The Lost Door - perseph_M (2024)

Table of Contents
Chapter 1: Mirabel Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 2: Mirabel Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 3: Candle And Casita Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 4: Mirabel Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 5: Mirabel, Madam Diaz, and the family Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 6: Mirabel, Alma and Luisa Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 7: Mirabel and Isabella Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 8: Oasis of Eternal Sands Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 9: Caverns of Lost Souls: Part I Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 10: Caverns of Lost Souls: Part II, the end of the Oasis of Eternal Sands. Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 11: The Family Summary: Chapter Text Chapter 12: The Lunar Sanctum: Part I Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 13: The Lunar Sanctum: Part II Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 14: The Lunar Sanctum: Part III Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 15: The Garden of Dreams: Part I Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 16: The Garden of Dreams: Part II Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 17: The Maze of Reflections: Part I Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 18: The Maze of Reflections: Part II Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 19: The Truth Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 20: The Hypnagogic Glade: Part I Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 21: The Hypnagogic Glade: Part II Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 22: The Hypnagogic Glade: Part III Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 23: The Hypnagogic Glade: Part IV Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 24: The Madrigals and Mirabel Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 25: The Hypnagogic Glade: Part V Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: References

Chapter 1: Mirabel


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

Mirabel Madrigal, at the age of eleven, already knew in her heart that she would always be worthless. It seemed that ever since her failed ceremony, something or other, she would be at fault. She had settled into the lonely routine of coming up to her family members and getting ignored and dismissed until Abuela tells her off for distracting and annoying the family, and is pushed away to not “get in the way”. As the years went by, ever since that fateful night, Mirabel has been surely forgotten as background noise. Birthdays were forgotten until last minute and she was often belittled by her Abuela and her eldest sister, Isabella. Mirabel had been depressed by her loneliness and isolation, she had also started losing weight as she lost her appetite.

Mirabel pondered this as she did her usual chores of waking up everyone and setting up the table. She knew it was because she was gift less, people around town would call her “the fake Madrigal” and “gift less one”, but she was determined to make her family proud. She may not have a gift but she would be of use somehow, she just had to keep trying.

After everyone, trailing down slowly, finally got settled in, Abuela started listing of the agenda of the way.

“Pepa, the fields require watering, and the sun must be up for the remainder of the day. Julieta, your tasks remain unchanged—Oh! And Madam Rosa is due for delivery; I expect you to be prepared. Camilo, Madam Vegeras requires assistance with her child after school. Dolores, continue with your usual routine, and alert Julieta when the time comes. Ah, Isa, you will remain with me, my flower. Today, we shall venture into town.” Rattled off Abuela, the family all nodded as they got ready to leave. All but Mirabel, who piped up with a quiet voice,

“What about me?”

Abuela looked annoyed at being addressed, her eyebrows furrowed and stern lips pressed together, she looked as an exemplification of disapproval.

“You,” She sighed, “You can stay and clean the Casita, and look after Antonio,” She said finally. However, Pepa interrupted, “He’ll be with me today, Mama,” . Abuela looked annoyed,

“You’ll be busy with your duties,”

“Its fine, I don’t have much today anyways,” Pepa looked resolute, a glint in her eyes that said she wouldn’t be budging from this decision. Abuela finally relented, and simply said, “Then you’re duties are to clean the Casita.”

Mirabel deflated sadly but nonetheless nodded. She knew this was due to an incident two days ago, when Pepa on her rare days of rest, was playing with Antonio, who at the cusp of two exclaimed happily that he was glad they got to spend time together, as they never did before.

This simple statement caused a shift in her Tia Pepa, resolving to spend more time with him, she reviled Mirabel’s duties of taking care of him. Although she was happy they were spending more time, she was a bit sad and lonely at the change. As she took the piled plates to wash she accidentally bumped into the Isabella who looked visibly angered at the sight of her.

“Ugh, can’t you do anything right? You're always messing things up!” She sneered as the used plates, accidentally dirtied her dress. The plates were broken as well, scattered across the ground as she rushed to pick them up in distress.

"Why can't I do anything right?" The question echoed in her mind, tormenting her with its relentless accusation. She longed to scream, to demand answers from a family that seemed to have none. But instead, she swallowed her pain, burying it deep inside where no one could see.

As she scraped the broken fragments of plates from the floor, Mirabel's mind raced with self doubt and frustration. "I'm sorry, Isa, I didn't mean to..." Her words felt feeble, empty, like a hollow promise she knew she couldn't keep.

“What is this?” Abuela looked angry, “Mirabel, you should be more careful. I thought you outgrew this,” She frowned,

“Do we have to do everything ourselves?”

“No, I'll, um, do better next time…" Mirabel stuttered through her apologies, hands twisting her skirt nervously.

“You will be confined to Casita, as your punishment. Don’t bother your family anymore, understand?”

Mirabel nodded miserably as she felt the her eyes well up painfully, the rock in her throat threatening to burst out as she kept her face from scrunching up. Abuela ignored her as she fussed over Isabella as the rest of the family flittered out to their duties. This was how Mirabel spent her eleventh birthday.


Hello! This is my first fanfiction, so I welcome constructive criticism. It's loosely inspired by "Taking Flight" by Blue_JayJay, so be sure to check it out! Honestly, I'm not sure what else to write here, but I hope you enjoy it. Also, don't worry about Mirabel, as you've seen in the tags, she will be running away soon, somewhat. You'll see, but it will get interesting later on. I'm also curious about your ideas regarding Mirabel's gift. Do you think she is the candle, or do you have other theories? Feel free to leave your ideas in the comments!

EDIT 4/5/24: I decided to age Mirabel up since her current age didn't really seem realistic (well as realistic as it could be given the story).

Chapter 2: Mirabel


Mirabel gets a door


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

Little Mirabel, on her eleventh birthday, stood on the sidelines, yet again. This time, it seemed no one remembered her birthday, too busy with their work for the community and the news that there will be a new Madrigal. Although she was used to not getting birthday parties and gifts anymore, she was at least wished a happy birthday. It seemed that today no one remembered.

Well, no one but one. Casita happily cheered as it threw ribbons and party poppers, twinkling its tiles in an attempt to cheer her up.

“Thank you, Casita,” Mirabel said with a shy smile, as she rubbed her puffy red eyes she got from crying. After she grounded, she did the rest of her chores around the house in tears and later buried herself into he small bed of the nursery, she curled up into a tight ball to avoid her legs from hanging over the bed.

Casita distracted her from her thoughts as it let it out a soothing rumble, leading her out the house, down towards a lush tunnel lay a glowing door on the grass. The sparking gold magic glittered onto go the grass, it was so beautiful that Mirabel was afraid to tear her eyes away, lest it disappears once again.

“Is this my room? Will I get a gift like everyone else?” She said, her eyes wide in hope and terror. Casita clicked in “Yes!” As it pushed her towards the door, urging her to open it.

Mirabel’s lips trembled, “What if it disappears like last time?” She said low and soft, recalling that awful failed ceremony, the door fading away, slipping away from her grasp as her Abuela stared in fear. The chaos that followed after wards was still so vivid, the adults arguing and Mirabel, newly five years old, stood alone crying and pushed away. Her Abuela wanted to send her away, she recalled,

“That child is curse!”

“Don’t you dare call my daughter a curse!” Her papa yelled, flushed in anger and fear as her mother adamantly refused to send her away. It wasn’t only until hours later that her parents came to comfort her and send her off to bed. It was six years ago, but it felt like she was there again as the forsaken Madrigal, staring at a door so near but so far away.

Casita shook, catching her attention as it reassured her again, it won’t disappear, trust me, it seemed to say. Mirabel took a deep breath and steeled her heart, ‘Don’t let this be a fluke,’ she wanted to cry out as her trembling but steady hands reached out to open the door.

Gasping breathlessly, she caught her breath as her stared at the door that solidified, not disappear, as the image of her, older, stood with her hands carved around the Candle. Her hair long curls seemed to run down endlessly as butterflies surrounded her, at the very bottom was her name, MIRABEL.

She had a door, but she worried a bit, she didn’t feel any different. She didn’t know what the door’s image meant either, but she thought to herself as she opened the door, she didn’t mind. She had a door, this meant she was a part of the family Madrigal, that she wasn’t an outcast completely, that was all that mattered.

“Aren’t you coming?” She said looking back at Casita, who shrugged sadly.

“You can’t come?” She guessed, frowning as it nodded. Casita encouraged her to go head, which she easily complied in her excitement, as Casita watched proudly as it’s favourite disappeared behind the door, “Suck it, wax stick,” it thought gleefully.


Chapter two is done! I hope you like it, also sorry if the dialogue is awkward, its my first writing dialogue and i can't seem to make it turn out right :/

Please leave comments and any constructive criticism, I would appreciate it!

Chapter 3: Candle And Casita


Insight into what the Candle and Casita are planning


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

The Candle and Casita were arguing once again,

"Why would you give her a door!”

“I’m just fixing the mess you made, don’t blame me for doing something right,” Casita hmphed, if it hands, it would be throwing it up in the air out of exasperation, as it is, its doors and windows flapped around instead.

The candle vibrated in rage, “I was going to give her a gift first! I had a grand ol’ plan of giving her gift and shoving it in Alma’s face that she’s the true miracle all along, you know? And then, Alma will ask the family how they feel, they can have a heart to heart and then everything will be fixed and BAM! I’m saved, you’re saved and the family will be happy but nooo you had to ruin it all,”

Casita could only stare at Candle in shock. A beat later, it asked doubtfully, “Did you really think that would work?”

Candle stared at Casita, Casita stared at Candle and then shook in disgust, “This was your fault in the first place!”

Candle whined, “I knooow,” it felt like melting into a sad puddle, when it didn’t give Mirabel a gift, it thought that the family would understand its intentions.

“Who was the one who wiped her tears and cheered her up? Not you, I gave her a room so that she would be happy on her birthday,” Casita continued on pettily, rubbing it into Candles face (? Wax?).

Candle sniffled as it muttered under its breath (?), “Filled with love my ass,”

“What was that?”

A sneak, “Nothing!”

“Right,” Casita said suspicious, “You give the dream to Alma, I will make sure Mirabel stays away until they get it together.”

“Already on it, my friend!”

“We are not friends,”

“So mean!”


Alright, here's another short chapter for you! I aimed for a bit of humour this time around, and I think I hit the mark. Along with the laughs, I also wanted to give you a glimpse into their planning process. Stay tuned for the next chapter, where Mirabel will be checking out her new room! I hope you enjoyed this one, and I'd love to hear your thoughts in the reviews!

Chapter 4: Mirabel


Mirabel explores, Casita and Candle have another argument and some insight into Luisa


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

Walking inside her room, Mirabel could hardly contain her excitement. The room was lush with greenery and flora (her favourite flowers, she noted), vibrant soft grass filled the entire floor as large stone pebbles led the way to her willow leaves canopy bed that hung from long warping vines. Yellow butterflies fluttered around the place, flitting from one flower to another like fairies. Looking at the vines she noticed one corner of the room had a large towering tree with thousands of emerald vines holding books, gasping, she ran her way toward the tree library.

Touching the rough weather bark, she looked at the vines and wondered if her favourite fairytale would be there. She startled out her thoughts as one vine reached towards her, uncurling as it reveals a book— Her favourite, she grinned as she took it, on the cover, "The Ugly Duckling" by Hans Christian Andersen, was written in large cursive golden letter.

She gently put the book down as she wandered further, making her way across the room she excitedly ran her hands across the new sewing supplies and bolts and bolts of fabrics that were bolted to the wall. Mannequins were scattered artfully around the area, each of her family, as she made her way towards the stacks of paper and different coloured pens that sat waiting for her to note her ideas down.

In the center left of the room, a water fall was embedded into the rocky walls, the glistening cool water falling into the lake as the rocks around it glittered under the light of the sun. She wandered around and —- She gawked at the ceiling, or rather would be ceiling. The room had no ceiling, it seemed to stretch endlessly, it was the sky, a beautiful baby blue.

But thats not what caught her attention, no her attention was on the beautiful 10 floating islands in the sky. One was a dessert oasis, its rolling sands drip drip dripping down as it glittered like golden particles under the sun’s light. The second seemed to be an archipelago, she could make out swirling storms of lighting storms and harsh seas, its colours vibrant and electric was particularly striking.

The third island seemed to be an island of rolling beaches, its swaying palm trees beckoning her to go there. The fourth was a literal ice island, its frosty icy exterior was beautifully haunting. The fifth was the complete opposite, an island of volcano, grumbling molten fire bumbling in its smoky welcome. The sixth was another archipelago, bioluminescent waters laid next to teal and stormy waters emerging from the waters were tall towering peaks where — wait, was that a dragon!?, Mirabel squinted, yes, that was a dragon, an actual dragon. Next to it was lush emerald trees and in the center of the archipelago was a tall spiral tower.

The seventh was a misty grey island, it seemed to be caverns but it was hard to make it out from the mist. The eighth was a floating labyrinth, it seemed, with circling wind and mist in a torrent around it. The ninth was a purple island, with lilting hues and gently swaying haze surround it, it seemed like a perfect place to sleep. The tenth was an island that seemed to be made for the moon, the silver hazy trees swayed and a glistening large temple like structure stood in the center.

They were beautiful and looked wonderful to explore, little eleven year old Mirabel wanted nothing more. Flopping down on her new bed, and marvelling at the wonders of her new room, Mirabel's excitement was tempered by a sharp pang in her back. Initially dismissing it as mere discomfort she had for the past month, she continued her ponderings on how to get up there, it wasn’t like she could fly.

However, as the pain intensified, spreading like wildfire through her body, Mirabel's joy turned to anguish, overshadowing the enchantment of her surroundings. For the past month, her back had hurt horribly, even her mama’s Arepas could only help so much. The morning it started, she miserably walked over to her mama, only for her Abuela to shut her down, “Why are getting in the way again? Did I not tell you that faking injuries for attention is bad form? Go to your room,” Her visage as stern and disappointed as it was ever since her failed ceremony. Her mama hadn’t talked or checked up on her later that day and the following days, too busy and tired from work, she had forgotten all about that interaction.

As the pain in her back intensified, Mirabel's breath caught in her throat, each sharp twinge sending waves of agony through her body. It felt as though burning tendrils were snaking their way through her muscles, searing her nerves with relentless fervour. The throbbing ache radiated outward from her spine, turning her breathing into shudders and gasps. With each passing moment, the pain intensified, like a wildfire raging unchecked within her, consuming every ounce of her being.

She couldn't help but dwell on the countless instances where she had felt invisible in their midst, like a mere afterthought in their bustling lives. Their dismissive attitudes and lack of concern weighed heavily on her, casting a shadow over her already throbbing pain. The echoes of her Abuela's stern reprimands and her mother's distant gazes resonated in her mind, each memory serving as a painful reminder of her own insignificance within her family. She longed for the warmth of their embrace, for the reassurance that she was not alone in her suffering.

"Why does it hurt so much?" Mirabel wondered, her thoughts swirling in a haze of confusion and fear. She felt utterly alone, trapped in a world of pain and uncertainty. "Why won't anyone help me?”

She curled into a tight ball, trying to find some semblance of comfort amidst the agony. But no matter how she shifted or contorted her body, the pain persisted, a relentless pursuit.

"I just wanted to be happy," Mirabel thought bitterly, her heart heavy with sorrow. She longed for the warmth of her family's embrace, for the reassurance that she was not alone in her suffering. But the silence that surrounded her was deafening, a stark reminder of her own insignificance in the eyes of those she loved.

As the tears streamed down her cheeks, Mirabel felt a profound sense of loneliness wash over her, engulfing her in its suffocating embrace. She wanted to scream, to rage against the unfairness of it all, but all she could do was cry, her sobs echoing in the empty room.

Not even able to walk or move as her bones seemed to grind and shift in her back, her pain was so bad she didn’t even notice the ripping of flesh and fabric. Mirabel suffered through the entire night before she finally fell asleep at dawn, not noticing the new gleaming wings as she fell into a long deep slumber.

The Candle sang joyfully, burning with pride. “The gift was successfully taken, would ya look at that, ay?”

Casita frowned at the Candle. “What do you mean, gift?”

The Candle responded, “You told me to give her a gift.”

“Yeah, at the ceremony!”

“Don’t yell at me, I’m just doing as told!”

Casita's frustration grew. “It's too painful! What on earth are you thinking, and doing it when she’s alone?”

The Candle retorted defensively, "Technically, it's your fault. If you didn’t give her the room, the family would be there to help her.”

Casita vibrated in absolute rage, its windows, doors, and tiles shaking violently. “Help her?! They didn’t even notice she’s gone, aghhhhh!”

Luisa, muscles tense and aching from the day's relentless toil, paused mid bite as a subtle vibration rippled through the floor beneath her feet. The rhythmic tremors, imperceptible to anyone but her, stirred a sense of unease within her weary frame, like a silent warning of impending turmoil.

Setting aside her mother's arepas, Luisa cast a wary glance around the room, her senses on high alert. The familiar sights and sounds of the Casita enveloped her, yet beneath the surface, she sensed a subtle shift in the atmosphere, a disturbance that defied explanation.

As the vibrations grew more pronounced, Luisa's brow furrowed in confusion. The Casita, normally a haven of stability and order, seemed to quiver and vibrate with an unseen energy, its walls and windows trembling as if possessed by some unseen force.

"What's happening?" Luisa whispered to herself, her voice barely audible above the din of her own thoughts. Her mind raced with possibilities, each more outlandish than the last, as she struggled to make sense of the scene unfolding before her.

Then, as suddenly as it had begun, the tremors ceased, leaving Luisa to ponder the strange occurrence in stunned silence. Was it merely a trick of the light, a figment of her overworked imagination, or had she truly borne witness to something strange?

Shaking her head in disbelief, Luisa pushed aside her lingering doubts, chalking the incident up to fatigue and stress. With a weary sigh, she returned her focus to her meal, determined to put the unsettling episode behind her.

Yet, even as she ate, a nagging sense of disquiet lingered in the back of her mind, a silent reminder of the scene she had witnessed. In the depths of her exhaustion, Luisa couldn't shake the feeling that the Casita held secrets far stranger than she could ever imagine.


And that's Chapter Four! What do you think of Mirabel's room? Any theories on what's happening with the family? Hope you enjoyed it! Please leave your thoughts in the comments - I love reading them!

Chapter 5: Mirabel, Madam Diaz, and the family


Mirabel wakes up, and the family finds out about her disappearance


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

Mirabel didn’t wake up until much later, groggy and week from her transformation, but excited and content when she noticed her new wings. White soft feathers that looked and felt magical, its snow lily appearance with the soft glow that settled around it made it seem transcendent. But they were heavy, and would drag her down. She could barely walk from how weak she was, but the wing dug into the throbbing painful ache, its weight heavy and enormous on her back, it weighed her down no matter what, whether she was walking or sitting.

Vines dropped cut fruit and led her to the lake for water, offering a small reprieve from her discomfort. The fruit's sweet scent mingled with the fragrance of soft flowers, melting on her tongue as she ate.

In her exhaustion, Mirabel wondered if her family had noticed her absence, and if they even cared. Had Dolores heard her cries and dismissed them? Would her mama finally remember her birthday and come looking for her? The thought of Isabella's indifference stung, as did the realisation that even Luisa and Camilo might not notice her absence amidst their own concerns.

It hit her like a physical blow, the weight of her family's indifference pressing down on her already aching body. Each passing thought deepened the sense of isolation that had taken root in her heart, intertwining with the physical pain to create an overwhelming sense of despair. She had always known that she was different, that she didn't quite fit in with her family, but the stark realisation of their indifference cut her to the core.

As Mirabel shuddered, slowly falling into a deep slumber, her mind still so drowsy, she didn’t notice that quite some time passed, and the thought of her family was overtaken with the bone deep exhaustion that seemed to follow her around like her very own dark cloud, its misery seeping into her skin. Closing her eyes and allowed herself to drift into a fitful sleep. In her dreams, she soared through the skies, her wings carrying her to distant lands and forgotten realms. But even in her fantasies, the suffocating touch of loneliness loomed large, a constant reminder of the pain that lingered within her heart.

On the other side of the door, the world continued as it was. Her Family hasn’t noticed her disappearance even as the old seamstress made her way slow and staggered to their house, old bones creaking yet her face furrowed in worry.

Madam Diaz, an old seamstress, had always worried about young Mirabel ever since she came to her shop, wide eyed and determined. She had taught her everything she knew, even if she was harsh enough to drive grown men away, Mirabel stuck ahead, steadfast and ready to tackle anything she threw at her. She’s had a soft spot for her ever since then, and worried endlessly since a week has passed Mirabel’s last visit.

Knocking on the door, Madam Diaz awaited an answer, her foot tapping impatiently against the cobblestones. Moments later, Alma, the matriarch of the family, greeted her with surprise and curiosity.

"Madam Diaz!" Alma's voice was warm, though tinged with confusion. “My, what a surprise, oh do come in,” She said, taking her hand as they sat in.

“What brings you here?”

Madam Diaz hesitated for a moment, her eyes reflecting concern. “I was wondering how Mirabel is,” she said, her voice filled with genuine worry.

Alma's brow furrowed. "Has she bothered you?" Alma's mind was already racing, contemplating Mirabel's recent behaviour and the potential repercussions.

Madam Diaz was taken aback by Alma's response. "No, she hasn’t visited me in a week, you see, so I was getting worried,” she explained, her concern deepening with each passing moment.

Alma's surprise was evident. "She does? And you… need her help?" Alma asked incredulously, her suspicion evident in her tone.

Madam Diaz’s eyes narrowed, sensing Alma's skepticism. “Yes, she is sick, no? She didn’t seem well last I saw her,” she replied, her voice tinged with urgency.

Alma huffed in response, and wondered if Mirabel was going around faking being ill for attention, “That girl,” She thought furiously to herself.

“Yes, of course, she hasn’t been feeling well lately so she’s been resting,” Alma smiled as she led Madam Diaz, who was still eying her suspiciously, “I’ll send word once she gets better,” Alma continued to reassure Madam Diaz. But inwardly, doubts nagged at her mind, fuelling her frustration. Finally, after seeing Madam Diaz out, Alma couldn't contain her frustration any longer.

“Mirabel!” she yelled furiously, her voice echoing through the house.“Mirabel! Casita, where is Mirabel?”

Casita shrugged and then refused to answer any of her questions after, Alma could only stare in confusion at the strange way its been acting. Julieta came down as well, confused, along with Isabella and Pepa, a thundering cloud above her as they questioned Alma.

“Mirabel has been neglecting her duties,” She said in reply, “And she’s been bothering Madam Diaz,”

“Figures,” Isabella scoffed desirously, as Alma called out for Dolores, who upon arriving in a panic as she exclaimed, “I can’t hear her!”

The rest of the family also came down to see what was happening, and they all began look for her. Julieta and Agustin began to panic as they found the nursery empty, dust covering the surfaces.

“She hasn’t been in here,” Juileta noted in a panicked shaky voice, “All her things are here, she hasn’t runaway,” Agustin continued, their minds began to whirl, the worst case scenarios coming to mind.

The rest of the family found nothing, Pepa was outright thundering, muttering clear skies under her breath as Felix did his best to calm her down. Antonio confused, started bawling as Dolores clasping her ears at the loud noise went to escape to her room. After much bickering, Abuela finally sent word to the village at dawn, Mirabel was missing.


Another chapter is here! We meet a new character and the family learns about Mirabel's disappearance. I hope you're enjoying the story so far. While it may be going a bit slower than anticipated, I feel like it's the right pace.

What do you think the town's reaction will be? Please share your thoughts in the reviews and comments—I love reading them!

Chapter 6: Mirabel, Alma and Luisa


Mirabel wakes up, and is pushed into a retreat, Madam Diaz starts a rebellion, Alma and Isabella needs to open her eyes.

Luisa needs a hug.


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

Mirabel woke up with clear mind, eyes bright and excited, she carefully pulled herself together, careful to mind the achy muscles of her back as she cleaned away the dried blood and washed her face. Although disturbing to see the contrast of old blood on her pure white wings, Mirabel wasn’t bothered as she was used to cleaning up injuries by herself. She remembered, as she carefully wiped the junction of where her wings met flesh, the scraped elbows and knee, matching the dotted colourful array of bruises, courtesy of her classmates in school of course and some adults she knew would bump into her with a rushed purpose, not even looking back she fell to the ground.

