News Feeds | (2024)

Resumen (Chile): Neighbors of Celulosa Nueva Aldea in Quillón denounce bad practices by Forestal Arauco and effects from forest fires

Global Justice Ecology Project - Wed, 04/03/2024 - 07:46

Chilean flag flies in a burned industrial pine plantation in the Manquo community in Chile following the devastating 2017 wildfires. Photo: Langelle The March 22, 2024 article, written by Nicolás Salazar, can be read in its entirety on the Resumen website. Please note that the article originally appeared in Spanish and can be translated into […]

The post Resumen (Chile): Neighbors of Celulosa Nueva Aldea in Quillón denounce bad practices by Forestal Arauco and effects from forest fires appeared first on Global Justice Ecology Project.

Categories: B4. Radical Ecology

Zero Waste Ramadan

Global Alliance for Incinerator Alternatives (GAIA) - Wed, 04/03/2024 - 07:43

By Chaima Ktaifi

Ramadan is the fasting month. Fasting from eating and drinking encourages spiritual reflection and increases devotion and self-discipline. It is also the best time to stop bad habits, including food waste.

Unfortunately, with increased food consumption this month, it’s easy to fall into the trap of creating more waste than necessary. In Tunisia, about 900.000 pieces of bread are wasted and thrown away daily, which is the equivalent of 100.000 USD; moreover, according to the National Institute of Consumption, one-third of the cooked food is wasted and thrown away, the equivalent of 200.000 USD. On the other hand, more than 500.000 Tunisians are suffering from malnutrition diseases or are not able to buy food.

In addition to this economic and social impact on individuals and the country in general, food waste accounts for 8% of global greenhouse gas emissions. It leads to water wastage as well as, other natural resources used in food production.

Therefore, it’s important for us to be conscious of how much food we waste, especially in this month of gratitude and self-reflection.

Zero Waste Tunisia (ZWT) has been engaged since 2018 in raising awareness against food waste and loss, which is basically a behavioral challenge. Through our digital and media campaigns, we present the shocking statistics of food waste in Tunisia, awareness illustrations, and zero waste tips and solutions to reduce food waste based on our culinary heritage, transforming food waste into new recipes, cosmetics, or hygienic products.

Our campaign has been successful for the past few years. Many Tunisian media outlets have been soliciting our expertise to spread the zero waste culture in our daily lives, especially to fight against food waste and loss. This big problem has been hidden for a long time, and through our digital campaign, we have highlighted and encouraged many communities and zero waste enthusiasts to talk about it freely, critique it, and propose possible solutions.

Ramadan is a time for spiritual reflection and growth. But it’s also a time to consider our impact on our communities and contribute to environmental sustainability. By making conscious choices about food consumption, we can reduce our environmental footprint and make a positive impact in this critical time when we are struggling with hunger, food insecurity, and climate change nationally and globally.

The page dedicated to zero waste food digital campaigns:

An Interview with BBC Arabia about food waste in Ramadan:


The post Zero Waste Ramadan first appeared on GAIA.

Categories: E2. Front Line Community Green

Sponsor Info: 8th Annual National Cultivating Community Composting Forum

Institute for Local Self-Reliance - Wed, 04/03/2024 - 07:26

Support the 9th National Cultivating Community Composting Forum. Contributions will primarily cover our scholarship fund and prioritize equitable access to forum events, as well as our networking reception, printed agendas/materials, and other direct expenses.… Read More

The Nigerian plastics tsunami recession: New plastic policy ban in Nigeria

Global Alliance for Incinerator Alternatives (GAIA) - Wed, 04/03/2024 - 07:18

In the wake of the Nigerian plastic tsunami, a coalition of CSOs, including the Centre for Earth Works (CFEW) in Nigeria, have continued to amplify their voices to address this growing menace of plastic pollution, undermining sustainable growth, development, and ecological conservation. The plastic treaty has proven to be a strong framework for combating plastic pollution, CFEW in collaboration with members of the GAIA Nigeria team, including the Green Knowledge Foundation (GKF), Community Development and Advocacy Foundation (CODAF), and Environmental Right Action (ERA) through the Plastic Treaty policy project has been at the frontline of intense engagement with the Nigerian government at Federal, State and Local level to promote the ambitious positions of the BFFP movement and GAIA Network including the efforts to ban all single-use plastics and establish mechanisms for plastic withdrawal by industries, business centres and in households.

Nigeria is a major producer of plastics in Africa. Nigeria’s plastic industry is driven by the country’s petrochemical industry and large growing population. The country has a population of over 200 million people, and this number is expected to continue to grow in the coming years. The growing population is creating a huge demand for plastic products, such as packaging, bottles, and construction materials. Plastic production is set to increase along with the importation of virgin plastic pallets.

The past six decades witnessed the introduction of different nascent plastic materials, which were highly appreciated globally due to their water-resistance nature, durability, and affordability. These qualities of plastics support the convenient packaging of most household items and other industrial products that support human consumption, thus, promoting the production of large quantities of plastics, including single-use plastics. However, since plastics are made of non-biodegradable substances, they pose serious threats to the world’s ecosystem with grave health effects on both human and marine lives. A local study of children and adolescents living and going to school near major dumpsites across African urban centres reported respiratory, gastrointestinal, and dermatological illnesses. However, to date, there is no international data on the health impacts of burning plastic waste.

Following several activities from CSOs, especially the GAIA Nigeria Team with CFEW spearheading the Plastic Treaty policy advocacy in the country. We have had press media briefings, social media engagement, and publications, including the Nigeria Plastic Tsunami launched in September 2023. Subsequent Pre and Post INC engagements with Federal and State government bodies, including The Federal and state Ministry of Environment, The Nigeria Customs Service, The National Environmental Standards and Regulations Enforcement Agency (NESREA), Lagos State Waste Management Authority (LAWMA), and community leaders across the country at regular intervals to debrief the ongoing plastic treaty process and how the country can be better positioned for the implementation of the result. This advocacy has been carried on to the following states, such as Plateau, Delta, and Edo, where the Nigerian Plastic Treaty Project is being implemented.

The Plastic Policy advocacy has yielded some positive outcomes in recent times, starting with a fresh commitment from the Ministries of Environment to ensure inputs from the GAIA Movement position as they look to revise the Environmental management policies, especially the one on Plastic pollution, followed by the ban on single-use plastics within their premises, which serves as a pace-setting.

The government of Lagos state, which is the most populous and industrious state in the country, has recently announced a ban on the usage and distribution of styrofoam and other single-use plastics in the State, with Abia State following, and more states are expected to make their announcement in the coming days. Other major outcomes include individuals in various communities’ commitment to embrace a Plastic-free lifestyle.


The post The Nigerian plastics tsunami recession: New plastic policy ban in Nigeria first appeared on GAIA.

Categories: E2. Front Line Community Green

Coastal Restoration: Recycled Shells and Millions of Larvae — A Recipe for Renewed Oyster Reefs

The Revelator - Wed, 04/03/2024 - 07:00

Coastal ecosystems — including oyster reefs, sandy beaches, mangrove forests and seagrass beds provide important habitat for marine life and food and recreation for people. They also protect shorelines from waves and storms. But these precious systems face serious threats. This series looks at what put them at risk, along with examples of efforts to restore and protect important coastal ecosystems around the world.

At the Water Street Market oyster bar in Corpus Christi, Texas, the popular morsels arrive in typical fashion, nestled in open shells spiraled atop an ice-filled tray around containers of red sauce and horseradish.

What happens afterward isn’t typical: The shells go back into nearby bays to help restore oyster reefs.

Since the 1800s populations of the eastern oyster (Crassostrea virginica) have declined dramatically along the U.S. Atlantic and Gulf coasts due to overharvesting, pollution and disease. Other species and populations have suffered similar drops. Worldwide, scientists estimate at least 85% of oyster reefs have disappeared.

The loss doesn’t affect just diners. Oysters are ecosystem engineers that create extensive reefs that protect shorelines from storm surges and erosion and provide important habitat for fish, crabs and other marine species.

Oysters also maintain water quality, with each one capable of filtering nearly 16 gallons (60 liters) of water a day.

Fewer oysters mean coastal communities see fewer of these benefits. Declining numbers also make it harder for oysters to naturally replenish reefs without some help.

Save the Shells

Oysters spawn by releasing sperm and eggs into the water. The resulting larvae swim freely for about three weeks and then permanently attach to a surface, when they become known as spat. Within a few years, spat grow into mature oysters, complete with their own shell. While larvae will settle on anything hard, they prefer the shells of other oysters.

These days finding them has become a challenge.

Up until the 1980s in Texas, tons of oyster shells were dredged from reefs and used as material to create roads (albeit somewhat rough ones) all along the coast. And while the state’s commercial oyster harvest has declined drastically, and has seen partial closures in recent years, the Gulf region (which includes three other states) still produces 45% of the nation’s catch — about 12.5 million pounds of meat, according to NOAA. That’s a lot of oyster shells that came out of the water, most of which end up in landfills.

To change that, the Harte Research Institute for Gulf of Mexico Studies at Texas A&M University-Corpus Christi started the Sink Your Shucks program in 2009. So far it has put 3 million pounds of shells back into the ocean where oyster larvae can find them. The efforts have helped restore more than 45 acres of reefs in nearby Copano, Aransas and St. Charles Bays.

Restaurants separate shells into special rolling bins that staff from Sink Your Shucks collect on a regular basis. The shells are then piled up at the Port of Corpus Christi to sanitize in the sun for about six months before they are taken to a restoration site. They may be placed on a rock base to keep them from sinking into the mud or just poured into the water, depending on the condition of the sea bottom.

Some are put in mesh bags, which keeps the shells from spreading out and being covered in sediment and gives vertical structure to the reef. Scientists with HRI’s Coastal Conservation and Restoration Lab tested different bag materials, including plastic and biodegradable jute, cotton, and cellulose.

A line of volunteers carry bags of oyster shells into the water. Courtesy Texas A&M University-Corpus Christi

The study showed the oysters and other marine life are perfectly happy with the biodegradable material, and the project is using cotton.

“There are issues with cost and sourcing,” says project manager Natasha Breaux. “Plastic is cheap. But the rationale was that it would be better to use something biodegradable and not introduce plastics into the ocean.”

