Sarah Gordon (Newcomb) on LinkedIn: “Friends”-Whodini Lyrics: “We like to be with some because they’re funny.… (2024)

Sarah Gordon (Newcomb)

Devoted Wife Thank you Hashem! Certified Chaplain. Editor in Chief-The Pulse. Realtor. LIVE Music/Talk Radio Broadcaster. Personal Cheerleader. Newspaper Columnist. Music healer. Grief Movement Guide. You matter!

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“Friends”-WhodiniLyrics: “We like to be with some because they’re funny. Others come around when they need money. Some you grew up with, & you’re still close this very day. Friends, how many of us have them? Friends, ones we can depend on. Before we go any further, let’s be friends.” How many indeed? Quality over quantity in my book. Online & offline are not the same. WABC Radio’s morning show-Sid & friends, opens with this song daily. A comedian said, “Noone is above being made fun of.” Well, as long as it’s with permission, & not biting humor. Passive-aggression is never healthy. Introverts, extroverts, & anyone in between, all need to feel heard, seen & understood,offline ultimately. Anyone recall an “I love Lucy” episode-The Friends of the Friendless? Expression is healing, especially when witnessed. Hugs included.My husband & I have requirements in order to engage with us. We choose to no longer invest in dramatic relationships, & of course respect matters. Fair-weather friends are not our cup of tea. Nor are online situationships. We prefer up-close, steady, & connective, Chaplain-style. We serve as “hot-spots” for those buffering. A radio station owner & a former Mayor/radio host had a fight via text. It got so heated that not only is the host cancelled, it spilled over online & onto other programs & now seems irreparable, after a 40 year history. Imagine that? I can. I’ve seen it before. They were not in the same room with body language, willingness to connect, nor did either “hear” the other. Sad story. I'm learning a lot from Dr. John Gottman’s book, “Fight right”. Fights are not the problem. It's normal. The way it goes down, along with what happens next is the issue. Repair skills are truly life-saving: At home, at work, & out on Main Street. Campuses too. It should be a course taught at Poison-Ivy league institutions. Though, some faculty seem to be in need of skills themselves. It's said that dogs are man’s best friend. They demonstrate loyalty to a degree humans can rarely touch. Dare we learn to be a friend to ourselves? Charity begins at home.Employers look for team-players, not disruptors. Good luck to the agitators out there. They don't think ahead which is usually what happens as anger erupts. Survival-mode will come back to bite them later. Perhaps someone will befriend them & help them re-direct, if accessible.President Trump’s friends are showing up in force at NYC court. They/we’ve got his back. God’s got ours.Our firearm club invited us to meet fellow protectors. I like the sound of that. Protectors indeed. A constitutional right. Protect ourselves & our communities. We all deserve that. Value-sharing friends empower.Wishing all a peaceful Shabbos/weekend filled with friendship & love. May all the friends of Israel stick together on a mission forward. Sadly, there is nothing friendly about friendly fire. We pray for Peace & Victory in Israel & clarity in the World. Thank you Hashem/God! ❤️✡️

  • Sarah Gordon (Newcomb) on LinkedIn: “Friends”-WhodiniLyrics: “We like to be with some because they’re funny.… (2)



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Sharon Zierler Cabelly

children's book author and audiobook narrator


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I love meeting new people, but I will not entertain drama nor toxicity. The world is big and beautiful and is always overflowing with new people to meet. That is one of the fun things about life. Wishing you a good Shabbas.

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Karyn Friedman

Dance Fusion Instructor


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It is great to have old friends & new ones Sarah Gordon (Newcomb). As long as they don't bring negative energy or drama. Hope you have a good Shabbos.

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Hendy Mandel

“Reclaim Your True Self” Coach | Regulate your nervous system to find your way home to yourself l Freelance Writer


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  • Sarah Gordon (Newcomb)

    Devoted Wife Thank you Hashem! Certified Chaplain. Editor in Chief-The Pulse. Realtor. LIVE Music/Talk Radio Broadcaster. Personal Cheerleader. Newspaper Columnist. Music healer. Grief Movement Guide. You matter!

