Television Archive News Search Service (2024)



Date Archived



26 26

Senate Majority Leader McConnell News Conference : CSPAN : June 17, 2018 12:07pm-12:20pm EDT

Jun 17, 2018 06/18



Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) spoke to reporters about the U.S.-North Korea summit and various other topics following a lunch with his conference on Capitol Hill. Sponsor: U.S. Senate | Ohio Clock
Topics: singapore, china, north korea, south korea, kentucky, russia
Source: Comcast Cable


22 22

Supreme Court Wayfair Decision Implications : CSPAN : July 29, 2018 4:47am-7:00am EDT

Jul 29, 2018 07/18



The House Judiciary Committee held a hearing to examine the implications of the Supreme Court decision in South Dakota v. Wayfair regarding online sales taxes. The court ruled that states can charge sales taxes on online purchases from retailers without a physical presence in the state. In the hearing, lawmakers focused on the ruling's impact on states and small businesses. Topics included compliance costs for small businesses and Congress's role moving forward regarding online sales taxes....
Topics: utah, california, washington, south dakota, texas, mr. norquist, georgia, utah, mr. pincus,...
Source: Comcast Cable


38 38

Secretary of State Pompeo Remarks on Iran : CSPAN : May 22, 2018 1:02am-1:37am EDT

May 22, 2018 05/18



Secretary of State Mike Pompeo delivered remarks at the Heritage Foundation on the administration's new Iran strategy saying the U.S. would ensure Iran never has a path to a nuclear weapon. He said the administration would "apply unprecedented financial pressure" on the Iranian government, emphasizing that actions would be the "strongest in history." In addition, he outlined the administration's list of demands from the Iranian government, notably stopping all uranium...
Topics: iran, iran, jcpoa, mr. pompeo, hezbollah, jcpoa, tehran, israel, syria, europe, rouhani,...
Source: Comcast Cable


48 48

Senate Foreign... : CSPAN : September 7, 2013 10:00am-10:51am EDT

Sep 7, 2013 09/13



Series/Special. New.
Topics: syria, assad, iran, israel, hezbollah, kerry, russia, iraq, dempsey, u.n., bashar al-assad, china,...
Source: Comcast Cable


19 19

Syrian Dissidents Testify Before Senate Foreign Relations Committee : CSPAN : March 15, 2020 3:14pm-3:57pm EDT

Mar 15, 2020 03/20



Following closed-door testimony from a Syrian military defector, the Senate Foreign Relations Committee heard from two more Syrian dissidents who detailed their accounts of torture and imprisonment under the Assad regime. They urged the U.S. to be more engaged in Syria, specifically targeting the involvement of Iran and Russia. Sponsor: Senate Foreign Relations Committee
Topics: syria, russia, turkey, europe, un, germany, nato, menendez, caesar, sweden
Source: Comcast Cable


85 85

Supreme Court Nominee Stresses Independence, Calls Criticism of Judges "Disheartening" : CSPAN : March 22, 2017 2:10am-4:12am EDT

Mar 22, 2017 03/17



Judge Neil Gorsuch testifies for a second day as the Senate Judiciary Committee considered his nomination to the Supreme Court. People: Neil Gorsuch Sponsor: Senate Judiciary Committee
Topics: gorsuch, mr. priebus, chevron, merrick garland, byron white, smith, mr. mehlman, ohio, originalism,...
Source: Comcast Cable


82 82

Supreme Court Oral Argument Sessions v. Dimaya : CSPAN : April 18, 2018 4:00am-5:01am EDT

Apr 18, 2018 04/18



The Supreme Court ruled 5-4 in Sessions v. Dimaya a case that focused on immigration law and deportations. This case is a re-argument from the previous term when there were only eight justices due to the death of Justice Antonin Scalia. Justice Neil Gorsuch who replaced him joined the majority with Justices Ruth Bader Ginsburg, Stephen Breyer, Elena Kagan and Sonia Sotomayor in ruling that the definition of a "crime of violence" used in deportation sections of immigration law is...
Topics: mr. kneedler, mr. rosenkranz, johnson, gorsuch, kagan, california, sotomayor, acca, breyer,...
Source: Comcast Cable


43 43

Secretary DeVos Presser on Sexual Assault in Schools : CSPAN : July 13, 2017 10:59pm-11:17pm EDT

Jul 14, 2017 07/17



Education Secretary Betsy DeVos met with sexual assault survivors, men's rights advocates and education officials as part of an evaluation of Obama administration policies regarding sexual assault on college campuses. Following the meetings, she met with reporters to take questions on the future of Title IX polices which prohibit discrimination in federally funded educational programs. People: Betsy DeVos Sponsor: U.S. Department of Education
Topics: christopher wray, virginia
Source: Comcast Cable


19 19

Sec. Alex Azar on 2019 HHS Budget : CSPAN : May 11, 2018 3:34am-5:39am EDT

May 11, 2018 05/18



Health & Human Services Secretary Alex Azar testified on his agency's fiscal year 2019 budget request before the Senate Appropriations Subcommittee on Labor, Health and Human Services, Education & Related Agencies. He also talked about efforts to address the opioid epidemic and the high cost of prescription drugs. Sen. Roy Blunt (R-MO) chairs the subcommittee while Sen. Patty Murray (D-WA) serves as the ranking member. Sponsor: Senate Appropriations Subcommittee on Labor, Health and...
Topics: murray, obama, nih, cdc, alzheimer, washington, tennessee, indiana, new york city, fda, ebola,...
Source: Comcast Cable