The memories tasted bitter on her tongue, like seeds of sharpness stinging her mouth. But soon enough, she shook herself out of it. She had a gift, she had proof that she was apart of the family, it didn’t matter anymore. Mirabel walked out of her room, hesitantly, she didn’t want to leave, afraid if she did, her room would disappear once again, but she bravely steeled her heart once again, and left.

The villagers were shocked, Madam Diaz, in particular, was furious.

“She said Mirabel was sick, and then she would be fine,” She muttered, her hand waving angrily as she recounted her visit to the villagers near her. “I was worried, you see, she hadn’t come in for a week,” she continued on as she watched the disbelief dawn on their faces.

“Dona Alma had said she ran away last night,” One said in protest,

“Did she? The girl loves her family, but no one would brave kidnapping her. Maybe something happened and their trying to cover it up,” Another said.

“Maybe Bad Luck Bruno ate her!” Lady with the dead fish said, who was promptly ignored by everyone else. Madam Diaz, however, knew something was suspicious. She did not trust Alma Madrigal as far as she can throw, and for the sake of sweet Mirabel, she was going to start a revolt.

On the other side of town, the Madrigals were all looking for Mirabel. Luisa in particular was feeling horrible, she was the protector, the strong one. How could she fail her baby sister like this? It was all she could think about, Mirabel alone in danger, calling for her to save her. Guilt ate her up inside, twisting and stabbing her heart as she felt tears sting her eyes. When was the last time she talked to her? She could’t even remember the last time she hugged her!

Isabella noticing this, started talking in hopes of distracting her, “She’s probably run off in some attention seeking skit, I don’t even know why we’re searching this hard for her.”

“How can you say that? Mirabel would never do that, she worries about us too much,” Luisa frowned, “How can you know for sure? She could be in danger!” She continued, yelling as the frustration welling inside her threatened to burst.

“What? Its not like its a bad thing she’s gone, she’s a walking advertisem*nt for birth control,” Isabella scoffed in response as Luisa finally erupted.

Luisa's voice trembled with a mix of anger and hurt. “How can you be so heartless? Mirabel is our sister, not some inconvenience! You think this is a joke? She could be hurt, scared, or worse and all you can do is spew sh*t like that? You're supposed to be family, Isabella, act like it!' Tears streamed down her cheeks, her fists clenched at her sides, her words crashing like a tidal wave, each syllable carrying the weight of her frustration and concern. Isabella could only stare at shock, a frown painting her lips as she reached out to Luisa.

“Hey—” but Luisa already left, lips wobbling with hurt and guilt as the full weight of her family and her actions hit her.

In the Casita, Mirabel ran in, eye alight with excitement and nerves, as she chirped a cheerful greeting to Casita, who in response seemed to try to usher her back to her room anxiously. The Casita itself seemed to tremble in jitters as hair line cracks could be seen, just barely if one were to look at it with a magnifying glass.

“What— Casita, stop, look! I have a gift, I have to show Abuela and the others!” She exclaimed, jittery in her overwhelming emotions. Casita shook mournfully and did its best to hide her, but to no avail as Abuela rounded the corner in shock.

“Mirabel!” Her voice thundering, deep with restrained anger as she stared at Mirabel in disbelief.

Mirabel lit up, her hands anxiously twisting her skirt as she started, “Abuela, look I have a gif—”

“This has to stop, Mirabel!” Abuela, regaining her wits, bellowing voice echoing through the silently cracking Casita. “I don’t know why you weren’t given a gift, but this is not an excuse to hurt our family’s reputation!” She continued not noticing the trembling of the house as it did its best to pull itself together.

“Nor is it an excuse for you to pretend to have gift! What were you thinking?” Her words spiting like venom, seeped into Mirabel’s sprit. “Go, just go to your room,” Abuela sighed, as she looked like just the sight of her exhausted her. The visage sagged into Mirabel’s mind, engraving it as it reminded her that even with a gift, she would always end disappoint her family.

Disheartened, she made her way to the nursery in shock as Casita, rumbling and cracking halting to a stop, gently stoped her.

“Casita?” Mirabel’s voice cracked, tears welling up in her eyes, her shoulders slumped, as she hugged herself tightly. Casita motioned towards her door, outside in the grove, still there waiting for her to open. Mirabel jolted, frown growing as she thought over the last interaction she had. Was she hurting the family? Wouldn’t it be better for to just… go away? Antonio would miss her, but he’ll barely remember her after a few days. But what if his gift ceremony failed like hers? She should be there for him… But they certainly seemed happy without her in the way, it would be better, she decided, mulling over her thoughts, it would be better for the peace. Nodding, she went inside her door again, resolving herself to only come out when she’s fifteen. That way, if his gift ceremony failed as well, she would be there to take him away.


Second chapter in a day, yay? Honestly, this one isn't proofread, so I hope it's good. Just had a burst of inspiration and decided to post it, you know? Anyway, hope you enjoyed it! Feel free to leave your reviews in the comments - I love reading them!

Chapter 7: Mirabel and Isabella


Mirabel learns how to fly, and Isabella reflects


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

Mirabel rested for some time, mulling over her decision. When her thoughts became too much, she decided to redirect her attention to her new wings. Flying was harder than she thought, she spent a good hour falling before she decided to read up on it first. Looking at books about avian creatures, she found not much that could help her. When she thought about it in more detail, she realised when she just let go without thinking too much about it, she would at the very least glide.

As she mulled this over, she looked at the large towering tree. Maybe she could jump off? Maybe the problem was the she was trying to get up into the air without ever knowing how to use her wings in the first place. Nodding, she got up and with a steadfast demeanour, she climbed up, as her room began to look smaller and smaller, her nerves grew larger and larger but she was already this high up, wasn’t she? She was going to see this through, and if worse comes to play, the vines would catch her.

At the a height she deemed sufficient, Mirabel looked down at the tiny ant like sight her room became. Her hands was trembling yet she felt excitement swell up like a happy ballon. The air was cooler up there, it chilled her face as the tip of her nose felt like ice. Even so, the air never smelled fresher, as her lungs expanded with the deep breaths she was taking, it took away the sickly warmth and replaced it with a refreshing feeling. Up here, Mirabel felt freer than ever.

Taking one last look at the ground below, she jumped.

And fell. A scream ripped through her sore throat, stinging it even further, she started plummeting to the ground. She had thought the vines would help her, but her hopes were dashed as she started reaching the ground. In a last ditch effort, Mirabel willed her wings to fly, desperately hoping it would work.

And whoosh! She sharply turned up at the very last moment, her wings in powerful big flaps drove her higher than when she had been on the tree. This high, she could see the islands more clearly. Its magnificence otherworldly.

The wind in her hair as she flew as the cold air seemed to wash away her misery, Mirabel didn’t stop flying until much later, when she tired herself out. But even then, she wanted nothing more to take flight. The freedom was intoxicating, it had felt like the faster and higher she went, her problems would be left on the ground far far away from her. Mirabel softly landing on her bed, passed out the minute her head touched her pillow.

Upon waking, Mirabel packed her things, excitedly flitting over from one place to another, as she stuffed her newly modified shirts, fruits and water flask in her satchel. She was going to explore the islands.

Isabella was in her room, sent away early after the tiring search and surprise. Ah, the surprise, after she went back to the Casita, imagine her surprise to see her Mama yelling at Abuela. She wasn’t privy to the conversation there, everyone but the adults were sent away, Casita helping in making sure they don’t eavesdrop. As curious as Isabella was about that incident, her mind kept straying back to Luisa’s words. Was it guilt? Yes, she wasn’t the best sister, she knew that, but she’d be nicer to Mirabel if she wasn’t constant in the way. But it wasn’t like she didn’t care about her! She wasn’t heartless, she wasn’t a bad sister. Besides, Isabella wondered as she twisted her blanket in her hands — manicured nails threatening to tear it, Mirabel was probably just running free, playing around without a care in the world. Like she always did. Like how Isabella wanted to.


Sooo, the next chapter is up! a bit short this time, but brace yourselves because the next one is going to be big! Any guesses on which island Mirabel will explore next?

Oh, and just a heads up, I made a few changes. Mirabel will now be aged up to 11 instead of 9. I felt it suited the story better, especially with what's planned ahead.

Anyways, hope you enjoyed this chapter! Feel free to share your thoughts in the comments!

Chapter 8: Oasis of Eternal Sands


Mirabel explores the Oasis of Eternal Sands


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

Mirabel landed softly on the golden sandy oasis, looking around, she was breathless in awe. The air a smoky texture, she quickly went inside to find shade.

At the center of the oasis lies a magnificent fountain, made of white marble engraved with delicate picturesque carvings of palm trees and dessert foxes. Two water urns poised with flowing water glistening as it fell, the fountain almost shone underneath the sun.

The beautiful stained glass mosaic tiles layered on top of the basin reflected the vibrant colours on top of the cream coloured sand, creating a beautiful scenic projection. Striking translucent yellow, blue, reds and purple made a kaleidoscope —shimmering in its intensity.

As made her way further inside, she noted a garden of plenty various kinds of lush vegetation. Towering date palms with their nicely contrasted red and green, and beautiful fig trees, which she quickly climbed, her hands against gritty bark and feet steady against the trunk. Grabbing a fig, she bit into it, the sweet flavourful taste flooding her mouth as she enjoyed the reprieve underneath the shade of the fig tree. Looking around, she can see all kinds of citrus fruit and olive trees. Nearby there’s even bushes of pomegranate, fat ripe fruit hanging low as if begging to be plucked. And a curious variety of cacti, scarpered around the area like whac a mole.

As she explored further, Mirabel noted the curious lack of people. The garden and fountain were well maintained but there was no person in sight. In fact, as she walked beyond that, it seemed like the desert was abandoned. Long stretches of rolling sand, but not a single human was to be found. Walking through the shifting sands, Mirabel came across colossal dunes, its presence seemed larger-than-life as shaded areas seemed to have whispering shadows — beckoning eerily, drawing figures and lilting sand as she drew closer. Drudging grains of sand grinding beneath her feet as muted utterance, illegible to her ears, ebbing and flowing in volume alongside the windy howls. The sky was darkening as she ventured further inside the empty toiling landscape, the whispers growing louder and more insistent, left, it seemed to say, its voice slippery like venom dripping into her ears, she could almost feel silent hands clasping her throat, nails dragging rakes, hot wind boiling her hazed mind.

She went left. And right, right again. And continued in the directions of the whispers, feeling the slow dripping cloying scent cloud her vision. Entranced in the whispers, she could barely hear the sand rising and falling like waves, kicking at her feet as she trudged along the eerie land.

She was startled out of her trance as her vision was obscured with gritty sand, as it whips through the air in thick, billowing waves — the horizon becoming warped and hazy. The once-clear skyline is obscured by thick clouds of dust, as if the sky decided to wage a war against the earth and she was merely a casualty lost to divinity.

The once burning ember sun is reduced to dim glow, as if it too is caught in the crossfire of a different bygone. The lingering shades of the dune dances alongside the storm, as though gleeful of the chaos.

Mirabel felt overwhelmed against the sandstorm, the course jagged sand brushing against her skin, particles of it stuck in the feathers of her wings, already picking at sensitive skin. The wind howled like a banshee, managing to drown out the slippery whispers of the dunes as it whipped grains of sand into a frenzy that stung Mirabel's exposed skin and wings like a thousand tiny needles. I'm lost, she realised with a sinking feeling in her stomach. Lost in a sea of sand with no way out. Panic clawed at her chest, threatening to consume her with its suffocating grip. I have to keep moving, Mirabel urged herself, her voice barely audible above the storm. I can't give up now.

But with each step forward, the doubts grew louder, taunting her with their cruel whispers. You'll never make it out, they seemed to say. You're doomed to wander these dunes forever.

She shook her head as if it could brush those sinister whispers away — squinting against the onslaught, her eyes watered as she struggled to keep them open. The air was thick with swirling dust, choking her with every breath she took, rubbing against her already drying throat in an intensity that felt like sandpaper rubbing against the walls.

Every step forward feels like a battle against the elements, diminishing Mirabel is a blind foal wandering perilous lands without nary support. Mirabel pressed forward, her movements slow and laborious, as if wading through molasses. The sand shifted beneath her feet, threatening to swallow her whole with each step. She could feel it seeping into her clothes and feathers, gritty and abrasive against her skin.

Her heart pounded in her chest, a steady drumbeat of fear and desperation. She fought against the gusts, leaning into them like a sailor battling a raging sea. Lost in the swirling maelstrom, Mirabel's sense of direction faltered as tears mingled with the sand on her cheeks, hot and salty against her wind-chapped skin. She wanted to cry out, to scream for help into the howling wind, but her voice was lost in the cacophony of the storm.

Stumbling, she takes piece of clothing from her bag and covers her face with it, kneeling down in the dunes, she is engulfed in the storm. Waiting for it to die down, her hands sweat as her heart palpates, the beat thundering throughout her body as her knees dig into the ground, sending needles up her legs.

Mirabel's heart pounded in her chest, the rhythm echoing in her ears like a relentless drumbeat. What have I done? she thought, her mind swirling with doubt and fear. I should have never ventured out here alone. Her thoughts turned inward, a tumultuous storm playing out in her mind.

Why did I think I could handle this? Mirabel berated herself, her voice barely audible above the howling wind. I should have known better. I should have stayed back in my room where it was safe.

But even as her doubts threatened to overwhelm her, a stubborn spark of determination flickered within her. No, she countered fiercely, her voice tinged with defiance. I can't give up now. I have to keep going, I have to prove that I’m… The conflicting voices in her head waged a fierce battle, each one vying for dominance over her wavering resolve. What if I never make it out of here? a small voice whispered, its tone laced with fear. What if I'm lost in this desert forever?

Mirabel's breath caught in her throat at the thought, her steps faltering for a moment before she pushed herself forward once more. I can't think like that, she scolded herself, her voice tinged with desperation. I have to focus on finding a way out of this storm.

But even as she pressed on, doubts continued to plague her every step. I'm so tired, she admitted silently, the weight of exhaustion bearing down on her like a leaden weight. Maybe it would be easier to just give up, Abuela was right, I can’t do anything right. The confession rattling her heart as Mirabel stayed there, kneeling against the wrathful tempest— her sicking and cracking throat drying as her tongue felt like dead lead. For hours, how long, she didn’t know, withering in the heat of the storm, she succumbed to the internal war inside her—tumultuous as the sand storm outside.

The storm slowly died out, Mirabel, silent and shaking, finally removes the cloth — her shirt, she realises— gets to her feet and continues on, she had made it this far, so she will see it through the end.

However, as the journey wears on, Mirabel begins to feel the effects of dehydration and exhaustion, her energy flagging with each step. Her flask was long finished, she deeply regretted not filling it again at the fountain. Her mouth felt as parched as the desert sands, each swallow a struggle against the roughness of her throat, as though sandpaper lined the walls and her head swimming with dizziness as if the ground itself shifted and turned beneath her.

Doubt gnawed at the edges of her consciousness, whispering cruel insinuations of failure and defeat. What if she never found her way out of this endless desert? What if she succumbed to exhaustion and dehydration, her bones left to bleach beneath the scorching sun? No one to care if she died, no one would find her in the eerie dunes of a lost desert.

Her vision was shaky and turbulent as relentless drumbeat pounded behind her eyes, each pulse sending shockwaves of pain through her skull. The whispering voices grated on her nerves like nails on a chalkboard, her temper frayed to its breaking point as a sense of despair settled over her like a suffocating blanket, each breath a reminder of her dwindling strength.

With each faltering step, Mirabel repeated a silent mantra to herself. "Keep going," she whispered hoarsely, the words barely audible above the whispers of the wind and dunes. "You can do this. You will survive.”

She was waning as her legs dragged her around, her wings no longer felt like freedom, its heavy weight a shackle around her as she stumbled slowly. She took long breaks, sitting on the ground as she wondered what she should do.

Looking around on one such break, she found tracks, paw prints leading to a low lying area, tunnelled in a steep downhill. She decided to follow it, it was her best bet if she wanted some water. Carefully walking down the hill, her already flagging limbs threatened to pull her down to gravity’s command.

Elated, her eyes brightened with disbelief and gratitude as her cracking lips stung as she pulled them into a bright smile. In the soft embrace of the desert floor, where the earth dips and curves, lies the promise of renewal. The springs, elusive oases, emerged, their lifeblood seeping forth from unseen depths. From the arid embrace of the land, it whispered tales of resilience in Mirabel’s ears.

As she ventures closer, the air seemed to shimmer with anticipation, carrying the faint scent of moisture on its breath. The silence of the desert is broken only by the rhythmic beat of her heart, echoing the hope that springs eternal in the human spirit.

Mirabel didn’t think twice, drinking hungrily from the spring, cool fresh water soothing her throat, seeping into the warmth of her trembling hands. The coolness sent shivers down her spine, soothing the rawness of her parched throat and offering a moment of respite from the relentless heat of the sun. She drank and drank until she was filled with water, moving and gurgling inside her belly as she refilled her flask.

For a time, she simply laid there, lost in the blissful tranquility of the oasis, allowing the soothing embrace of the cool air surrounding the spring to wash away the accumulated stress and fatigue of her journey. But even as she rested, Mirabel knew that she could not linger for long.

Mirabel finally continued on her journey, only stoping as the sun, setting to rest, cast its final rays of the day onto the desert, bathing the rippled sands in a golden glow, casting long, stretching shadows across. The sky transforms into a canvas of rich hues, with streaks of crimson, tangerine, and violet painting the horizon in a breathtaking display.

The air becomes infused with a warm, amber light, lending an ethereal quality to the surrounding landscape. Silhouettes of cacti and rocky outcrops stand stark against the vibrant backdrop, their sharp edges softened by the fading light. The ever-shifting sands take on a rosy hue, as if blushing under the gaze of the setting sun.

Mirabel holds her breath, gazing at the majestic sight, she takes in every detail, so that she can engrave this moment into her mind forever, to remember after bygone times. Eventually, after the sun leaves, and the darkness casts its light upon the desert, Mirabel continues in her search for a place to rest. The bone griping coldness descends, it unforgiving grip envelops the land as Mirabel shivers against the bitter sharp air. Each breath felt like shards of frost piercing her lungs, gasping at the ice filling her lungs, Mirabel rubs her hands across her arms— up and down, up and down, up and down—a rhythmic pattern settles in an attempt to keep warm.

The shifting dunes, once ablaze with fiery hues, now lay shrouded in darkness, their silent whispers carrying the secrets of countless nights. Crossing across the rumbling sands, she holes herself up in a hallowed alcove of sand. Curling up and pulling out all the clothing she has to warp it around her, Mirabel realises that amidst this desolate landscape, survival meant braving the biting cold, where even the hardiest souls could find themselves at the mercy of nature's unforgiving embrace.

As the darkness of night surrenders to the promise of dawn, a faint glow appears on the edge of the world. The sun unfolding like a red dahlias, casting its warm embrace across the vast expanse of sand. The rays bath the landscape in vermilion and saffron hues— amber dripping like honey, languid in its awake, as glimmering garnet sets across the vast expense, washing away the creeping cold as it leaves the warmth of daylight. Mirabel felt privileged, looking at this sight and the day before’s. Despite her struggles, she felt a sense of accomplishment as she got ready for the day.

Determined, she steadied herself on her journey, her curiosity spiking— her thought spiralling endlessly—What were the whispers, why did they promise secrets and knowledge hidden in the ruins, and what ruins were here?

Mirabel, steadfast in her gritty resolve, took a step forward. Only to realise she had no idea where she was. In the haze of exhaustion that blanketed her yesterday, she barely followed any directions and blindly seeked shelter. Her knees shook with renewed weakness as thought of what she should next. Rubbing her the strap of her satchel, she forced herself to breath as racked her mind for anything she might’ve read. The whispering voices she barely heard by the end of yesterday in her hazy tiredness, newly renewed with strength, as if it too got a good nights of rest. Its endlessly distracted her, digging into her brain with a single minded focus. Scowling, she shook her head — west, it murmurs, she can imagine skeletal hands digging into her shoulder, silvery nails scraping her skin.

West, then. If she wanted to find the ruins, she had to go west. Mirabel looked at the opposite direction of the sun, if she remembered correctly, the sun rises in the east and sets in the west. Falling that way, she walked as she bit into a fig — the faint approval of the dunes as it shifted followed her wake.


Alright, so originally I was going to hold off on posting this chapter for a week. But, you know, I finished it ahead of schedule - is it productivity or the next level of procrastination? Who knows! Anyway, since I have zero self-control, I'm posting it today. I planned for this chapter to focus on what's happening outside the Casita, but I got carried away with Mirabel's adventure, so meh, what can you do when inspiration strikes?

Hope you enjoyed this chapter! Let me know what you think of this desert island, and what you think Mirabel will encounter next?

Chapter 9: Caverns of Lost Souls: Part I


Mirabel explores Caverns of Lost Souls and the ancient temple.


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

In front of her is a dark uncanny cavern, jagged spikes of rocks that looked like upright swords, ready to impale. Her feet was weary from travel, aching joints and burning calves as inside.

In the cavern's depths, where the light struggled to penetrate the thick darkness, the shadows took on a life of their own. They leaped and cavorted across the walls like phantom dancers, their movements frantic and erratic. It seemed as though those who died inside beckoned Mirabel to join them in the mournful depths. Each flicker of movement sent tendrils of fear, snaking through the air, wrapping around her jumping heart and squeezing it with icy fingers.

It followed her in the corner of her eyes, like macabre spectres leading her to her death. With only the soft dim glow of her wings to guide her, Mirabel stumbled along the cavern, hands against the crackly walls as her feet crunched upon stone and something gritty like broken glass— echoing against the stillness of the cavern.

The labyrinthine tunnels of the cavern, twisting and turning like intestines of a great beast, dizzied Mirabel who in an effort to see better, searched the floors blindly, hands touching rocky surfaces that cut paper thin wounds across her finger. She found a lone oiled torch, and desperately searched the area around it and found an old rusted lighter. Metal grainy and sticky with dust and misuse, as the tang of metal and rust penetrated the air. Breathing out in astonishment, sheer luck, she thought, she was blessed with sheer luck as she lit the torch. Flame burning like a thousand suns, chasing away darkened shadows in its bright light.

Examining her surroundings in a newer light, Mirabel barely noticed the subtle difference in the floor ahead of her, a faint seam running along the ground. However, the realisation settle in too late. Mirabel’s heart races, feeling the floor give way beneath her feet. Instinctively, she reaches out to grab onto something, anything, to stop her fall.

A sharp jagged rock cuts into her hand, spilled warm blood over the surface as it drips languidly down her arm. Her world narrows down to a pinpoint, every sense honed to a razor's edge as adrenaline floods through her veins like liquid fire. Her heart thundering, its wild, erratic rhythm pounding against the chest like a war drum, each beat echoing in the ears like a thunderclap.

The air feels thin, almost too thin to breathe, as if the very atmosphere is conspiring to suffocate any hope of survival. Her muscles quivers with tension, strained to the breaking point as the body fights to maintain her precarious grip on life. Her wings flutter useless, one caught in the rough tumbling of stone and land but even then Mirabel is too panicked — crackling disgusting fear with its sweet cloying scent beckons— to think straight.

Her mind whirls with a thousand thoughts, each one a scream in the darkness, urging action, urging escape. Fear coiling in the pit of the stomach like a nest of vipers, cold and unyielding, as it threatens to consume every last shred of her courage.

And through it all, there is only the void below, yawning and endless, a chasm of infinite depth that beckons with a siren's call. The torch she dropped fell into it, and lit it up blazing furiously. Her hand slips, fingers scrabbling desperately for purchase, finding only stone slick with sweat and blood as the heat of her impeding doom stares at her hungrily. Flames licking up the corner, she shook with heart stopping terror as it crawled up the chasm slow as a slithering serpent intent on catching prey.