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    “Adult education”-Hall & OatesLyrics: “The teacher don’t know how to deal with the student body. The underclassmen are flashing. All your friends care about what you wear, & talking about it. Believe it or not, there’s life after high school. Adult education, it’s a bad situation.”There are many things I’ve learned later in life. Although theory has it that childhood forms us, I'm a big believer in the ability to heal forward. Dare we?I’ve learned practical skills, relationship skills, religious study, licensing courses, Chaplain credentials, & a recent sewing course. I'm a life-long learner, by choice. The greatest of all is the ability to repair conflict: At home, at work & out on Main Street. It's never too late. Willingness, accountability, & teamwork necessary.Prioritizing emotional & spiritual health requires maturity. We make no excuses for adults, ourselves included. Adult emotional regulation skills as well as training our youth really matters. Take notice please: Poison-ivy league universities. Something’s wrong.Researchers say our brains make 35,000 decisions daily. That’s a lot. Knowing when to take a break is important. Flooding renders us incapacitated. A Celebrity announced she's taking a social media break for mental health reasons. Good idea.Being an armed protector, licensed & legally is responsible adulthood. Training's important in all things of worth. We can’t just wing it although there are some in positions of leadership who seem to have missed basic skills including common sense. The greater we are, the more we're susceptible to challenge. Caution is advisable. Teachers of both genders make the news daily for indiscretions. What on earth are they thinking? Or not thinking? Drunk-driving accidents are on the rise. Mind-altered folks would be wise to beware. Self-soothing skills naturally de-escalate. Put music to use. Deep breathing. Getting out of victim mindset is liberating. Initiative required. While thinking about current college graduations, many of which are being disrupted by agitators, I wonder: What's been learned in order to earn a degree? What was incorporated? Displayed? President Trump’s son Barron graduated as well. He seems a fine young man. He's not out there angrily disrupting other people. People say he treats everyone with respect & care. I'm not surprised. Mazel Tov to the Trumps! Fellow Radio Host Sid Rosenberg of WABC morning show fame found himself in a confrontation Friday morning. While on a NYC subway, a deranged & drunk fellow harassed a Rabbi, shouting anti-semitic statements while poking the man’s chest. Sid, who is a man of action matching his daily words, stood up & said, “I’m Jewish too”. Another passenger followed suit. The troublemaker left. How’s that for adult education? Never again is now. Wishing all a successful week, however it's defined. May we lead by example, even when it’s not easy. Cycle breakers are heroes. Am Yisroel Chai! Thank you Hashem/God!❤️✡️🌞

    • Sarah Gordon (Newcomb) on LinkedIn: “Friends”-WhodiniLyrics: “We like to be with some because they’re funny.… (9)



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  • Sarah Gordon (Newcomb)

    Devoted Wife Thank you Hashem! Certified Chaplain. Editor in Chief-The Pulse. Realtor. LIVE Music/Talk Radio Broadcaster. Personal Cheerleader. Newspaper Columnist. Music healer. Grief Movement Guide. You matter!

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    “It don’t come easy”-Ringo StarrLyrics: “Please remember, peace is how we make it. Here within your reach if you’re big enough to take it. I don’t ask for much, I only want trust. And you know it don’t come easy.” I for one, certainly never expected life to be easy. And it hasn’t. Or so it seems.And yet, things aren’t always what they seem: At home, at work, & out on Main Street.Rabbi Moskowitz reminds us to expect ebbs & flows in life, as it’s all part of a plan. The “plan” is written exclusively & individually for each of us, by the Master Planner.A radio host called the campus agitators/protestors “snot-nosed kids becoming radicalized terrorists LOL. It sounds funny, yet it’s not. Outliers without purpose are trouble & troubled.In sharp contrast, Eden Golan, Israeli contestant in the Eurovision contest performed with grace despite tens of thousands of disruptors. Not easy. She's only 20 years old. I assure you we will be hearing more from this brave & talented gal. She is on a mission & has what it takes.My husband shares sweet treats with kids at Synagogue. One asked for a portion for his sister who had not yet arrived. Charity begins at home. Good job parents-we know it don’t come easy. Empathy is the golden mean.Commitment & determination are also gleaned at home. Our neighbor’s son has taken a State licensing exam 12 times. We saw him today studying for the next attempt. Big respect 101.There is always a choice: We either rise to the occasion or not. Our U.S. government has fallen short. Reputation & integrity matter. I no longer trust betrayers, no matter what they promise next. Accountability is a sign of maturity, along with common sense & values.At a wildly successful rally for President Trump in Wildwood, NJ over the weekend, the consensus is that a silent majority has been awoken. We’ll have the betrayers to thank for their many antics leading up to this valuable “A-ha moment”, even as it wasn't easy.Although we are careful to judge others favorably, we also need to learn to discern. Life is too precious to overlook danger. Delay & silence are dangerous too. The Chaplain’s advice: Don’t save anything, Now matters!My husband & I have observed male lizards attempting to attract females. They have an orange sac which protrudes, drawing attention. Some females resist. Even lizards don’t have it easy.As we learn to Let go & Let God, life flows easier. Resistance takes more energy anyhow. I’ve always been prevention-minded, & yet not everything is in our control. Lean in, & don’t forget to judge yourself favorably too. When the going gets tough, there’s always pizza LOL. All varieties. Wishing all a meaningful week, even if it don’t come easy, filled with good news out of Israel & worldwide peace & clarity. Thank you Hashem/God!🌞❤️