Restaurants sign up, says program coordinator Mike Osier, because keeping shells out of the landfill saves them money and they can highlight their commitment to sustainability.

Both facts motivated Water Street owner Brad Lomax, who helped establish the program. He recalls complaining to a customer, who happened to be a scientist from HRI, about high dumpster charges caused by oyster shells.

“He said oyster shells in a landfill are a resource out of place,” Lomax says. “That really resonated with me. When you dredge an oyster reef, you essentially destroy it for a significant period of time. We can’t do that anymore.”

Osier strives to make participating as easy as possible and promotes restaurants on the program website and social media. He provides an annual statement of the total pounds donated and the current market rate for shell for businesses to use in claiming a tax benefit.

Once the shells are placed, the Coastal Conservation and Restoration lab monitors restoration sites.

“It’s like a reef snapshot,” says researcher Danielle Downey. “We count and measure oysters in the field. We put shells out in sample trays and later collect the animals growing there and bring them back to the lab to look at abundance and diversity. We get a lot of toadfish, shrimp and crabs — lots of crabs.”

Larvae Wanted

Texas still has enough natural reefs to produce the baby oysters needed to populate restoration projects, but the oyster population in the Chesapeake Bay sits at about 1% of historical levels due to centuries of overharvesting — about 1.5 billion oysters a year by the end of the 19th century — along with pollution and habitat destruction. Protected areas established in 2010 cover about 24% of all oysters in Maryland, but with such a low wild population, protection alone is not enough.

“The reefs won’t come back on their own — it takes active restoration to jumpstart the population,” says Matt Ogburn, head of the fisheries conservation lab at the Smithsonian Environmental Research Center.

In the Chesapeake that jumpstart includes an approach called spat on shell: growing larvae in a hatchery, letting them settle on shells, then placing those on a reef. The process is complicated by the fact that these mollusks switch sexes, often multiple times during their lives, but it works. In 2021, for example, the Chesapeake Bay Foundation deployed more than 21 million spat on shell to reefs throughout the Bay. As part of the Chesapeake Oyster Alliance, some 100 nonprofits, community organizations, and oyster growers, CBF is contributing toward an overall goal of 10 billion.

A 10-year old restoration reef in Harris Creek, a tributary of the Choptank River directly across Chesapeake Bay. Courtesy Smithsonian Environmental Research Center.

CBF has been restoring oyster reefs in the Bay since 1996. In 2022 it partnered with SERC, moving its spat-on-shell operation to the center’s campus in Edgewater, Maryland. One of SERC’s roles is to conduct extensive monitoring at sites before and at regular intervals after restoration. The team collects data aimed at creating a complete picture of what happens in the first few years, says Ogburn.

“We use high-frequency sonar to see how tall and complex reefs are, the abundance and size of fish and crabs around the reef, and how that differs as the reefs grow and mature,” he says. “Because sonar cannot identify specific species, we extract DNA from water samples, sequence it, and compare results to a reference library for the Chesapeake Bay. We also take underwater video every year and use a scoring system to rank the size and height of reefs. Combining all these methods provides an unprecedented picture of how a restored reef develops.”

The lab currently monitors three restoration sites and unrestored control sites that have similar conditions. The early news has been good, Ogburn says, with oysters surviving and increasing in abundance.

“We’ll keep collecting data for two more years, then review those results and provide information on how restoration is working or whether we need to modify our efforts going forward,” he says, adding that so far, the reefs in the best condition have both protection and active restoration.

Bringing back the Bay’s oysters is a big task that takes a lot of hands. In addition to SERC’s research and monitoring, CBF helped design the sites and monitors settlement of larvae, including any natural recruitment of baby oysters. Arundel Rivers Federation’s Riverkeeper monitors the water quality around restored reefs. CBF and Northrop Grumman are monitoring the soundscape around reefs and how it changes over time.

CBF receives shells from The Oyster Recovery Partnership’s Shell Recycling Alliance, which collects them at restaurants in central Maryland, Washington DC, and northern Virginia and from dozens of public drop sites. CBF also runs its own program, Save Oyster Shells, that collects at restaurants, drop sites, and events in Maryland and Virginia. In fact, shell collection projects exist all along the Gulf and East coasts.

Collection efforts eventually could extend beyond coastal areas, says Osier, if obstacles such as shell storage and transportation can be overcome. When shells are not available, though, artificial substrate such as concrete and rock seems to work just fine.

These projects are proving that combining protection, substrate, and lab-grown spat where needed can create a recipe for successful oyster reef recovery. And it’s a recipe that seems to work fairly quickly, says HRI’s Breaux.

“Typically, restored reefs start to act like natural reefs in a short amount of time, within months.”

On Saturday May 4 and Saturday May 11, volunteers can join Sink Your Shucks at Goose Island State Park near Rockport, Texas, to bag oyster shells. Register for these and future events here.

Previously in The Revelator:

Divert or Die: Louisiana’s Controversial Plan to Save Coastal Communities and Ecosystems

The post Coastal Restoration: Recycled Shells and Millions of Larvae — A Recipe for Renewed Oyster Reefs appeared first on The Revelator.

Categories: H. Green News

Zero Waste Zanzibar

In January 2024, Nipe fa*gio (NF) celebrated Zero Waste (ZW) Month in Zanzibar Island, focusing on two key programs aimed at raising awareness and promoting sustainable waste management practices. With a focus on students and households, NF conducted impactful activities that shed light on the detrimental effects of plastic on human health and the environment, while also providing practical training on household composting. The outcomes of ZW Month in Zanzibar have paved the way for a more conscious and environmentally responsible community.

Storytelling of Plastic Effects to Students

On January 24, 2024, NF organized a storytelling session at Dr. Salim Amour Secondary School and Chumbuni Primary School, reaching out to over 1000 students, teachers, and local government representatives. The session highlighted the negative impacts of plastic on human health and the environment. Students were made aware of the harmful consequences of daily plastic usage, such as packaging hot food in plastic materials and indiscriminate disposal. By instilling a sense of responsibility and knowledge, NF aimed to inspire students to adopt a zero-waste lifestyle, reducing plastic consumption and practicing waste segregation.

Master Households Composting in Zanzibar

Recognizing the issue of organic waste disposal in Zanzibar, NF conducted a master training session on household composting on January 25, 2024. Many households in the region dispose of organic waste in open spaces or rivers, unaware of its potential for reuse. The training, attended by more than 60 participants from the Chumbuni local government and households, focused on equipping attendees with various composting techniques. The newly established Material Recovery Facility (MRF) served as the Zero Waste Model Implementation center, providing a practical setting for hands-on training. By promoting household composting, NF aimed to divert organic waste from improper disposal and create a valuable resource for improving soil conditions in farms and gardens.

The ZW Month activities in Zanzibar have yielded significant outcomes, contributing to a more sustainable and waste-conscious community:

Increased Desire for Zero Waste Living: The storytelling sessions and awareness campaigns have inspired students to adopt a zero-waste lifestyle. By reducing plastic consumption, practicing waste segregation, and choosing reuse, students are actively contributing to a cleaner and healthier environment.

Organic Waste Diversion through Composting: The master training on household composting has equipped households with the knowledge and techniques to divert organic waste from improper disposal. By composting at home, households can significantly reduce the amount of organic waste that ends up in open spaces or rivers.

Behavior Change and Best Practices: ZW Month activities have fostered behavior change among the community, encouraging the adoption of best practices in solid waste management. Concepts such as reuse, reduce, refuse, refurbish, and repurpose have become ingrained in the daily lives of Zanzibar residents, leading to a significant reduction in waste generation.

Opportunity Creation through Waste Diversion: The master training has not only raised awareness but also created opportunities for the community. By utilizing compost in their farms, residents can improve soil conditions and enhance agricultural productivity, leading to a more sustainable and self-sufficient future.

Nipe fa*gio’s ZW Month in Zanzibar has been a resounding success, engaging students and households in the pursuit of a zero-waste lifestyle. Through impactful storytelling sessions and practical training on household composting, NF has empowered the community to take responsibility for their waste and make conscious choices. The outcomes of ZW Month in Zanzibar serve as a testament to the power of education, awareness, and community engagement in creating a cleaner and more sustainable future.


The post Zero Waste Zanzibar first appeared on GAIA.

Categories: E2. Front Line Community Green

Sortir de l’antiliberalisme: instantànies de Polònia

Green European Journal - Wed, 04/03/2024 - 06:48

A Polònia, la coalició de partit* que va derrocar l’extrema dreta compleix les seves promeses de reforma, però deixar de banda un president poc solidari està deixant el nou govern obert a acusacions d’acció antidemocràtica.

A l’octubre de 2023, els ciutadans polonesos van fer fora del poder al partit nacional conservador Llei i Justícia, obrint el camí cap a un canvi polític. El nou govern presidit per Donald Tusk -una coalició de diversos partit* que van del centredreta al centreesquerra- va prendre possessió al desembre. La Comissió Europea no va trigar a desbloquejar els diners per a Polònia que havia retingut a causa del mecanisme de l’Estat de Dret. Això va ocórrer fins i tot abans que el nou govern pogués fer passos substancials per a complir realment les condicions. Com va explicar en la televisió Leszek Miller, ex primer ministre i actual eurodiputat, “jo mateix ho he sentit en els passadissos [de Brussel·les]: senyors, la fita més important per a nosaltres ha estat el canvi de govern”. Més enllà de l’eurobombolla, en molts països se senten veus que afirmen que Polònia és la prova que es pot derrotar als populistes i evitar una deriva aparentment inevitable cap a l’extrema dreta en tot el continent. Grans esperances suscita aquest nou govern no sols a nivell nacional, sinó també en el si de la Unió Europea.

En termes de polítiques, el nou govern presenta una mescla de ruptura i continuació. L’acord de coalició és breu i vague, ric en promeses generals, però cautelós amb els detalls. Hi ha bones raons per a això. L’actual coalició va poder imposar-se en les eleccions precisament perquè no era una coalició electoral sota un lideratge únic. Els futurs socis de govern s’havien presentat en tres paperetes diferents: la Coalició Cívica (centredreta), la Tercera Via (centrista-agrària) i Nova Esquerra. Encara que tots coincideixen en la necessitat de restaurar l’Estat de Dret, en altres àmbits polítics solen tenir programes diferents, quan no contradictoris.