24 24

Jun 8, 2018 06/18



Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) was the first speaker at a conference of the Faith and Freedom and Coalition in Washington, DC. He spoke about what he called "victories" for the conservative agenda involving religious freedom, abortion prevention, tax reform, health care and school choice. Sponsor: Faith and Freedom Coalition
Topics: israel, jerusalem, jimmy kimmel, obama administration, marco rubio, the irs, colorado, baker, texas
Source: Comcast Cable


23 23

State of the Union Studio Production : CSPAN : February 5, 2019 10:50pm-11:12pm EST

Feb 6, 2019 02/19



[LIVE] C-SPAN previews President Trump's State of the Union address to a joint session of Congress and hears reaction and response from viewers and lawmakers after the speech. Sponsor: C-SPAN
Topics: vietnam, katherine, louisiana, trump, virginia, pittsburgh, steve, u.s.a., jerusalem, north korea,...
Source: Comcast Cable


46 46

Senate Energy Hearing on Interior Budget : CSPAN : March 13, 2018 10:08am-12:01pm EDT

Mar 13, 2018 03/18



[LIVE] The Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee holds a hearing to examine the president's 2019 budget request for the Interior Department. Interior Secretary Ryan Zinke will testify. Sponsor: Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee
Topics: sec, zinke, utah, alaska, murkowski, nevada, minnesota, florida, cantwell, maine, eis, wyden,...
Source: Comcast Cable


79 79

s March : CSPAN : January 21, 2018 10:34am-12:40pm EST

Jan 21, 2018 01/18



Sponsor: Women's March on Washington
Topics: virginia, washington, california, alabama, ms. mason, donald trump, mr. perez, new york, maryland,...
Source: Comcast Cable


14 14

Sen. Romney on Covid-19 Pandemic at Georgetown University : CSPAN : April 29, 2020 3:49pm-5:01pm EDT

Apr 29, 2020 04/20



Sen. Mitt Romney (R-UT) participated in a Georgetown University virtual conversation on American leadership during times of crisis, specifically the coronavirus pandemic. He criticized the government's initial response to the pandemic, saying he thought the "world was surprised" at the U.S. response and later said, "the willingness of the federal government to step in and coordinate everything from PPE to testing to repair of our hospital systems and so forthnone of those things...
Topics: china, romney, trump, georgetown, mitt romney, germany, google, amazon, washington, matt, andy...
Source: Comcast Cable


20 20

Mar 18, 2020 03/20



[LIVE] Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL), the chair of the Small Business Committee, and Sen. Susan Collins (R-ME) hold a news conference on the economic stimulus provisions in the coronavirus aid package. Sponsor: U.S. Capitol
Topics: rubio, collins, washington, bothe
Source: Comcast Cable


58 58

Sep 10, 2019 09/19



Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) and House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) held a news conference on the Bipartisan Background Checks Act of 2019. They urged Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) to bring up the House passed bill on the floor for a vote. Other notable speakers included Dayton, Ohio Mayor Nan Whaley (D) and Rep. Veronica Escobar (D), who represents El Paso, Texas. Sponsor: U.S. Capitol
Topics: mcconnell, dayton, escobar, trump, house, mitch mcconnell, pelosi, texas, thompson, schumer,...
Source: Comcast Cable


79 79

Senator Lindsey Graham at The Atlantic Festival : CSPAN : October 3, 2018 8:00pm-8:31pm EDT

Oct 4, 2018 10/18



In this portion of The Atlantic Festival, Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC) talked about his role as a senator during the Trump administration. Much of Senator Graham's remarks were focused on Supreme Court nominee Judge Brett Kavanaugh, who the week prior had testified before the Senate Judiciary Committee about allegations he sexually assaulted Professor Christine Blasey Ford while the two were in high school. Senator Graham criticized Democrats' handling of the accusations, and defended Judge...
Topics: graham, brett kavanaugh, john mccain, kavanaugh, north korea, hawaii, trump, sotomayor, south...
Source: Comcast Cable


23 23

Speaker Pelosi Hosts G7 Parliament Speakers Meeting on Climate Change : CSPAN : September 19, 2020 4:24pm-5:50pm EDT

Sep 19, 2020 09/20



House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) hosted a virtual meeting on climate change with the parliamentary speakers and legislative presidents of the G7 nations. Representatives from the U.K., Canada, Japan, Italy, Germany and the European Union spoke about legislating during a pandemic and the climate crisis. Following their opening remarks, the Dalai Lama, environmental activist Jane Goodall and former Energy Secretary Ernest Moniz addressed the meeting, focusing on the urgency for collective action...
Topics: pelosi, goodall, canada, u.k., nancy, ginsburg, moniz, australia, nancy pelosi, tanzania, uk, eu,...
Source: Comcast Cable


21 21

Socialism vs. Capitalism Debate at Steamboat Freedom Conference : CSPAN : September 6, 2019 1:56am-3:01am EDT

Sep 6, 2019 09/19



During the 2019 Steamboat Institute Freedom Conference in Steamboat, Colorado, Stephen Moore, former Trump campaign economic adviser, and Bhaskar Sunkara, "Jacobin Magazine" publisher, participated in a debate on conservatism vs. socialism. Sponsor: Steamboat Institute
Topics: bhaskar, stephen, jillian, washington, europe, finland, d.c., china, russia, new york, michigan,...
Source: Comcast Cable