    • Sarah Gordon (Newcomb) on LinkedIn: “Friends”-WhodiniLyrics: “We like to be with some because they’re funny.… (13)



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  • Sarah Gordon (Newcomb)

    Devoted Wife Thank you Hashem! Certified Chaplain. Editor in Chief-The Pulse. Realtor. LIVE Music/Talk Radio Broadcaster. Personal Cheerleader. Newspaper Columnist. Music healer. Grief Movement Guide. You matter!

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    “I’m still standing”-Elton JohnLyrics: “You know, I’m still standing better than I ever did. Looking like a true survivor, feeling like a little kid. I’m still standing after all this time. Picking up the pieces of my life without you on my mind. I’m still standing.”I am indeed still standing. So is my husband. So is Israel. None of us are going anywhere. It’s a good feeling to survive, then thrive, which is a blessing as well as a choice. There are people who I wish were happy too yet I know it’s on them. My days of trying to fix the world are over. Of course, the Chaplain in me is grateful to be in a position of giving & strength, yet these days with boundaries & by invitation. I suppose the difference is I no longer have a “need” to please everyone else. I choose to help. Healing begins with me.Rabbi Goldberg explains that there are normal ebbs & flows in the life cycle. There are times we will feel stronger & more inspired than other days. That awareness buffers the surprise when it happens, & it will: At home, at work, & out on Main Street, school too.Elton John has quite a story, filled with difficulties he overcame. He was since Knighted by Queen Elizabeth, & is respectfully called “Sir”. He still plays concerts in Israel when others won’t.My Grief Guidance instructor had an arduous past himself, yet he is one of the most gentle souls I’ve ever known. Challenge does not have to be a life sentence. Choice is ours.Those folks who overcome adversity, catch their energy, it is palpable. The “news” these days is replete with horror stories. Betrayal after betrayal. Yet we dare not lose hope.Rabbi Goldberg guides us to not diagnose others. We don’t need to label others in order to justify ourselves. My husband & I choose to focus on what we share in common with others, rather than on what we do not. By the way, since my fall the other day, I’ve gotten back on the bike daily thankfully. It has been a domino effect towards more steps forward. Permission granted to do whatever it takes to keep our spirits up in thoughts & action. Wartime is not easy. As the World shows Israel its true colors, we may be feeling unsafe or wondering whether we can go it alone. We can although we are not alone. A visit to Gunworld enhances empowered safety.Angry troublemakers seem to need adrenaline to feel alive. There are better options. How about beautiful flowers for Shabbos? Music? Therapies?When writing the story of your life, don’t let anyone hold the pen. We believe peace comes through strength. My vote has & will always go to courageous leadership.Looking forward to our favorite Torah reading in shul this week. You shall be holy indeed. Holiness IS happiness. Wishing all a peaceful & connected Shabbos/weekend. Thank you Hashem/God! ❤️✡️We are still standing, & standing together 🏆

    • Sarah Gordon (Newcomb) on LinkedIn: “Friends”-WhodiniLyrics: “We like to be with some because they’re funny.… (17)



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  • Sarah Gordon (Newcomb)

    Devoted Wife Thank you Hashem! Certified Chaplain. Editor in Chief-The Pulse. Realtor. LIVE Music/Talk Radio Broadcaster. Personal Cheerleader. Newspaper Columnist. Music healer. Grief Movement Guide. You matter!