La dinàmica de la lluita política ve dictada pel calendari electoral. Les eleccions parlamentàries d’octubre de 2023 van constituir, per dir-ho així, el partit inaugural, al qual seguirien les eleccions locals d’abril, les europees de juny i -el gran partit final- les presidencials del primer semestre de 2025. Amb el president Andrzej Dubte, associat a Llei i Justícia, encara en el càrrec i exercint el poder de veto sobre la nova legislació, el marge de maniobra del govern és limitat, i tot el temps entre la tardor de 2023 i la primavera de 2025 es percep com un temps de transició entre el període antiliberal i una democràcia plenament restaurada. Mentre que la nova coalició espera obtenir ple poder executiu i poder passar la pàgina del període antiliberal, el partit Llei i Justícia també pot esperar contraatacar i fer girar l’onada al seu favor.

Primeres batalles

La política de l’Estat de dret serveix així a un doble propòsit: restaurar un ordre liberal i preparar l’escenari per a les eleccions esdevenidores. Alguns passos són obvis i fàcils. Substituir als consellers delegats de les empreses públiques i als directors de les institucions culturals és un pas fàcil, com ho és la creació d’algunes comissions parlamentàries de recerca encarregades d’esclarir, i ajustar comptes, amb alguns dels escàndols més colpidors en els quals es van veure implicats funcionaris del govern anterior. Entre elles, probablement la més important és la comissió encarregada d’investigar els abusos de la vigilància estatal amb Pegasus, el programa espia israelià utilitzat per l’anterior govern contra molts polítics de l’oposició (i també contra alguns de les seves pròpies files). Però altres tasques, com el restabliment de la confiança en els mitjans de comunicació públics o els esforços per tornar a reformar el poder judicial, plantegen un autèntic enigma. El president i l’ombra del seu veto no són l’únic obstacle en els esforços per sortir de l’antiliberalisme.

Molts dels riscos i dilemes associats a la restauració de l’ordre liberal s’han posat de manifest durant la batalla per “recuperar els mitjans de comunicació públics”. Al desembre, el ministre de Cultura va canviar els consells d’administració de la televisió estatal, la ràdio i l’Agència Polonesa de Premsa. Amb l’ajuda de la policia, la nova junta va prendre el relleu i, després d’una brevíssima pausa, va procedir a emetre. Per a fer retrocedir als mitjans de comunicació, el ministre va fer cas omís tant d’una ordre de protecció dictada dies abans pel Tribunal Constitucional, com de la llei vigent sobre mitjans de comunicació públics. La decisió es va basar en una resolució del Parlament (no legislativa i, per tant, no subjecta a veto presidencial) i en una pretensió de buit legislatiu en la matèria. L’oposició va denunciar l’acte com “un cop contra la democràcia”, mentre molts partidaris del govern gaudien del seu moment de dolça venjança. Una de les reaccions més notables va ser la de la Fundació de Drets Humans d’Hèlsinki, ONG compromesa amb els drets humans i l’Estat de Dret, i una de les més feroces opositores a l’anterior govern antiliberal. La Fundació va criticar enèrgicament l’actuació del ministre i va preguntar si es basava en algun assessorament jurídic previ, presentant una sol·licitud d’informació pública. Malgrat que el ministeri ha afirmat que existeix tal document, fins a la data el govern no l’ha presentat.

Si tot això podria haver-se fet d’una altra manera, de forma més lenta, però amb plena legalitat processal, és ara una qüestió acadèmica. Els mitjans de comunicació públics van ser una de les àrees en les quals els abusos del govern anterior van ser més tangibles i les expectatives d’un arranjament ràpid van ser elevades. L’interessant és que comença a ser un patró. Un mètode similar -crear un simulacre de buit legislatiu per a saltar-se les prerrogatives del president- va ser l’elegit pel ministre de Justícia per a sanejar la fiscalia. Queda per veure si això s’aplicarà també al poder judicial. Serà encara més difícil a causa del desacord entre les files dels propis advocats liberals. La Fundació de Drets Humans d’Hèlsinki i l’Associació de Jutges Polonesos Iustitia van proposar dues visions molt diferents sobre com restaurar la independència del poder judicial. Sigui com sigui la versió que triï el Govern, una part de la societat civil liberal s’emportarà una decepció.

L’aposta de Münchhausen

En tots aquests esforços hi ha una paradoxa: per a restaurar un ordre liberal, el govern necessita passar per alt les prerrogatives constitucionals del president i ignorar un creixent nombre de sentències del Tribunal Constitucional. Això es presenta com justificat, perquè el Govern considera que el Tribunal Constitucional existent és inconstitucional, per la qual cosa no pot emetre cap sentència vinculant. I hi ha bones raons per a això: en primer lloc, alguns membres del tribunal no haurien de formar part d’ell, i la presidenta del tribunal s’aferra al seu càrrec malgrat que el seu mandat legal ha expirat fa temps. Però això té un cost. Per a restablir l’Estat de Dret, el Govern ha de declarar un buit constitucional i introduir de fet un estat d’excepció legal limitat. Tot això s’assembla cada vegada més al tràngol del famós baró Münchhausen, que va afirmar haver sortit d’un pantà tirant-se dels pèls.

Hi ha una paradoxa: per a restaurar un ordre liberal, el govern necessita passar per alt les prerrogatives constitucionals del president i ignorar un creixent nombre de sentències del Tribunal Constitucional.

No és dolent sortir d’un pantà, tret que el que es faci sigui just el contrari. Cal ignorar la Constitució, perquè havia estat ignorada, així que cal ignorar-la una vegada més, només aquesta vegada, per a tornar al bon camí. Però, es pot ignorar la Constitució “només aquesta vegada” i esperar construir un marc sostenible que posteriorment sigui respectat per totes les parts? El supòsit necessari és que l’oposició acabi acceptant les regles del joc o que se li impedeixi per sempre tornar al poder. En cas contrari, l’actual aparença de buit constitucional podria, en lloc d’una excepció, convertir-se en un punt de referència.

Circulen molts arguments per a explicar per què Llei i Justícia no tornaran mai. Tenint en compte les tendències polítiques i els moviments tectònics a Europa i fora d’ella, la majoria d’aquests arguments són clarament delirants. En particular, el model de la transició postcomunista dels anys noranta és enganyós. Dos aspectes de la situació eren diferents: la democràcia era la tendència global, per la qual cosa el context internacional va estabilitzar la transició i, fet que és més important, la pròpia transició es va negociar entre els líders de tots dos costats de la divisió, que posteriorment van acceptar les noves regles. Avui, la tendència mundial és cap a l’antiliberalisme, no allunyar-se d’ell. I el nou govern sembla incapaç i poc disposat a convèncer als líders de l’oposició i als seus votants que un ordre constitucional liberal és millor per a ells.

Per a això, el govern hauria d’oferir una direcció per al país i contrarestar la visió de comunitat construïda per la Llei i Justícia amb una altra més atractiva. I això serà una lluita costa amunt.

Una coalició de minories de bloqueig

El govern va guanyar les eleccions gràcies a una divisió ben dissenyada dels missatges dirigits a diferents parts de l’electorat. Però precisament el que va fer possible guanyar fa també més difícil governar. L’agenda del govern pot entendre’s com una reacció al llegat del govern anterior: ja sigui una inversió o una continuació d’aquest. I, a part de la curta llista de temes en els quals existeix consens dins de l’actual coalició, el curs d’acció depèn de qui pugui bloquejar a qui.

La continuïtat és més visible en les àrees de política exterior associades a qüestions de seguretat. Suport militar i diplomàtic a Ucraïna, conflicte persistent amb Ucraïna en relació amb les exportacions agrícoles, contractes de defensa amb Corea del Sud… en aquests àmbits existeix un ampli consens entre les parts. També continuen les polítiques repressives contra els refugiats a la frontera amb Bielorússia, i el viceministre responsable de migració afirma que ara són “empentes ètiques”, mentre que les ONG humanitàries amb coneixement de primera mà de la situació discrepen.

El govern va guanyar les eleccions gràcies a una divisió ben dissenyada dels missatges dirigits a diferents parts de l’electorat. Però precisament el que va fer possible guanyar fa també més difícil governar.

Una altra àrea de continuació és la despesa social. El Govern està disposat a continuar els programes socials generals dels seus predecessors, i fins i tot a pujar l’aposta, amb augments salarials a professors i policies i exempcions fiscals promeses (si bé encara no aplicades) a especialistes en informàtica, al sector de la bellesa i a empresaris. Encara que alguns dels socis de la coalició no estiguin contents amb això, en general s’entén que la despesa social és una bona inversió perquè Llei i Justícia no tornin al poder.

En altres àmbits polítics, el curs d’acció ve determinat pel bloqueig de les minories internes. L’esquerra està bloquejant el retrocés d’alguns drets laborals. En 2018, Llei i Justícia va fer realitat una vella reivindicació d’alguns sindicats i va introduir una reforma que limitava seriosament el comerç els diumenges. La reforma va ser rebuda amb entusiasme pels empleats del sector i la població en general s’ha habituat a ella, amb la pluralitat de ciutadans secundant ara l’statu quo. Encara que tant la Plataforma Cívica com la Tercera Via van prometre tornar a permetre que els centres comercials obrissin els diumenges, això no podrà fer-se sense el suport de l’esquerra i de l’actual ministre de Família, Treball i Assumptes Socials, que sembla conformar-se amb les restriccions actuals.

És probable que la Plataforma Cívica bloquegi alguns dels megaprojectes iniciats pel govern anterior. Llei i Justícia va iniciar el procés de construcció d’una central nuclear i d’un Pol Central de Comunicacions que constaria d’un enorme aeroport i de diverses línies ferroviàries d’alta velocitat que el connectarien amb la resta del país. Ara, el més probable és que s’abandoni l’aeroport, encara que l’esquerra intenti defensar el projecte com a símbol de modernització i inversió pública.