Time slows to a crawl, each moment stretched thin like taffy as her body hangs on the precipice of oblivion. And in that moment, there is only the raw, primal instinct to survive, to cling to life with every fibre of one's being, no matter the cost. The deeply ingrained memories of ancestors bygone, of their mistakes that lead to lessons of learning, their fear melding with hers, Mirabel feels at the cusp of something transcendent yet so very terrifyingly human.

Her dangling legs hits a protruding ledge, a surge hits her like a wave crashing against the shore, overwhelming yet invigorating. Mirabel sways until her foot catches the ledge, a tingling sensation spreading from her core outward, a burst of heat coursing through her veins as a sudden sharp sense of clarity hits her mind with only one determining thought: she was going to get out of this alive.

With gritted teeth and trembling hands, Mirabel pulls herself up onto the ledge, her other hand grabbing hold of another ledge as her foot stays supported. She falls onto the ground, trembling with manic energy as the full weight sunk in. She made it out alive. And luckily on the other side of the ledge, she would be able to continue her journey. Although, she shakily stares at the torch she dropped burned through the pithole with a roar, swallowing the place she had once been in, thank the gods she had incredible luck.

Mirabel continues on, with makeshift torch she made with bundled up dry sticks that she scraped with grease she found on dead ages old torches and grease spills on the sandy floor. It wasn’t the best, but it would make do for now until she found a better option.

Adrenaline still coursing through her veins, Mirabel dizzily went on forward, her heart hammering in loud thud-thud-thud as the cavern’s hallowed walls seemed to expand as though inhaling and exhaling. Alive, she thought uneasily, the cavern seemed alive, breathing and taking up space as any living thing, it seemed to be in a constant change, moving and shifting and growing with every turn she took. There was only one way, and that seemed to bother her more than she liked to admit.

Mirabel's senses sharpen as she hears the faint click of a mechanism triggering nearby, her foot freezing as she instinctively, dives to the side. Narrowly avoiding the volley of arrows that whiz past her, so sharp and strong, the wind whistled in her ears as she dodged them. Never has she been more thankful for the games she’d play with Casita— During the long hours of being left alone in a silent house, Casita cheered her up by teaching her how to run across surfaces and dodge projectiles. It was fun at that time and it was now coming handy as she dodged the rusty arrows.

The influx of dust seemed to triple, creating mountainous clouds of dust bomb and she was sure she would’ve been dead if the trap was any less old and slow. Her mind had never been clearer as the arrows continue to rain down, Mirabel observes the timing and trajectory of their shots, searching for a pattern she can exploit. Spotting a brief lull in the barrage, Mirabel seizes her chance, heart bouncing in fear and excitement and dashes forward, using the cover of the corridor to shield herself from incoming fire.

Continuing alongside the corridor, she notes old lamps dotting the walls, shackled in rusted metal. Grasping one, she wrinkles her nose at the rust staining her fingers red, the sticky substance coating it smearing the dust layering her hands. But she pulls through, gripping the lamp, she wriggle it out of the dying grip. Swinging it, she notes frozen grease inside and lights the lamp — it takes a while for fire to catch but soon enough brilliant sparks light up the lamp, spreading a sense of warmth in the cold looming cavern.

She stuffs extra lamps in her bag, just in case, she thinks as she warped them in a spare cloth to prevent leaking. Walking wearily across the path, she stops at the stunning sight before her.

In front of a golden chamber, tired through its passage of time yet shining brightly in its assured brilliance, the massive stone statue of a sphinx stands proudly. Its weathered features etched with the beholden time. Carved from ancient stone, it looms large and imposing, its powerful lion's body blending seamlessly with the regal human countenance. The proud visage gazes out across the barren landscape, eyes seemingly ablaze with a timeless wisdom and unwavering vigilance.

Its majestic form is adorned with intricate hieroglyphs and symbols — curving and twisting, aglow slightly with untold magic—each telling a story of forgotten epochs and lost civilisations.

The rough texture of weathered stone speaks of centuries of enduring the harsh elements, yet the sphinx remains resolute, a silent sentinel guarding the secrets of the desert.

At its feet, the shifting sands of time swirl and dance, as if paying homage to the ancient guardian. The air around it carries a sense of reverence and awe, as if the very presence of the sphinx commands respect and admiration from all who dare to approach its hallowed domain.

“Hello,” Mirabel stutters through a greeting, “My name is Mirabel,” She continues, staring at the Sphinx warily as it stands completely still as though it hadn’t heard a word.

“Its nice to meet you,” She tries once more, unsure what to do next. Before she can do anything, however, the Sphinx blazes with life, its eyes glowing like fire as it opens its mouth to speak.

"In twilight's embrace, I dwell unseen, yet in dawn's awakening, I am revealed. I bear the weight of ancient secrets and the whispers of forgotten realms. What am I?” Its voice is rumbling, overlapping with the booming voices of ancient beings unseen, as though they all came down to converge and judge Mirabel. Yet it never yelled but composed of authority so great, she felt compelled to please it.

Mirabel going over the sphinx's words, feeling a shiver run down her spine at the weight of its riddle. The imagery of twilight and dawn conjures visions of hidden truths and untold mysteries. She closes her eyes, letting the words wash over her as she delves deep into her mind's recesses. Ancient stories and legends swirl within her thoughts, offering fragments of insight into the enigma before her.

Going over them, she thinks deeply as she recalls the tale of a celestial weaver who spun the threads of time and destiny, her loom illuminated by the dawning light of each new day. Twilight symbolising the transition between the weaver's hidden machinations and the unveiling of her grand design at dawn, the notion of unseen forces shaping the world lingers deeply with Mirabel as she contemplates the sphinx's riddle.

"Twilight... unseen... dawn... revealed... What exists in the shadows, waiting to be uncovered? What ancient force is bound to the cycle of day and night, veiled in darkness yet revealed by light?”

Her mind races through countless possibilities, from celestial bodies to mythical beings. Each potential answer is scrutinised and discarded until, at last, a whisper of clarity breaks through the fog of uncertainty.

“Time,” She answers in a small whisper. The Sphinx’s eyes gleam—and for a moment, doubt wraps her in a ghostly hug as fear thunders her heart— before it nods once in approval. Opening its mouth, it delivers the second riddle with an assertive certainty.

"I am the echo of eternity, the silent witness to the dance of stars. Born in the void, yet bound to the earth's embrace. What am I?”

Mirabel's pulse quickens as she absorbs the sphinx's second riddle, feeling as though she stands at the precipice of cosmic understanding. The words reverberate within her mind, stirring ancient memories and primal instincts.

"Echo of eternity... witness to the stars... born in the void... bound to earth... What entity bridges the infinite expanse of space and the finite realm of mortal existence?”

Her thoughts whirl like a tempest, grasping at wisps of insight that elude her grasp. She considers the celestial bodies that adorn the night sky, the constellations that have guided humanity since time immemorial. Yet, something deeper tugs at her consciousness, urging her to look beyond the heavens and into the very fabric of reality itself.

Aha! She strikes a memory of a tale of songs sung by the stars themselves as they dance across the heavens, it speaks of the cosmos as a silent witness to the unfolding drama of existence, a vast and unknowable entity bound by the laws of creation. As she ponders the second riddle, Mirabel finds herself drawn to the cosmic mysteries that have fascinated humanity since time immemorial.

"The answer is 'the cosmos' or 'the universe.” She answer with a hesitant lilt this time, yet her voice steady as she stares into the Sphinx’s eyes. It’s eyes gleam again, she’s sure its approval rather than murderous intent, and delivers the next riddle like a final blow.

“"I am the silence between heartbeats, the void that swallows sound. I am the emptiness that births creation, the darkness that cradles light. What am I?”

Mirabel's breath catches in her throat as she grapples with the sphinx's final riddle, feeling the weight of its words press upon her like a heavy cloak. This would be the last riddle, but if she got it wrong, she would be dead. The silence that follows hangs heavy in the air, broken only by the sound of her own heartbeat. She closes her eyes, in an attempt to calm her mind. Calm down, she says to herself as her thoughts spiral outward, reaching for the elusive truth that lies just beyond her grasp. She sifts through the remnants of forgotten lore and half-remembered dreams, seeking guidance of the words she found solace from in her lonesome days.

"Silence between heartbeats... void that swallows sound... emptiness that births creation... darkness that cradles light... What force exists beyond the boundaries of perception, shaping the very essence of existence itself?”

Mirabel recalls whispers of a primordial void that existed before the dawn of time, a vast emptiness from which all things were born. In this ancient legend, the void is depicted as both the womb of creation and the harbinger of oblivion, a paradoxical force that cradles the light even as it shrouds the world in darkness. As she grapples with the final riddle, Mirabel finds herself drawn to one single answer, with the surety of a thousand armies raining down enemy forces.

This she answers steadily and confidently, her voice clear, "The answer is 'the void' or ‘nothingness.'"

The sphinx regards her with solemn approval, its inscrutable gaze betraying no emotion. With a graceful nod, it steps aside, allowing Mirabel to pass into the chamber beyond. The rumble of shifting stone echoes, as the distant phantom feel of rolling sands quiver across her skin. Mirabel feels elated at both the passage and approval of the ancient Sphinx, giddy at her accomplishment, Mirabel skips along the passage leading her into a long forgotten chamber.

Inside, although dust sits upon every surface, the chamber is well lit as though fire never runs out. Long beige brick walls are highlight by the glittering gold lanterns that adorn them, its intricate curving patterns swirls in a beautiful motif. Mirabel sneezes thrice in succession, rubbing her nose she stops she stops at a road block.

The road block is adorned old lettering, etched so deeply into the wall that not even time can wash it away with its gentle shores. Four golden levers protrude proudly from the wall, above each are the symbols of Rusted metal (or what she assumes is rusted metal), Ice, Mould, and Fire. The drawings are detailed, carefully and heartily carved out, eager in its portrayal.

As Mirabel stands before the chamber's ancient symbols, she feels a sense of awe and trepidation wash over her. The flickering torchlights casts dancing shadows upon the walls, like a delicate veil woven from whispers and half-truths — it shrouds everything in a cloak of uncertainty, leaving behind a sense of intrigue and anticipation. Shadows dance in the dim light, hinting at secrets lurking just beyond reach, while the silence seems pregnant with untold stories waiting to be discovered, lending an air of mystery to the place.

Her mind races, dissecting the riddle's cryptic words with care. "I am not alive, but I grow," she murmurs to herself, pondering the paradoxical nature of the statement. Fire, she realises, is not a living being in the traditional sense, yet it possesses a voracious hunger for fuel, consuming and spreading with unchecked fervour — she recalls the dawning hunger of small torch as it lit up the pit hole when given the chance.

"I don't have lungs, but I need air," Mirabel muses, her thoughts drifting to the elemental nature of fire itself. Unlike living creatures, fire does not breathe in the conventional sense, yet it thrives in the presence of oxygen, feeding hungrily upon the very air Mirabel breathes.

"I don't have a mouth, but water kills me," she continues, her brow furrowing in concentration. Water, she knows, is the sworn enemy of fire, extinguishing its flames with ruthless efficiency. Despite lacking the organs of a living creature, fire succumbs to the touch of water, its fiery essence snuffed out by the cool embrace.

With a surge of clarity, Mirabel's gaze fixes upon the answer: fire. It is the embodiment of growth and destruction, fuelled by the elements yet bound by its own fiery nature. Without hesitation, she reaches for the lever marked with the symbol of flames, her hand steady and resolute.

As the lever is pulled, a low rumble echoes through the chamber, and the sound of shifting stone fills the air. With a mighty groan, the pedestal slides aside, revealing a hidden passage beyond. Mirabel's heart swells with triumph as she steps forward into the unknown, her spirit ablaze with newfound determination.

Shadows danced along the rough hewn walls, casting strange shapes that seemed to whisper secrets of bygone eras. With each step, the darkness gave way to a soft, golden light that beckoned Mirabel forward, guiding her path through the labyrinthine depths.

And then, as if by some unseen hand, the passage widened, revealing a vast chamber bathed in the warm glow of flickering torches. Pillars of stone rose like sentinels from the floor, their weathered surfaces adorned with intricate carvings that spoke of a time long forgotten to by everything but the silent whispers. The air was thick with the scent of dust and age, mingling with the faint aroma of parchment and ink.

In the center of the chamber stood a towering pedestal, upon which rested a collection of ancient scrolls bound in weathered twine. They seemed to pulse with an otherworldly energy, their faded glyphs and symbols hinting at untold wisdom and forbidden knowledge. Her heart quickened with anticipation as she approached, the weight of centuries pressing down upon her like a heavy cloak.

As she reached out to touch the nearest scroll, a sense of reverence washed over me, filling me with a deep and profound awe. In the threshold of this ancient temple, Mirabel was enveloped in an aura of solemnity and reverence.

The place breathed like the black-bellied, fists thumping and feet stomping beast that strays at the wisp of a hand with eyes like hawks bloodied by demons. It’s the soft awe that grows asphodel through the cracks of asphalt like a bird flying through a winter breeze with ease like a spring’s squirrel.

The alter, golden and ruby, stands proud and the memories of a thousand souls seeking the guidance of divinity brings an ache to her eyes and a sting to her soles, as they whisper, and whisper with a hundred wings fluttering — white like waterfalls— in a meadow of snow lilies.

And oh, she breaths out, in the levity of memories, memories, the word circled around in her head like an obsession. They’re in the folds of your soul, the fracture lines of your bones, in the stretch of your muscles to the scar upon your heart.

Memories, memories.

A pale rose withers on tattered cloth, Mirabel reads the scrolls of the past, each written painstakingly by people before her, those with lives and feelings of their own, histories rich and deep, experiences in their very soul as they made through life as she was doing. How wondrous is it? The bygone past of the human beings before her, leaving their marks of existence in the words and travels. Before her, they might’ve been someone else, traversing through the thick desert sand, haunting caverns and Sphinx.

Reading a page another scroll, a personal account, she realises that one does not see the past in every object, smell and sight because they want to but rather because they grieves for the memories that once was their life and longs for it.

(She realises that holding on the years she had, sitting with her Abuela as she told her the story of the miracle, warmth in her gaze, being tucked into bed by her parents, as they kissed her goodnight, Isabella teaching her about different plants and flowers, teaching her how to weave it, warm fingers guiding hers to twist and turn stems, Luisa, lifting her up on her shoulders, as she pretended to be a giant. Camilo’s small hand in hers as they run away from the mischief they caused, bright grins starching their ways as laughter tinkled through the house. Dolores doing her hair, sneaking a red bow in with a playful wink. Tia Pepa carrying her around the fields as she explained the phenomenas of whether, playfully joking to adopt her as her mother sighed in fond exasperation. Tio Felix teaching her how to dance, her feet on his as they swayed.)

They said they make up who your are but never that they can destroy you.

Moving past them, as she started feeling burdened with memories she’d wanted to put behind her, Mirabel selects a scroll from the another one of dusty shelves, its parchment brittle with age and adorned with faded ink. With painstaking care, she unfurls it, revealing intricate hieroglyphics and cryptic symbols that dance across the page. Mirabel looks through all the shelves, finally finding a dictionary translation, hidden deep inside an alcove.

She sets to work deciphering the text, piecing together the fragments of a forgotten language. Each word unlocked brings a sense of triumph as she painstakingly decodes and review her work, using the spare parchment and quill from her room. For hours, nothing but the shifting of parchments and scritch and scratch of the quill fills the silence.

Mirabel finds herself drawn into a world of myth and legend, where gods and mortals walk hand in hand, and the boundaries between reality and imagination blur and fade. One in particular, reads,

"In days of old, when shadows roamed the land,

Heroes bold, with sword and shield in hand.

Their deeds renowned, their names forever sung,

In songs of valor, by bards with silver tongue.

Kingdoms rose, like towers to the sky,

Their banners bright, their halls echoing high.

But time, a fickle friend, did not abide,

And kingdoms fell, with fate as their guide.

Through wars and strife, the land was torn asunder,

Yet hope endured, like lightning and thunder.

For in the hearts of heroes, a fire burned bright,

Guiding their steps through the darkest of night.

So heed these words, oh seeker of lore,

For destiny calls, and fate knocks at your door.

In the echoes of time, where shadows dance,

Heroes rise, to take their rightful chance.”

Running her fingers across it, she turns the page, finding a beautiful poem about a hero clad in golden triumph, Mirabel got lost in the wonders of tales and myths. She could not know the exact time of passing, but she knew by the dropping exhaustion of her eyes and the cold seeping into the stone walls, Mirabel knew the sun had long set. Her limbs heavy but her mind had never been clearer as she too laid down to rest, elation filled her as she wondered what adventure she would face next, drifting of to dreams. Mirabel dreamt of folklore no longer passed down, but its memory bright in her mind as she drifted of into a restful slumber.


So, I've hit a new level of procrastination :D, but in all seriousness, three chapters in a day? My hands are aching. I promise I'll get to the Madrigals and villagers soon enough but Mirabel grabbed me by the neck and demanded a adventure. After everything I've put her through, I'm inclined to agree.

Anyway, I hope you like it. Share your thoughts in the comments below!

Chapter 10: Caverns of Lost Souls: Part II, the end of the Oasis of Eternal Sands.


Mirabel finds the temple of sacred relics, and leaves for home


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

Mirabel woke up bright eyed and bushy tailed, cheerful disposition lighting the way through the chamber as she looked around, curious if there’s any secret door or exits.

Pausing in-front of an ornate tapestry, woven threads that held the touch of humans, it weaving over each other criss crossing, she took a moment to admire the embroidery. Each delicate stitch, woven with threads spun from the fabric of antiquity, told a story of craftsmanship and artistry passed down through generations. The intricate patterns, once vibrant and alive with colour, now faded to soft whispers of their former glory, yet still retaining a timeless elegance that transcended the ages.

Like whispered secrets etched upon the canvas of history, the embroidery spoke of a world long forgotten, where skilled hands brought dreams to life with needle and thread. Each motif, a silent witness to passage, held within time’s embrace the echoes of voices long silenced, waiting patiently to be rediscovered by those who dared to see. Mirabel examined the stitches with a critical admiring eye, looking over the delicacy as she wondered how it was made. Upon touching the whether fabric, her fingers brushed against a hallowed inscriptions.

Blinking in surprise she carefully manoeuvred the tapestry to look behind it, and gasped in excitement. Runes filled every corner of the wall, she knew within her heart, that this was another riddle to solve.

However, she frowned, looking at the tapestry, it was in the way of examining it properly. As she looked around with a careful eye, she found a pulling lever to move the tapestry sideways. Upon realising, she went about immediately, although it took a few times, and it travelled slow and creaky. But eventually, she got the tapestry past, and started to examine the runes properly now.

It was unfamiliar yet familiar, she thought, as she rummaged through scrolls to see if perhaps there would be a connecting point. She finally found it, flipping and opening of paper echoing thorough the chamber, in one of the few books without a translation guide.

Mirabel carefully looks through the weathered pages of the ancient scrolls, her fingers tracing the faded illustrations of cryptic symbols and hieroglyphs. Each intricate design tells a story of a bygone era, but the accompanying descriptions are written in a language far beyond her grasp. The words blur together in a sea of unfamiliar characters, leaving her feeling frustrated and overwhelmed.

Despite the language barrier, Mirabel refuses to be deterred. With a determined frown, she squints at the illustrations, trying to make sense of their intricate patterns and shapes. Some symbols seem vaguely familiar, while others are entirely alien to her young mind.

She studies each page intently, searching for any clues that might help her decipher the enigmatic inscription in the cavern. Every stroke of the pen, every curve and line, holds the potential key to unlocking the message hidden within the ancient runes.

As she pours over the illustrations, Mirabel's imagination takes flight, weaving tales of forgotten civilisations and lost treasures. She imagines herself as an intrepid explorer, charting uncharted territories and unraveling the mysteries of the past.

And despite her initial frustration, Mirabel's curiosity soon outweighs her doubts. She early dives back into her study of the ancient scrolls. Mirabel's mind races as she tries to piece together the meaning of the inscription, drawing connections between the symbols and their potential significance. She focuses on the recurring patterns and motifs, searching for clues that might unlock the message hidden within the ancient runes. One symbol in particular catches her eye—a series of concentric circles surrounded by intricate geometric patterns. Something about it feels familiar, tugging at the edges of her memory like a half-forgotten dream.

Looking through the other scrolls she already read, and her notes she took the night before. Mirabel begins to notice subtle similarities between the symbols in the inscription and those found in the runes she’d briefly studied, one in particular perfectly fits against the concentric circles surrounded by intricate geometric patterns.

“What did it mean again?” Mirabel wondered outloud as she shuffled through her notes, its sound echoing the shifting of sand. Beware, it meant in the loosest terms, with growing excitement, Mirabel starts to connect the dots, linking together disparate elements of the inscription in a coherent narrative.

Could the inscription be a record of some long-forgotten ritual or prophecy, she wonders, passed down through the ages by those who came before?

As she pieces together the puzzle, Mirabel's sense of joy deepens, getting so close to uncovering the mystery, her elation heightens. Each symbol she deciphers feels like a small victory, bringing her one step closer to unraveling the enigma of the ancient runes.

Finally, after hours of painstaking analysis, the sun setting allows for the coolness of outside to seep in. Her knees bruised and scraped from her travels, sting from the ice creeping from the cracks yet Mirabel doesn’t notice— too embedded in the curious challenge.

She, at last, arrives at a tentative conclusion. The inscription, she believes, is a warning—a cryptic message left behind by the temple's builders to ward off unwary travelers.

"Beneath sands of time, whispers echo, secrets lie. Shadows dance, veiling truths untold. Seeker of light, tread softly, for darkness covets curiosity. Glyphs of yore speak in tongues unknown, revealing paths of peril and promise. Dare to decipher the silent script, but heed the silent warnings, lest the ancient guardians awaken and claim thee as their own."

Its meaning may be obscure, its purpose shrouded in mystery, but one thing is clear: the secrets of the ancient temple are not easily unlocked, and those who dare to seek them out do so at their own peril.

Upon coming to this realisation, the wall rumbles, breaking apart like doors opening as dust falls like snow, who sneezes once again, as the scent of musky earth and acidic dust fills the air. Mirabel whose excitement never waning even in the face of her own exhaustion, journeys further ahead to see what lies deep in the sacred chambers.

The temple is booming in its presence, large spiral pillars of gold line the temple like guards. Its magnificence not faded with time as amber honey like glass bowls stand on an gleaming alter, its weathered body standing proud sparkling like gleaming rubies, speaks of divinity, the gods golden thread almighty, weaving and turning the rolling rivers of humanity.

Rotting fruit and sweet aged wine clash the air in thick cloying scent, moving like waves upon the shore. The lanterns shine a glow so iridescent that Mirabel has to squint her eyes when she look at it, its brilliance still burning so bright as though the ghosts of the temple tended to it, loyal to their sworn duties.

As Mirabel ventured further into the depths of the temple, the air grew heavy with an oppressive stillness that seemed to suffocate her with every breath. The flickering torchlight cast elongated shadows upon the ancient walls, their jagged edges looming like dark spectres in the dimly lit chamber as the odour clung to her skin like phantom touch.

Mirabel finds sacred relics displayed within the temple, each one a tangible link to the distant past. One such is a an intricately crafted amulet with fine details that catch the light in mesmerising patterns. Its shape resembles a stylised eye, with a central pupil surrounded by sweeping lines that evoke the rays of the sun. A large glowing ruby, acts as the eye as it gleams with a knowing presence.

Each step felt heavier, as if the air itself had thickened with an unseen tension that clung to her skin like a suffocating cloak. Her usually bright eyes, filled with curiosity and wonder, now flickered with uncertainty, betraying the growing unease that gnawed at her insides.

"What secrets do you hold, ancient temple?" she whispered to herself, her voice barely audible over the eerie silence that enveloped the chamber. But the temple offered no answers, only the haunting echo of her own words bouncing off the walls like ghostly whispers.

As she drew closer to the sacred relics displayed around the temple, Mirabel's thoughts raced like wildfire, fuelled by a mixture of fascination and fear. Doubts crept into her mind like creeping shadows, whispering sinister warnings of the dangers that lurked within the temple's depths.