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    “Eve of destruction”-Barry McGuireLyrics: “I’m sittin’ here just contemplatin’. I can’t twist the truth, it knows no regulation. Handful of senators don’t pass legislation. And marches alone can’t bring integration. When human respect is disintegratin’. This whole crazy world is just too frustratin’. And you tell me over & over & over my friend, you don’t believe we’re on the eve of destruction.”This song came out in 1966 in response to current eventsback then. Funny how the world comes full circle, isn’t it? It’s really not. It’s a sad state of affairs. Nevertheless, it is a new moon & a new month on the Hebrew calendar, one filled with hope.WABC radio plays this song at the opening of their daily 5:00 show with a varied group of common-sense minded folks all across the spectrum. The eve of destruction indeed.I can only share that there were so many times when it felt like an end, while in fact I was being led to a new beginning. More times than I can count. I still shake my head at that revelation, very gratefully. Of course I couldn’t have known then, so I chose to trust.There is always, always HOPE: At home, at work, & out on Main Street. Campuses too.My husband & I bicycle ride together every morning. This time I fell off. Just like that, upon returning home to our driveway. The bike went down with me on it. I’ve got a couple of scrapes & yet, it will not stop me from getting back on the bike. Forward ride…..What is more concerning are the 2 legged masked parrots out on the streets causing disruption. I’ll never understand that kind of following. They have lost their way. Being that this month has special potential for all kinds of healing, I offer targeted prayers for all those in need of clarity. May they get the help & support they desperately need, the real kind. It is not the eve of destruction. It is what we make it. What we choose to believe. The unknown makes some folks uncomfortable. Tears are holy by the way. I know, I just know-we are being led to a good place. That “Why?” question simply leads to a dark place. It’s going to be OK. Salvation can come in a flash. Even in a corrupt courtroom. Even in a war. Even on college campuses. Even anywhere. Hang in there. We shall prevail! The Chaplain has spoken, from her heart & soul. Wishing all a virtuous new month filled with opportunity. Our job is to take the first step. Holiness IS happiness! Thank you Hashem/God for new moons 🌑❤️✡️

    • Sarah Gordon (Newcomb) on LinkedIn: “Friends”-WhodiniLyrics: “We like to be with some because they’re funny.… (21)



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  • Sarah Gordon (Newcomb)

    Devoted Wife Thank you Hashem! Certified Chaplain. Editor in Chief-The Pulse. Realtor. LIVE Music/Talk Radio Broadcaster. Personal Cheerleader. Newspaper Columnist. Music healer. Grief Movement Guide. You matter!

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    “The best”-Tina Turner Lyrics: “You’re simply the best. Better than all the rest. Better than anyone I’ve ever met.” When each of us shows up as our best, & join together, we are unstoppable. Kids included.Great leaders appreciate positive feedback also. They have told me so. Encouragement is powerful, whereas criticism is harmful. Choose wisely: At home, at work, & out on Main Street which now includes college campuses who have lost their way, God please help them help themselves.The best things in life are not things. People matter, as does their well-being, more so than assets. It happens to be mental health awareness month by the way. Chaplains care. Curtis Sliwa, Radio Host & Founder of The Guardian Angels was considered the best provocateur. We have had the honor of attending rallies & events with him where cooperation reigned, respect was shown for police & our first responders who are the best, & no threats to anyone allowed. Quite different from what is going on nowadays where the current “best” provocateur AKA disturbed professional agitator has an arrest record of over 100 incidents, & is an older disgruntled female. Curtis has noble intentions. The other does not.Rabbi Goldberg reminds us that familiarity breeds contempt. He says to keep relationships & holiness fresh is on us, requiring intentional actions. My husband & I are careful to put in effort towards that goal. We believe we are the best for each other, even though we differ greatly on choices of the best drinks at Dunkin, LOL. Our secret sauce lies here: Together we submit to the one we serve & love the best-God. Beautiful music pulls it all together.I find it interesting that the troublemakers on campus these days are masking up again. Who remembers when we all couldn’t wait to un-mask? Might there be some shame hiding underneath their veil? I did see a few of them un-masked on video by the police, noticing the blank look in their eyes & what looked like horror at being exposed. Hmmm. Cult-like behavior 101.The best things in life are what we can’t take with us when our time is up on this earth. What we will take is our impact. We are determined to take our growth from Passover with us too, now, & every day forward.Wishing all a meaningful & productive week filled with clarity & genuine connection. That would be the best in my book, along with an Israeli victory of course. Thank you Hashem/God!❤️