La Tercera Via bloqueja els avanços en els drets de les dones. La Tercera Via vol tornar al statu quo anterior, és a dir, desfer els canvis introduïts amb la prohibició del Tribunal Constitucional de l’avortament per malformació del fetus, quedant pendent de referèndum qualsevol canvi més profund. Tant la Plataforma Cívica com l’Esquerra es mostren escèptiques a l’hora de sotmetre a referèndum els drets de les dones i ambdues van prometre l’accés a l’avortament legal a petició de la dona dins de les 12 primeres setmanes d’embaràs. No obstant això, sense els diputats de la Tercera Via no hi haurà majoria per a aprovar una llei.

Aquesta capacitat per a bloquejar algunes de les polítiques no va acompanyada d’una capacitat per a determinar la direcció. La Tercera Via no és capaç d’imposar retallades en la despesa social. L’esquerra probablement és incapaç de defensar el Pacte Verd Europeu, que és abordat amb un escepticisme creixent tant per la Plataforma Cívica com per la Tercera Via a causa de la seva suposada incompatibilitat amb una despesa ambiciosa en defensa (per no esmentar les protestes dels agricultors com a factor).

A l’octubre, els ciutadans polonesos van fer fora del poder al partit nacional conservador Llei i Justícia, obrint el camí a un canvi polític. El factor més important va ser la mobilització sense precedents dels votants joves i les dones. Va ser la primera vegada en la història recent en què la participació femenina va ser superior a la masculina. Els valdrà la pena votar la pròxima vegada? El major repte per al Govern és no deixar-se defraudar. Per a això, haurà de guanyar no sols la batalla amb els populistes, sinó, cosa que és més important, la batalla amb ell mateix.

Aquest article ha estat traduït de l’anglès per Sandra Cruz.

Aquest article va ser publicat per primera vegada en català per la Revista Nous Horitzons. Es torna a publicar aquí amb permís.

Categories: H. Green News

Salmon Secrets Screening Events

Clayoquot Action - Wed, 04/03/2024 - 06:30

Salmon Secrets: Clayoquot Action presents aJérémy MATHIEUfilm

Fish farming is pushing wild salmon to the brink of extinction. The federal government has promised to remove fish farms from BC waters by 2025, but now the industry is pushing back with false solutions.

Join Clayoquot Action’s fish farm watchdog program as a team of underwater cinematographers investigates an “experimental” fish farm near Tofino. What they find surprises them, and spells potential disaster for wild salmon.

This film looks at the impacts of salmon farming through the eyes of those fighting to protect wild salmon from extinction. Featuring First Nations membersSkookum John (Keltsmaht First Nation)andJoe Martin (Tla-o-qui-aht First Nation), andtraditional Chief Ernest Alfred (Na̱mg̱is First Nation), as well as scientistAlexandra Morton.

* Official Selection of the Vancouver International Mountain Film Festival 2024.

Upcoming Screenings:

  • April 25, 2024 in Port McNeill TICKETS & INFO HERE
  • April 26, 2024 on Quadra Island TICKETS & INFO HERE

The post Salmon Secrets Screening Events appeared first on Clayoquot Action.

Categories: G2. Local Greens

Reducing ocean plastic pollution in Africa: an awareness raising and clean up project in Cameroon

Global Alliance for Incinerator Alternatives (GAIA) - Wed, 04/03/2024 - 06:06

Member Opinion By Gilbert Kuepouo, CREPD

Cameroon, a country with a population of around 23 million and a diverse climate, is known for its rich biodiversity and strong economy. However, waste management continues to be a significant challenge, despite the existence of policies on paper. It’s really disheartening to witness the sight of plastic bottles, plastic bags, and old rubber tyres being thoughtlessly discarded on vacant land, coastlines, rivers, bays, and streams, with the potential to be carried to other bodies of water, like the ocean. Several factors, including economic growth and shifting consumption and production patterns, have led to a significant rise in the production and use of plastics in Cameroon. As a result, plastic waste has become a prominent and expanding component of municipal solid waste. Pollution is a pressing issue that demands our attention.

Since November 2023, CREPD (Centre de Recherche et d’Education pour le Développement) has been actively involved in a range of initiatives to tackle the issue of plastic pollution in Cameroon. The goal is to raise awareness and highlight the significance of this problem by engaging with local communities, businesses, government authorities, and relevant ministries. Our efforts include conducting brand audits and organizing clean-up activities, sharing information, creating outreach materials, and launching a social media campaign to foster better communication, coordination, and commitment among all relevant national stakeholders in tackling plastic waste and its proper management.

The project partners include the Ministry of Environment, Protection of Nature, and Sustainable Development (MINEPDED) of Cameroon and UNITAR. The Basel Convention Small Grant Programme on Plastic Waste and GAIA (Plastic Solutions Fund) are funding the project.

Some of our project outcomes include:

  • The PWWG (Plastic Waste Working Group) has been established in Cameroon to effectively manage and address the issue of plastic waste. This group will play a crucial role in informing and implementing policies related to plastic waste management, both at the national and international levels. The PWWG has clear terms of reference that will guide its actions and ensure effective outcomes.
  • Facilitating community engagement meetings and sharing important information about the health effects of plastic waste (such as the presence of harmful chemicals that can lead to infertility, cancer, and harm to the fishing industry).
  • Organizing the clean up of the river Wouri waterways and shores, as well as establishing a swap-shop for discarded plastic fishing nets. Approximately 4 tonnes of fishing nets have been gathered and carefully stored, awaiting transportation for environmentally responsible recycling.
  • We conducted a thorough investigation into the plastic waste issue, specifically focusing on the major polluters. The results revealed 64 significant contributors to the problem, with Nestlé, Source du Pays SA, SABC Group, CHOCOCAM, and HOKA Industries being the top five offenders. Surprisingly, these companies alone accounted for a staggering 36 percent of the total single-use plastic waste.

Plastic waste is becoming a rapidly increasing problem in Cameroon and around the world. Plastics, including plastic waste, can contain harmful substances that are released into the environment during use and disposal. These substances have been linked to issues such as infertility and cancer, which are often overlooked when discussing plastic pollution.

When it comes to tackling plastic pollution, it’s important to consider solutions that focus on eco-design for reuse and recycling. By following the waste hierarchy, which prioritizes preventing and minimizing waste generation, we can make a significant impact.

The government should ensure that regulatory measures, such as EPR in waste management, are effectively enforced. In 2021, there were a total of 63 enterprises engaged in the manufacturing of plastic products. In 2021, national plastic production reached a staggering 153,000 metric tonnes. However, it is disheartening to note that a significant amount of plastic products, totalling 88,000 metric tonnes, were illegally introduced in Cameroon during the same period. Every year, a staggering 6,000 metric tonnes of plastic waste are generated. Every year, an estimated 3000 tonnes of plastic are discharged into the ocean by the Wouri River. The amount of plastic that is released into the ocean each year by the Wouri River is quite substantial, and it has a significant impact on the pollution levels in the surrounding area.

In conclusion, efforts must be made to address the issue of illegal plastic waste disposal in Cameroon to prevent further environmental degradation and protect marine life. Additionally, implementing stricter regulations and increasing public awareness of proper waste management practices are crucial steps in reducing plastic pollution in the region.


The post Reducing ocean plastic pollution in Africa: an awareness raising and clean up project in Cameroon first appeared on GAIA.

Categories: E2. Front Line Community Green

Noisy Summer Ahead for U.S. as Dueling Broods of Cicadas Emerge

Yale Environment 360 - Wed, 04/03/2024 - 05:53

This month will see swarms of big, noisy, chirping cicadas begin to emerge in the U.S. as two large broods take flight at the same time.

Read more on E360 →

Categories: H. Green News

From rubble to reef in just four years: How a metal sculpture revived Indonesian coral

Anthropocene Magazine - Wed, 04/03/2024 - 05:00

Four decades ago, anglers in the southern reaches of Indonesia’s Sulawesi island used a devastatingly simple tool to catch reef-dwelling fish: they tossed in sticks of dynamite and scooped up the stunned fish that rose to the surface.

The technique had a tremendous downside, however. It turned vibrant coral reefs into fields of rubble. The destruction was so severe that decades later new coral larvae from nearby still couldn’t get a toehold to begin rebuilding the reef.

Despite those setbacks, today parts of the once-devastated reefs are again filling with coral. That’s thanks to the efforts of island residents, Indonesian and British scientists, and a clever metal contraption that resembles a 6-legged spider the size of a coffee table.

The “Reef Stars,” as they are known, have proven so successful that new research shows the fledgling reefs in many ways resemble surrounding healthy reefs.

“The speed of recovery we saw is incredible,” said Ines Lange, a coral reef ecologist from the United Kingdom’s University of Exeter who tracked the reef revival.

Such coral-growing strategies are a mainstay of reef restoration efforts around the world. Small coral fragments—colonies of genetically identical coral polyps living in a shared bony structure—are attached to a frame of some kind and then “planted” out on the reef. In Florida, where the approach was pioneered several decades ago, coral chunks are suspended from plastic frames like ornaments on a Christmas tree until they are big enough to be placed on a reef.

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While the metal structures in Indonesia give the tiny corals somewhere to grow, they also provide a foundation for an entire new reef on the remains of the dynamited coral. The metal stars are interconnected into a lattice of steel and coral—a sort of cyborg reef that can cover an area roughly half the size of the penalty box in a soccer field.

To understand how well these new hybrid reefs were faring and how closely they resembled a natural reef, Ines and colleagues took measurements of key indicators from 12 restoration sites, as well as 3 healthy reefs and 3 that were still destroyed.

The results revealed that reefs replanted as little as four years earlier looked a lot like their natural neighbors in important ways. The older restoration sites were creating just as much carbonate exoskeleton as the healthy reefs, and were making three times as much carbonate as in the first year they were planted, the researchers reported in March in Current Biology. The amount of reef area covered by coral rose from 17% to more than 50% as the corals grew back, levels similar to the healthy reefs.

“This is a really encouraging discovery,” said Tim Lamont a marine biologist from Lancaster University, who took part in the research.

The restoration program in Indonesia has been a fount of coral innovation, including the metal stars and using underwater audio recordings to gauge the health of reefs.

There were, however, subtle differences. The planted reefs were made up almost entirely of fast-growing spiky branching corals favored by reef restorationists. The natural reefs, by contrast, had far more of the bulky boulder-shaped corals mixed in.

That reliance on spiky corals has proven to be an Achilles heel in Florida, where an underwater heatwave last year wiped out huge numbers of transplanted corals from two endangered species.