19 19

Speaker Paul Ryan and Leader Mitch McConnell Hold News Conference : CSPAN : January 26, 2017 10:49am-11:10am EST

Jan 26, 2017 01/17



Speaker of the House Paul Ryan (R-WI) and Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) held a press conference at the congressional Republican retreat in Philadelphia. They talked about their party's legislative and policy agenda for the first 200 days of the Trump administration, and took questions from reporters about how they plan to achieve their goals. They said they that by August 2017, they would like to enact new legislation addressing health care, tax and regulatory policy. People:...
Topics: clinton, chuck schumer, mr. mcconnell, mr. ryan, washington, obama, obama, philadelphia, mexico
Source: Comcast Cable


7 7.0

Senate Intelligence Committee Hearing on Declassification Policy : CSPAN : September 9, 2020 3:16pm-4:55pm EDT

Sep 9, 2020 09/20



[LIVE] The Senate Intelligence Committee holds an open hearing discussing declassification policy and possible changes to the process. Sponsor: Senate Select Intelligence Committee
Topics: dni, rubio, reagan, moran, wyden, feinstein, national archives, tierney, king, joe biden, china,...
Source: Comcast Cable


46 46

Supreme Court Nominee Brett Kavanaugh Confirmation Hearing - Day 2, Part 1 : CSPAN : September 8, 2018 12:03pm-3:07pm EDT

Sep 8, 2018 09/18



Judge Brett Kavanaugh testified before the Senate Judiciary Committee on his nomination to serve on the U.S. Supreme Court. Judge Kavanaugh serves on the D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals. He was questioned by committee members on such issues as judicial independence, presidential pardons, Roe v. Wade, assault weapons, and whether a sitting president is required to respond to a subpoena. Sponsor: Senate Judiciary Committee
Topics: kavanaugh, feinstein, casey, mr. miranda, leahy, nixon, obama, bush, clinton, sotomayor, kagan,...
Source: Comcast Cable


31 31

Senate Budget Committee Votes on 2020 Budget Resolution - Amendment Consideration : CSPAN : March 31, 2019 1:36am-4:00am EDT

Mar 31, 2019 03/19



The Senate Budget Committee met for the second day of a two-day markup of the 2020 budget resolution proposed by Chair Mike Enzi (R-WY). This portion of the hearing was designated for the consideration of amendments to the resolution offered by committee members, and the amendments addressed issues including tax reform, border security, housing affordability, disaster relief, agriculture programs and prescription drug pricing. Sponsor: Senate Budget Committee
Topics: harris, missouri, johnson, grassley, trump, cain, scott, nebraska, pentagon, van hollen, maryland,...
Source: Comcast Cable


23 23

State of the Union Reaction : CSPAN : February 4, 2020 10:43pm-11:01pm EST

Feb 5, 2020 02/20



[LIVE] C-SPAN opens the phones for viewers' reaction to the president's State of the Union address. Sponsor: C-SPAN
Topics: nancy pelosi, donald trump, trump, obama, alabama, pelosi
Source: Comcast Cable


31 31

Special IG for Afghanistan Reconstruction Testifies Before House Foreign Affairs Committee : CSPAN : January 15, 2020 10:04pm-12:23am EST

Jan 16, 2020 01/20



John Sopko, special inspector general for Afghanistan reconstruction (SIGAR), testified before the House Foreign Affairs Committee. He outlined the findings and recommendations of recent agency reports, focusing on lessons learned from U.S. reconstruction efforts in Afghanistan. Sponsor: House Foreign Affairs Committee
Topics: afghanistan, mr. sopko, taliban, sopko, iraq, washington, trump, bush, isis, iran, usaid, al qaeda,...
Source: Comcast Cable


52 52

Seven Russian Intelligence Officers Charged with Hacking : CSPAN : October 4, 2018 9:23pm-10:00pm EDT

Oct 5, 2018 10/18



Justice Department officials announced charges of hacking against seven Russian military intelligence officers. The operatives are accused of breaking into databases of American, Canadian and European anti-doping agencies in hopes of releasing information on athletes ahead of the 2016 Summer Olympics in Rio de Janeiro. Members of the Russian team were barred from participating there after anti-doping officials found Russian athletes illegally used performance-enhancing drugs at the 2014 Winter...
Topics: russia, westinghouse, fbi, switzerland, pennsylvania, brett kavanaugh, canada, nationstates, scott...
Source: Comcast Cable


63 63

Secretary Pompeo Speaks at U.N. Security Council Meeting on Venezuela : CSPAN : January 26, 2019 2:00pm-2:10pm EST

Jan 26, 2019 01/19



Secretary of State Mike Pompeo spoke at a U.N. Security Council meeting on the political situation in Venezuela, where National Assembly President Juan Guaidó has declared himself the nation's acting president. Sponsor: United Nations
Topics: maduro, venezuela, nicolas maduro, russia, juan guaido, china, guaido, caracas, washington, trump,...
Source: Comcast Cable


78 78

Senate Debate : CSPAN : April 29, 2013 7:00pm-8:16pm EDT

Apr 29, 2013 04/13



South Carolina Senate Debate News/Business. (2013) Elizabeth Colbert Busch (D) debates former Gov. Mark Sanford (R); from Charleston, S.C. New.
Topics: washington, south carolina, sanford, d.c., charleston, nancy pelosi, boeing, julia, mrs. colbert,...
Source: Comcast Cable