    • Sarah Gordon (Newcomb) on LinkedIn: “Friends”-WhodiniLyrics: “We like to be with some because they’re funny.… (25)



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  • Sarah Gordon (Newcomb)

    Devoted Wife Thank you Hashem! Certified Chaplain. Editor in Chief-The Pulse. Realtor. LIVE Music/Talk Radio Broadcaster. Personal Cheerleader. Newspaper Columnist. Music healer. Grief Movement Guide. You matter!

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    “You belong tome”-Carly SimonLyrics: “Why’d you tell me this? Were you looking for my reaction? You belong to me. Can it be honey, that you’re not sure? Thought we’d closed the book, locked the door. You belong to me.” Sounds like a narcissist. Beware. The internet is their playground.Fresh off a holiday natural high, I am finding the world unrecognizable these days. And yet, I refuse to relinquish my God-given empowerment. I belong where I choose.Folks are desperate to belong to something, anything, which is a dangerously slippery-slope. What do we subscribe to? Dare we think on our own? My husband & I do. We value the 1st & 2nd amendment, practicing both with pride. We aim to cause no harm. Protection is another story. Special thanks to the brave IDF & police everywhere. We are prepared.Nobody will find me parroting a chant. Not this proud Jewish girl. We value boundaries: At home, at work, & out on Main Street. No entitlements here. Just hard-working patriots & lovers of Israel. I recall an episode of “The Jeffersons” decades ago, where the son Lionel, responded to his father’s “I’ll disown you” with, “You can’t cause you don’t own me”. Hmmm. Right he was. As our World gets crazier, we can choose our reactions. I just finished an excellent book called “Drama-free”. Coincidence? Nothing is by accident as Rabbi Goldberg reminds us. For all the internet/social media trolls, hostile agitators, & those lost in space, please seek help. It’s better to live aware & contemplative than in follower mode. Time is precious. Chaplains care.My favorite psalm has me lying in lush green pastures & tranquil waters. I go there in my mind & in real-time. I certainly will not submit to fear, gratefully owning my own thoughts & feelings. We enjoy more privacy post-relocation which was certainly worth the trip-along with Dunkin LOL.Those folks making demands? Good luck in real life. Let’s see how that goes. Sadly, there will be those who resist the opportunity to advance. Some blossom, others wilt. Not every relationship is meant to last forever. Acceptance is liberating, including the new reality out there. Faith=freedom. It is what it is, for now. Meanwhile, on we go, forward march, individually & collectively, I hope. A dog park we observed had posted rules stressing boundaries & limits for dogs AND their owners, LOL. I’d say those same socialization rules apply to people though some must have missed the boat somewhere. Perhaps they should teach it in Poison-Ivy league schools if faculty weren’t so busy rabble-rousing. It’s a better ROI. Sure beats artificial intelligence.Wishing all a peaceful & connected Shabbos/weekend. We’ve got our freshly-baked shlissel challah ready, prepared with love & prayers. We share ❤️🌞 Thank you Hashem/God! ✡️🌷

    • Sarah Gordon (Newcomb) on LinkedIn: “Friends”-WhodiniLyrics: “We like to be with some because they’re funny.… (28)



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  • Sarah Gordon (Newcomb)

    Devoted Wife Thank you Hashem! Certified Chaplain. Editor in Chief-The Pulse. Realtor. LIVE Music/Talk Radio Broadcaster. Personal Cheerleader. Newspaper Columnist. Music healer. Grief Movement Guide. You matter!