The Indonesian reefs are less vulnerable, said Lange. There is more genetic diversity among the corals they are using than the ones in Florida. And ocean conditions in the Indonesian waters have proven to be more hospitable to reef-building corals. Lange said that in recent years, corals there remained relatively healthy while many other reefs in the world were bleaching – a phenomenon in which overheated coral polyps risk starving after expelling symbiotic algae from their bodies.

In the long term, however, even these reefs might not escape the ravages of climate change. A United Nations-sponsored study found that ocean warming means 29 of the world’s most important reef systems (including some near Sulawesi) will vanish by the end of the century without dramatic reductions in greenhouse gas pollution.

Still, Lamont struck a hopeful note about the latest results. “If we can maintain climate conditions that allow for coral survival, it’s possible to restore even very damaged reefs back to healthy, functional systems within relatively short periods of time.”

That’s a very big “if.”

Lange, et. al. “Coral restoration can drive rapid reef carbonate budget recovery.” Current Biology. March 8, 2024.

Image: Mars Assisted Reef Restoration System

Categories: B5. Resilience, Third Nature, and Transition

Coming Out of Illiberalism

Green European Journal - Wed, 04/03/2024 - 03:58

In Poland, the coalition of parties that ousted the far right is making good on its reform pledges, but side-lining an unsympathetic president is leaving the new government open to accusations of undemocratic action.

In October 2023, Polish citizens voted the national conservative Law and Justice party out of office, opening the way to political change. The new government – a coalition of several centre-right and centre-left parties led by Donald Tusk – took oath in December. Even before the new government had fulfilled any conditions to prove its democratic values, the European Commission unblocked money that had been withheld from Poland due to the rule of law mechanism.

As Leszek Miller, a former Polish prime minister and current member of the European Parliament, explained of talk in Brussels: “I have heard it myself in the corridors. Gentlemen, the most important milestone for us was a change of government.” Even beyond the EU bubble, voices in many countries profess how Poland is evidence that populists can be defeated and that a seemingly inevitable drift to the far right all over the continent could be avoided.

The new coalition government poses a mixture of policy rupture and continuation. Its agreement is brief and vague, rich in general promises but cautious with details. There are good reasons for this: the future governmental partners ran on three separate ballots (the centre-right Civic Coalition, the centrist-agrarian Third Way, and the New Left); these parties prevailed in the election precisely because they were not an electoral coalition under a single leadership. While they all agree on the necessity of restoring the rule of law, in other policy areas they often have different, if not contradictory, agendas.

Poland’s accumulative electoral calendar is also dictating the country’s political dynamics. The October 2023 parliamentary elections constituted the opening match that will be followed by local elections this week, European elections in June, and the grand-finale presidential election in the first half of 2025. With President Andrzej Duda, associated with the Law and Justice party, still in office and wielding veto power over new legislation, the new government’s margin for manoeuvre is limited. The entire time between autumn 2023 and spring 2025 is being perceived as a period of transition between illiberalism and fully-restored democracy. While the new coalition expects to gain full executive power and be able to turn the page on illiberalism, Law and Justice may also hope to strike back and turn the tide in their favour.

First battles

The new Polish government’s return to the rule of law therefore serves a double purpose: to restore liberal order and set the scene for the coming elections. Some steps are obvious and easy: replacing CEOs of public companies and directors of cultural institutions who were Law and Justice loyalists is a no-brainer, as is establishing investigative parliamentary committees to address the most scandalous acts perpetrated by previous government officials. Among those, probably the most pressing issue is the abuses of state surveillance implemented through Israeli spyware Pegasus used by the previous government against many opposition politicians – and even some within its own ranks. Other tasks, such as restoring trust in public media or efforts to re-reform the judiciary, pose a genuine conundrum. The president and his veto are not the only obstacles in efforts to emerge from illiberalism.

Many of the risks and dilemmas associated with restoring liberal order have become apparent since the battle to “fight back for public media” began. In December 2023 the minister of culture appointed new state television, radio, and Polish Press Agency management boards. With the help of police, who blocked dismissed senior officials from entering media buildings, the new TV board took control and after a very short pause proceeded to broadcast. The minister’s action ignored both a protective order issued days earlier by the Constitutional Court and existing law on public media. Instead, the decision was based on a non-legislative parliamentary resolution, therefore not subject to presidential veto, and the pretence of a legislative void in the media sphere.

While many government supporters enjoyed their moment of sweet revenge, the opposition denounced the act as “a coup against democracy”. Another notable reaction came from one of the fiercest opponents of the previous illiberal government: the Helsinki Human Rights Foundation, an NGO committed to human rights and rule of law. The foundation vocally criticised the minister’s actions and inquired whether it was based on any prior legal advice, filing a request for public information. Despite assurances on the part of the ministry that such a document does exist, the government has failed to produce any paperwork to date.

Whether all this could have been done differently, in a slower manner but with full procedural legality, is now an academic question. Public media was an area where the previous government’s abuses of power were most tangible, which heightened expectations of a swift fix. And, interestingly, a pattern is emerging. The minister of justice chose a similar method of reform – creating the pretence of a legislative void to bypass the president’s prerogatives – to clean up the public prosecutor’s office.

It remains to be seen whether this approach will also apply to the judiciary. But a non-legislative parliamentary resolution is likely to be more difficult to implement due to disagreements among the ranks of liberal lawyers themselves. The Helsinki Human Rights Foundation and Polish Judges’ Association Iustitia have each proposed a very different vision of how to restore judiciary independence. Whichever version the government chooses, some part of liberal civil society will be disappointed.

Münchhausen’s wager

In all these efforts, there is a paradox: to restore liberal order, the government needs to bypass the constitutional prerogatives of the president and ignore a growing body of rulings by the Constitutional Court. This is presented as justified because the government perceives the existing Constitutional Court as unconstitutional, and thus unable to issue any binding rulings. There are good reasons for this presumption: some members of the tribunal should not be there in the first place, and the president of the court is staying in her seat even though her legal term in office has long expired. Yet the government’s approach comes at a cost. Restoring the rule of law by declaring a constitutional void effectively introduces a limited state of legal exception. All this is beginning to look like the legendary predicament of Baron Münchhausen, who claimed to have escaped a swamp by pulling himself out by his hair.

There is a paradox: to restore liberal order, the government needs to bypass the constitutional prerogatives of the president and ignore a growing body of rulings by the Constitutional Court.

It is not a bad thing to pull yourself out of dangerous waters, unless what you happen to be doing is the opposite. Having already been ignored, the Constitution has to be ignored again, just this once, to get it back on track. But can you ignore the Constitution “just this once” and hope to build a sustainable framework that subsequently would be respected by all sides? The assumption is that the opposition will either ultimately accept the rules of the game or forever be foreclosed from coming back to power. However, the constitutional void might therefore become a benchmark.

There are many arguments in circulation to explain why Law and Justice will never be coming back. Given political trends and tectonic movements in Europe and beyond, most of these opinions are clearly delusional. Looking at the post-communist transition model from the 1990s is particularly misleading. Two aspects from that time were different: democracy was the global trend, so the international context stabilised the transition; and, more importantly, the transition itself was negotiated between the leadership on both sides of the cleavage, who subsequently accepted the new rules.

Today, the global trend is towards illiberalism, not away from it. And the new government seems both incapable of and unwilling to convince either the leadership of the opposition or their voters that a liberal constitutional order is better for them as well. For this, the government would need to offer a direction for the country and counter the vision of community built by Law and Justice with a more attractive option. And this is going to be an uphill struggle.

A coalition of blocking tactics

The ruling coalition parties won the election thanks to a well-designed division of messages to different parts of the electorate. But precisely what made it possible to win makes it also more difficult to rule. The present government’s agenda can be understood as a reaction to its predecessor’s legacy – be it a reversal or a continuation thereof. And, apart from the short list of topics where there is consensus within the current coalition, the course of action depends on who can block whom.

Continuation is most visible in the areas of foreign policy associated with security issues. There is broad consensus between the parties on military and diplomatic support for Ukraine, defence contracts with South Korea, and concern over agricultural imports from Ukraine. Repressive policies against refugees on the border with Belarus also continue, with the deputy minister responsible for migration claiming that they are now “ethical pushbacks”, while humanitarian NGOs with first-hand knowledge of the situation beg to differ.

Social spending is another area of prolongation. The government is set to continue its predecessors’ general social programmes, and even up the ante: teachers and police officers have received a pay rise, and IT specialists, the beauty sector, and entrepreneurs have been promised forthcoming tax exemptions. Although certain coalition partners may not be happy with these measures, there is a general understanding that welfare spending is a good investment towards thwarting the Law and Justice party.

In other policy areas, a coalition party in the minority on certain debates is using its position to block key courses of action. The Left is blocking rolling back some labour rights, for example. In 2018 Law and Justice realised the long-standing demand of some trade unions by introducing a reform that seriously limited trade on Sundays. Retail employees were enthusiastic about the reform. The general population, in all its plurality, after adapting to the ruling, still supports the status quo. Even though both the Civic Platform and the Third Way promised to let shopping centres open on Sundays again, this cannot be done without the support of the Left, and the current minister of family, work, and social issues seems to be content with the current restrictions.

The ruling coalition won the election thanks to a well-designed division of messages to different parts of the electorate. But what made it possible to win makes it also difficult to rule.

The Civic Platform is likely to block some of the previous government’s megaprojects. Law and Justice began the construction of a nuclear power plant and the Solidarity Transport Hub, a huge airport and several high-speed railway lines connecting it with the rest of the country. Despite the Left trying to defend the latter project as a symbol of modernisation and public investment, plans for the airport are likely to be shelved.

The Third Way, meanwhile, is blocking progress on women’s rights. The party wants to revert to a prior status quo by undoing the Constitutional Court’s ban on abortion for malformed foetuses but wants to defer decisions on any deeper legal changes to a referendum. Both the Civic Platform and the Left are sceptical about putting women’s rights to a public vote, having both promised access to legal abortion at a woman’s request within the first 12 weeks of pregnancy. However, without the Third Way’s members of parliament, there won’t be a majority to pass such a law.