23 23

Supreme Court Oral Argument in Trump v. Vance : CSPAN : May 12, 2020 12:03pm-1:23pm EDT

May 12, 2020 05/20



[LIVE] The Supreme Court hears oral argument via teleconference due to the coronavirus pandemic. This case involves presidential immunity and the New York District Attorney's investigation into the Trump Organization. Sponsor: U.S. Supreme Court
Topics: doj, nixon, clinton, alito, sotomayor, new york, kagan, ginsburg, kavanaugh, house, white house,...
Source: Comcast Cable


15 15

Select Subcommittee on Coronavirus Crisis Hears From Public Health Experts : CSPAN : May 13, 2020 10:46pm-12:04am EDT

May 14, 2020 05/20



The Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Crisis held its first hearing with public health experts, including former FDA Commissioners Dr. Scott Gottlieb (Trump Administration, 2017-19) and Dr. Mark McClellan (George W. Bush Administration, 2002-06). The witnesses discussed the need to have robust testing and adequate contact tracing in place, the flattening of the curve, that reopening should be done with an abundance of caution, and mitigation practices to slow the spread of the virus should...
Topics: clyburn, china, gottlieb, benjamin, jha, mcclellan, georgia, fda, scalise, harvard, maryland,...
Source: Comcast Cable


32 32

State Department Budget Briefing : CSPAN : March 11, 2019 3:44pm-4:01pm EDT

Mar 11, 2019 03/19



Deputy Secretary of State John Sullivan and others talked to reporters regarding the President's 2020 budget request for the agency and USAID. Sponsor: Department of State
Topics: usaid, china, venezuela, trump, russia, john, europe
Source: Comcast Cable


7 7.0

SOT - Newsmakers - Rep. Steny Hoyer (D-MD) on Health Care Law Repeal : CSPAN : January 15, 2017 3:40am-3:43am EST

Jan 15, 2017 01/17



Topics: washington, steny hoyer
Source: Comcast Cable


21 21

Social Media Companies' Legal Responsibility Regarding Users' Content : CSPAN : September 6, 2019 11:05am-11:31am EDT

Sep 6, 2019 09/19



[LIVE] Policy experts debate what legal responsibility social media companies should have under the 1996 Communications Decency Act regarding the content users post on their platforms. Sponsor: American Enterprise Institute
Topic: europe
Source: Comcast Cable


23 23

Secretary of State Pompeo Testifies on 2021 Budget Request - Part 2 : CSPAN : July 30, 2020 11:30pm-1:02am EDT

Jul 31, 2020 07/20



Following a short break, the Senate Foreign Relations Committee continued their hearing with Secretary of State Mike Pompeo on his agency's 2021 budget request. Sponsor: Senate Foreign Relations Committee
Topics: china, afghanistan, russia, u.n., trump, germany, europe, ukraine, iran, taiwan, hong kong, isis,...
Source: Comcast Cable


71 71

Senate Commerce Subcommittee Hearing on Robocalls : CSPAN : April 14, 2019 3:12am-5:08am EDT

Apr 14, 2019 04/19



A Senate Commerce, Science and Transportation subcommittee held a hearing to examine an FCC report on robocalls and review steps Congress is taking to provide relief from the illegal calls. The subcommittee heard testimony from Nebraska Attorney General Doug Peterson (R), USTelecom vice president Kevin Rupy and National Consumer Law Center senior counsel Margot Saunders about how the industry and regulators are trying to crack down on robocalls. The witnesses offered their support for the...
Topics: fcc, schatz, peterson, sec, indiana, mr. peterson, ftc, d.c., at&t, ag, telecom, fischer,...
Source: Comcast Cable


38 38

Sen. John McCain National Cathedral Memorial Service : CSPAN : September 1, 2018 1:22pm-2:56pm EDT

Sep 1, 2018 09/18



Former Presidents Barack Obama and George W. Bush spoke at a national memorial service honoring the life of the late Sen. John McCain (R-AZ). The service took place at the Washington National Cathedral in Washington, DC. Sponsor: U.S. Senate | McCain, J. (R-AZ),National Cathedral
Topics: john, john mccain, mccain, vietnam, jerusalem, washington, hanoi, clinton, hanoi hilton, bush,...
Source: Comcast Cable


76 76

Secretary Tillerson Briefs Reporters on the U.S. Military Approach in Afghanistan : CSPAN : August 22, 2017 11:29pm-11:57pm EDT

Aug 23, 2017 08/17



Secretary of State Rex Tillerson spoke to reporters at the State Department and further explained the military and diplomatic strategies in Afghanistan that he and other Trump administration officials would pursue. He also talked about what the administration expects from Pakistan in working toward peaceful reconciliation. Just before taking questions from reporters, Secretary Tillerson noted that North Korea had not launched any missles or made any "provocative acts" since the U.N....
Topics: pakistan, afghanistan, india, russia, north korea, washington, taliban
Source: Comcast Cable