"What if I am not meant to uncover these secrets?" she wondered, her fingers trembling slightly as she reached out to touch the intricately crafted amulet with its mesmerising patterns. A flicker of doubt danced behind her eyes as she hesitated, the weight of uncertainty pressing down upon her like a leaden weight.

The relics seemed to pulse with a malevolent energy, their once alluring beauty now tainted by a sense of foreboding that sent shivers down Mirabel's spine. Each gleaming surface reflected the dim torchlight in twisted, distorted patterns, casting eerie shadows that seemed to dance and shift with a life of their own.

The other she finds is a staff carved from the dark ebony wood, adorned with symbols of knowledge, it seems to shimmer and dance in the flickering torchlight. Runes and glyphs spiral along its length, weaving a tapestry of arcane wisdom that speaks to the eternal mysteries of the cosmos. At its tip, a gleaming crystal glows with an otherworldly luminescence, casting a gentle radiance that illuminates the secrets hidden within the shadows.

One in particular on the very top broken pillar, catches her eyes. Adorned with gleaming falcon feathers and encrusted with jewels of every hue a crown sits regally as it shines with the brilliance of the noonday sun. Its form majestic, evoking the divine authority of divinity.

As she continued to gaze upon the relics, a sense of dread began to settle in the pit of her stomach, twisting and churning like a tempestuous storm. What had begun as a thrilling adventure had now become a harrowing journey into the unknown, fraught with peril and uncertainty.

As Mirabel reaches out to touch it, she feels a tingling sensation course through her fingertips, as if the very air around her has come alive with the energy of the heavens. With each feather that rustles in the breeze, she hears the distant call of soaring eagles and the whisper of ancient winds, beckoning her to rise above the mortal realm and ascend to the realms of the gods.

The soft scrape of footsteps upon ancient stone added to the symphony of eerie noises, each sound sending shivers down Mirabel's spine as she turned in search of their source, only to be met with empty darkness.

The combination of oppressive atmosphere, malevolent energy, and haunting sounds left Mirabel feeling as though she had stepped into a nightmare. Every instinct screamed at her to flee, to escape the suffocating embrace of the temple before it was too late. But a stubborn curiosity held her in place, driving her forward into the heart of the darkness, even as her rational mind screamed for her to turn back.

The air seemed to thicken around her, wrapping her in a suffocating embrace that left her gasping for breath. The once inviting glow of the relics now seemed to pulse with a malevolent energy, casting eerie shadows that danced and shifted with a life of their own.

And then came the sounds—the faint whispers of long-forgotten voices echoing through the chamber like distant cries of anguish. The soft scrape of footsteps upon ancient stone reverberated through the air, sending chills down Mirabel's spine as she turned to find nothing but empty darkness staring back at her.

She feels the tingling send heat through her fingertips, as she startles out of her trance. So lost in it, she hadn’t even noticed the burning it caused until she backed away. The flesh, once smooth and unblemished, now marred by blistering welts and charred patches of skin. Now that she was away, the burns sent shots of agony though her nerves, spiralling as it continued to pound in its pain.

Immediately, she looks for an exit, her panic ebbing and waning as the scared relics tried to enchant her deeper into their relentless spell. Now that her mind, is clearly, the relics glew with an eerie sinister light, the once divine touch of reverent whispers turned into agonising screams of scarified souls. The once gleaming ruby red surface alter looks as a macabre scarlet now, the presence of authority once respectful, demanding in its hunger and greed.

Her breaths came out it short gasps as she found the chamber door closed, no rune in sight. But even so, she clung to the panic, like a drowning man clung to driftwood. Finally, she found a cracked hole in the wall. As though someone pounded and broke it in their desperation to get away, splatters of red painted it.

Mirabel ran out, crawling through tiny hole, wincing as her wings scraped harshly against the jagged rock. It was cold and dark, the rolling sands shifting beneath each step. Mirabel walked thought the night desert, tch, tch, tch, the sands of the oasis ebbed, the sound echoing against the harsh wind of the desert.

Mirabel walked, until her legs were wobbly with exertion, sharp piercing stabs through her stomach as her heart thudded and her lungs gasped. She walked until the haunting temple, rolling shadows grabbing its pedestal with scraping screaming hands. Mirabel walked until she collapsed in a small dune, shaking, and cold, the wind biting her nose and flushing her cheeks.

She did not sleep though the night. She stayed awake, drifting of into unrestful slumber as she jerked awake from the looming memories of the temple. Her throbbing burning fingers reminded her of unfortunate souls who got lost in the pursuit of divinity, evermore for their mortality became a liability, with gold dusted blood and cracked souls, they tore out their mortality for a chance of greatness.

The sun rose, casting its warmth once again across the cursed caverns and Mirabel, lost and afraid, looked for its guidance once again. Mirabel knows that the sun rises in the east and sets in the west. If it's morning and the sun is to her left, she knows she needs to head roughly eastward to find her way back to the oasis. And eastward she went, stoping by low depression areas for water springs to rejuvenate her spirt and body, Mirabel began the treacherous journey back to the centre.


Alright, so I ended up doing a fourth chapter in a day. I originally planned to stop at chapter 9, but I guess I got carried away. I'm too drained now; I think I've reached my endpoint and created a whole new level of procrastination for myself.

Hope you enjoyed it! Any guesses on which island she'll explore next?

Chapter 11: The Family


We get the rest of the Madrigal's insight and feelings.

Chapter Text

“Pedro, help me see the light,” Alma sighed, exhaustion taking over her, as she slumped, shoulders dropping with the weight of the world. Alma wondered just where had it gone wrong? After she sent Mirabel to her room, furious at her behaviour. Did she not realise how worried they were? Standing there as if she didn’t disappear for a week, with fake wings of all things! Going as far to destroy her own shirt, where had they gone wrong with her? She wondered.

By the time she announced them, Julieta, going to the nursery in worry, came back running, frayed nerves as she told them she wasn’t there. Alma at first was furious, thinking she had run away again, but the more they searched and found no hide or hair of her, the more she thought that perhaps the Mirabel she saw was simply an illusion made from her worried haze.

Now, she was missing. She replays their last interaction in her mind, the anger in her voice and the harshness of her words. Regret gnaws at her conscience as she realises the magnitude of her actions. Now, her granddaughter was missing, most likely dead. She had lost yet another one of her family, the weight of it aching once it fully hit her.

Why had it happened? Mirabel, the young girl, must’ve lost her way, like her son Bruno did, she rationalised. No matter what had happened, the family must continue one. It is unfortunate that they lost Mirabel but they cannot falter. She would not lose another one of her family again.

Meanwhile in the Casita, a man snuck into out of a door, faded and dead, the name BRUNO, faded and barely seen on the door. Bruno snuck back into the walls, in his hand, a vivid green tablet, that glew in the darkness, had the image of an older laughing Mirabel, face a vision of happiness.

Bruno held the tablet in his hands, its surface smooth and cool to the touch. Etched into its surface were images of Mirabel, captured in moments of joy and laughter. The tablet glowed with an otherworldly light, illuminating the darkness of walls.

As he turned the tablet, the images flickered, each one a precious memory frozen in time. In one image, Mirabel stood beneath the warm glow of candlelight, her curls adorned with delicate butterflies that danced around her like shimmering jewels. It was a moment of pure innocence and wonder, a stark contrast to the darkness that now engulfed the family.

But there was another image, one that filled Bruno's heart with hope. It showed Mirabel holding a candle aloft, its flame casting shadows that danced across the walls of the Casita. In that moment, she was a beacon of light in the darkness, a symbol of resilience and determination.

The meaning was obvious to Bruno, who rested in ease at the sight of his missing niece healthy and well. All he could do now, was to hope the rest of their family got it together as he looked at a broken pile of glass that pieced together a broken house, its glow promising the persistence of the vision.

Julieta sat at the kitchen table, her usually vibrant energy replaced by a heavy weariness. She slumped in her chair, her once straight posture now curved with the weight of her emotions. Her shoulders drooped, as if unable to bear the burden of her thoughts.

Her hands moved mechanically, kneading the dough before her, but there was no joy in the motion. Each movement seemed to lack the usual grace and purpose, her fingers trembling slightly as they worked.

As she worked, tears welled in her eyes, blurring her vision of the dough before her. She made no effort to wipe them away, allowing them to trickle down her cheeks unchecked. Each tear seemed to carry with it a silent lament for the absence of her daughter.

Pepa entered the kitchen, her eyes immediately drawn to Julieta's slumped form. With a soft sigh, she crossed the room and placed a comforting hand on Julieta's trembling shoulder.

"It's okay to let it out, Juli," Pepa said gently, her voice a soothing balm against Julieta's raw emotions.

"She's only ten," Julieta whispered to herself, tears spilling from her eyes.

"She hadn't even celebrated her eleventh birthday..." Regret gnawed at her conscience as she replayed their last interaction in her mind.

"Pepa, we forgot her birthday," she confessed, the realisation hitting her like a ton of bricks. The guilt was suffocating, threatening to consume her whole. Pepa started to feel the sting of tears herself, as a storm brewed outside.

"It's going to be okay, Juli," Pepa murmured soothingly, her voice gentle as she tried to comfort her sister.

Julieta sniffled, leaning into Pepa's embrace. "I just can't shake this feeling of dread," she admitted, her voice muffled against Pepa's shoulder.

Pepa sighed, rubbing Julieta's back in a soothing motion. "We'll find her, Juli. We have to believe that," she insisted, her own eyes brimming with tears.

Camilo stormed out of the Casita, his steps heavy with frustration, each footfall echoing his inner turmoil. His fists were clenched at his sides, knuckles white with the force of his anger. His brow furrowed deeply, lines of frustration etched across his forehead as he paced back and forth in the courtyard.

With each step, his mind raced with thoughts of Mirabel and the injustice of her disappearance. He couldn't shake the feeling of helplessness that consumed him, the gnawing fear that he might never see her again. Anger surged through him like a tempest, fuelled by the uncertainty of her fate.

The air crackled with tension, mirroring the tumultuous emotions swirling within him. The sky above was a deep indigo, scattered with stars that shimmered like scattered jewels, a stark contrast to the darkness that gripped his heart.

Abuela had demanded the family to continue on with their duties, as if one of her grandchildren hadn’t disappeared, as if she wasn’t even family. And forgot about searching for her?

What high did she get off telling that to their faces, Camilo thought to himself. Isabella had only exacerbated his fury, “Must’ve been nice getting attention for once,” She had snidely whispered.

He would’ve confronted her if it wasn’t Luisa immediately gotten up, a look of stone fury, as she accidentally knocked over a table in her rush.

Isabella sat on the steps, her expression unreadable as she watched him approach.

"What's wrong with you?" Isabella asked, her voice laced with irritation.

"What's wrong with me? What's wrong with you?" Camilo shot back, his temper flaring. "How can you be so indifferent about Mirabel?”

Isabella rolled her eyes, crossing her arms defensively. "Oh please, like you care so much. You've been too busy with your own antics to notice her absence.”

Camilo's jaw tightened, his anger boiling beneath the surface. "You don't know anything about me," he snapped, turning away before things escalated further.

Camilo had thought over the past years and the past days in particular, he missed her birthday. When had they drifted so far apart that he forgot about her birthday, and barely spending time together, he couldn’t remember the last they hugged.

He slowed down to a stop, as he heard familiar voices talk.

“I don’t get why they’re making such a fuss of the gift-less Madrigal,” Someone snarked, the rest of the group snickering, “Yea, isn’t it a good thing she’s gone? We don’t need to worry about her tainting Antonio—”

“What did you say?” He interrupted, his heart thumping as he stared at the familiar faces of his startled friends.

“We, uh, we just,” Marco, the leader of the circus club it seemed, stuttered.

“We’re just joking, man,” the other supported him, “No need to get so worked up.” The rest were nodding in agreement, but the weight of their betrayal felt like a heavy burden, crushing him beneath its unbearable weight—stole his breath, and made him loss of words.

“Besides, you joked around like this too,” another stuttered, and Camilo had never felt more guilty than now. Did his jokes allow for an ok for them to bully her? How did he not notice this? If this is what’s it like for her, he wouldn’t been surprised if she ran away.

“Forget it,” He shrugged Marco’s hand off, as he began to reach for him. He walked off before he did something he would regret, the furious pudding of his heart echoing in his ears.

The cobblestone streets of the village stretched out before him, illuminated by the soft glow of lanterns that cast long shadows against the walls of the buildings. The sound of his footsteps echoed off the walls, a rhythmic cadence that mirrored the pounding of his heart.

In the distance, he could hear the faint murmur of voices, the villagers gathered in the town square, their words carried on the night breeze like a haunting melody. The flickering torches cast eerie shadows on the ground, dancing in time with the whispers of the wind.

As he approached, the tension in the air was palpable, thick with suspicion and fear. The villagers huddled together, their faces drawn and anxious, their voices hushed as they exchanged worried glances.

Madam Diaz stood at the center of the square, her posture rigid with anger, her eyes flashing with determination. She spoke with conviction, her words cutting through the silence like a knife, each syllable dripping with venom.

"We wouldn’t want to inconvenience you, really," she said, her voice laced with sarcasm. "I’m sure you have been busy searching for poor Mirabel.”

The villagers shifted uncomfortably, exchanging nervous glances as they listened to her words. Madam Diaz's tone was sharp, her words biting with accusation. It was clear that she harboured resentment towards the Madrigal family and she didn't hesitate to make her feelings known.

"It was so soon after her birthday too," she continued, her voice growing louder with each word.

"And yet here we are, still waiting for answers.”

The tension in the air was palpable as Madam Diaz's words hung over the crowd like a dark cloud. The villagers remained silent, their faces drawn with worry as they awaited Abuela's response.

Dolores heard everything, from the laboured loud laughs of the children playing to the rhythmic tch tch tch of Bruno’s room and the sound of the ten heartbeats of her family, thumping with proof of life. Eleven and not twelve, since her youngest cousin was missing. Missing at eleven with no heart beat in hearing range, Dolores didn’t like to assume the worst, but there seemed to be no other option. Dolores knew, she heard everything, she didn’t know when she started to take her cousin for granted until she was gone. Her cousin who always spoke so quietly to Dolores, mindful of her hearing, who smiled so brightly—that smile fading as time went by.

Dolores’s super hearing caused fear, no one dared to do anything because she could always hear. No one would do anything. Yet someone did, clearly. Did they see their family and notice how Mirabel was always pushed to the background? Was that why they decided to act?

She hated that whoever did was right. That they didn’t even notice her gone for a whole week, it stung more so deeply. To think she didn’t notice when she stopped hearing her cousin’s heart, to think that her cousin could’ve called out for her, yelled for her but she didn’t hear. That her cousin died, hoping she’d save her.

She startled, she didn’t want to think of the worst case scenario. The only option left is a vision, to see if she’s dead or alive. Looking at the walls, she made her resolve to find her Tio Bruno.

The Casita stood as a silent sentinel amidst the bustling village, its walls adorned with vibrant murals that told the story of the Madrigal family. But now, in the absence of Mirabel, the Casita seemed to echo with a haunting emptiness, its once lively halls now filled with a palpable sense of loss.

Inside, the air was heavy with the weight of uncertainty, the flickering candlelight casting long shadows that danced across the walls. Each place held memories of Mirabel, her laughter echoing in the corridors like a distant melody.

Outside, the courtyard was bathed in moonlight, casting an ethereal glow upon the colourful flowers that bloomed in the garden. But even their beauty seemed muted in the wake of Mirabel's disappearance, their petals wilting with each passing day.

The Casita served as both a sanctuary and a prison for the Madrigal family, its walls offering protection from the outside world but also trapping them in a cycle of fear and uncertainty. It was a symbol of their strength and resilience, but also a reminder of the fragility of their existence.

And the Casita was cracking upon her absence, reflecting the breaking down of the family.

“Did you do it?” Casita asked as the Candle flickered ominously.

“Yes, it took much more magic than expected,” The Candle replied back, the wax melting, disturbing the eternal glow it had.

“If she doesn’t understand now, then I don’t think this family can be saved,” Casita said as it shuddered mournfully, its doors closed, and chilled in the waning power.

Chapter 12: The Lunar Sanctum: Part I


Mirabel explores the Lunar Sanctum.


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

In the grand theatre of existence, where every soul plays its part upon the stage, one cannot help but marvel at the exquisite absurdity of it all. For life, dear reader, is a comedy of errors, a spectacle of delights and dilemmas woven into the very fabric of our existence. Consider, if you will, Mirabel as she follows the wills of her curiosity; no matter the depths of darkness it will take her to.

As Mirabel soars through the night sky, her wings shimmering with iridescent pearl hues glows under the radiant light of the moon. She catches her first glimpse of the Lunar Sanctum, as it stands like a veiled maiden of antiquity, its contours dance upon the canvas of imagination, draped in the cloak of secrecy and allure — like an ephemeral lagoon, the island lies bathed in the soft glow of moonlight. The Temple of Selene stands tall at the center, its marble pillars reaching towards the heavens like fingers grasping for the stars. White and gleaming, its ornate carvings are idyllic in nature.

As she descends closer to the island, Mirabel can see the intricate patterns of streams and pools that crisscross its surface, their waters shimmering with a silvery luminescence. The Garden of flowers beckons from a secluded grove, its ethereal blossoms kissed by the gentle caress of dusk’s final light, casts a bewitching aura over the landscape, as if painting the very air with hues of enchantment.

With a graceful descent, Mirabel lands on the dew-kissed grass, her wings folding behind her as she takes in the sight before her. The grandeur of the temple looms, its majestic architecture a testament to the reverence and awe inspired by the moon goddess Selene. The temple rose from the earth like a radiant beacon, its opulent form a testament to the celestial beauty of the moon goddess it honoured.

The structure was crafted entirely from luminous white marble, each block meticulously hewn and polished to perfection. Its façade was adorned with intricate carvings depicting scenes from ancient myths and celestial motifs that danced in the moonlight. Mirabel marvelled at the craftsmanship displayed in every delicate detail, from the graceful curves of the archways to the elaborate scrollwork that adorned the temple's towering pillars.

As she drew closer, Mirabel noticed that the pillars themselves were works of art, each one adorned with bas-reliefs that depicted the phases of the moon in exquisite detail. From waxing crescents to full moons, the celestial orbs seemed to come to life in the moonlight, their silvery glow casting a luminous aura over the temple grounds.

The entrance to the temple was framed by a grand portico, its columns soaring skyward like the outstretched arms of supplicants reaching toward the heavens. At the apex of the portico stood a majestic pediment adorned with a frieze of lunar deities and celestial beings, their forms frozen in a timeless dance of divine grace.

As Mirabel passed through the entrance, she found herself standing in a vast vestibule bathed in the soft glow of moonlight that streamed through stained glass windows depicting scenes of lunar beauty. The walls were lined with alcoves containing statues of moon goddesses and lunar spirits, their serene expressions seeming to watch over the temple with benevolent eyes— its faded colour not lacking any brilliance as its ethereal shine lit the area.

Stepping into the sanctum, Mirabel found herself enveloped in an atmosphere of hushed reverence, the scent of ancient incense permeating the air. As she wandered further, she found the remnants of long-forgotten rituals adorning the walls, their faded symbols and faded offerings a testament to the island's deep reverence for the moon goddess Selene. As she ventured deeper into the heart of the temple, Mirabel's eyes were drawn to a grand chamber bathed in the soft, silvery glow of moonlight that filtered through a domed skylight overhead. At the center of the chamber stood the object of her fascination: the grand lunar dial.

The dial commanded attention with its sheer size and intricate craftsmanship, its surface gleaming with the ethereal light of the moon. Silver hour lines and numbers adorned its surface, tracing the passage of time with celestial precision. Mirabel approached the dial with a sense of awe, her fingers tracing the smooth contours of its surface.

Leaving the grandeur of the temple behind, Mirabel ventured towards the back of the island, where winding streams and serene pools awaited her. The moon's gentle glow illuminated her path, casting silvery beams of light that danced upon the rippling waters, creating an otherworldly scene of ethereal beauty.

As she approached the first pool, Mirabel was captivated by its tranquil surface, which shimmered like liquid silver under the moon's watchful gaze. Without hesitation, she dipped her toes into the enchanted waters, feeling a tingling sensation spread through her body as if the very essence of the moon was infusing her being. With each step she took, Mirabel felt a sense of clarity and purification wash over her, cleansing her mind, body and spirit of any lingering doubts or fears. The cool embrace of the water enveloped her, soothing her senses and enveloping her in a cocoon of serenity.

Mirabel floated in the tranquil waters of the pool, the moon's gentle glow casting a silver sheen upon her wings—which already was a blinding white was now gleaming iridescently. The cooling waters soothed the tired ache and sore skin of around her wings. With each ripple that lapped against her body, she felt a sense of clarity wash over her, allowing her thoughts to drift and dance like the reflections on the water's surface. In the quietude of the night, Mirabel found herself pondering on her own sense of identity and purpose. She couldn't help but feel a pang of inadequacy compared to her gifted family members. They all possessed extraordinary talents and abilities, while she struggled to find her place among them.

"I'm not like the others," Mirabel whispered to herself, her voice barely audible above the gentle rustle of the breeze. “Even with a gift, I don’t have a role to play in the family.”

Her thoughts drifted to her family. There was Abuela, whose unwavering strength held the family together even in the face of adversity. Then there was Isabela, the beauty who could do no wrong, and Luisa, whose incredible strength could move mountains.

Mirabel pondered this, as she brushed her feathers with her hands, its soft heavenly presence soothing Mirabel into a deeper sense of safety. As the weight of her thoughts lingered heavy in the air, Mirabel shifted her focus to her surroundings when the ringing echoes of a clock striking midnight filled the air. An eerie stillness descended, shrouding Mirabel in a suffocating blanket of darkness. With each passing moment, the moon's silvery glow seemed to wane, casting long shadows that danced and flickered upon the temple walls.

As Mirabel ventured deeper into the lunar sanctum, it seemed as though the very atmosphere had taken on a weight, each breath laden with an unspoken dread that sent shivers down her spine. The silence, once comforting in its tranquility, now seemed oppressive, broken only by the faint rustle of leaves and the distant echo of phantom footsteps.

Every corner held a whisper of menace, every shadow a lurking threat, as if unseen eyes watched from the darkness, waiting and watching with bated breath. The murals and statues' eyes seemed to follow her every step, alight with a vile glow. Mirabel was struck by a feeling so intense, it was a feeling that defied reason, a primal instinct warning of impending danger and no amount of rationalisation could dispel its chilling grip on the soul.

With each step she took, the shadows seemed to twist and contort, taking on grotesque shapes that sent a chill down her spine. She could feel the weight of the moon's gaze upon her, its influence seeping into her mind like a creeping fog, clouding her thoughts and stirring her deepest fears. A heavy weight settled over her heart. Guilt and regret tangled within her, like thorns twisting around her thoughts. Memories of past interactions with her family haunted her, each one a painful reminder of her perceived failings. The memory of her grandmother's disappointed gaze burned in her mind, her words a sharp sting that pierced through Mirabel's fragile facade.

A sense of inadequacy gnawed at her from within, a constant companion that whispered doubts and insecurities into her ear. She couldn't shake the feeling of never being good enough, of always falling short of the expectations placed upon her. It was as if she were constantly apologising for simply existing, for daring to take up space in a world that seemed determined to push her aside. Dread tightened its grip around Mirabel's heart, a cold shiver running down her spine as the thought of death lingered in her mind like an uninvited guest. She traced the delicate patterns of moonlight dancing on the temple floor, her fingers trembling with uncertainty.

“Is this all there is?” she whispered, her voice barely audible above the gentle rustle of the breeze. The air tasted of uncertainty, each breath laden with the weight of unanswered questions. She closed her eyes, seeking solace in the darkness behind her lids, but even there, the spectre of mortality loomed large, casting long shadows over her thoughts. With a heavy sigh, she pushed aside the doubts that threatened to overwhelm her, focusing instead on the cool touch of the marble beneath her fingertips, grounding herself in the tangible world around her.

