the show's End Music.
2024-06-02 16:25phyllismargretgabori collected rail road spikes today. i might be tapped in tonight LOL
2024-06-02 16:25luckymojohoodoorootworkhourDrive people things and conditions away!
2024-06-02 16:25luckymojohoodoorootworkhourRelease it in a box car!
2024-06-02 16:25luckymojohoodoorootworkhourYes, "Bye bye!"
2024-06-02 16:26luckymojohoodoorootworkhour4 minutes remain.
2024-06-02 16:26luckymojohoodoorootworkhourEnd music coming up!
2024-06-02 16:27luckymojohoodoorootworkhourEnd music is ON!
2024-06-02 16:27heymagandaI am going to have relisten to this episode, so much to catch!!!
2024-06-02 16:27luckymojohoodoorootworkhourHypnotism!!!
2024-06-02 16:27luckymojohoodoorootworkhourThe Music is ON! I'll link the Hypnotism section at AIRR momentarily;l
2024-06-02 16:28catherine-yronwodeJames is reading us our rights!
2024-06-02 16:28luckymojohoodoorootworkhourLOL
2024-06-02 16:28luckymojohoodoorootworkhour ... d_Training
2024-06-02 16:28luckymojohoodoorootworkhourMusic loud enough, Miss Cat?!?!?
2024-06-02 16:28catherine-yronwodeHypnotism and self-hypnosis to cast off bad habits.
2024-06-02 16:28rev_jon_sgWilliam is about to release a divination deck I helped design
2024-06-02 16:28luckymojohoodoorootworkhour75
2024-06-02 16:28jaydeehoodooGood night all
2024-06-02 16:29luckymojohoodoorootworkhourWe did it!
2024-06-02 16:29luckymojohoodoorootworkhour60
2024-06-02 16:29luckymojohoodoorootworkhour55
2024-06-02 16:29luckymojohoodoorootworkhour50
2024-06-02 16:29luckymojohoodoorootworkhourLet me know if you need the music louder.
2024-06-02 16:29heather_charette__
2024-06-02 16:29rev_artGood night everyone! @reverendjames and I will see you tomorrow!
2024-06-02 16:33luckymojohoodoorootworkhourTomorrow! 4pm PT / 7pm ET
2024-06-02 16:29luckymojohoodoorootworkhour40
2024-06-02 16:29luckymojohoodoorootworkhour35
2024-06-02 16:29luckymojohoodoorootworkhour30
2024-06-02 16:29luckymojohoodoorootworkhour25
2024-06-02 16:29luckymojohoodoorootworkhour20
2024-06-02 16:29rev_artBlog Talk Radio Gremlins...always on the prowl
2024-06-02 16:29luckymojohoodoorootworkhour15
2024-06-02 16:29luckymojohoodoorootworkhour10
2024-06-02 16:30ayaashshaaya13Love and Light, Everybody! @heymaganda see you online!
2024-06-02 16:30luckymojohoodoorootworkhourThank you all for coming out to the show today!
2024-06-02 16:31phyllismargretgaborgoodnight everyone! awesome show! see the big kids tomorrow!!
2024-06-02 16:31luckymojohoodoorootworkhourWe love having you in the chat during the show and we preserve the chatlogs!
2024-06-02 16:31ayaashshaaya13Okay. Look up @ValdaDeDieu. See you on Facebook
2024-06-02 16:31luckymojohoodoorootworkhourRemember you can listen to this show over and over and get all the details! It may be reached by the same URL you can find it at tonight via
2024-06-02 16:31luckymojohoodoorootworkhourIf you want more information on hoodoo, (aka conjure, rootwork, witchcraft), advice about your situation, and what you can do about it, you can check out the Lucky Mojo forum Look for the proper thread in the forum you visit and post your questions there.
2024-06-02 16:32luckymojohoodoorootworkhourDon't forget, tomorrow is Mystics Mages and Magical Places at 4pm PT!
2024-06-02 16:32luckymojohoodoorootworkhourThe chat log will be posted at the Lucky Mojo Forum, added to the show's show description as soon as it can be reformatted!
2024-06-02 16:32heymagandathank you everyone for a great show as always
2024-06-02 16:32luckymojohoodoorootworkhourThey're posted at the Lucky Mojo Forum as intact as we are able, for every show, right at the top of the sign-up thread.
2024-06-02 16:32luckymojohoodoorootworkhourYou can capture the chat yourself by clicking on the 'gear' icon at the bottom left next to the pushpin! Then click 'Export transcript' to get a file which includes the URLS! It's supposed to be HTML.
2024-06-02 16:32luckymojohoodoorootworkhourOR you can consult our sign-up thread for the chat-log where it will appear with URLs ready to be clicked!
2024-06-02 16:33heymagandasee you all tomorrow! I'm looking forward to it!
2024-06-02 16:33luckymojohoodoorootworkhourShould be fun.
2024-06-02 16:33catherine-yronwodeTime to export the transcript?
2024-06-02 16:33luckymojohoodoorootworkhourIt is! Doing that now.

nagasiva yronwode #0000GA (HRCC Apprentice Grad)

Lucky Mojo Radio Show, 6/2/24: Oracle Hour: Numismatomancy Coin Divination (Miss Cat, ConjureMan, Jon Saint Germain) (2024)


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