34 34

StudentCam - Second Prize High School : CSPAN : April 13, 2018 1:38am-1:50am EDT

Apr 13, 2018 04/18



This month on C-SPAN we feature our StudentCam contest winners. Our Second Prize High School East winners are Mia & Ava Lazar - 8th and 10th graders at Blacksburg High School in Blacksburg, Virginia. In their winning entry titled "The Equal Protection Clause: Creating a More Perfect Union", they tell us about the 14th Amendment. Sponsor: C-SPAN | Education Relations
Topics: virginia, washington
Source: Comcast Cable


11 11

Speaker Ryan News Conference : CSPAN : February 15, 2018 6:09pm-6:17pm EST

Feb 15, 2018 02/18



During his weekly briefing, House Speaker Paul Ryan (R-WI) responded to questions about the school shooting in Parkland, Florida. The speaker said if mentally ill people are accessing guns due to cracks in the system, then lawmakers should address those issues. He said the House passed legislation to improve background checks and that proposal "is sitting in the Senate." Sponsor: U.S. Capitol | House Radio and Television Gallery
Topics: mr. ryan, china, texas
Source: Comcast Cable


16 16

Senator Bill Cassidy Town Hall Meeting : CSPAN : July 1, 2017 5:53am-7:01am EDT

Jul 1, 2017 07/17



Senator Bill Cassidy (R-LA) hosted a town hall meeting with constituents in Baton Rouge. People: Bill Cassidy M.D. Sponsor: U.S. Senate | Cassidy, B. (R-LA)
Topics: cassidy, louisiana, fema, washington, johnson, california, edwards, lastly, vietnam, obama...
Source: Comcast Cable


36 36

Senate Judiciary Committee Takes Up Judicial Nominations : CSPAN : September 25, 2017 3:26am-5:57am EDT

Sep 25, 2017 09/17



The Senate Judiciary Committee held a confirmation hearing for Allison Eid to serve on the U. S. Tenth Circuit Court of Appeals. If confirmed, Ms. Eid would fill the seat vacated by Supreme Court Justice Neil Gorsuch. Following Ms. Eid's testimony, four nominees for federal district court judgeships in Alabama, Georgia, and North Carolina answered questions from the committee. Sponsor: Senate Judiciary Committee
Topics: georgia, colorado, north carolina, grassley, coons, tillis, trump, alabama, chicago, justice eid,...
Source: Comcast Cable


24 24

Senators Debate Partial Health Care Repeal : CSPAN : July 28, 2017 5:05pm-6:34pm EDT

Jul 28, 2017 07/17



Senators debated the so-called "Skinny Repeal" health care legislation. Sponsor: U.S. Senate
Topics: wyoming, mrs. murray, murray, washington, john mccain, united states senate, montana, kasich,...
Source: Comcast Cable


28 28

Senate Commerce Subcommittee Hearing on Robocalls : CSPAN : April 11, 2019 2:15pm-4:10pm EDT

Apr 11, 2019 04/19



A Senate Commerce, Science and Transportation subcommittee held a hearing to examine an FCC report on robocalls and review steps Congress is taking to provide relief from the illegal calls. The subcommittee heard testimony from Nebraska Attorney General Doug Peterson (R), USTelecom vice president Kevin Rupy and National Consumer Law Center senior counsel Margot Saunders about how the industry and regulators are trying to crack down on robocalls. The witnesses offered their support for the...
Topics: fcc, schatz, peterson, sec, mr. peterson, ftc, washington, d.c., markey, ms. saunders, nebraska,...
Source: Comcast Cable


10 10.0

StudentCam - Second Prize High School : CSPAN : April 15, 2018 1:19am-1:29am EDT

Apr 15, 2018 04/18



This month on C-SPAN we feature our StudentCam contest winners. Our Second Prize High School West winners are Payam Abedi & Kyle Dees - 12th graders at Scripps Ranch High School in San Diego, California. In their winning entry titled "Fading Liberty", they tell us about the 2nd Amendment. Sponsor: C-SPAN | Education Relations
Topics: washington, russia
Source: Comcast Cable


9 9.0

Sarah Wire : CSPAN : January 12, 2019 8:54pm-9:02pm EST

Jan 13, 2019 01/19



Los Angeles Times Congressional Reporter Sarah Wire from Capitol Hill discussed the disaster relief bill scheduled to be debated in the House next week and the Trump Administration's proposal to use disaster aid funds from last year to pay for a border wall along the southern border. Sponsor: C-SPAN
Topics: california, l.a., sarah, william barr
Source: Comcast Cable


30 30

Nov 3, 2017 11/17



House and Senate Democratic leaders held a news conference to discuss the House GOP's tax reform proposal. They said the proposal offered too many tax breaks to corporations and rich individuals at the expense of low- and middle-income taxpayers, and predicted the legislation wouldn't pass through the House and Senate by regular order. Sponsor: U.S. Capitol | House Radio and Television Gallery
Topics: california, schumer, new york, donald trump, kansas
Source: Comcast Cable


24 24

Secretary of State Pompeo Remarks on Iran : CSPAN : May 22, 2018 6:24am-7:00am EDT

May 22, 2018 05/18



Secretary of State Mike Pompeo delivered remarks at the Heritage Foundation on the administration's new Iran strategy saying the U.S. would ensure Iran never has a path to a nuclear weapon. He said the administration would "apply unprecedented financial pressure" on the Iranian government, emphasizing that actions would be the "strongest in history." In addition, he outlined the administration's list of demands from the Iranian government, notably stopping all uranium...
Topics: iran, iran, jcpoa, mr. pompeo, hezbollah, jcpoa, tehran, israel, nevada, syria, europe, trump,...
Source: Comcast Cable