She caught sight of fleeting glimpses of death and decay that seemed to paint the shadows as the beautiful moonflowers that lined the temple entrance wilted, its petals scattered by the wind. It seemed that even when blessed by divinity, all was lost to the sickly cage of mortality. In the vast expanse of darkness, Mirabel is a lone figure standing on a desolate shore, surrounded by endless waves growing larger than life in its endless gluttony.

A locked door stands as a silent sentinel, its weathered surface bearing the scars of time's relentless march. the door's iron latch, cold and unforgiving to the touch as bloodied hands thump against it

Mirabel found herself ensnared in a maze of mirrors, each reflecting distorted images of her own visage. The fractured reflections seemed to mock her, twisting and contorting into grotesque caricatures of herself. In one mirror, she saw a version of herself consumed by doubt and self-loathing, her features contorted in anguish. In another, she glimpsed a reflection of her past mistakes and regrets, haunting her like ghosts from beyond the grave. Each mirror seemed to hold a fragment of her psyche.

Mirabel ran, willing her wings to fly, and tripped, falling into the ground in her fear. Her wings sluggish, barely lifted her off the ground as though it fell asleep. She could see ghostly apparitions of her family, trailing behind her, their faces disfigured in cruelty. Her knees and palms stinging in sharp ache, Mirabel rushed with a frightened intensity.

Stoping in-front of a large withered tree standing alone in a barren landscape, its twisted branches curling as though its evermore in a state of agony. Broken glass lined the top of the roots, sticking out like planted flowers. Mirabel hesitated, her heart thundering and lungs heaving, before making a split decision to crawl inside the hallow of the trunk as the apparitions came within her line of sight. In her rush, she didn’t notice that there was no ground. As she fell, a scream ripped her though throat, her wing caught at the glass edged walls.

—pure lily white tarnished by blood, vacant and lifeless stars had already fallen, it's shackled screams had long been gone—

She saw figures lurking in the shadows, their eyes gleaming with malevolent intent as they reached out to ensnare her in their grasp, clawing skeletal hands trailing her skin —you are alive and you will never die, it whispers as aching hands cradle porcelain bones.—

Falling into a long, dark tunnel for an extended period of time evoked a profound sense of disorientation and helplessness, Mirabel learned as she plummeted into the abyss, the world around her blurred into a chaotic whirl of shadow and motion, the rush of wind whipping past her ears like a deafening roar. A sense of vertigo grips her, sending her stomach lurching and head spinning. It's as though she’s been cast adrift in a vast sea of nothingness, with no hope of finding solid ground to anchor herself to.

The darkness of the tunnel stretched endlessly before Mirabel, each moment feeling like an eternity as she plummeted into its depths. Her heartbeat thundered in her ears, the only sound in the suffocating silence. With each passing second, the sensation of free fall intensified, a dizzying rush that threatened to overwhelm her senses.

Yet amidst the chaos, a sense of calm washed over her, a fleeting moment of clarity amidst the chaos. She closed her eyes, surrendering herself to the abyss, her thoughts drifting like leaves on a gentle breeze. For a brief moment, time seemed to stand still, suspended in the quiet expanse of the void.

But as she lingers in this serene interlude, the darkness around her begins to stir, its malevolent presence palpable in the shifting shadows. The once still expanse now twists and contorts, morphing into grotesque shapes that seem to writhe with a life of their own. It is as though the very fabric of the tunnel itself is alive, pulsating with a malevolent energy that threatens to engulf her completely.

It felt like hours, perhaps even days, as Mirabel fell in a blind tumble, helpless against the moon’s influence. She plummeted into a river, the impact sending shockwaves rippling through the murky depths. The water envelopes her like a cold, clammy embrace, its inky depths swallowing her whole as she sinks deeper into its abyss.

For a moment, everything is disorienting and surreal, her senses overwhelmed by the sensation of being submerged in the cold, dark water. The pressure of the depths presses in on her from all sides, squeezing the air from her lungs and making it difficult to think or move. As she struggles to orient herself in the suffocating darkness, a sense of unease creeps over her like a shadowy spectre. She is keenly aware of the vast expanse of water surrounding her, its depths concealing unknown dangers and mysteries that lie waiting in the shadows.

The river whispered secrets of forgotten souls, their voices echoing through the darkness like faint echoes of distant memories. Each step forward felt like a step closer to oblivion, yet she pressed on, driven by a sense of purpose she couldn't quite grasp. In the swirling depths below, shadowy figures lurked, their forms shifting and twisting in the currents like phantoms of the past. They beckoned to her, their siren calls tempting her to surrender to the abyss, to let go of her earthly burdens and sink into the embrace of oblivion. But Mirabel resisted, clinging to the fragile thread of hope that still bound her to the world above.

Her every movement feels sluggish and heavy, as though she is wading through molasses rather than water. In amidst the darkness, her wing shines suddenly— its bright glow previously dulled by the choking phantoms. As it extends, at last moving, lending her the strength to swim up to the surface.

The exertion caused a searing pain to shoot through her limbs and wings, her legs flailing desperately as she fought against the darkness pulling her down. Gasping for air, she coughed violently as she finally collapsed onto the unforgiving dirt floor, the oppressive musk of the tunnels closing in around her like a suffocating shroud.

With each laboured breath, she felt the weight of her recent trials pressing down upon her, the memory of nearly drowning in the murky depths engraving itself in her mind. The realisation of how close she had come to death sent a shiver down her spine, her thoughts racing as she grappled with the fragility of her own mortality.

Amidst the haunting stillness of the labyrinthine corridors, she ventured forth, her senses still reeling from the harrowing ordeal she had endured. The tendrils of disorientation tightened around her as malady creeps onto her skin like crawling insects, as tendrils of fog obscuring the path ahead, as she drifts ever deeper into what seemed like a labyrinth.

Each step she takes is a descent into the abyss of uncertainty, where the boundaries between the tangible and the intangible blur into obscurity. Shadows dance upon the walls, whispering secrets of forgotten realms and lost souls, their voices a haunting melody that echoes through the hollow chambers of her mind.

Their voices scrape against her mind, trudging memories of cursed dunes as she struggles to find her footing amidst the shifting sands of perception, her resolve tested by the ever-shifting landscape of her consciousness. Reality twists and warps before her eyes, morphing into grotesque shapes and macabre forms that defy explanation. In the depths of her disorientation, she clings to the frayed edges of sanity, and her grappling fear to keep her afoot.

Mirabel presses onward, guided by the faint glow of the moon's silver light filtering through the ancient stone. It is her beacon of hope in the suffocating darkness, a guiding star as much as it is the cause of her suffering, the sickness it contains contaminating those it touches.

Here in the lonesome labyrinth, Mirabel stood at the precipice of her deepest fears, her heart a tumultuous storm of conflicting emotions. The ancient stones loomed overhead, their weathered faces bearing silent witness to the inner turmoil that gripped her soul. Moonlight filtered through the cracks in the ceiling, casting ethereal shadows that danced across the floor like spectres of the past.

As she gazed into the darkness, a sense of foreboding washed over her like a tidal wave, threatening to engulf her in its icy embrace. Doubt gnawed at her from within, whispering cruel taunts that echoed in the recesses of her mind. Was she truly loved by her family, or was she merely an obligation? The thought lingered like a bitter taste on her tongue, filling her with a sense of longing and despair. These thoughts weighed heavily on her mind as she ventured into the heart of the labyrinth. She stumbled upon a garden shrouded in mist, here, beneath the canopy of eternal emerald, every leaf whispers secrets of ancient wisdom and every blossom exhales the fragrance of paradise lost.

The air is imbued with the gentle caress of perpetual spring, where sunlight breaks past the moon, dancing upon the tranquil waters of crystalline streams. The breeze, a soft serenade, carries with it the hymns of celestial beings, weaving a tapestry of harmony that envelops the soul in a sacred embrace. Within the grove, two trees stand as sentinels of significance: the Tree of Life, its branches reaching towards the heavens, offering the nectar of eternal existence to those who dare to taste its divine fruit; and the Tree of Knowledge, whose forbidden allure beckons with whispers of forbidden truths and the weight of moral consequence. Standing amidst the garden, she longed for innocence and belonging, yet knew she could never return to the paradise she had lost.

Opening her eyes —when had she closed them?—, she frowned as the moon took over her visage of the garden, it disappearing into mist as shadows dance across the moon’s surface, tracing the contours of ancient craters and lunar seas with ghostly fingers.

At times, she found herself lost in a maze of mirrors, each reflection distorting her image until she no longer recognised herself. The faces staring back at her were twisted caricatures of her deepest fears and desires, taunting her with their grotesque visages. Caught in the grip of temporal malaise, she struggles to piece together the fragments of her fractured reality, but the harder she tries, the further she seem to slips into the yawning abyss of forgotten time. It was a waking nightmare, a descent into madness as the boundaries between past, present, and future blur and distort beyond recognition. Each day feels like an eternity, stretching on into infinity with no end in sight.

Mirabel is adrift in a world that no longer feels like her own, a ghost haunting the margins of existence, forever trapped in the liminal space between what was and what could have been. Mirabel watches the moon turn, its form shifting and warping, growing and dying in an endless cycle. Upon the last quarter, Mirabel feels clarity swift into her mind like the first light of dawn piercing through the darkness. Mirabel, with her mind hazy and fractured, leans heavily against the wall as though her body was a rusted machine creaking with disuse.

With trembling hands and faltering steps, she ventured further into the depths of the temple, her path illuminated by the faint glow of the moon above. With each passing moment, the darkness seemed to press in on her from all sides, suffocating her with its oppressive weight. Shadows twisted and writhed around her, taking on grotesque forms that seemed to mock her very existence. But still, she pressed on.

As she moved deeper into the labyrinthine maze, Mirabel found herself confronted by spectral apparitions that lurked in the shadows, their hollow eyes boring into her with an intensity that sent chills down her spine. But she refused to cower in the face of their malevolent gaze, meeting their stare with a steely resolve born of desperation and defiance—her wings fluttered at the intensity of the malevolent emotions rising in the turbulent labyrinth. Leaving the eerie presence of spectral apparitions behind, Mirabel ventured deeper into the temple, her path eventually leading her to a chamber bathed in ethereal moonlight.

Mirabel enters a chamber bathed in a soft, ethereal glow. Moonlight filters through the intricately carved stone archways, casting delicate shadows that dance along the walls like whispers of ancient secrets. The air is thick with a palpable sense of magic, tingling against her skin like a gentle caress from unseen forces. In the dimly lit chamber, shadows danced upon the walls like malevolent spirits, twisting and contorting in an eerie ballet of darkness. Mirabel stood at the center of the room, her breath coming in ragged gasps as she surveyed her surroundings with wide, unseeing eyes.

The air was thick with the scent of ancient incense, its cloying sweetness suffusing the chamber with an otherworldly aura. As Mirabel inhaled deeply, the scent seemed to seep into her very pores, filling her lungs with a heady mixture of dread and anticipation. She reached out to touch one of the shadows, but her hand passed through it as if it were made of mist. Suddenly, the walls began to ripple and undulate like waves upon the ocean, their solid surfaces melting away to reveal the infinite expanse of the void beyond. Colours bled together in a kaleidoscope of hues, swirls of blues and purples, greens and yellows

Shapes melted and reformed before her eyes, morphing into grotesque caricatures of their former selves. Shadows danced and flickered, taking on a life of their own as they writhed and twisted in a chaotic ballet of darkness. The chamber seemed to tilt and sway, as if the ground beneath her feet had become as unstable as quicksand. Threads of light, once stable and luminous, now twisted and contorted like writhing serpents, coiling around the pillars of the chamber in a desperate embrace. Darkness, a veil once comforting in its familiarity, now surged forth like an unstoppable tide, devouring the remnants of solidity with insatiable hunger.

And then, with a suddenness that was almost palpable, the threads began to unravel, their delicate fibres fraying and disintegrating into nothingness. Light and darkness clashed in a frenzied battle for supremacy, each vying to assert its dominance over the other in a struggle as ancient as time itself. In the center of the raging war, a haunting image emerged: the silhouette of a figure cloaked in shadows, its features obscured by darkness. It beckoned to her with outstretched arms, a siren's call laced with the promise of acceptance and belonging.

Yet, as she drew closer, the figure shifted and twisted, its form melting away like smoke in the wind. In its place, Mirabel saw the faces of her family, their expressions twisted in disappointment and disdain. They turned away from her, leaving her alone in the darkness with only the echo of their scorn ringing in her ears. She reached out to them, desperate for reassurance but they slipped through her fingers like grains of sand, leaving her grasping at shadows.

As the vision faded, a new image began to take shape: a shimmering pool of moonlit water, its surface rippling with untold secrets and mysteries. Mirabel felt herself drawn to it, compelled by a primal urge to uncover its hidden depths. Yet, with each step she took towards the pool, it seemed to recede further and further away, leaving her stranded in a desert of uncertainty and doubt.

She longed to dive into the pool, to lose herself in its cool embrace and wash away the stains of her inadequacy. But something held her back, a nagging voice in the back of her mind whispering words of caution and warning. She tried to silence it, to push it aside and embrace the unknown, but it grew louder and more insistent with each passing moment.

In the end, there was only chaos. Reality shattered like glass, fragmented into a million fractured shards that scattered into the void, leaving Mirabel standing alone in the empty expanse of the chamber, a solitary figure adrift in an ocean of uncertainty and doubt.


SO. The next chapter. This is a rollercoaster, honestly I didn't plan on posting this chapter but I actually liked how it turned out so I decided to keep it. This chapter also marks a milestone on Mirabel's self growth journey. Also, I know you're all probably hating me right now for making Mirabel suffer so much but there's a reason and meaning for this, I promise.

I'm going to explain some of the elements of this chapter, incase I muddled up writing it and it actually ended up being illegible T^T

1) The moon serves as a symbol of mystery and intuition; it also has a connection to Mirabel's gift, which you'll see in the next chapters. The moon's shifting phases mirror Mirabel's own emotional and psychological states. It also serves as a physical manifestation of her lost time.

2) The mirrors symbolise self reflection and introspection. Mirabel's encounters with distorted reflections of herself represent her inner conflicts and struggles with identity and self worth. The fragmented and distorted nature of the reflections reflects Mirabel's fractured sense of self and her ongoing struggle to find her true identity.

3) The motif of light and darkness represents the duality of human nature and the constant struggle between opposing forces. Light symbolises clarity, enlightenment and truth, while darkness represents uncertainty, fear and the unknown. The interplay between light and darkness in the chapter is supposed to highlight the complexity of Mirabel's inner world and the challenges she faces in navigating her own psyche.

4) The labyrinthine corridors represent the complexities of the human psyche and the journey of self discovery. Mirabel's navigation through the maze reflects her inner struggles and the challenges she faces in finding herself.

5) The spectral apparitions that Mirabel encounters are supposed to symbolise her inner fears and insecurities. They represent the unresolved conflicts and traumas that haunt her, manifesting as ghostly visions and haunting spectres.

6) The garden within the maze evokes imagery reminiscent of the Garden of Eden. It's themes of innocence, temptation and the loss of paradise is supposed to symbolise her longing for a return to a better past and a desire to reconnect with people. If that makes sense.

7) This chapter explores themes of identity and self discovery, away from her family and their influences, in a new world, Mirabel has the opportunity to discover and grow. She wrestles with feelings of inadequacy, rejection and self doubt. Its important she confronts this head on, as to move past them, she has to acknowledge them. Ultimately, the chapter is supposed to be a meditation on the search for meaning and purpose in a world filled with chaos and ambiguity.

Anyways, I hope you enjoyed it. Leave your thoughts and theories in the comments below!

Chapter 13: The Lunar Sanctum: Part II


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

The echoes reverberate through Mirabel's head, drumming from one ear to another as they leave behind a trail of chaos and confusion in their wake. She stands on the precipice of the unknown, teetering on the edge of madness as the weight of her fractured reality threatens to engulf her entirely.

She comes to, grasping air in her trembling arms. What is she doing —in the lone chamber, dim under moonlight— what is happening? She scrambles to her feet, in the silent vastness of the chamber, Mirabel has never felt so alone.

"Where am I? What's happening to me?" Mirabel's voice trembles as she speaks, the sound barely audible in the oppressive silence of the chamber.

Shadows danced in the corner of Mirabel's vision, whispering secrets that begged for her attention. Despite the urge to look, she clenched her eyes shut, hoping to shield herself from the unsettling atmosphere. Yet, the darkness only seemed to deepen, accompanied by the rhythmic drip drip drip of dew and the hushed whispers of unseen figures. Each sound sent a shiver down her spine, their fragmented melodies adding to the eerie symphony that surrounded her.

The scent of cool rainwater startles her, but the one that makes her eyes open is that slithering touch along her calves, like long grass tickling her.

The pool in front beckons her, its cool waters a tantalising promise of respite from the storm raging within her soul. Pansies, laertes, daisies and rues, withered and rotting stain the pools perfect image.

But as she reaches out to touch the surface, a tremor of uncertainty courses through her, a nagging sense of dread that refuses to be ignored.

The voice in the back of her mind grows louder, its whispers of caution and warning drowning out the chaotic symphony playing out around her. She tries to push it aside, to embrace the unknown with open arms, but the darkness within her only grows deeper with each passing moment.

Shackles drag her down, as a sliver bird cage closes around her, so shaken in surprise at the sudden switch, Mirabel flits to the air as the shackles pull her down. Her wings flap in the cage like a restless butterfly about to be pinned.

Mirabel's chest constricted, suffocating under the weight of unseen forces. Each breath felt like a struggle, the air thick and oppressive against her skin. Beads of sweat gathered on her forehead, mirroring the rapid tempo of her racing heart. Every muscle tensed, a heavy weight dragging her down as if anchored by invisible chains.

Her vision blurred between shackled cages and yawning empty grey rooms. The walls closed in around her, suffocatingly close, pressing in on all sides like a vice. The air grew thick and oppressive, each breath feeling like sucking in hot, suffocating air.

Clawing at the walls in desperation, her nails scrape against the unforgiving surface. She yearns to reach out for help, but words catch in her throat, drowned by the overwhelming despair.

Amidst her thrashing panic, Mirabel whispers to herself, 'Stay calm.' But her trembling hands betray her, knocking over a glass orb and sending it tumbling to the ground.

As Mirabel's shaky fingers wrap around the smooth surface of the orb, a surge of anticipation courses through her veins, mingling with the tendrils of doubt that still linger in the recesses of her mind. She hesitates, doubts flood her mind. 'Can I trust this?' she wonders, her breath catching in her throat. Summoning every ounce of courage, she lifts the orb to eye level.

At first, the orb's glow seems faint, barely illuminating the darkened chamber around her. But as Mirabel focuses her gaze and clears her mind of distractions, the light begins to intensify, casting a warm, comforting glow that envelops her like a protective cloak.

With each passing second, Mirabel feels a subtle shift in her consciousness, as if the very fabric of her being is being gently nudged towards a state of heightened awareness. Fragmented memories and disjointed thoughts coalesce into a cohesive whole.

Mirabel gets off the floor, her scratched up hands bracing against the wall, accidentally touching something cool and metallic, indents of bells pushing in her palms.

Mirabel's eyes widen in astonishment as she beholds the gleaming beauty of a silver circlet. The delicate bells that adorn its circumference emit a soft, melodious chime as they sway gently in the still air, their dulcet tones resonating with an otherworldly energy that seems to thrum with life and clarity. The circlet waves together like two snakes with beautiful engravings, the center holds a small azure gem, sparkling like a diamond.

Something inside her screams to put it on, and as the gleaming shadows start to enclose further, Mirabel places the circlet upon her brow, feeling its cool metal press against her skin like a reassuring caress. With each tinkling ring of the bells, a sense of calm descends upon her, washing away the tendrils of fear and uncertainty that had threatened to ensnare her mind, chasing the malady that engulfed her.

Now, with newfound clarity, she beholds the chamber in all its splendour. It gleams with an otherworldly radiance under the gentle glow of the moon.

In the dimly lit chamber, lay the Moonstone Talisman, a jewel of ethereal beauty. Its surface, akin to a moonlit pond on a tranquil night, bore the delicate etchings of lunar patterns, shimmering as if kissed by the soft caress of starlight.

As Mirabel approached, her gaze fell upon its luminescent glow, casting a bewitching allure that seemed to draw her closer with each step. Adjacent to the talisman, suspended in mid-air like a celestial guardian, hung the Eclipse Amulet. Its gemstone, a rare fusion of solar and lunar essence, pulsed with a mesmerising radiance, casting prismatic hues that danced like sprites in the night sky.

She clasps it around her neck, feeling a surge of power coursing through her veins. The amulet dawns a further sense of clarity, soothing the fray withered edges of her mind.

"It feels... different," she murmured, her fingers tracing the intricate patterns on the amulet's surface.

Nearby, on a pedestal adorned with celestial motifs, rested a beautiful lantern, radiating hope amidst the labyrinthine gloom. Its surface, etched with constellations that shimmered in the dim light, cast a soft, silvery glow over the chamber. As Mirabel reached out to grasp it, she felt the warmth of its radiance envelop her. Placing it back, she notes to take it with her on the way out.

Beside the lantern, nestled within its scabbard of midnight velvet, lay the Lunar Blade, a weapon forged from the very essence of the moon itself. Its blade, honed to a keen edge that gleamed like starlight on a moonlit sea, seemed to hum with an ancient power that resonated deep within Mirabel's soul.

Gripping the handle, she could feel the blade's latent energy coursing through her. She placed it in her bag, feeling reassured with a weapon of defence.

Lastly, draped upon a hook of celestial silver, hung the Moonlit Robes, garments woven from threads of celestial silk. As Mirabel touched the silken silvery robes, she felt a sense of weightlessness wash over her, the fabric moved like a shimmering veil of stardust.

With each movement, the robes seemed to ripple and flow like liquid moonbeams, casting an enchanting aura that seemed to transcend the confines of mortal existence. Looking further at the robes, as the light caught it, constellations appeared shimmering in and out of existence.

She looks past them to see bound books, dust collected on top of it and the musky scent of old pages overtake the cloying fragrance of the maze. The covers of the tomes are adorned with intricate symbols and sigils, hinting at the knowledge contained within their pages.

Some are bound in rich leather, their surfaces embossed with patterns that seem to shift and shimmer in the moonlight. Others are encased in gilded metal, their spines adorned with precious gemstones that sparkle like stars against the night sky.

As Mirabel approaches the nearest pedestal, she reaches out to run her fingers along the spine of a particularly ancient looking tome. Its leather cover feels cool and smooth beneath her touch, sending a shiver of anticipation down her spine.

With trembling hands, she opens the book, revealing pages filled with intricate diagrams, cryptic symbols, and faded text written in a language she does not recognise. Yet, as she studies the pages, she feels a strange sense of familiarity wash over her, as if the knowledge contained within is somehow connected to her own destiny.

Curiosity sparked within Mirabel's mind, sending her thoughts racing in search of familiarity. With a gasp, she made the connection—the symbols were identical to those on the Candle. Suppressing a surge of excitement, Mirabel clenched her teeth, determined to delve into the book's contents later as she carefully stowed it in her bag.

As Mirabel moved from one tome to the next, her fingers tracing the intricate symbols and diagrams, she felt a deep sense of reverence and connection to the ancient wisdom contained within the chamber. Each page revealed a glimpse into a forgotten world, stirring a mix of fascination and awe within her.

When her gaze fell upon a particular book adorned with lunar maps and a small dial atop its cover, positioned prominently on an altar bathed in the ethereal glow of the moon's light, she felt an unmistakable pull, as if the secrets of the cosmos were whispering her name.

Upon closer inspection, Mirabel discovers a startling revelation — the moon depicted on the dial is in its last quarter phase, a glaring discrepancy from the date she encountered elsewhere in the temple. As she begins to peruse its pages, a sense of unease tightens around her heart, for there is something inherently unsettling about this anomaly. It's as though time itself has become a labyrinth, twisting and warping reality in its merciless grasp.

Her eyes widen in realisation as she reads further. 'It can't be...' she whispers, the cruel truth dawning on her. Lost to time, like a ship adrift in a tempestuous sea, ensnared in the merciless currents of oblivion. It is as if the very fabric of existence has been rent asunder, leaving behind a gaping void where memories once dwelled. Six months vanish into the ether, swallowed whole by the voracious maw of temporal oblivion.