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    “Freewill”-RushLyrics: “You can choose a ready guide in some celestial voice. If you choose not to decide, you still have made a choice. You can choose from phantom fears & kindness that can kill. I will choose a path that’s clear, I will choose Freewill.”We can choose our “vibe”: At home, at work, & out on Main Street. Just make them consistent, please. Transparency rules. With the holidays approaching, folks will gather. Some are concerned about the gaslighters among us. Or those we have elected. Blamers are easy to spot-they portray a victim stance.Evolved people however can choose redemption. As Rabbi Goldberg reminds us, “Partner with God in bringing THE redemption. He is the Boss AND our initiative matters. I heard about “The Golden Bachelor”. No, I did not see it. It sounds like folks were lacking flexibility, & surely commitment. They chalked it up to challenges of dating later in life. I chalk it up to people being set in their ways & unwilling to advance. Been there, worth it.We are worthy of our dreams as well as turning them into action. This weekend-Shabbos HaGadol, is the anniversary of my infamous fight with God, after my Covid bout 2020. Miracles occurred for me then. What happened next, I chose & God blessed, as I embarked upon a healing journey inside & out. Shortly after, I met & married my cherished husband. While speaking with an Amazon representative, she remarked “Lipstick makes us beautiful”. Well, it helps although I doubt it would help without feeling beautiful inside. Choosing Joy no matter what is possible, even tearfully. U-2 Singer Bono, who changed the lyrics to his song “Pride-In the name of love” after 10/7 in alignment with Israel, said this, “Joy is the ultimate act of defiance.” Indeed. Choice is always empowering.Still no artificial intelligence or artificial anything for me. We keep it real &in the moment, Chaplain style. Rabbi Goldberg suggests we clear the chometz apps from our phones, as time is our most precious commodity, & engaged in-person connection overrides scrolling.A lizard planted himself on our screen door for 2 days. I encouraged him to go free & enjoy the big, wide world, what I do best. Why limit himself? LOL. He took my advice. Gotta laugh sometimes. We’d go crazy otherwise. Balance is a superpower. So are boundaries.Wishing all a peaceful & connected Shabbos/Holiday/Weekend. We all deserve it. To those who are alone or who feel alone-we hear you. Our Welcome Mat is always out.🤝We’ll be offline for a couple of weeks. Taking our prayers for all of you with us wherever we go. See ya on the other side friends. The Guardian of Israel never slumbers or sleeps. Am Yisroel Chai! Thank you Hashem! 🌞✡️❤️🌷

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  • Sarah Gordon (Newcomb)

    Devoted Wife Thank you Hashem! Certified Chaplain. Editor in Chief-The Pulse. Realtor. LIVE Music/Talk Radio Broadcaster. Personal Cheerleader. Newspaper Columnist. Music healer. Grief Movement Guide. You matter!

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    “High hopes”-Doris DayLyrics: ”Just what makes a little ole ant think he’ll move a rubber tree plant? Anyone knows an ant can’t move a rubber tree plant. But he’s got high hopes, he’s got high apple pie in the sky hopes. So anytime you’re getting’ low, ‘stead of lettin’ go, just remember that ant.” Well, I remember this song for decades as well as the message about the determined ant. I have applied it many times. And come to think of it, How does little Israel believe they will be victorious against a hostile World? They just know. So do I. The founder of Dagostino law firm describes how his Dad had a disabling accident yet went on to found a successful business. That was his own impetus to build a law firm representing accident victims. He had high hopes, thankfully. Governor Abbott does not let his physical limitations get in the way of his Texas leadership. His high hopes paid off for his constituents, despite NYC mayor’s attempt at gaslighting. John Catsimatidis shares his rags to riches story with his listeners at 77WABC Radio, which he owns, & which has become the voice of reason & certainly on behalf of Israel & all the many injustices inflicted upon President Trump. Truth is mighty powerful. Radio rules.Unless they tell us, we never know who is reading our newspaper columns, articles, or listening in on our radio broadcasts. In life we are always being watched. Impact is being made all the time: At home, at work, & out on Main Street. And up in the heavens of course.We can supersede our pasts. I used to be afraid of elevators. This week, when an elevator stalled, I reminded myself that I am safe no matter what happens. Victory 101-beyond elevators.There’s a Muscovy duck with high hopes who walks a long path from the lake in search of food. He waddles slowly yet determinedly. I admire him. Taking initiative is empowering.Small steps go a long way. So does taking things one day at a time. We attract good vibes when we believe we are worth it. Local kids stood out on a hot day selling lemonade in order to raise funds for Israel. Budding entrepreneurs with high hopes open my wallet & heart any day.It seems that courage stems from the soul. Healing starts when we redefine our concept of normal. It’s only by changing our perception that we can truly begin to heal. Our choice. When President Trump won the first time, I thought, “A fellow Realtor from Queens”? Wowee. And now, with his proven ability despite pushback, it will likely happen again. High hopes come full circle. Time for us to move forward. Quicksand gets us nowhere fast.Israel retains high hopes because we know THE highest power/creator of the World stands with us. My husband & I turn our concern into expressive action. The bad guys want to instill fear. Chaplains choose to give more love & comfort to more people, our saving grace. Thank you Hashem/God! We shall prevail.🙏❤️✡️High hopes indeed 🎯