44 44

Senators Bill Cassidy and Tom Carper Discuss Health Care Law Replacement : CSPAN : June 19, 2017 11:12pm-12:11am EDT

Jun 20, 2017 06/17



Senators Tom Carper (D-DE) and Bill Cassidy (R-LA) talked about legislation to replace the Affordable Care Act. They focused on the bipartisanship challenges on the issue as well as areas for potential compromise. Sponsor: Bloomberg BNA
Topics: washington, cassidy, massachusetts, jonathan, alaska, bna, chuck schumer, romney, louisiana,...
Source: Comcast Cable


40 40

StudentCam - Second Prize High School : CSPAN : April 11, 2018 1:36am-1:48am EDT

Apr 11, 2018 04/18



This month on C-SPAN we feature our StudentCam contest winners. Our Second Prize High School West winners are Jayson Ventura, Elyza de Lara & Marob Wiseman - 10th and 12th graders at Franklin High School in Elk Grove, California. In their winning entry titled "Copy Rights", they tell us about Article 1, Section 8, Clause 8 - Intellectual Property Clause. Sponsor: C-SPAN | Education Relations
Topic: washington
Source: Comcast Cable


18 18

Senate Democrats React to CBO Cost Estimate of GOP Health Care Bill : CSPAN : May 24, 2017 8:00pm-8:20pm EDT

May 25, 2017 05/17



Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) and other Democratic senators held a press conference on the Republican health care law replacement bill, whose scoring was released by the Congressional Budget Office earlier in the day. Sponsor: U.S. Capitol | Senate Radio and Television Gallery
Topics: murray, schumer, washington, murphy, cbo, mcconnell, blumenthal
Source: Comcast Cable


20 20

Nov 19, 2017 11/17



The Counter Extremism Project (CEP) held a panel discussion on efforts to combat global extremist groups' use of social media platforms to recruit and radicalize individuals. Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee Chair Ron Johnson (R-WI) delivered the keynote remarks on legislative efforts to combat the groups. Panelists included New America Vice President Peter Bergen, Dartmouth University's Hany Farid, and former White House Homeland Security Adviser and CEP President...
Topics: isis, dr. farid, johnson, iraq, new america, google, google, france, fran townsend, europe,...
Source: Comcast Cable


27 27

Senate Budget Committee - Tax Reform Bill : CSPAN : November 28, 2017 9:55pm-11:04pm EST

Nov 29, 2017 11/17



The Senate Budget Committee met to approve legislation to reform the tax code and open the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge to expanded oil and gas drilling for consideration on the Senate floor. The committee did so along a party line vote, with its 12 Republicans voting in favor of the measure, and the 11 Democrats voting against it. The committee's meeting was briefly recessed twice at the call of Sen. Mike Enzi (R-WY), the panel's chair, so protesters against the legislation could be removed...
Topics: sanders, powell, murray, merkley, wyden, megan anderson, kaine, maryland, california, richmond...
Source: Comcast Cable


71 71

Speaker Paul Ryan Talks Tax Reform at Heritage Foundation : CSPAN : October 12, 2017 6:28pm-7:01pm EDT

Oct 12, 2017 10/17



Speaker Paul Ryan (R-WI) said lawmakers could remain in Washington for Christmas to vote on tax reform. The speaker's remark came as he delivered remarks at the Heritage Foundation on the Republican efforts to overhaul the U.S. tax code. Sponsor: Heritage Foundation
Topics: mr. ryan, johnson, wisconsin, mr. fuelner, ireland, washington, jack kemp
Source: Comcast Cable


41 41

Senators Bill Cassidy and Tom Carper Discuss Health Care Law Replacement : CSPAN : June 20, 2017 6:00am-7:01am EDT

Jun 20, 2017 06/17



Senators Tom Carper (D-DE) and Bill Cassidy (R-LA) talked about the challenges ahead for passing health care legislation to replace the Affordable Care Act. People: Tom Carper; Bill Cassidy M.D. Sponsor: Bloomberg BNA
Topics: washington, cassidy, bna, chuck schumer, romney, massachusetts, mary moore, jonathan, alaska, bill...
Source: Comcast Cable


48 48

Sebastian Gorka on Combating Terrorism : CSPAN : December 26, 2017 6:04am-6:59am EST

Dec 26, 2017 12/17



Sebastian Gorka, a former deputy assistant to President Trump, discussed the threat of ISIS and contrasted the different counterterrorism approaches of the Obama and Trump administrations. He also gave his views on a range of foreign policy issues involving Russia, the Iran nuclear deal, Brexit and the future of the European Union. He spoke at the Heritage Foundation in Washington, DC. Sponsor: Heritage Foundation
Topics: isis, europe, russia, islam, nato, obama administration, donald trump, syria, israel, eu,...
Source: Comcast Cable


11 11

Senator Kaine on U.S. Missile Strikes in Syria : CSPAN : April 8, 2017 4:44am-4:51am EDT

Apr 8, 2017 04/17



Senator Tim Kaine (D-VA) spoke to a group of reporters following a briefing with administration officials on U.S. air strikes in Syria. The president ordered the strike following a chemical attack that left dozens dead including children. Senator Kaine said he had concerns with the authorization for use of military force and questioned the Trump administration's strategy in Syria moving forward. People: Tim Kaine Sponsor: U.S. Capitol
Topics: syria, obama
Source: Comcast Cable