Unfortunately, this ability to block some policies is not matched with a capacity to determine direction. The Third Way is not able to impose cuts on social spending, The Left is likely to be unable to defend the European Green Deal, which is approached with growing scepticism from both the Civic Platform and the Third Way due to its alleged incompatibility with ambitious defence spending – not to mention the farmers’ protests.

The unprecedented mobilisation of young voters and women was the single most important factor that ousted the Law and Justice party. It was the first time in recent history that the turnout among women was higher than men. Will these newly motivated voters find it worthwhile to turn out again next time? The biggest challenge for the government is not to let them down. For this, they will need to win not only the battle with populists but, more importantly, also the battle with themselves.

This article was first published in Catalan by Revista Nous Horitzons. It is republished here with permission.

Categories: H. Green News

สล็อตเว็บตรง เกมโบนัสแตกหนัก ไม่จำกัดทุน สมัครฟรี

Pittsburgh Green New Deal - Wed, 04/03/2024 - 02:56

สล็อตเว็บตรง เกมโบนัสแตกหนัก ไม่จำกัดทุน สมัครฟรี

สล็อตเว็บตรง เกมโบนัสแตกหนัก ไม่จำกัดทุน สมัครฟรี 1688upx เว็บสล็อตออนไลน์ เข้าใช้งานง่าย ถอนเงินรางวัลได้ไม่อั้น บริการเกมหลากหลาย เลือกเล่นได้ทุกค่ายครบวงจร เข้าใช้งานเล่นเกมได้อย่างมั่นใจ รองรับการฝากถอน ผ่านบัญชีธนาคาร และบัญชี true wallet สะดวก รวดเร็วทันใจ เข้าใช้งานเล่นเกมได้อย่างครอบคลุม

ไม่ผ่านคนกลาง ไม่ผ่านเอเย่นต์ เว็บตรง ถูกกฎหมาย มีใบเซอร์การันตีการเปิดให้บริการ 1688upx ผู้ให้บริการรายใหญ่ ที่นักเดิมพันออนไลน์ไว้วางใจ พัฒนาระบบการเข้าใช้งานเล่นเกม ให้ทันสมัยยิ่งขึ้นอย่างต่อเนื่อง พร้อมทั้งยังมีการบริการ มีการดูแล ผ่านเจ้าหน้าที่แอดมินอย่างครอบคลุม ตลอดในการเข้าใช้งานเล่นเกมอีกด้วย

เกมหลากหลาย ลงเดิมพันขั้นต่ำ1บาท สล็อตเว็บตรง เกมโบนัสแตกหนัก ไม่จำกัดทุน สมัครฟรี

ไม่จำกัดทุน ให้อิสระในการลงเดิมพัน รับเงินรางวัลได้อย่างเต็มที่ ทุนหลักร้อย สร้างกำไรหลักหมื่น หลักแสน ได้อย่างง่ายดาย รับเงินรางวัลในการเล่นเกมได้ไม่อั้น ไม่มีประวัติในการโกง กับเว็บตรง 1688upx ที่มีการสำรองเงิน เพื่อจ่ายรางวัล ให้กับผู้เล่นทุกท่านอย่างเต็มที่ มีเกมให้เลือกเล่นหลากหลาย ลงเดิมพันได้อย่างมั่นใจ จะเล่นเกมไหนๆ ก็สามารถชนะรางวัลได้อย่างคุ้มค่า ไม่มีการล็อคยูสเซอร์ ไม่มีการล็อคผลรางวัล

โดยในปัจจุบัน ผู้เล่น นักเดิมพันออนไลน์ทุกท่าน สามารถเข้ามาร่วมสนุก ลงเดิมพัน รับเงินรางวัลในการเล่นเกมสล็อตออนไลน์ ได้อย่างเพลิดเพลิน มากกว่า 1000+ เกม การันตีลิขสิทธิ์แท้ จากค่ายผู้พัฒนาเกมโดยตรง 100% โอกาสในการชนะรางวัลสูง รับเงินรางวัลได้อย่างง่ายดาย โบนัสแตกหนัก โบนัสแตกไว ถอนเงินรางวัลไปใช้ได้จริง เข้าใช้งานเล่นเกมได้อย่างต่อเนื่อง ถอนเงินรางวัลไปใช้ได้ไม่อั้น

ร่วมลงเดิมพัน กับเกมสล็อตออนไลน์ลิขสิทธิ์แท้ บนเว็บไซต์ 1688upx ได้อย่างเพลิดเพลิน รับเงินรางวัลในการเล่นเกมได้อย่างมั่นใจ จะเล่นเกมไหนๆ ก็สามารถชนะรางวัลได้อย่างคุ้มค่า จ่ายเงินรางวัลสูง มีการอัพเดทความสนุกของเกมใหม่ๆ ให้เลือกเล่นก่อนใครอย่างสม่ำเสมอ พร้อมเบทเดิมพันในการเล่นเกม ที่เริ่มต้นเพียงแค่ 1 บาทเท่านั้น สามารถเข้ามาร่วมสนุก ลงเดิมพัน รับเงินรางวัลกันได้อย่างครอบคลุม

โดยการลงเดิมพัน เล่นเกมสล็อตออนไลน์ บนเว็บไซต์ 1688upx ผู้เล่น สมาชิก นักเดิมพันออนไลน์ทุกท่าน สามารถปรับเบทเดิมพันในการเล่นเกม ได้ตามความเหมาะสม เพื่อลดความเสี่ยงในการลงเดิมพัน รับเงินรางวัลได้อย่างเต็มที่ โดยมีเบทเดิมพันสูงสุดถึง 2000 บาทเลยทีเดียว


1.ปรับเบทเดิมพันในการเล่นเกม ให้เหมาะสมกับทุน เพื่อเพิ่มระยะเวลาในการเล่นเกม ลดความเสี่ยง หกามีทุนน้อย แต่ใช้เบทเดิมพันสูง โอกาสเสี่ยงสูง

2.มองเกมให้ออก ลงเดิมพันให้เป็น หากเกมที่เราเล่นอยู่ มีการชนะรางวัลอย่างต่อเนื่อง ให้ผู้เล่น เพิ่มเบทเดิมพัน เพื่อรับเงินรางวัลที่สูงขึ้นได้ทันที แต่ถ้าหากเกมที่เล่นอยู่ โอกาสชนะรางวัลน้อย ให้เปลี่ยนเกมทันที

3.กดสปินเอง กดสปินออโต้ แลเกดเทอร์โบ สลับกันอย่างต่อเนื่อง เป็นเทคนิคที่เหล่าเซียนเล่นกันมาอย่างยาวนาน

4.เลือกเกมที่ซื้อฟีเจอร์ฟรีสปินได้ โอกาสในการชนะรางวัลง่ายกว่า และสามารถชนะรางวัลได้อย่างคุ้มค่ามากยิ่งขึ้นอีกด้วย

5.ปรับเบทเดิมพันของเกมให้คงที่ ไม่สลับปรับเบทเดิมพันขึ้นลง ตลอดการลงเดิมพัน ให้เว้นระยะการปรับเบทเดิมพัน


สมัครเข้ามาร่วมสนุก รับเงินรางวัลในการเล่นเกมสล็อตออนไลน์ กับเว็บไซต์ 1688upx ได้แบบไม่อั้น เว็บตรง คุณภาพดี มีการบริการ มีการดูแลผ่านเจ้าหน้าที่แอดมินอย่างครอบคลุม ตลอดในการเข้าใช้งานเล่นเกม ให้อิสระในการลงเดิมพัน ไม่จำกัดทุนในการเล่นเกม และยังมาพร้อมความสนุกสุดคุ้ม ของเกมสล็อตออนไลน์แบบครบวงจรอีกด้วย

ท่านใด ที่มีความสนใจ ต้องการสมัครเข้ามาร่วมสนุก ลงเดิมพัน เล่นเกมสล็อตออนไลน์ กับเว็บไซต์ 1688upx สามารถสมัครได้ง่ายๆ ด้วยตนเอง ผ่านระบบออโต้ สมัครก่อน รวยก่อน ไม่ต้องเสียค่าใช้จ่าย สามารถรับยูสเซอร์ พร้อมเข้าใช้งานเล่นเกมได้ทันที อีกทั้งยังสามารถสร้างรหัสยูสเซอร์ เพื่อความปลอดภัยในการเข้าใช้งานได้อีกด้วย

พิเศษ พิเศษ พิเศษ สำหรับสมาชิกใหม่ บนเว็บไซต์ 1688upx ในวันนี้ รับทันที โปรโมชั่นเครดิตฟรีสุดคุ้มแบบไม่อั้น ไม่ว่าจะเป็นสมาชิก ฝาก 10 รับ เครดิตฟรี 100 , ฝาก 20 รับเครดิตฟรี 100 , ฝาก 100 รับเครดิตฟรี 200 , ฝาก 150 รับเครดิตฟรี 300 , ฝาก 300 รับเครดิตฟรี 500 และอีกมากมายไม่อั้น

Credit สล็อตเว็บตรง


The post สล็อตเว็บตรง เกมโบนัสแตกหนัก ไม่จำกัดทุน สมัครฟรี appeared first on

Categories: B3. EcoSocialism

Refugee Environmental Protection Fund: fix or fiction?

Ecologist - Tue, 04/02/2024 - 23:00

Refugee Environmental Protection Fund: fix or fiction? Channel Comment Yasmin3rd April 2024 Teaser Media

Categories: H. Green News

Gaza the final nail in ‘Canada as honest broker’ coffin

Spring Magazine - Tue, 04/02/2024 - 21:40

It now seems quaint to call Canada an “honest broker.” Ottawa’s support for Israel’s holocaust in Gaza has made the idea seem absurd. In a...

The post Gaza the final nail in ‘Canada as honest broker’ coffin first appeared on Spring.

Categories: B3. EcoSocialism

Manitoba budget recognizes the strategic importance and affordability benefits of a clean economy

Clean Energy Canada - Tue, 04/02/2024 - 17:18

TORONTO — Rachel Doran, vice president of policy and strategy at Clean Energy Canada, made the following statement in response to Manitoba’s 2024 budget:

“Manitoba’s Budget 2024 rightfully recognizes the opportunities for households and businesses in a cleaner, more sustainable economy.