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  • Sarah Gordon (Newcomb)

    Devoted Wife Thank you Hashem! Certified Chaplain. Editor in Chief-The Pulse. Realtor. LIVE Music/Talk Radio Broadcaster. Personal Cheerleader. Newspaper Columnist. Music healer. Grief Movement Guide. You matter!

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    “Gonna fly now”-Theme from Rocky Lyrics: “Trying hard now. It’s so hard now. He’s ready, gonna make a move. Getting strong now. Won’t be long now. Gonna fly now, flying high now, gonna fly.”I loved the Rocky film, sans the violence. The little old trainer was Rocky’s cheerleader, along with his wife of course. Everybody needs their person who believes in them: At home, at work, & out on Main Street. Dare we be that person for someone else?We’ve just got to be better. I almost don’t recognize the USA anymore. I do believe things are about to turn around though, beyond an eclipse or earthquake. Something bigger. We’re still feeling the after-shocks of the Ishay Ribo musical prayer concert the other night. We are hard-wired for connection. What gets in the way of the expansion of our souls? I’ll always recall the scene where Rocky stands at the top of a huge flight of stairs heading toward victory. Reminds me of President Trump. I too stood on the top of courthouse stairs in victory, after many years of wondering if I would. I hoped I would fly, till I took that first step. No matter who tried to hold me back, or who still does. Empowerment 101-God wins.Teams make all the difference. People want to belong. Sid Rosenberg, Radio Host at WABC Radio takes big chances which have gotten him very far at work & in life. His theory is that protestors or anyone following hype including eclipses are desperate to be part of something. Anything. I find it interesting that the loud voices are largely angry females. I also find it interesting that this population is largely unheard in their countries of origin. On the other hand, intentional behavior is wise. Real leadership walks the talk, as well as encourages folks to be their best. Our genuine leaders/Rabbis which we are privileged to flock to, introduced us to a remarkable mother from Israel who lost one holy son while protecting Israel in the IDF. She is now sending a second son in to service with a blessing (see image). That kind of strength is just beyond me. Yet purpose is a mighty powerful thing.Healing through trauma is based on “what happens next”. Safe Support is essential. Folks who move forward despite an agitator’s indifference or without closure deserve a medal of honor in my Chaplain book. Sadly there will be those who refuse to heal. We pray for them.My husband & I feel gratitude is the secret sauce. Without it, those never satisfied folks remain stuck sadly. There’s always something to be grateful for & of course there’s always, always Hope. Let go & let God, 1 day at a time.While at the shooting range, our IDF guide asked us to be “aggressive”. We’re not passive nor aggressive & thankfully not passive-aggressive. We're determined though to assertively protect ourselves & our communities. We may not be snipers, LOL yet we will prevail. The bad guy targets (see image) helped, no doubt. Wishing all a peaceful & connected Shabbos/weekend. Thank you Hashem/God! ❤️✡️🌻

    • Sarah Gordon (Newcomb) on LinkedIn: “Friends”-WhodiniLyrics: “We like to be with some because they’re funny.… (41)



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Sarah Gordon (Newcomb) on LinkedIn: “Friends”-WhodiniLyrics: “We like to be with some because they’re funny.… (44)

Sarah Gordon (Newcomb) on LinkedIn: “Friends”-WhodiniLyrics: “We like to be with some because they’re funny.… (45)


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Sarah Gordon (Newcomb) on LinkedIn: “Friends”-Whodini

Lyrics: “We like to be with some because they’re funny.… (2024)


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Name: Golda Nolan II

Birthday: 1998-05-14

Address: Suite 369 9754 Roberts Pines, West Benitaburgh, NM 69180-7958

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Job: Sales Executive

Hobby: Worldbuilding, Shopping, Quilting, Cooking, Homebrewing, Leather crafting, Pet

Introduction: My name is Golda Nolan II, I am a thoughtful, clever, cute, jolly, brave, powerful, splendid person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.