The revelation sends Mirabel's mind reeling, thoughts swirling in a whirlwind of confusion and disbelief. How could six months have disappeared without a trace?

The chilling realisation pierced the veil of her consciousness with merciless precision, clearing her mind of the haze that enfolded her ever since she stepped foot on this island. Six months, vanished into the yawning abyss of temporal oblivion, leaving behind a void that echoed with the haunting whispers of lost time. It was as though a part of her very essence had been torn asunder, its loss a gaping hole in her existence.

As the weight of it settles upon Mirabel's shoulders, she finds herself grappling with a whirlwind of emotions. Six months lost, vanished without a trace, leaving behind a void that echoes with the haunting whispers of lost time. It's a truth she's struggling to accept, a reality she's not sure how to navigate.

With trembling hands, Mirabel gathers her belongings, each artifact a tangible reminder of the mysteries she's uncovered. She casts one last lingering glance around the chamber, the moonlight casting long shadows across the ancient tomes and magical relics.

The silence of the chamber envelops her, a stark contrast to the turmoil raging within. She feels adrift, lost in a sea of uncertainty. How does one reconcile the loss of time, the erasure of memories? How does one move forward when the very foundation of one's reality has been shaken?

Steeling herself against the uncertainty of what lies beyond, Mirabel takes a deep breath, her resolve firming with each passing moment. Whatever challenges await her, whatever truths she must uncover, she knows she cannot turn back now.


Soo, new chapter! To be honest, I truly wasn't planning on finishing it today and posting it but I managed to pull through. I'm going to explain this a bit more.

1) The echoes and whispers that reverberate through Mirabel's head symbolise the internal chaos and confusion she experiences as she confronts her fractured reality.

2) The lone chamber serves as a symbol of isolation and the unknown; representing Mirabel's journey so far.

3) Bird cages symbolise confinement and restriction, reflecting Mirabel's feelings of being trapped within her own mind or circ*mstances. Birds are also often associated with freedom and flight, so the presence of bird cages suggests a loss of autonomy and the inability to escape from her fears and uncertainties. Birds inside cages are vulnerable and exposed, highlighting Mirabel's own vulnerability and fragility in the face of her fears. It also connects to her gift; which will be explained in later chapters.

4) Enclosed rooms symbolise confinement and entrapment, serving as physical manifestations of Mirabel's psychological struggles and the sense of being hemmed in by her fears. Like bird cages, enclosed rooms contribute to Mirabel's sense of isolation and loneliness, emphasising her emotional distance from others and her own internal world. Enclosed rooms may represent the inescapability of Mirabel's fears, as she feels trapped within the confines of her own mind and unable to break free from their grip.

5) The lake of rotting flowers, and fragment songs all allude to Hamlet's Ophelia. Both Mirabel and Ophelia experience profound emotional turmoil and inner conflict. Ophelia's descent into madness in "Hamlet" parallels Mirabel's struggles with her fractured reality and the weight of her own mind.

Both characters grapple with feelings of isolation and loneliness. Ophelia is isolated from Hamlet and manipulated by those around her, while Mirabel feels alone in her journey, grappling with her inner demons and trauma.

Water serves as a powerful symbol in both narratives, representing emotional depths, purification, and transformation. Ophelia's drowning in a brook is a pivotal moment in "Hamlet," while Mirabel's interactions with the pool and the sensation of cool rainwater evoke similar themes of cleansing and renewal.

6) There is also the allusion to the labyrinth of King Minos and the Minotaur. The labyrinth itself is often portrayed as a place of madness and psychological torment. Those who enter its twisting corridors can become disoriented, overwhelmed, and ultimately driven to madness by its bewildering complexity and seemingly endless passages.

Another is the aspect of lost time. Just as the labyrinth in the Minotaur myth is a place where time seems to stand still, Mirabel's experience of lost time reflects a similar disorientation.

7) I forgot to mention this in the previous chapter's note but there are also allusions to the river Styx. By alluding to the River Styx, the chapter emphasises the theme of transition and passage. Mirabel's journey through the river represents a symbolic crossing into the depths of her own psyche and subconscious mind, echoing the journey of souls into the underworld. It also alludes to her close call to death, as she teeters between living and dying.

Anyways, I hope you enjoyed this chapter! Although she comes close, her adventure on this island is not over yet. What do you think will happen next? Leave your theories in the comments below, I would love to see what you think!

Chapter 14: The Lunar Sanctum: Part III


Mirabel explores the Lunar Garden.


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

Stepping into the Garden of flowers, Mirabel is enveloped in a rush of emotions, each blossom sparking a kaleidoscope of feelings within her. The night orchids are mysterious blooms with petals like midnight velvet, their edges tinged with a silvery iridescence. They sway gently in the cool breeze, their whispered secrets stirring a sense of wonder deep within Mirabel's soul. She finds herself listening intently, as if the garden itself is confiding in her, sharing its secrets with her alone.

She couldn't shake the feeling that she was being watched—not in a sinister way, but rather with a sense of curiosity. The moonflowers are large, luminous blooms that seem to glow softly in the moonlight, their petals shimmering like silver satin. Each flower emits a subtle, ethereal fragrance that hangs in the air like a delicate mist, evoking a sense of tranquility and calm.

They seemed to lean in ever so slightly as she approached, their delicate petals unfurling to reveal a mesmerising display of iridescent white. It was as if they were greeting her, welcoming her into their ethereal sanctuary. The fragrance reminds her of simpler times, of childhood nights spent stargazing with her family.

Sprinkled across the garden floor, Night phlox bloom in vibrant hues of purple-pink, their delicate petals shimmering like jewels in the moonlight. They carpet the garden floor in a soft, velvety blanket, their sweet fragrance filling the air with a sense of enchantment and magic.

Mirabel bends down to smell a blossom, touching the soft petals gently as she takes in its dulcet tones. A sense of peace washes over her, calming her restless spirit and filling her with a profound sense of tranquility. It's a moment of respite amidst the chaos of her life, a reminder that beauty still exists in the world.

In a secluded corner of the grove, the Angel's Trumpet tree stands tall and proud, its branches reaching toward the moonlit sky. Its trumpet-shaped blossoms are a luminous shade of yellow and white, glowing softly in the darkness. Each flower emits a sweet, melodious fragrance that drifts on the breeze, carrying with it a sense of divine grace and beauty. Mirabel gazes up at the tree, mesmerised by the delicate blend of its yellow and white as it sways in the chilly breeze.

She inhales deeply, savouring the sweet scent of the flowers mingling with the crisp night air. Closing her eyes, she listens to the gentle rustle of the leaves, a soothing symphony that lulls her into a state of tranquility. For a moment, amidst the chaos of the world, Mirabel feels as though she's been transported to a place of pure serenity.

Next to the angel's trumpet, shrubs of Night-blooming jasmine release their intoxicating fragrance into the air, their wispy petals soft as moonlit clouds. Mirabel smiles wistfully as she feels a sense of nostalgia wash over her as she inhales the familiar scent, memories of her childhood flooding back to her.

Amidst the flowers, small creatures flitted about, their movements graceful and fluid. The soft buzzing of insects echoing melodiously with the gentle rustle of leaves, as the sprites — tiny, ethereal creatures with wings as delicate as gossamer, their luminous eyes sparkling with intelligence— flit about the garden with graceful movements, their iridescent wings shimmering in the moonlight as they dart between flowers and foliage.

Another creature was a butterfly, fluttering amidst the lush foliage and vibrant blooms, her attention is drawn to it as it flitting among the flowers, its wings a mesmerising tapestry of iridescent hues. Each graceful movement sends ripples of colour cascading through the air, as if the butterfly is painting the sky with its ethereal beauty.

It hovered in front of Mirabel, its luminous eyes twinkling with intelligence. It seemed to study her with keen interest, as if trying to decipher the secrets hidden within her soul.

Mirabel couldn't help but smile at the playful antics of the creatures around her. She reached out a hand, extending it towards the butterfly in a gesture of friendship. To her surprise, the butterfly fluttered closer, its tiny body pulsating with a soft, silvery light — responding to the warmth and kindness in her touch with a gentle hum of approval.

As Mirabel wandered further, the butterfly resting against her hair, she couldn’t shake the weight of recent struggles that lingered in her mind. Memories of navigating the labyrinth's twisting passages and enduring the horrors of her own unraveling sanity haunted her thoughts, casting a shadow over the tranquility of the garden.

With a voice barely above a whisper, Mirabel spoke, her words hesitant yet earnest.

"Um... I've been through some scary stuff lately," she confessed, her eyes downcast. "It felt like... like I was lost in a nightmare I couldn't wake up from." She reached out tentatively, her fingers brushing against the petals of the nearest flower.

"Everything feels like it's falling apart." As she spoke, she noticed a slight tremble in the petals, as if the flowers were listening intently to her every word. "I don't know what's gonna happen next," she admitted, her voice tinged with vulnerability.

With each syllable, a gentle sigh seemed to pass through the garden, causing the flowers to wilt ever so slightly. Their once vibrant petals now drooped in sympathy, mirroring Mirabel's sorrow. The soft glow that had illuminated the garden dimmed momentarily, as if the flowers themselves shared in her grief. The butterfly that made its home on her head, fluttered down to her cheek as though it sought to hug her. Mirabel smiled slightly, holding her finger out for it to sit as she continued to speak of the horror she recently faces.

Her burdens seemed to lighten, her chest freer as her sadness was replaced by a newfound sense of peace. The once drooping flowers began to straighten, their delicate petals unfurling with renewed vitality.

Their colours deepened, casting a mesmerising array of hues that danced in the moonlight, while their fragrance grew more potent, enveloping Mirabel in a cocoon of sweet, intoxicating scent. It was as if the garden itself was responding to her presence, offering solace and comfort in her time of need. It was like the garden was attuned to Mirabel's emotions, mirroring her innermost thoughts and feelings with uncanny precision.

Mirabel felt a deep sense of connection to its mystical essence. With each breath she took, she sensed the garden responding to her presence, offering solace and comfort in her time of need, as if it were attuned to her emotions, mirroring her innermost thoughts and feelings with uncanny precision. In the midst of this enchanting atmosphere, Mirabel, breathing in the crisp night air, approached the delicate blooms with a sense of reverence and respect. With a gentle touch, she addressed the flowers in a soft voice, her words carrying a whispered plea for permission to collect them.

As if attuned to her thoughts, the flowers swayed in response, their petals dancing in the moonlit breeze. A soft, silvery hum of approval washed over Mirabel, silent vibrations conveyed through the graceful movements of the blossoms.

It was as though the flowers were speaking to her in their own quiet language, their subtle gestures conveying a message of acceptance and understanding. In that moment, Mirabel felt a profound connection to the botanical wonders surrounding her, a sense of harmony and unity with the natural world.

With a grateful smile, Mirabel began to gather the flowers, each one a precious gift from the garden itself. She handled them with care, mindful of their fragile beauty and the trust they had placed in her. Mirabel lay amongst the blooms, cool refreshing air brushing past her like a soft blanket, the fragrance lulling Mirabel into a slumber as the tinkling bells of the circlet comfort her in her dreams.


Hey! So the next chapter is up. What do you think? There are a few things to note here:

1) Night Orchids symbolise mystery, introspection, and the exploration of the unknown.

2) Night Phlox symbolise resilience and perseverance.

3) Angel's Trumpet symbolise mortality and transience. Angel's Trumpet is associated with spirituality and visionary experiences, and it can also symbolise seduction and temptation, representing the allure of the forbidden.

4)Night blooming Jasmine symbolise growth, renewal, and transformation.

5) The butterfly is a bit obvious; one to her door, and also the idea of transformation and metamorphosis both alludes to her journey and her gift.

6)The sprites symbolise curiosity and innocence, reflecting Mirabel's desire to explore and understand the world around her.

Overall, this chapter marks the beginning of her healing journey. Also, wasn't sure how to add it in, but Mirabel stays there for another week. The pools she bathed in before has purifying and healing properties, she leaves when her wings are fully healed.

What island is she going to explore next? Anyways, hope you like it!

Chapter 15: The Garden of Dreams: Part I


Mirabel explores the Garden of Dreams and discovers more of her abilities.



This chapter contains vivid descriptions of a character experiencing fear and panic.There are implications of violence and threat in a scene where Mirabel encounters drunken men in the woods. Reader discretion is advised, especially for those who may find such descriptions distressing or triggering.

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

The entrance to the Garden of Dreams is a threshold between the mundane and enchantment. As Mirabel approaches, she is greeted by a towering archway crafted from polished white marble, its surface etched with swirling patterns and delicate filigree that catch light and shimmer like precious amethysts.

The intricate carvings are made of vibrant hues of gossamer azure, jade fading into an ephemeral slate lavender as moonflowers twine around the archway, their ethereal blooms casting a gentle glow that illuminates the path ahead as its silverly vines curl in the casted moonlight. A hazy nightshade purple fog covers the island in its transcendent embrace, lulling her into a sleepy daze.

The colours of the entrance are awash with a kaleidoscope of hues, ranging from muted rosewood to vivid jewelled sapphire. Gleaming flowers line the pathway, their petals unfurling in a riot of silver—its sweet honey scent caresses Mirabel in dulcet tones as she softly lands, the fragrance soothing her sore wings.

Each step felt heavier than the last, hovering uncertainly before finally mustering the courage to push through the threshold. Her heart hammered in her chest as doubts gnawed at her mind. What if something happened, like at the Sanctum? She wondered as she steps through the archway.

Mirabel feels a shift in the atmosphere, as if she's entered a realm where time stands still and magic reigns supreme. In the dreamlike garden, the air seems to shimmer with an intangible magic, infusing every breath with a sense of wonder and surrealness. Despite her initial doubts, Mirabel found herself drawn deeper into the garden, captivated by its otherworldly charm.

With each passing moment, her apprehension began to wane, replaced by a growing sense of wonder and curiosity. She couldn't help but wonder about the mysteries that lay hidden within its depths, what secrets did the garden hold?

Unbeknownst to her, as she walked deeper into the garden, a subtle shift occurred within her. It was as if a door had been opened in her mind, allowing her to sense the emotions of the plants and creatures around her. At first, it was just a faint whisper, a subtle stirring of something unfamiliar deep within her soul.

Every sound is amplified in this enchanted realm, from the soft whisper of leaves rustling in the breeze to the melodious trill of birdsong echoing through the air. Each note reverberates with a clarity and resonance that seems to transcend ordinary perception, enveloping Mirabel in a symphony of natural beauty.

Similarly, the scents of the garden are heightened and intensified, as if the very essence of each flower and plant has been distilled into its purest form. Floral fragrances mingle with earthy undertones, creating an olfactory otherworldliness that dances upon the breeze and tantalises the senses.

In this heightened state of awareness, Mirabel feels as though the garden itself is alive and pulsing with energy, its every leaf and petal thrumming with the rhythm of life. There's a palpable sense of mystery and intrigue that hangs in the air, beckoning her to explore its hidden depths and uncover its secrets.

What a picturesque scene, as the cool lulling breeze soothes, Mirabel stands underneath the hazy crescent moon, its light clouded by lilac clouds as her wings glow in the ethereal garden alongside the moonlit flowers—it facing her as though she somehow held the light of the moon. And perhaps she did, she thought as a wry smile lights her face, the silver circlet still adorning her head as it gleams.

"What... what is this?" she murmured to herself, feeling a strange resonance with the life around her.

As she reached out to touch a nearby moonflower, her fingers trembling with anticipation, she was flooded with a rush of emotions: joy, yearning, sorrow. It was as if the flower was sharing its innermost thoughts and feelings with her but Mirabel couldn't quite grasp the significance of the experience.

"It's... it's beautiful," she whispered, her voice barely more than a breath. "But... but why do I feel this way?”

She couldn't quite comprehend the depth of her newfound connection to the world, but she could feel it thrumming beneath her skin, a current of energy that flowed between her and the flower. It was as if she had stumbled upon a secret hidden within the heart of the garden, a mystery waiting to be unraveled.

Closing her eyes, Mirabel allowed herself to bask in the sensation, letting it wash over her like a tidal wave. It was a moment of pure bliss, a fleeting glimpse into a world beyond the confines of her imagination.

And yet, even as she revelled in the magic of the moment, a nagging sense of uncertainty tugged at the edges of her consciousness. What did it all mean? How was it possible for her to feel this connected to something?

The path ahead beckoned her onward, winding through a forest of whispering willows that swayed gently in the breeze. Their leaves shimmered like silver in the dappled sunlight, casting a soft, ethereal glow upon the ground below. Mirabel felt drawn to them, their presence soothing her like a gentle lullaby.

Approaching one of the whispering willows, she reached out tentatively to touch its smooth bark. "Hello," she whispered softly, reaching out to touch the nearest trunk. To her surprise, she felt a faint vibration beneath her fingertips, as if the tree was responding to her presence.

As her fingertips remained in contact, she was flooded with a sensation unlike any she had ever experienced. It was as though the tree was speaking to her, its essence mingling with her own in a symphony of shared consciousness.

"How...?" she whispered, her voice barely audible above the rustling of the leaves, her brows furrowed as her lips pressed together.

The tree seemed to respond with a gentle sigh, its branches swaying in a silent rhythm that echoed the beating of Mirabel's own heart. She closed her eyes, allowing herself to sink deeper into the connection, feeling the ebb and flow of emotions that pulsed through the tree's ancient roots.

Joy, sorrow, longing—all of it washed over her in a wave of sensation that threatened to overwhelm her senses. And yet, there was a strange comfort in it, a sense of belonging that transcended words or logic.

"I... I think I understand," she murmured, her heart fluttering with a mixture of wonder and uncertainty. "We're connected, aren't we? You and I, and... and everything else in this garden.”

The Whispering Willows swayed gently in the breeze and the air was brought alive with the soft trill of Dreamsong Birds. Their melodious songs seemed to beckon her closer, filling her heart with a sense of wonder and curiosity.

Drawn by the enchanting melodies, Mirabel's footsteps quickened as she followed the sound of the birdsong. Each note seemed to pull her deeper into the heart of the garden, where a canopy of leaves filtered the sunlight into dappled patterns on the forest floor. The ethereal music seemed to beckon her forward, a siren's call leading her to a place of wonder.

Among the twisting branches of a flowering tree, a chorus of Dreamsong Birds greeted her arrival. Their vibrant plumage glimmered in the dappled light of the moon, casting prisms of colour across the forest floor. Mirabel paused, her breath catching in her throat as she beheld the beauty before her. Their feathers shimmered with iridescent hues, catching the light in a mesmerising display.

Approaching with a cautious curiosity, Mirabel extended her hand, fingers trembling with anticipation. The softness of the birds' feathers beneath her touch sent a shiver of delight down her spine, a tangible connection to the world of enchantment that surrounded her.

In that moment, as Mirabel's gaze met the piercing eyes of the Dreamsong Birds, a profound silence descended upon the forest. It was a silence that spoke volumes, pregnant with meaning and understanding that transcended the need for words. The rustle of leaves in the gentle breeze seemed to hush, as if nature itself held its breath in anticipation of what was to come.

The songs of the Dreamsong Birds began to weave through the air, each note a delicate thread in the tapestry of sound that enveloped Mirabel. The melodies carried with them a sense of ancient wisdom, as if they held the secrets of the universe within their haunting refrains. There was a purity to their music, a clarity that cut through the noise of the world and spoke directly to Mirabel's soul.

As the songs washed over her, Mirabel felt a wave of emotion swell within her chest. It was a bittersweet symphony of longing and belonging, of joy and sorrow intertwined. The melodies stirred memories long forgotten, evoking images of distant lands and forgotten dreams.

Tears welled in Mirabel's eyes, unbidden and yet welcomed, as the music wrapped around her like a warm embrace. It was a moment of pure connection, a meeting of hearts and minds that transcended boundaries.

With each trill and chirp, Mirabel felt herself being drawn further into their embrace. The worries and doubts that had plagued her mind seemed to fade into the background, replaced by a sense of peace and tranquility as she swayed.

Taking a moment to observe, she opened her eyes as she marvelled at the wooded area she found herself in. The long winding plant, its vine-like tendrils adorned with jewel-toned leaves that emitted a soft, ethereal glow. The translucent leaves shimmered in the moonlight, casting a mesmerising pattern of light and shadow on the forest floor.

The air was filled with the delicate fragrance of the Spirit Vine's flowers. The sharp, astringent scent of the vine mingled with something else, something she couldn't quite place. It tugged at the edges of her memory, teasing her with fragments of the past.

As she walked, the pungent and acrid aroma of the vines dwelling in her nostrils, wrapping around her like tendrils of memory. Each step she took felt heavier, as if she were wading through the murky waters.

She encountered patches of the vine weaving through the undergrowth, its tendrils reaching out like fingers grasping for the light. In the distance, Mirabel could hear the gentle rush of a flowing river, its voice powerful yet soothing, echoed through the tranquil surroundings. Each ripple and eddy danced in harmony alongside the thrilling song of the dreamsong birds, creating a mesmerising cadence that filled the air.

The sound of the rushing water was accompanied by a chorus of other natural sounds—the rustle of leaves in the breeze, the distant hum of insects, a familiar sound twisting a sense of familiarity in her.

The river's waters sparkled in the light, casting dancing reflections on the surface, and the air was filled with the faint scent of alcohol, carried on the breeze.

As Mirabel paused to take in the serene landscape, a familiar scent wafted through the air, triggering a flood of memories from her past. The faint aroma of alcohol mingled with the fragrance of the Spirit Vine's flowers, stirring something deep within her subconscious and beckoning her back to a time long forgotten.

With each passing moment, Mirabel's unease grew, a sense of déjà vu creeping into her thoughts like a shadow. The rustling of leaves takes on an ominous tone as the gentle breeze that carried the fragrance of pungent alcohol seems to strengthen, the scent now drowning Mirabel.

Mirabel's heart raced, its frantic rhythm reverberating in her chest like a drumbeat of impending doom. As moonlight filtered through the canopy above, casting ever-shifting patterns of light and shadow, the boundary between past and present blurred before her eyes. With each step she took, the forest seemed to close in around her, the weight of her own unease pressing down on her like a heavy shroud. Muscles tensed with anticipation, she forged ahead, every movement a struggle against the invisible forces of fear and uncertainty.

She stood alone in a wooded grove, surrounded by towering trees whose branches stretched out like skeletal fingers against the fading light. In the distance, she could hear the faint sound of laughter, rough and raucous, echoing through the stillness of the evening air. It sent a shiver down her spine, triggering memories she had long tried to bury.

The laughter drew closer, accompanied by the heavy footfalls of drunken men stumbling through the underbrush. Mirabel's heart quickened with each step, her breath coming in shallow gasps as she huddled against the rough bark of a nearby tree.

Then, they emerged from the shadows, their figures looming large and menacing in the dim light. Their words slurred and unintelligible, carried on the stench of alcohol that hung thick in the air. Mirabel recoiled at the smell, her stomach churning with a sickening mixture of fear and revulsion.

"Look what we have here," one of the men slurred, his voice laced with malice as he stumbled towards her. “The gift less curse wandering in the woods.”

Mirabel's throat constricted with fear, her voice caught in her chest as she struggled to find the words to respond. She felt small and vulnerable, a butterfly caught in the grasp of a collector.

Her mind raced with thoughts of escape, but her limbs felt heavy and uncooperative, rooted to the spot by a paralysing sense of terror. She was trapped, ensnared in a nightmare from which there seemed to be no escape.

As the men drew closer, their leering faces illuminated by the faint light of the moon, Mirabel's confusion turned to desperation. She clenched her fists, her nails digging into her palms as she fought to suppress the rising tide of panic threatening to overwhelm her.

In that moment, she felt utterly alone, abandoned by the world and left to fend for herself against the darkness closing in around her. And as the men closed in, their voices growing louder and more menacing with each passing moment, Mirabel knew that she was in for the fight of her life.

Mirabel paralysed with fear, her breaths come in short, ragged gasps, as her heart pounds in her chest like a drumbeat of terror. A soft, melodious trill breaks through the haze of her fear. It's the song of the Dreamsong Birds, their sweet melodies weaving through the air like threads of light. Mirabel's eyes snap open, and she turns towards the sound, her gaze locking with the beady eyes of the birds perched nearby.