“It also recognizes the affordability benefits, with the introduction of a $4,000 rebate for new EVs and a $2,500 rebate for used EVs, which will allow more households in Manitoba to access the long-term savings that come with driving an electric vehicle. This aligns Manitoba with a number of other provinces and the federal government, where these measures have already proven hugely popular and effective.

“Indeed, Budget 2024 recognizes that household clean energy solutions like EVs and heat pumps not only reduce emissions but provide real savings to families. After all, the cheapest way to save on gas is to simply not pay for it.

“With investments in the manufacturing of zero-emission buses and the development of a critical minerals strategy, the province is setting itself up to become a low-carbon leader. Additionally, Manitoba’s new $50 million Strategic Innovation Fund and investments in training a skilled workforce for low-carbon jobs further prepares the province to seize the opportunities of a changing world.

“We look forward to working with Manitoba and any province taking real action to combat climate change, improve affordability, and build a more sustainable economy.”


Manitoba’s Budget 2024 includes:

  • A $4,000 rebate for new electric vehicles and plug-in hybrids and a $2,500 rebate for used EVs and plug-in hybrids ($5.4 million allocated for rebates)
  • $6.4 million to protect the environment through a collection of climate and sustainability initiatives
  • An additional $8 million in funding for wildfire protection
  • A $10 million investment in New Flyer Industries Group’s All Canadian Build facility to manufacture, finish, and service zero-emission buses in Manitoba and create a National Heavy Equipment Vehicle Innovation Centre of Excellence

The post Manitoba budget recognizes the strategic importance and affordability benefits of a clean economy appeared first on Clean Energy Canada.


Conservation and Climate Provisions Prioritized in Biden Administration’s Annual Budget Request

Audubon Society - Tue, 04/02/2024 - 16:25

The Biden Administration’s fiscal year 2025 budget request to Congress featured a clear focus on conserving our natural resources and addressing urgent issues like biodiversity and climate change...

Categories: G3. Big Green

“We Will Defend This Life, We Will Resist on This Land”

Institute for Social Ecology - Tue, 04/02/2024 - 15:56


Relatively unrecognized by the international public, the Turkish state has not only been killing civilians and political representatives in North-East Syria for years but also purposely carrying on an ecocide in the region, bombing basic civil infrastructure. Even in face of these attacks the population is resisting in order to defend their right to live on their land and the model/system of self-administration built up at the beginning of the revolution.

Rojava is one of the four parts in which Kurdistan has been divided with the creation of nation-states and the colonial division of the Middle East at the beginning of the 20th century. With this territorial division the Kurdish people too have been separated between Turkey, Iran, Iraq, and Syria. Rojava means “west” in Kurdish and refers to the western part of Kurdistan, the Syrian part.

The history of Kurdistan, the ecological way of life of the people, the effects of the attacks, and the methods of resistance are intrinsically related. In order to make them more understandable, we have focused on the area of Koçerata.

Koçerata and the people that are living here carry a heritage of hundreds of years of communal life, depending on and living in coexistence with the nature and the land, in a way that can fulfill the concept of social-ecological life.

Social ecology conceives the idea that a free, ecologic, and democratic life is possible only when the relation between society and ecosystems are harmonious and free from domination. The separation between the concepts of “subject” and “object” created the basis for all forms of oppression, patriarchy, and nature exploitation. Thinking of our society and communities as ecosystems allows us to understand that self-organization, connection with the land, co-existence of different identities, sustainable use of resources according to the needs and in balance with the environment, and self-defense are all aspects of a free life. While a large part of the population have been distanced from this reality by the capitalist mentality and life-style, in some regions like Koçerata, people are resisting in order to carry on this way of life.

From October 6th 2023 to January 15th 2024, the region and its people have been object to airstrikes carried out by the Turkish army. This rich and pioneering heritage is under massive attacks but still, people don’t even think about giving up their way of living or to leaving their land.

Meeting of an agriculture cooperative in Rubariya, near Dêrik. Source: self shot

Koçerata – the “land of the nomads”

The land between the heights of the Mountain Cudî in today’s Turkey, the mountain of Şengal in today’s Iraq, and the stream of the Tigris river is called Koçerata: the “land of the nomads.” If one stands on top of the mountain Qereçox and looks down from there, the whole plain in its beauty unfolds in front of one’s eyes.

This region was for hundreds of years home to nomadic and half-nomadic tribes, Kurdish as well as Arabic, living and working together. While the Arabic tribes were moving around in the plain, the Kurdish half-nomads (in Kurdish, Koçer) were staying in the plain for the winter and then moving with their herds, mostly sheep and goats, to the highlands in the North during the summer. The people lived like this until 1925, when nation-state borders were drawn in the Middle East. This deeply influenced the life of the half-nomads, cutting them away from the highlands. The Turkish state pursued a politics of hom*ogenization and genocide, and the French occupation and the Syrian state also severely attacked the natural way of life of the people.

Not being willing to give up on their ancestors’ way of life too fast, many of the people continued to live in tents and moving in the plain until around 1945. Zehra Ali, an organizer in one of the two peoples’ councils of the region, still remembers this time: “Until I was 15, every weekend, when we would not have to go to school. We were going with buses and pickups to visit our parents who were staying with the herds. It was the most beautiful life, we were really sad when we had to go back to school.”

The Syrian state wanted to create a society living accordingly to the habits of modernism, rather than following their heritage. It imposed a monoculture economy on it, only allowing people who were loyal to the regime to work. The people were neither allowed to grow and harvest to sustain their own life. As in the rest of Rojava, in the region of Koçerata this forced more and more people to leave their villages for the bigger cities. There the people who lived independently from their own effort on their land had no other choice than to sell their labor force to the cheapest wage. Koçerata was also exploited for its rich oil deposits. One of the biggest power plants of North-East Syria was also based here, in Siwedî. Built in 1983 by a French company, it was one of the main gas and power station of whole North-East Syria, serving between 4 and 5 million people, until the winter attacks.

This economical colonization was also an attempt to destroy the hundreds of years of social-ecological life in the region, making the Kurdish identity completely forgotten and with this laying the foundation of exploitation of humans and nature in its whole. In the second part of the last century, a wave of industrialization and urbanism was imposed by the Syrian regime, and continued the process of undermining the half-nomadic life style, tearing the people away from their land.

View on the Koçerata region from the mountain Qerecox. Source: self shot

The creation of a new life on the basis of old heritages

One of the pillars of the Rojava Revolution is ecology. On this basis the resistance against natural destruction to defend the ties between the people and their land is embraced. The people from Koçerata have been part of the liberation struggle in Kurdistan and of therevolution since the beginning. Lots of youth went to fight against ISIS and are now taking responsibilities within the self-administration structures.

After the Syrian state was expelled from the region and the autonomous administration was established, many families returned from the cities to build up their life in their own village again.

Rûken Şêxo, spokesperson of the people’s council in the village Girê Sor, describes the life of the people and the creation of social ecology in the region: “The life of the Koçer [kurd. half-nomads] is very simple and beautiful. We don’t need a lot from the outside. In every house you will find a small garden, where the families are growing vegetables, herbs, and plants, for example tomatoes, onion, salad. Some will also raise cows, chickens, and turkeysWe make things ourselves, especially yogurt, cheese, and milk. From our childhood onward we learned to create everything by ourselves, from the things we have. This is also what we are going to teach to our children.”

Turkey’s war against Rojava: An attack on the development of social ecology

The process of building up, organizing the society, and developing social ecology is happening under threat and attacks, now for thirteen years, with its main actor being the Turkish state and its attempts to break the autonomy of the people of North-East Syria.

Even though heavy attacks were executed in November 2022, targeting in particular the infrastructure for basic life needs (water and electricity), the most recent bombardments, from October 6th 2023 to January 15th 2024, mark the worst escalation since 2019. In this period the Turkish army carried on more than 650 strikes (with drones and fighter jets), hitting more than 250 places, many of them being hit several times. In this huge operation, 56 people have been killed (among them two children, 10-11 years old), while at least 75 people have been injured, including workers at their work site or collecting cotton in fields. The airstrikes have mainly targeted essential infrastructure: 18 water stations, 17 electricity plant, sites for cooking gas, and oil facilities, but also schools, hospitals, factories, industrial sites, agricultural and food production facilities, storage centers for oil, grain, and construction materials, medical facilities, and villages.

The main objects of this airstrike campaign have been electricity, gas, and water infrastructure.

The purpose is clearly to destroy the basis of people’s life. The war on infrastructure is a war on the people. Beside the physical destruction, these attacks aim to harm society’s psychological status and destabilize the region, in order to stop, with any means possible, the democratic process that is going on within the Autonomous Administration.

Koçerata became a central target due to important infrastructural sites placed in the region which are essential for the production of electricity, cooking gas, and petrol. Being mainly a rural and agriculture-based region, the relation between war and social ecology here appears very clearly.

The electrical situation was already drastically impacted, since Turkey started cutting more and more the water flow coming to Rojava after the beginning of the revolution. At the time, the rivers were the main source of electricity for the region. For this reason in the last years the Administration was forced to move back to the use of energy sources based on fossil fuels, in order to be able to ensure basic needs such as heat, cooking gas, and some hours of electricity.

One of the most critical infrastructural targets was the electricity plant of Siwedî. “Being the main gas and power station of whole North-East Syria, when there are problems within the plant, it affects the whole region,” we were told by Rûken Şexo, spokesperson of Girê Sor village. “After that shelling almost 4 to 5 million people have been affected,” and, in Cizîrê region, where 50% of the regular electricity comes from this plant, two million residents have been left without municipal services, electricity, power, and water. In January, Turkish army carried out such heavy airstrikes on the station that the plant has been almost completely destroyed. Now the percentage of the destroyed part reaches 90%. This situation makes impossible to even consider a normal process of repairing what has been bombed.