30 30

Senator Luther Strange Concedes Alabama Senate Primary Runoff Election : CSPAN : September 27, 2017 1:35am-1:50am EDT

Sep 27, 2017 09/17



Sen. Luther Strange (R-AL) delivered a concession speech on the night of the Alabama U.S. Senate Republican primary runoff. Sen. Strange conceded the race to former Alabama Supreme Court Chief Justice Roy Moore, who will face Democrat Doug Jones in the general election on December 12. People: Luther Strange Sponsor: Strange for U.S. Senate
Topics: alabama, washington, melissa
Source: Comcast Cable


20 20

Senate Intel Panel Told 21 States Were Targeted By Russia in 2016 Election : CSPAN : June 22, 2017 3:51am-7:01am EDT

Jun 22, 2017 06/17



Federal intelligence and cybersecurity officials as well as state government and election board leaders testified before the Senate Intelligence Committee about Russian hacking and U.S. elections. Acting Homeland Security Deputy Under Secretary for Cybersecurity Jeanette Manfra said that 21 states were targeted by Russian hacking attempts during the 2016 election cycle, but that no vote tallies were altered. Ms. Manfra and the other witnesses discussed what methods were employed in those...
Topics: russia, fbi, illinois, dhs, indiana, moscow, lawson, rubio, washington, virginia, c-span, dr....
Source: Comcast Cable


30 30

Mar 7, 2018 03/18



Florida Sens. Marco Rubio (R) and Bill Nelson (D) held a news conference to unveil their proposal that would encourage and incentivize states to adopt gun violence restraining orders. This would allow law enforcement and family to obtain court orders to stop a person that poses a threat from having or purchasing guns. The two senators also talked about a broader gun policy bill moving through the Florida legislature in the wake of the Parkland, Florida school shooting that left 17 dead....
Topics: florida, mr. rubio, mr. nelson, rubio, parkland, nelson, washington, maryland, wisconsin, iowa
Source: Comcast Cable


25 25

Secretary of State Swearing-In Ceremony : CSPAN : May 2, 2018 10:03pm-10:22pm EDT

May 3, 2018 05/18



President Trump and Vice President Pence participated in a ceremonial swearing-in for Secretary of State Mike Pompeo at the State Department. Following his oath, Secretary Pompeo talked briefly about the administration's foreign policy objectives. Sponsor: Department of State,White House Travel | DC Event
Topics: mike pompeo, pompeo, mike, washington, kansas
Source: Comcast Cable


55 55

Senate Health Committee Hearing on Vaccines and Outbreaks : CSPAN : March 9, 2019 11:42am-1:34pm EST

Mar 9, 2019 03/19



The Senate Health Committee held a hearing to examine vaccines & preventable outbreaks. Testifying were public health experts and officials, as well as an 18-year-old high school student who grew up in a household led by parents who did not allow their children to receive standard vaccines but had decided to get immunized for hepatitis, influenza and other vaccine-preventable diseases after reaching adulthood. The witnesses talked about the threat of anti-vaccine rhetoric and the recent...
Topics: washington, cdc, murray, massachusetts, tennessee, omer, the cdc, wisconsin, mississippi, fda,...
Source: Comcast Cable


24 24

StudentCam - Second Prize High School : CSPAN : April 15, 2018 4:11am-4:21am EDT

Apr 15, 2018 04/18



This month on C-SPAN we feature our StudentCam contest winners. Our Second Prize High School West winners are Payam Abedi & Kyle Dees - 12th graders at Scripps Ranch High School in San Diego, California. In their winning entry titled "Fading Liberty", they tell us about the 2nd Amendment. Sponsor: C-SPAN | Education Relations
Topics: florida, new hampshire, donald trump
Source: Comcast Cable


85 85

Senator Ben Sasse Delivers Remarks at the Steamboat Freedom Conference : CSPAN : November 26, 2016 10:08pm-10:57pm EST

Nov 27, 2016 11/16



Senator Ben Sasse (R-NE) delivers remarks at the Steamboat Freedom Conference on how American values influence federal policies on the economy, education, and entitlements
Topics: washington, nebraska, d.c., taliban, tocqueville, new hampshire, exceptionalism, afghanistan
Source: Comcast Cable


63 63

Senate Judiciary Subcommittee Hearing on Congressional Term Limits : CSPAN : July 6, 2019 4:41pm-6:30pm EDT

Jul 6, 2019 07/19



The Senate Judiciary Subcommittee on the Constitution held a hearing on congressional accountability. Former U.S. Senator from South Carolina Jim DeMint, in addition to a panel of experts, examined whether term limits are effective, especially when dealing with the lack of trust many voters feel towards the government. Sponsor: Senate Judiciary Subcommittee on Constitution
Topics: washington, demint, hirono, cruz, california, florida, oklahoma, sasse, michigan, san mateo, d.c.,...
Source: Comcast Cable


25 25

Senate Majority Leader McConnell News Conference : CSPAN : December 22, 2017 10:36am-11:04am EST

Dec 22, 2017 12/17



[LIVE] Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) holds a year-end news conference. Sponsor: U.S. Capitol | Senate Radio and Television Gallery
Topics: mcconnell, washington d.c., russia, schumer, steve bannon
Source: Comcast Cable