She looks at her surroundings, her figure trembling in the curled up position she was in on the floor. The river was clear and soft, not the eerie rush she remembered. The emerald vines that was glaringly absent in her memory, she observed as the Dreamsong birds, its trill soothing as they emitted waves of warmth brought her out of her panic. The fragrance of alcohol was mingled with the notes of flowers, not the strangling scent of sweat.

Drawing in deep, ragged breaths, Mirabel's fingers clenched around the damp grass beneath her, seeking solace in the cool earth beneath her. The gentle rustle of leaves in the breeze whispered reassurance, a soothing melody amidst the chaos of her thoughts. She was safe, she thought to herself, safe from whatever that was.

Here, amidst the safety of the garden, a sense of calm began to wash over her, like a balm to her troubled soul. With each breath, she felt herself inching closer to the quiet depths of her own mind, unraveling the tangled threads of fear and confusion that had ensnared her.


Soo, what do you think? There's a little hint at her abilities and we find out something of her past. What are your theories?

Anyways, hope you liked it!

Chapter 16: The Garden of Dreams: Part II


Mirabel explores the temple of Hypnos and dreams.



This chapter contains vivid descriptions of characters experiencing fear and panic, including suffocating confines, feelings of loneliness, and a sense of drowning.

There are implications of violence and threat throughout the chapter.

The chapter explores themes of mental health and emotional distress, including feelings of anxiety, isolation, and disorientation.

The chapter contains graphic imagery, readers sensitive to graphic or disturbing imagery are advised to approach with caution.

Reader discretion is advised, especially for those who may find such descriptions distressing or triggering.

Please take care while reading and prioritise your emotional well-being. If you feel overwhelmed or triggered by any of the content, it's important to reach out for support.

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

It was the time of night where some awaken cold and sweating as they grip their sheets with pure terror, the time where shadows crawl, creating disfigured horrors. Some would shiver and pray as the stumbled through another sleepless night, while others would stare at the night sky before jumping towards their ultimate death. Then there were some who would grin with malady as they spent the night losing their minds.

It was at this time of the night that Mirabel finds herself ensnared within suffocating confines. The walls press in on all sides, their cold, unyielding surfaces a stark reminder of her imprisonment. They loom over her like silent sentinels, casting long, ominous shadows that stretch out into the darkness beyond.

The walls close further in around her, squeezing tight like a vice, leaving her gasping for the faintest breath of air. As she struggles against the invisible bonds that bind her, a sense of loneliness settles over her like a shroud, weighing heavily upon her chest like a leaden weight.

Each breath comes ragged and shallow, as if the very air itself has turned against her, refusing to offer even the slightest reprieve. She claws at the walls in a desperate bid for freedom, but they only close in tighter, squeezing the life from her with each passing moment.

Each heartbeat echoes in the silence, a hollow drumbeat that reverberates through the empty chambers of her soul. In the dim light, hues of midnight blue and inky black swirl together. Shadows dance across the walls, twisting and contorting into grotesque shapes that seem to drunkenly leer and taunt her with their mocking laughter.

I'm trapped, she realised, the words a whispered lament in the depths of her mind. It was a feeling that had plagued her for as long as she could remember, a sense of being hemmed in by the expectations and judgments of those around her.

The air is thick with the scent of decay, a sickly sweet perfume that clings to her like a second skin. It suffuses the darkness, filling her nostrils with its cloying embrace, leaving her longing for the freshness of open air and sunlight.

As she stumbled forward, her hands groping blindly in the darkness, Mirabel felt a surge of panic rise within her chest. It was a familiar sensation, a reminder of the countless times she had felt lost and alone in a world that seemed determined to swallow her whole.

Amidst the oppressive stillness, a faint whisper drifts through the ether, a harbinger of things unseen and unspoken. It beckons to her from the depths of her subconscious, a siren song that pulls her ever closer to the edge of the abyss.

And beneath it all, a subtle undercurrent of unease tugs at the corners of her mind, it whispers of sinking deeper and deeper into the murky depths until there is no escape, no reprieve, no salvation.

And then, she fell, the floor giving out in a familiar sensation of unstable air beneath her. The world seemed to blur into a maelstrom of motion and chaos. With a deafening splash, she crashed into the familiar icy embrace of the river, the shock of the cold water stealing her breath away. For a moment, she was submerged, disoriented, her senses overwhelmed by the churning forces that enveloped her.

The river roared around her, a relentless torrent of water that churned and frothed with uncontrollable fury. Its currents tugged at her limbs, pulling her this way and that with relentless force. Mirabel fought to stay afloat, her arms flailing against the relentless onslaught as she struggled to find purchase amidst the chaos.

In the dim light of the smoky sky, the river stretched out like a vast expanse of black satin, its dark waters swirling with ominous intent. The surface rippled and churned, reflecting the fractured light that filtered through the thick haze above. Glints of light danced across the water, casting fleeting shadows that seemed to writhe and twist in the darkness.

Broken glass bottles bobbed and swirled in the river's murky depths, their jagged edges glinting ominously in the dim light. With each passing moment, Mirabel felt the sting of the cold water against her skin, the harsh chill numbing her senses until she could no longer feel the glass digging into her flesh.

As Mirabel struggled against the furious currents of the river, the sting of broken glass against her skin intensified, sending sharp jolts of pain coursing through her body. With each desperate gasp for air, the metallic tang of blood filled her nostrils, mingling with the acrid scent of alcohol that hung heavy in the air.

The river churned and roiled around her, its murky waters swirling with shades of grey and black, a tumultuous sea of chaos and danger. The relentless rush of the current echoed in her ears, a deafening roar that drowned out all other sounds, leaving her feeling isolated and alone in the heart of the storm.

As Mirabel's strength waned and her movements grew sluggish, she glanced down at the once pristine white nightdress that clung to her body like a shroud. It was now stained with crimson, her blood mingling with the murky waters of the river, creating a haunting tableau of beauty and despair.

With each passing moment, the river seemed to grow darker and more sinister as Mirabel struggled in the relentless embrace of the river. Black ravens circled ominously overhead, their sleek feathers cutting through the thick, grey smoky sky like shadows dancing in a macabre ballet.

Their haunting caws pierced the air, a cacophony of sound that echoed off the surrounding cliffs, sending shivers down Mirabel's spine. With each beat of their wings, the ravens cast dark shadows upon the turbulent waters below, their presence adding to the sense of foreboding that hung heavy in the air. Mirabel could almost feel the rush of wind as they swooped and soared above her, their piercing eyes fixed upon her with an intensity that sent a chill down her spine.

The sound of their wings was like a whisper of doom, a harbinger of the peril that awaited her in the depths below. Their feathers, as black as the depths of the river itself, seemed to absorb what little light remained in the smoky sky, casting an eerie pall over the scene below.

Mirabel descended into the depths of the river, the world above faded into a distant memory, replaced by the eerie silence of the churning river. The frigid waters enveloped her in a suffocating embrace, stealing the warmth from her limbs and numbing her senses to the bone. Each breath became a struggle, the harsh sting of the cold air piercing her lungs like a thousand needles.

As she sank deeper into the abyss, the riverbed came into view, a desolate landscape of shattered glass and twisted metal. The broken shards glimmered in the faint light filtering down from above, casting distorted reflections that danced across Mirabel's vision like ghostly apparitions. With each passing moment, the jagged edges of the glass threatened to tear her fragile form asunder, leaving behind a trail of blood that mingled with the murky waters below.

As she stared emptily at her multiple broken reflections, her little forms, seven and helpless, cried back at her, mouths in a silent scream. The water was frigid, a bone chilling cold that seeped into her skin, sending shivers coursing through her veins. Its touch was like a thousand icy fingers, grasping at her limbs with a vice like grip, dragging her down into its unforgiving embrace. With each passing moment, the cold seemed to seep deeper into her bones, numbing her to the pain that wracked her body.

Her lungs burned with every desperate gasp for air, the acrid taste of water flooding her mouth, choking off her cries for help. The sensation was suffocating, as if a heavy weight pressed down upon her chest, crushing the very breath from her body. And yet, no matter how hard she struggled, the water filled her mouth and nose, leaving burning trails of hell fire.

But amidst the chaos and despair, there was a strange sense of calmness that settled over Mirabel, like the calm before the storm. In that fleeting moment of surrender, she ceased to fight against the inexorable pull of the river, embracing the darkness that enveloped her like an old friend.

In her fading dim vision, watery light, the torn remnants of her dress billowed like ethereal clouds, their pristine whiteness stained by streaks of crimson blood. The torn fabric drifted upwards in slow, graceful arcs, caught in the current of the river. Each thread seemed to shimmer with a faint luminescence, casting a soft glow against the murky depths below, it leaving upward as though it flew to the heavens as Mirabel descended further into the abyss.

Slowly, the sensations of suffocation and disorientation gave way to the gentle lull of reality seeping back into her consciousness. The sounds of the rushing river were replaced by the soft rustle of leaves and the distant chirping of crickets.

With a gasp, Mirabel's eyes fluttered open, and she found herself lying on the damp forest floor, her chest heaving as she struggled to catch her breath. The moon hung high in the sky above, casting a soft silver glow upon the world around her.

Slowly, Mirabel pushed herself upright, her limbs trembling with exertion as she surveyed her surroundings. The lush, vivid flowers and trees seemed to croon at her as a sense of comfort washed over her. As she rose to her feet, Mirabel sagged in relief, the lingering echoes of the dream slowly fading into the recesses of her mind.

Mirabel tried her best to shake off the lingering unease that clung to her like a shadow, a persistent whisper of doubt that refused to be silenced. She forced a smile onto her lips, convincing herself that everything was fine, that the darkness that had haunted her dreams was nothing more than a figment of her imagination.

With determined steps, she made her way into the garden, the soft glow of moonlight casting eerie shadows upon the flower beds that lay before her. She reached out a trembling hand, plucking delicate starlight lilies from their stems as she sought to distract herself from the growing sense of unease that gnawed at her insides.

As she wove the flowers into a makeshift crown, memories of happier times flooded her mind, the laughter of her sister Isabella echoing in her ears like a bittersweet balm. Mirabel wore the flower crown with nostalgia, the delicate blooms serving as a tangible reminder of happier times ruined with bitterness, like a white lily tainted with decay.

Even as she tried to lose herself in the simple pleasure of crafting the crown, doubts and uncertainties crept insidiously into her thoughts. What if the dreams were more than just figments of her imagination? What if they were omens, warning her of some impending danger that lurked? The questions swirled in her mind like a whirlpool, threatening to drag her under with their relentless pull.

And why did it feel so familiar? The thought was quickly shoved aside, Mirabel rationalised, from her adventure in the Lunar Sanctum, of course it felt familiar. But in the depths of her mind, something inside whispered, that’s not why.

A tightening sensation gripped her chest, a knot of anxiety coiling within her stomach like a serpent ready to strike. She fought to control the trembling of her hands, the erratic beat of her heart, but the unease only grew stronger with each passing moment.

Her body language betrayed her inner turmoil, her fingers fidgeting nervously with the delicate petals of the flowers, her breath coming in short, shallow gasps. She paced back and forth along the garden path, her steps quick and uncertain, as if she were trying to outrun the darkness that pursued her. Her thoughts circled around each other, each devouring the other like an ouroboros.

But no matter how hard she tried to convince herself that everything was fine, the nagging sense of unease refused to be silenced. It lurked in the shadows, a silent spectre that haunted her every thought and action, casting doubt upon even the simplest of pleasures.

Determined not to let it bother her, she decided to see more of the sights the island offered. As she wandered deeper into the garden, her steps guided by an unseen force, she stumbled upon a sight that filled her with both awe and trepidation. A sacred temple dedicated to the god of sleep bathed in an ethereal lavender haze stood before her.

The towering pavilion, made of grey smooth stone, had an apricity like quality, its glistening and crumbling form lifting her unease momentarily as she stared in awed wonder. The air was thick with the heady scent of lavender, its calming aroma wrapping around Mirabel like a comforting embrace.

Scenes from the dreams of mortals danced across the stone, their images shifting and changing with each passing moment, like secrets whispered by unseen lips. Mirabel felt a shiver run down her spine as she beheld the mesmerising display, her mind filled with visions of distant lands and fantastical creatures.

Flanking the entrance to the temple stood statues of Hypnos and his son Morpheus, their slumbering faces and flowing robes carved into the marble with exquisite detail. Mirabel recognised them from her readings of Greek myths, their names echoing in the recesses of her mind like the distant echoes of forgotten dreams.

Vines laden with hues of purple blooms climb the ancient stone columns, their delicate petals unfurling in a riot that seem to shimmer and dance in the gentle breeze.

Lush flowering vines spill over the edges of stone urns, their blossoms a riot of colour and fragrance that fills the air with a heady perfume. Each flower seems to pulse with life, their vibrant hues ranging from deep crimson to pale lavender. The ground is covered with dew kissed poppies, the flowers facing the temple, as though it was worshiping it. At the center, large stone pebbles lead the way to the temple, its cool surface smooth and soft.

As she walked inside, her footsteps soft and silent in the hushed atmosphere of the temple, Mirabel’s eyes sparkled as she took in the interior. The soft glow of moonlight filtered through stained glass windows, casting a mesmerising kaleidoscope of colours upon the walls and floor. The stained glass windows of the temple were a masterful tapestry of enchantment, each pane a vibrant tableau that told a story.

In one window, the vast expanse of the night sky stretched out before Mirabel's eyes, a sea of deepest indigo punctuated by a myriad of twinkling stars and swirling constellations. Each star seemed to twinkle and dance as if alive, casting a gentle glow that illuminated the darkness with an otherworldly radiance. Mirabel wanted to reach out and pluck the stars from the sky, and hold them in the palm of her hand like precious jewels.

In another window, scenes of fantastical dreamscapes unfolded before her, each more surreal and captivating than the last. Towering mountains loomed in the distance, their peaks shrouded in mist that drifted and swirled like ethereal tendrils reaching out to touch the heavens. Enchanted forests teemed with life, their emerald canopies alive with the fluttering wings of magical creatures and the gentle rustle of unseen spirits. Crystalline lakes shimmered in the moonlight, their mirrored surfaces reflecting the ever changing hues of a thousand dreams.

But it was the shifting images that captivated Mirabel the most, scenes that seemed to blur and fade like fragments of a half remembered dream. One moment, she saw herself soaring through the skies on the back of a majestic dragon, the wind whipping through her hair as they raced towards the horizon. In another, she saw poisoned trails and magic quails, falling with gold dusted wings. The next, she found herself wandering through a labyrinthine maze of twisting corridors and hidden passages, each turn leading her further into the heart of darkness.

Figures with wings adorned another window, their forms graceful and ethereal as they soared through the heavens on gossamer wings. These were the messengers of dreams, beings of pure light and shadow that flitted and danced amidst the stars, weaving tales of wonder and enchantment wherever they went. Mirabel watched in awe as they wove intricate patterns in the sky, their movements fluid and graceful like dancers in a grand ballet.

But it was the central window that held Mirabel's gaze the longest, a larger-than-life depiction of Hypnos himself surrounded by swirling mists and shimmering stars. The god of sleep reclined upon a throne of clouds, his form bathed in a soft, silvery light that seemed to emanate from within. His eyes were closed in peaceful repose, his expression one of serene tranquility as he drifted amidst the shifting sands of time.

Above her, the vaulted ceiling of the temple soared into the heavens, a celestial canvas adorned with intricate murals that depicted the wonders of the cosmos. Constellations danced across the expanse, their shimmering forms rendered in hues of sapphire and silver. Galaxies spiralled gracefully amidst fields of stardust, their ethereal beauty captivating Mirabel's gaze.

Each brushstroke seemed to breathe life into the night sky above, giving the illusion of a vast celestial expanse stretching out into infinity. Stars twinkled overhead, their gentle light casting a soft glow upon the sanctuary below. Mirabel felt as though she had been transported to another realm, one where time stood still and the mysteries of the universe unfolded before her very eyes.

As she gazed up at the starry vaulted ceiling, a sense of wonder and awe washed over her, filling her heart with a profound sense of peace and serenity. It was as though she had found a refuge within the sanctuary, a place where she could lose herself in the beauty of the cosmos and forget the troubles of the world below.

The air was heavy with the aromatic scent of poppies, their delicate fragrance wafting through the air like a gentle caress. Each breath she took was infused with the sweet perfume, filling her lungs with a sense of calm and serenity. The sound of dripping water echoed softly in the dimly lit chamber, a rhythmic melody that seemed to lull her into a state of drowsy contentment.

She gazed around and found vibrant crimson bundles of poppies, tied in twine as it hung upside down. Each drop, of what she assumed was water from the river Lethe, fell from the hanging poppies splashed gently into the golden bowls below, creating a soothing symphony that echoed throughout the temple. Looking in the bowls, she saw the pool of dark misty water, the sight itching her brain in its forgetful familiarity.

Mirabel could feel the cool touch of the mist laden air against her skin, a refreshing contrast to the warmth of the temple's interior. It sent shivers down her spine, drowsing her senses and lulling her awareness of the world around her.

But it was the taste of the air that truly captivated Mirabel, a subtle hint of sweetness that lingered on her tongue long after she had taken her last breath. It was the taste of dreams, of forgotten memories and lost desires, swirling together in a heady concoction that left her longing for more.

And as she stood there, bathed in the warm glow of the temple's interior, Mirabel felt herself succumbing to the drowsy embrace of sleep. It was a feeling unlike any other, a sense of peace and contentment that washed over her like a gentle tide, carrying her away on a sea of dreams.

Pillars adorned the halls of the temple, tall and imposing, their surfaces were adorned with intricate symbols and glyphs that seemed to pulse with a faint, ethereal light. Each carving told a story of dreams and slumber, of mysteries untold and secrets whispered in the night.

As she reached out to touch the rough surface of the nearest pillar, a strange sensation washed over her, like a gentle wave lapping at the shores of her consciousness. It was a feeling of weightlessness, of drifting off into the depths of sleep, where reality and dreams blurred together in a indistinct haze.

It was a sensation unlike any other, a feeling of peace and tranquility that washed over her like a warm, comforting blanket. And as she closed her eyes and surrendered herself to the gentle pull of the temple, Mirabel felt a sense of calmness settle over her like a soft, soothing balm. It was a feeling of contentment as she drifted off into the realm of dreams.

In the haze of darkness, Mirabel found herself in a woody grove, the moon gazing at her with a cold cruelty. White lilies floundered the dark tumbling river as she felt the cool air enveloping her in a well known embrace, her heart thudded at the sight of the river as her palms felt clammy twisting her ruined nightgown, the white marred with blood.

The gnarled branches twisted and contorted overhead, casting twisted shadows that seemed to writhe and squirm in the dim light. Each step she took echoed through the silent grove like a thunderclap, reverberating off the ancient trunks with a hollow, haunting sound.

The ground beneath her feet felt strangely alive, as if it pulsed with an unseen energy that sent tremors racing up her spine. The roots of the trees snaked and coiled like serpents in the underbrush, reaching out to ensnare her in their grasp.

The air was thick with the scent of decay and rot, a sickly sweet perfume that clawed at her nostrils and left a bitter taste in her mouth. The scent mingled with the acrid tang of liquor, the taste laid in her mouth like an unwanted guest. It felt as though the very earth itself was dying, suffocating beneath the weight of its own darkness.

And yet, despite her mounting terror, she could not tear herself away from the woody grove, her feet stayed rooted to the ground, paralysed with fear as she felt very small and helpless. As Mirabel finally looked up, a flood of black swans blotted out the sky, their wingspan casting a shadow that engulfed her in complete darkness. The air was thick with the beating of their wings and their cawing screams as though they were warning her away from the grove. It was a deafening cacophony that drowned out all other sounds and sent shivers down her spine.

When she glanced down, she stifled a scream that was climbing out her throat, fingers scratching the walls. Beneath her feet, the ground writhed with serpents, their sinuous forms twisting and coiling around each other in a never ending dance. Their scales were cold and clammy against her skin, sending shivers of revulsion coursing through her veins. The sound of their hissing filled the air, a low, ominous drone that seemed to reverberate through the very earth itself. The smell of their musk was overpowering, a nauseating stench that made her stomach churn and bile rise in her throat.

She stood there, surrounded by darkness and the writhing mass of serpents. Her hands shook uncontrollably as she struggled to find her footing, her breath coming in ragged gasps as panic threatened to consume her. It was a primal, instinctual terror that gripped her heart in its icy embrace, rendering her paralysed with fear. Her pulse raced in her ears, the sound of her own heartbeat drowning out all other noise as adrenaline surged through her veins.

Mirabel's attention snapped to the sensation of rough texture brushing against her skin, as she gazed upwards to the flood of black swans, their feathers glistening like scales, torn pages fluttered down like rain from their beaks.

The sound of tearing paper cut through the air like a knife, each rip accompanied by a soft rustling that seemed to reverberate through the empty woody grove. The scent of aged paper wafted down from above, mingling with the earthy aroma of the forest floor and the putrid odour of alcohol.

Each page bore fragments of a story, snippets of text and faded illustrations that hinted at a tale she knew by heart. The words seemed to leap off the page, swirling around Mirabel’s mind like whispers in the wind until she managed to focus on a single sentence, Each step she took felt as if she were walking on the blades of knives or sharp needles, but she bravely endured it.

The sentence circled around her, like the swarming swans as she heaves gasping breaths. Her heart races as though it intends to jump out of chest as she screams out, her mouth forming the name Dolores in a silent scream.

She wakes up, shaking as the feelings lingered even as the dream started to fall through her fingers like sand. Mirabel, terrified, covered in sweat as she got up —adrenaline making her frantic with energy, her skin crawled as though ants were crawling up her. Mirabel decides to wander astray, nervous energy taking over as she desperately looked for something to distract her.

Her thoughts raced like a whirlwind, a chaotic storm of conflicting questions and fears swirling within her mind. She clenched her fists at her sides, feeling the tension building in her muscles as she struggled to maintain her composure. Her jaw tightened, her shoulders stiffening as she fought to keep her emotions in check, her body betraying the turmoil raging within her.

Her smile felt hallow, the tension was palpable, the forced lightness in her face a stark contrast to the heaviness in her heart. It was a familiar pattern, one she had repeated time and time again in her quest to bury her true feelings. She fell back into old habits and coping mechanisms, desperate to avoid confronting the darkness that lurked within her. But deep down, she knew that she couldn't keep running forever.

It seemed like even her dreams were haunting her with admonitions, the forceful push sending her in a spiral of desolation as her panicked walk came to a slow drawl, her exhaustion catching up to her, despite the hours of sleep she had.

She comes across another garden, towering arches, with silver vines. The stone was crumbling and chipped but it still held a sense of enchanted grandeur, the kind you’d get from seeing an object withstanding the rivers of time with dignity.

As she approaches the garden, a heavy sense of foreboding settled over her like a suffocating blanket. The scent wafting from the garden was sharp, acrid and slightly musky, with undertones of bitterness. The earthiness of the fragrance overpowers the hints of honey that laid underneath, seemingly beckoning her.

Alluring deep purple paired with emerald leaves, the plant had ruby berries hanging heavily, enticing in the richness of colour. Yet Mirabel stayed rooted to the ground, itching her brain for information about this plant. The ivy like vines climbed over thin wood pillars, the bark almost decaying, as though even in death it was affected by the thrall the plant had.

Mirabel’s eyes lit up, in a moment of eureka, she jumped in place as she recalled Isabella warning her of this plant. Nightshade, she thought, remembering the plant Isabella showed her when she was little. The deep purple and yellow petals with crimson red berries, the herb covered the garden entirely, as the earth looked cold and lifeless, as if the very ground itself recoiled from the poisonous presence of the nightshade.

Mirabel backtracked immediately once she felt a strange sense of light headedness, she left the poisonous garden in a hurry, looking back, she saw a figure blurred by a lavender haze, a silver smoking pistol in one hand as the other rubs the ruby berries gently.

Walking across the pebbled path, lined with vibrant poppies, she stopped in-front of a maze.