More Information:

Destroyed petrol lines near Xaneserê, close to Dêrik. Source: self shot

Shellings on Koçerata

“The shellings are hurting the people of Koçerata, in all aspects of life,” Xoşnav Hesen from the village of Girê Kendal said to us. “These are from the attacks” he said, while showing us the deep cracks on the walls of his house. “Around our village many places were bombed. A barn was also targeted, killing 200 sheep. We have been many days without electricity and water.” The villages are mainly connected to the general electricity line, which leads, in case of lack of electricity, to heavy impacts on all aspects of life. One of these is access to water. Without electricity the water pumps can’t work, so water can’t be extracted from the wells and distributed to the villages. While this is in general a fundamental problem for human life, in the region it is even more crucial due to the agriculture-based life of the people. The water situation was generally already dire due to the cut of water taken by Turkey. What was once called the fertile crescent, crossed by Euphrates and Tigris, has experienced heavy droughts in recent years. The river flow that was allowed to cross into Rojava decreased severely, (42%, with peak-days of 80% of reduction), obviously affecting all aspects of life, drinking, hygiene and health, agriculture and food production, animal life, economy, education, and gender dynamics. In addition, the Turkish state has also altered the water quality, releasing contaminant sewage residues in the little water still flowing into North-East Syria.

“Most of the people live from the products of the earth and the animals that they raise themselves,” said Rûken Şexo, spokesperson of Girê Sor village. “Without water, the plants are dying and the animals can not drink. The cultures are affected, the animal’s life is affected. The base of people’s economy, of families’ economy in the region is based on this. Now the families are having economic problems, because they used a lot of money to plant and now everything is gone; the animals are dying because of lack of water.” These military operations aim to create fear and frustration. “Creating, building up, is not a problem: the problem is war. You work so much, create so much, invest so many resources, and then, in one second, it gets destroyed,” said Delal Şêxo from the village of Hamza Beg.

More information:

Destroyed tubes and petrol lines in Siwedî. Source: self shot

“We don’t leave our land, we organize ourselves” – Resistance of the people on their land

Ecological factors have been among the causes contributing to the onset of the war in Syria. Droughts and regime policies resulted in a massive exodus to urban centers, limited access to basic needs, and humanitarian crises, ultimately leading to the uprisings of 2011. During the subsequent war, numerous human and ecological crimes were committed, such as the use of chemical weapons by the regime and Turkey, or the scorched-earth strategy employed by ISIS in its retreats (i.e. poisoning water sources and destroying oil infrastructure and chemical factories). The current attacks led by the Turkish state must be understood in this broader context of war and ecology.

Besides the direct ecological consequences of the dams, destruction of oil infrastructure, and the tree cuttings, there are also indirect ecological consequences that involve hindering the progress of the Revolution. This systematic destruction of basic infrastructure forced the administration and the whole economy of North-East Syria to devote themselves toward continuous works of reparation and rebuilding, inuring in high costs, in terms of human and financial resources.

This warfare impedes the development of agro-ecology and eco-industry, which the Autonomous Administration views as priorities.

The paradigm of the Rojava Revolution aims to foster the development of a society based on grassroots democracy, women’s liberation, and social ecology. In this framework ecological sustainability, self-sufficiency, local production and consumption, and decentralization are crucial. However, the decentralization of certain infrastructures faces challenges not only due to the attacks but also due to the embargo. The construction of smaller, decentralized infrastructures—such as electricity production—is on the agenda, but some necessary materials are still unavailable and cannot be transported across borders. The unavailability of certain material adds further difficulties to the maintenance of existing structures and leads to increasing dependence on oil. Even in the case that building new infrastructure was begun, it would still face the threat of destruction. Essentially, this aggression attempts to eliminate the still-present experiences of social-ecological life and to obstruct the emergence of a social and ecological revolution in order to perpetuate the capitalist system—despite its inevitable collapse due to environmental factors. Institutions have to draw emergency plans during and after each wave of attacks, which compromises their capacity to work on long-term projects. Plans regarding the use of different source of energy (solar, biogas from animal manure and organic wastes, or wind energy), and the development of organic fertilizers could also not develop on a large scale because of these limiting conditions and the necessity to respond to emergencies and the immediate consequences of war. For ideological and practical resistance, the Revolution draws inspiration from the wisdom of natural society and adapts it to the current context. In spite of the aggression of capitalist modernity, decentralized and ecological economy finds examples in the sustainable aspects of the traditional way of life. In contexts of forced settlement, remapping of the region, and environmental changes imposed by hegemonic powers for centuries, people of Koçerata develop their solutions in line with their values and cultural heritage. Aligned with their will to keep their land, they conserved ecological and sustainable practices through their agriculture and shepherding as well as through the sharing of resources.

In the whole region of North-East Syria, direct and indirect attacks to countryside areas and agricultural fields compromise not only the activities related to food production but also the people’ attempts to recover the original quality of the soil, impoverished after years of imposed intense monoculture. The transition to sustainable and traditional methods of agriculture and agro-ecology is led not only by the will to recover techniques from the past; it fully reflects the principles of richness in diversity and resilience, in communities as well as in ecosystems.

Connection with the land and the re-establishment of a balanced relation with nature also constitutes a fertile framework for the development ofdemocratic relations and structures. Staying on one’s land and organizing life communally is also a way to defend one’s identity and traditions and strengthen the culture of resistance. The attempts of the Turkish state to make people flee do not aim only to physically empty the land but also to interrupt the transmission of culture and knowledge, regarding agriculture—such as traditional methods, seasonal changes, and local plants—and any other field of life.

Human Shield Demonstration to the Gas-Power-Station in Girê Siro, near Dêrik. Source:

The Autonomous Administration of North-East Syria encourages the establishment of cooperatives for agro-ecology, like the production of organic fertilizers, and eco-industries based on the cooperative system and on a circular approach to production and consumption. In a centralized economic system, numerous localities depend on a single infrastructure. Military attacks can therefore paralyze the society by targeting a few key areas. Decentralization, however, could reduce the effectiveness of this warfare. A single attack would affect just a part of the whole infrastructural network and the impact could be balanced by the operational continuity of other decentralized sites. Additionally, a decentralized system implies smaller and simpler infrastructures that can be more easily maintained. Furthermore, better self-sufficiency is the answer to withstand embargo policies. Such would ensure logistical support to both civilians and military structures for the continuation of social life and self-defense.

Local social and economical autonomy fosters the ability of people to organize their own forces. Despite difficulties and threats, the people are showing a strong solidarity among themselves and a determination to stay on their land, developing ways to collectively withstand the hardships. The municipality visits the different Communes to inform them, share evaluations about the situation, listen to their needs, try to find solution together, and to collectively organize the whole society, making everyone take responsibility for it. The people of Koçerata pool their resources in times of difficulty. Neighbors share generators and water pumps during electricity shortages. Some villages deliberately limit their electricity for hours to support others. Certain families combine financial resources to afford a communal water pump system independent from electricity. During the attacks of October 2023, the five hundred workers of Siwedî repaired and maintained the infrastructure to restore electricity to the people, despite the airstrikes and the fear of being targeted again. Various strategies have been devised to safeguard both people and their lands. During the airstrikes in late December, the Koçerata community mobilized to create human barriers around the Siwedî power plant. For several days, crowds congregated around the power plant, aiming to shield it from airstrikes. Later on, in January, even on the ruins of Siwedî the high spirit of the community couldn’t be defeated. Then came the time of new initiatives. In each village, residents began pooling funds to support the installation of local generators. The priority is to set up an emergency plan, yet for their long-term strategy towards social ecology, the force of solutions is already there: initiative from the base, self-organization, and decentralization.

The foundation of ecological resistance lies in the connection between people and the land. The land is home: it needs to be protected from aggression and must be taken care of in order to ensure the continuity of life. While many attempts have been made to alienate and displace the people in Koçerata, most of them have made the decision to stay on their lands. This determination to resist and build local autonomy forms the roots of both self-defense and ecological practices.

Resistance and autonomy go hand in hand with ecological consciousness. In this framework social-ecological models, self-sustainability, and decentralization can really constitute a solution for a lasting peace in the region. In this framework, the reality of Koçerata constitutes a meaningful and inspiring example, not just of theory but of practice, of resistance and self-organization. Against the current centralized, urbanized and mono-culture global system, based on exploiting relationships between humans and the land, Koçerata can suggest sustainable ways of living, working and producing.

Shepherd with his sheep in Koçerata. Source: self shot.

More information:

This blog post is an abridged and edited version of a longer report by Make Rojava Green Again. You can read the full report here.

The post “We Will Defend This Life, We Will Resist on This Land” appeared first on Institute for Social Ecology.

Categories: B2. Social Ecology

Yanis Varoufakis: Capitalism is Dead, Welcome to Techno Feudalism

Green and Red Podcast - Tue, 04/02/2024 - 15:04

Yanis Varoufakis’s new book provocatively argues that Capitalism is dead and has been replaced by a new group of wealthy people whom he calls Technofeudalists–Zuckerberg, Musk, etc. This new ruling…

Categories: B4. Radical Ecology

Self-committing electricity drives up costs for consumers, report shows

The Checks and Balances Project - Tue, 04/02/2024 - 12:44

Electricity customers paid $10 billion in excess electricity costs between 2016 and 2022 because utilities sent expensive coal-generated power to the grid and crowded out cheaper alternatives, a new report released Tuesday shows.

These higher costs, consulting firm RMI reported, meant that some electricity customers sacrificed other essentials to pay for power.

“One way we can help decrease customer energy bills for many families is to refrain from running coal plants when lower-cost resources are available,” RMI said.

When grid operators buy electricity for their markets, they look first to the lowest-cost providers. But self-committing electricity allows utilities to jump ahead of the line and send their coal-fired power into the grid ahead of cheaper sources.

Money-losing OVEC plants self-commit their electricity

The two coal-fired power plants owned by Ohio Valley Electric Co. are prime examples of self-committing power. Although multiple analyses have concluded the plants lose money, they continue to send their electricity to the grid automatically and are reimbursed for their higher fuel costs by ratepayers.

Ohio’s HB 6 law forces ratepayers to subsidize the money-losing OVEC plants. Checks & Balances Project has reported that some utility executives urged their companies to stop self-committing their electricity because the plants were losing money.

John Swez, Duke Energy’s director of generation dispatch, told his colleagues in an email that Duke should propose to the OVEC board that the company start running its power plants on an “economic” instead of a “must-run” basis.

Ray Locker is the executive director for Checks & Balances Project, an investigative watchdog blog holding government officials, lobbyists, and corporate management accountable to the public. Funding for C&BP is provided by Renew American Prosperity and individual donors.

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The post Self-committing electricity drives up costs for consumers, report shows appeared first on Checks and Balances Project.

Categories: F. Left News


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