7 7.0

South Korean Ambassador UN SECURITY COUNCIL : CSPAN : September 5, 2017 1:17am-1:23am EDT

Sep 5, 2017 09/17



U.N. Security Council held an emergency meeting on Monday to talk about North Korea's most recent nuclear test. North Korea claims to have successfully tested a hydrogen bomb over the weekend. Sponsor: United Nations
Topics: north korea, korea, washington
Source: Comcast Cable


39 39

Secretary Mattis: "We're Never Out of Diplomatic Solutions" on North Korea : CSPAN : August 31, 2017 2:57am-3:14am EDT

Aug 31, 2017 08/17



Defense Secretary Mattis welcomed South Korean Defense Minister Song Young-moo to the Pentagon for bilateral discussions on how to respond to the nuclear weapon threat posed by North Korea. When asked by a reporter to respond to President Trump's tweet from earlier that morning that "talking is not the answer" for North Korea, Secretary Mattis responded, "We're never out of diplomatic solutions." People: James N. Mattis; Young-moo Song Sponsor: Department of Defense
Topics: pentagon, north korea, washington, korea, south korea, united nations, eleanor roosevelt
Source: Comcast Cable


32 32

Speaker Pelosi Weekly News Conference : CSPAN : July 26, 2019 10:59am-11:19am EDT

Jul 26, 2019 07/19



[LIVE] House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) holds her weekly news conference with reporters on Capitol Hill. Sponsor: U.S. Capitol | Office of the Speaker of the House
Topics: ms. pelosi, san francisco, mr. mueller, white house, pelosi, nafta, national captioning institute,...
Source: Comcast Cable


13 13

Speaker Paul Ryan: We Will Follow the Facts Wherever They Lead : CSPAN : May 17, 2017 9:00pm-9:05pm EDT

May 18, 2017 05/17



Speaker Paul Ryan (R-WI) and other party leaders spoke to reporters following a House Republican Conference meeting. Speaker Ryan said lawmakers "will follow the facts wherever they lead" following reports that President Trump pressured former FBI Director James Comey to drop the agency probe into former National Security Adviser Mike Flynn. He also said he still has confidence in the president. People: Kevin McCarthy; Paul D. Ryan; Steve Scalise Sponsor: House Republican Conference
Topics: washington, donald trump, trump
Source: Comcast Cable


28 28

Senate Intelligence Panel Warned Russians "Play All Sides" : CSPAN : April 2, 2017 10:33am-12:59pm EDT

Apr 2, 2017 04/17



The Senate Intelligence Committee heard testimony from witnesses on Russian interference in the 2016 presidential election and its capabilities to influence elections in other Western democracies. Clinton Watts, a former FBI special agent with the Joint Terrorism Task Force, detailed how he was hacked by Russia and how Russia was able to interfere in the 2016 elections through various online mechanisms. Other experts who testified cited other instances of Russian interference in democratic...
Topics: russia, mr. watts, europe, fbi, nato, dr. rumer, ukraine, germany, dr. godson, donald trump,...
Source: Comcast Cable


5 5.0

Sen. Kevin Cramer R-ND : CSPAN : November 23, 2020 1:47am-1:50am EST

Nov 23, 2020 11/20



On NBC's "Meet The Press," Senator Kevin Cramer (R-ND) discussed the transfer of presidential power. Sponsor: NBC | "Meet the Press"
Topic: joe biden
Source: Comcast Cable


22 22

Student Cam - 1st Prize High School West : CSPAN : April 18, 2020 11:03pm-11:24pm EDT

Apr 19, 2020 04/20



This month we feature the winners of our StudentCam documentary competition. Our First Prize High School West Winners were Hamid Torabzadeh, Katherine Padilla and Pia Hao, 10th graders at Long Beach Polytechnic High School in Long Beach, California. Sponsor: C-SPAN | Education Relations
Topics: pennsylvania, washington, cdc
Source: Comcast Cable


2 2.0

Scott Wong : CSPAN : April 22, 2019 9:26pm-9:33pm EDT

Apr 23, 2019 04/19



Scott Wong joined us to discuss what happened during Monday's House Democratic Caucus teleconference meeting, the Judiciary Committee subpoena of former White House Counsel Don McGahn and the next steps in following up on the Mueller Report's findings. Sponsor: C-SPAN
Topics: robert mueller, don mcgann, scott, jerry nadler, white house
Source: Comcast Cable


3 3.0

Secretary of State Blinken Testifies on 2022 Budget : CSPAN : June 11, 2021 4:05am-6:37am EDT

Jun 11, 2021 06/21



Secretary of State Antony Blinken testified before the Senate Appropriations Committee on the president's 2022 budget request and the foreign policy priorities of the department. Several members questions Secretary Blinken on the investigation into the origins of the coronavirus, future relations with China, Iran and Russia, and withdrawal from Afghanistan. Sponsor: Senate Appropriations Committee
Topics: china, iran, afghanistan, biden, israel, russia, graham, hamas, blinken, keystone, ukraine, shelby,...
Source: Comcast Cable


5 5.0

Jul 4, 2021 07/21



Senator Rob Portman (R-OH) and former British Prime Minister Theresa May spoke to the McCain Institute about human trafficking and forced labor. Sponsor: McCain Institute for International Leadership
Topics: lebaron, portman, mrs. abrams, u.k., china, fmr, genevieve, sedona, mccain, rob portman, india,...
Source: Comcast Cable

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