The entrance was a silver masterpiece, long swirling vines sprawl like a canopy as a thick veil of fog hangs suspended in the air, obscuring the sharp lines and edges of the labyrinthine paths. The mist dances and swirls, weaving a tapestry of silvery lines like a spiderweb.

Despite the beauty of it, Mirabel stands at the threshold of the maze, her heart pounding in her chest like a drumbeat echoing. She stays rooted to the spot as she considers leaving when a voice speaks up.

"Why did you stop, dear wanderer?" the dreamweaver spider inquired, its voice a soft whisper carried on the evening breeze.

In the ethereal twilight of the garden, where shadows dance with moonbeams in a mesmerising ballet, dwells the creature of whimsical allure - the dreamweaver spider. Its delicate form, adorned in gossamer threads spun from the very fabric of dreams, glistens with an otherworldly luminescence against the backdrop of the mist-shrouded maze.

With legs like slender wands dipped in starlight, the dreamweaver moves with a grace that belies its formidable nature. Each movement is a delicate waltz, a mesmerising display of dexterity and poise as it navigates the intricate web of its own creation.

Its body, a study in elegant symmetry, is a canvas upon which dreams are woven into intricate tapestries of fantasy and desire. The echoing blurring dreams blend into intricacies as scenes of fairytale like glamour play out on the fragile threads.

Patterns of shimmering silver and iridescent blue adorn its opulent form, catching the faintest glimmer of moonlight and casting prismatic reflections upon the surrounding foliage. As it sits poised upon the threshold of the maze, its eyes alight with the fire of a thousand dreams, Mirabel cannot help but feel a sense of reverence for this wondrous creature of the night.

Mirabel hesitated, her gaze fixed upon the labyrinth's entrance. "I... I am scared," she admitted, her voice barely above a whisper.

The spider regarded her with eyes that glimmered like jewels of moonlit dew. "To heal is to break, child," it replied, its words weighted with wisdom.

"You must face what lies ahead, confront the shadows that linger in the depths of your mind. Only then can you unravel the tangled web of fear that binds you and emerge stronger, freer, than you ever thought possible."

Mirabel listened, her heart heavy with uncertainty yet stirred by a glimmer of hope. Perhaps, she thought, the spider was right. Perhaps it was time to confront her fears, to venture into the labyrinth and discover what secrets awaited her within its twisting corridors. With a deep breath, she stepped forward, her resolve strengthened by the spider's words.

As she disappeared into the maze, the dreamweaver watched her go, its eyes alight with the flickering flames of possibility. For in that moment, Mirabel had taken the first step on a journey of healing, guided by the wisdom of a creature who knew that sometimes, to heal, one must first embrace the darkness.


The next chapter! Wow, we're really going deep into her mind aren't we? There are a lot of symbolisms here, I think its my most symbolism rich chapter yet. I'm not going to explain much of them, since it will be spoilers but here's what i can explain:

1) Mirabel’s dreams of being confined reflect her feelings of loneliness, alienation, or disconnection.
Being trapped in a confined space can also symbolise psychological or emotional imprisonment, such as being trapped by past traumas or memories.

2) Dreams of struggling to breathe underwater or feeling unable to catch one's breath can symbolise feelings of anxiety, panic or helplessness in waking life.

3) Mirrors can symbolise fragmentation of the self and dissociation from reality. The fractured reflections in a broken mirror may represent a fragmented sense of identity or a disconnection from one's own experiences.

4) Torn or tattered clothing in dreams can symbolise vulnerability or exposure.

5) Black ravens are a sign of bad omen.

6) Black swans are one too. Although they are also considered a symbol of isolation and alienation, but also transformation.

7) Ouroboros (snake eating its tail) are a symbol of darkness and light in its eternal cycle, similarly Mirabel must confront the darkness of her past trauma and integrate it into her sense of self.

8) Ophelia from “Hamlet", Ophelia’s attire in the scene where she drowns in "Hamlet" is often depicted as white, flowing, and ethereal, symbolising innocence and purity. Mirabel is wearing similar attire. I'll let you speculate since this threads on spoiling.

9) White lily is associated with purity, innocence. It can be associated with death as well.

10) A torn book can symbolise fragmentation or disconnection within the narrative or among characters, it can also symbolise the loss of identity or selfhood. The torn pages could represent fragmented memories, shattered beliefs, or the erosion of one's sense of self.

Also what did you think about the line from the torn pages? Do you recognise it?

Anyways, I hope you like it. Also tell me if the symbolism is too much, like I love symbolisms in poems and books, so when I started writing it, I had way too much fun. But I also know it can be annoying. It all foreshadows to something though. But still tell me if the slow pace and descriptions get boring.

Chapter 17: The Maze of Reflections: Part I


Mirabel explores the Maze of Reflections



Readers should be aware that this chapter includes depictions of death, including the lifeless forms of animals and the protagonist's struggles against a suffocating embrace, which may be distressing for some individuals.

Reader discretion is advised, especially for those who may find such descriptions distressing or triggering.

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Mirabel ventured inside the maze, her heart determined and steady, despite the numerous twisting turns she had taken As she walked, her legs achy and sore, she stumbled upon a sight—the first difference in the hazy maze.

The sight sent shivers down her spine. It was an unsettling replica of the ceremony where she had failed to receive her gift, each detail painstakingly recreated with uncanny precision.

The air hung heavy with a sense of foreboding, thick and suffocating like a weight upon her chest. Wisps of mist curled around her ankles, obscuring the path ahead in a veil of murky uncertainty. Shadows danced along the walls, their movements fluid and sinuous, like spectres beckoning her into the darkness.

Mirabel could almost feel the weight of her disappointment pressing down upon her, the memory of her failure a heavy burden that she carried with her still. The echoes of whispered voices filled the air, their words a haunting reminder of her shortcomings.

As she navigated the maze, each twist and turn brought her closer to the heart of her fears. The air grew colder, the shadows deeper, until she found herself standing at the center of the replica ceremony, surrounded by the spectres of her failures.

The walls of the maze seemed to close in around her, their rough-hewn stone surfaces casting jagged shadows that stretched out like grasping claws. The ground beneath her feet felt cold and unforgiving, every step sending tremors of unease coursing through her veins.

In the dim light, the replica ceremony unfolded before her eyes, a haunting mirage of past failures and missed opportunities. The colours were vivid and bright, like a painting freshly painted, as though no time has passed since that night.

The door now wavered like a mirage in the desert, taunting Mirabel with its elusive promise of escape.When she reached out to grasp its handle, it slipped through her fingers like smoke, leaving her feeling lost and alone in the suffocating darkness as its brilliant light faded and disappeared.

Amidst the oppressive silence, the sound of arguing echoed, a cacophony of voices raised in anger and frustration. It was a chilling reminder of the turmoil that had defined her past, the bitter disputes and heated accusations that had torn her family apart and left her feeling abandoned and alone.

As Mirabel stood, her mind became a battleground of conflicting emotions and thoughts. She couldn't help but feel a pang of shame and disappointment at the memory of her past failure. It wasn't just about missing out on the gift she had longed for—it was about the crushing weight of her own perceived inadequacy, the fear of never being good enough.

The scene before her felt like a cruel mirror, reflecting back her deepest insecurities and fears. This wasn't just about a single failure; it represented a pattern of shortcomings and disappointments that had woven themselves into the fabric of her being. It was a reminder of all the times she had fallen short and all the expectations she had failed to meet.

Each step forward felt like wading through quicksand, her limbs heavy with the weight of her own self doubt and insecurities. Her chest tightened with each passing moment, a suffocating pressure squeezing the air from her lungs. It was as if an invisible hand had wrapped around her heart, squeezing tighter and tighter until she could barely breathe beneath the weight of her own emotions.

She felt like a ship lost at sea, adrift and alone in a vast expanse of emptiness. The waves of her past failures crashed over her, threatening to pull her under with their relentless force. She struggled to stay afloat, grasping desperately for something—anything—to anchor her to reality.

The weight of the pain of feeling overlooked and unimportant, pressed down on her like a boulder anchoring her to the seabed. It was a vulnerability she had long tried to bury beneath layers of bravado and false confidence, but here, in the heart of the maze, she could no longer hide from the truth.

And then, a sudden clarity washed over Mirabel like a cleansing tide. It was as if a veil had been lifted from her eyes, revealing the truth that had been obscured by her own denial for so long. She already knew that to break free from the shackles of her past, she must first confront the ghosts that haunted her.

She realised that to break free from the illusion that held her captive, she needed to confront her deepest fears head on. She needed to acknowledge the wounds that still festered within her, to accept the scars of her past and embrace the vulnerability they represented.

"I understand now," she began, her words echoing through the twisting corridors of the maze. "I understand that to break free from your grasp, I must first confront the truths that I have long tried to evade.” With each word, she felt a surge of empowerment coursing through her veins, fuelling her courage to face the darkness within.

As she spoke, the walls of the maze seemed to tremble, their once-imposing barriers trembling like dust in the wind. It was as if the very fabric of reality was shifting around her, responding to the honesty and vulnerability of her words. And then it flickers, the scene fading and blurring as a long braided rope, gold in colour, dropped in front of her.

She pulled it, the rope rough against the soft skin of her palms, the illusion shattered, breaking away as the scene shifted and morphed before her eyes, Mirabel found herself standing at the precipice of a labyrinth unlike any she had ever encountered. Instead of walls of stone or hedges, the maze was constructed entirely of mirrors, each one reflecting a different facet of her deepest insecurities and fears.

The mirrors stretched out before her in an endless maze of twisted reflections, distorting her image into grotesque caricatures of herself. In one mirror, she saw a vision of her past self, a timid and fragile child cowering in the shadows, her eyes filled with fear and uncertainty. In another, she saw a reflection of her present self, haunted by the ghosts of her past and burdened by the weight of her own insecurities.

And then another mirror caught her eye, in a room of mirrors reflecting her, a single lone mirror of emptiness stood before her. She found herself confronted with an empty reflection that seemed to stretch out into infinity. It was as if the mirror was a vast, yawning chasm, swallowing her up and leaving nothing behind but a void of emptiness and insignificance.

The sight sent a shiver down Mirabel's spine, as if she had been plunged into the icy depths of a bottomless pit. The air around her grew cold and clammy, prickling her skin with goosebumps as she struggled to shake off the oppressive sense of isolation and abandonment. With each breath she took, the taste of bitterness filled her mouth, like ashes on her tongue.

She reached out tentatively, her fingers trembling as they grazed the cool surface of the nearest mirror. In its reflection, she saw nothing but emptiness, a void where her own image should have been.

Confusion clouded her thoughts, swirling like mist in the dim light of the labyrinth. Why was there nothing there? The questions echoed in her mind, bouncing off the mirrored walls of the maze with no answers in sight.

Her heart began to race, the steady rhythm of its beat pounding in her ears like a drum. She took a step back, her breath catching in her throat as she tried to make sense of what she was seeing. But the more she searched, the more elusive the answers became.

Then, in a sudden flash of insight, it struck her like a bolt of lightning. The empty reflection wasn't a reflection of her physical appearance, but rather a reflection of her deepest fear: the fear of being invisible, of fading into the background and being forgotten by those she loved.

The realisation hit her like a punch to the gut, knocking the wind from her lungs and leaving her gasping for air. She had spent so much of her life trying to be seen, trying to prove her worth to those around her, and yet here she was, faced with the stark truth that she had always feared: that she was nothing more than a ghost, a shadow in the eyes of her family.

She looked away, unable to stomach the sight. With the rolling nausea threatening to overcome her, she looked at another mirror, and the sight sending a shiver down her spine, as prickles of unease danced across her skin. The reflection in front of her wavered, as if unsure of its own existence, casting a hazy, ethereal glow that seemed to blur the lines between reality and nightmare.

In this mirror, the images were obscured, veiled behind a thick curtain of mist that clung to the surface like a ghostly spectre. Yet even through the fog, she could make out the haunting shapes of a broken doll and a torn fairytale book, their presence sending a chill down her spine.

Her breath caught in her throat as she stared at the fragmented remnants of her childhood nightmares, memories long buried rising to the surface like spectres from the past. The broken doll, its porcelain face cracked and marred with age, stared back at her with empty eyes, a silent witness to that night.

Beside it lay the torn fairytale book, its pages yellowed and frayed with time, its once vibrant illustrations now faded and worn. The words, The Little Mermaid, written in gold script, its pages held scattered fragmented sentences. The script so torn and ruined, she could only make out few sentences, “I will turn into foam on the water, like so many others before me,” "Every step you take will feel as if you are walking on sharp knives.”. The words circled around her head like a carousel, grasping her head with a stone grip as though it was telling her ‘look at me!’

But it was the mirror beside it that sent a cold shiver racing down her spine, a mirror that reflected not only her own image but also the depths of her deepest fears. In its murky depths, she saw herself drowning, her limbs thrashing helplessly as she struggled to break free from the suffocating embrace of the water.

The air seemed to hum with a dissonant melody of panic and distress, each note echoing off the polished surfaces like a haunting refrain. It was as if the very walls themselves were alive with the echoes of her past, she could feel the tendrils of panic creeping into her chest, tightening like a vice around her heart as the echoes of her distress reverberated through the empty chamber.

The sight was enough to send her stumbling backwards, her heart hammering in her chest as she fought to catch her breath. She couldn't bear to look at it, couldn't bear to confront the truth that lay hidden within its depths. And so, with trembling hands, she turned away, seeking solace in the distorted reflections of the other mirrors, each one a twisted reflection of her own fractured psyche.

In another, Mirabel’s reflection stared back at her from the mirrored walls, but it wasn't just her own eyes that she saw. The array of eyes covered the surface, staring back at her with an intensity that sent a shiver down her spine.

They were eyes filled with questions, with doubts, with fears. Some were wide with shock and disbelief, while others narrowed with suspicion and mistrust. The eyes seemed to scrutinise her, holding malice and disgust.

In a moment of clarity, the fragmented pieces of her inner turmoil coalesced into a single, undeniable truth: these eyes were not just a reflection of her own insecurities, but a manifestation of the judgment and scrutiny she felt from her family and the village.

The eyes stared back at her with unyielding intensity, their gaze piercing through the layers of her facade to expose the raw vulnerability hidden beneath. They were the eyes of her family, her peers, the villagers – each one a silent witness to her every misstep, her every failure, her every flaw.

In another mirror's reflection, Mirabel saw a distorted version of herself. Her figure appeared frail and emaciated, her skin marked with angry bruises that painted a vivid picture of the pain she had endured. Each bruise seemed to tell a story of neglect and indifference, a silent testament to the wounds that went unseen and unacknowledged.

The bruises stood out starkly against her pale skin, casting dark shadows that seemed to swallow her whole. They served as a painful reminder of her family's indifference, a constant echo of their neglect that reinforced her feelings of being unloved and unworthy of care.

As she stared at her reflection, Mirabel felt a surge of sadness and anger well up within her. The bruises served as a tangible manifestation of the emotional scars she carried, a physical reminder of the pain that had been inflicted upon her. Overwhelmed with emotion, she looked away, another mirror catching her eye.

In the mirror adjacent to the one with the bruises, Mirabel beheld a scene of utter devastation. Her wings, once majestic and radiant, were now torn and tattered, dripping with blood that stained the pristine white feathers a deep crimson hue. Each feather seemed to scream out in agony, twisted and broken beyond recognition.

The pain etched upon Mirabel's face was palpable, her features contorted in a silent scream of anguish. Her eyes, once bright with hope and determination, now glimmered with tears of despair as she gazed upon the shattered remnants of her wings.

The scene was a haunting reminder of her deepest fear, the fear of losing her gift, But it was not just the loss of her gift that tormented her in that moment. It was the loss of her worth, her identity, her very sense of self. With each torn feather, she felt her spirit diminish, her confidence wane, until she was nothing more than a shadow of her former self.

As she stood before the mirror, transfixed by the harrowing scene before her, Mirabel felt a surge of raw emotion welling up from deep within her. It was a mixture of grief, anger, and fear, swirling together in a tumultuous storm that threatened to engulf her completely. Her eyes welled up, but she refused to let tears drop. Looking at another, Mirabel felt her resolve weakening.

In the reflection of yet another mirror, Mirabel was confronted with a shattered mosaic of her own image. The mirror lay in pieces at her feet, each shard reflecting a fractured aspect of her identity, a different fear or insecurity that she struggled to reconcile.

Some fragments showed distorted images of her past, moments of failure and disappointment that still haunted her to this day. Others reflected her deepest fears for the future, uncertainties and anxieties that gnawed at her from within.

Each broken shard seemed to pulse with its own eerie energy, casting jagged shadows across the dimly lit chamber. Mirabel could feel the weight of each piece pressing down upon her, a heavy burden that threatened to overwhelm her fragile psyche.

The mirror adjacent to that, was a strange mirror. Mirabel’s reflection seemed to blur and fade before her eyes, like an image fading from an old photograph left out in the sun. The outlines of her figure were indistinct, the features of her face obscured by a hazy veil that shrouded her identity.

It was as though the mirror itself reflected her inner turmoil, her struggle to maintain a sense of self in the face of overwhelming doubt and insecurity. The blurred lines mirrored the uncertainty that clouded her mind, the constant questioning of who she was and where she belonged.

As she gazed at her faded reflection, Mirabel felt a pang of sorrow deep within her chest. Tears welled up in her eyes, blurring the already distorted image before her. They streamed down her cheeks in silent rivers of grief, each tear a testament to the pain and anguish she carried within her heart.

The tears fell unchecked, leaving shimmering trails on the surface of the mirror as they mingled with the fading image of her reflection. In that moment, Mirabel felt as though she was drowning in a sea of sorrow, her emotions threatening to overwhelm her completely. She wailed as her emotions welled up like an overflowing well.

As tears traced their paths down Mirabel's cheeks, their salty trails left a bitter taste upon her lips, a poignant reminder of the pain that had long been bottled up inside. Each drop seemed to carry with it a fragment of her anguish, as if the very essence of her sorrow was being purged from her being.

With each shuddering sob that wracked her body, Mirabel felt the tight knot of tension in her chest begin to unravel, loosening its grip on her heart and soul. The sound of her cries echoed in the cavernous space around her, reverberating off the mirrored walls of the labyrinth like a mournful lament.

As she allowed herself to succumb to the torrent of emotion, Mirabel felt a strange mixture of relief and vulnerability wash over her. It was as if she had finally unlocked the floodgates of her sorrow, releasing a torrent of pent up feelings that had long been buried beneath the surface.

The sensation of her tears mingling with the cool air upon her skin sent shivers down her spine, each droplet a tangible reminder of the depth of her pain. In the midst of her tears, Mirabel found herself grappling with a tumult of conflicting emotions. There was sadness, yes, but also a profound sense of liberation, as if the act of crying had somehow freed her from the chains that had bound her heart for so long.

As her tears died down, slowly trailing down like a lone river. She remembered the words of the spider, urging her to face her fears head on. The hurt she suffered, was true. She wasn’t overreacting as she looked at the multitude of mirrors reflecting the pain she went through.

As she gazed into her own reflection, Mirabel saw not just her flaws and failures, but also her resilience and strength. She saw the scars of past traumas etched into her skin, but she also saw the courage it took to survive them. It was with this thought she fell asleep, her exhaustion lulling her in a deep slumber.

In the realm of shattered dreams, where the moonlight weeps upon the petals of forgotten blossoms, lies a scene of desolation and sorrow. Here, amidst the ruins, Mirabel stands before the remnants of crushed pomegranates, their scarlet juices staining the earth like spilled blood.

In the flickering light of the dying stars, the shattered husks of pomegranates lie strewn about like the broken fragments of a shattered heart. Their vibrant hues have faded to a dull, lifeless grey, drained of all vitality and passion.

The air is heavy with the scent of ripe fruit mingled with the metallic tang of sorrow, a heady perfume that hangs like a pall over the barren landscape. The faint scent of alcohol begins to waft from the damp soil, as Mirabel stares at the long curling river.

As the River Styx winds its mournful course, there lies a scene of macabre beauty and profound sorrow. Here, amidst the murky depths of the Stygian waters, float the lifeless forms of creatures both gentle and innocent, their once vibrant spirits now consigned to the somber embrace of the underworld.

Fawns, their delicate frames now motionless, drift languidly with the current, their gazes fixed upon unseen horizons as if yearning for the verdant meadows of the world above. Doves lie with outstretched wings, their feathers sodden and bedraggled in the dark toiling waters, a stark contrast to the ethereal beauty they once embodied.

Lambs, their fleece now sodden and matted, bob gently upon the surface of the river, their plaintive bleats silenced by the icy grip of death. Bunnies, once playful and carefree, now lie still and silent, their furry forms motionless amidst the dark waters that swirl around them.

And there, amidst the sorrowful tableau, lie the shattered remnants of butterfly wings, their vibrant hues dulled by the pall of death that hangs heavy in the air. Ripped from their delicate bodies, they drift aimlessly upon the surface of the river, a haunting reminder of the fragility of life and the inevitability of its end.

As she stands upon the banks of the River Styx, the weight of sorrow presses down upon her like a leaden cloak, suffusing her with a profound sense of loss and despair. The air is heavy with the scent of decay and desolation, a sickly sweet perfume that clings to her skin like a shroud.

In the dim light of the underworld, the waters of the Styx seem to shimmer with an otherworldly glow, casting eerie shadows upon the faces of the fallen creatures that drift upon its surface. And as she gazes upon the lifeless forms that surround her, she cannot help but feel a pang of sorrow for the innocence that has been lost, forever consigned to the depths of the underworld.

Mirabel’s attention is drawn to the Ouroboros coiling around her neck like a sinister embrace, its serpentine form a grim reminder of the eternal cycle of life and death as it tightens its hold on her. Each scale glimmers with a malevolent sheen, reflecting the pale glow of the Stygian waters that swirl around her.

As the serpent tightens its grip, she feels the cold touch of its scales against her skin, sending shivers down her spine. Its eyes, twin orbs of darkness, bore into her soul with a penetrating gaze that seems to strip away the layers of her being, exposing her deepest fears and insecurities.

With each passing moment, the weight of the Ouroboros grows heavier, pressing down upon her with an unrelenting force that threatens to crush her spirit. She struggles against its suffocating embrace, gasping for breath as the coils tighten around her throat, cutting off her air supply.

The taste of copper fills her mouth as she fights against the serpent's grip, the metallic tang of blood mingling with the bitter bile of fear that rises in her throat. Her heart pounds in her chest like a drumbeat of doom, each thud echoing through the cavernous depths of the underworld.

As the shadows lengthen and the air grows heavy with foreboding, a sinister transformation begins to take hold. Her hair, once lustrous and flowing, begins to writhe and twist like serpents awakened from a long slumber.

Each strand of hair morphs into a sinuous coil, dark and menacing, as if possessed by a malevolent force. The serpents hiss and coil around one another, their scales glinting with an otherworldly sheen as they intertwine in a macabre dance.

With each movement, the serpents lash out with venomous fangs, their eyes gleaming with malice as they fixate on their prey. The air is filled with the sound of their slithering, a chilling symphony that sends shivers down her spine.

Her heart races with terror as she watches in horror, unable to tear her gaze away from the grotesque spectacle unfolding before her. She reaches out in desperation, but her hands grasp only empty air as the serpents writhe and twist beyond her reach.

In the dim light, their scales take on an otherworldly hue, shimmering with a sickly iridescence that seems to warp and shift with each passing moment. It is a sight that fills her with dread, a visceral reminder of the darkness that lurks within the depths of her own soul.

As the serpentine coils of her hair tighten around her, Mirabel is engulfed by a suffocating sense of emptiness, as if her very essence is being consumed from within. The scales of the serpents feel like cold, clammy fingers sliding over her skin, leaving a trail of slimy residue in their wake. Their sinuous bodies writhe and coil with a sinister grace, their movements fluid and hypnotic as they ensnare her in their deadly embrace.

With each constriction, she feels a hollow ache spreading through her chest, a gnawing emptiness that threatens to swallow her whole. The serpents' fangs sink into her flesh with a sickening crunch, piercing her skin and injecting their venom with a burning intensity. The venom spreads like wildfire through her veins, sending waves of nausea and dizziness crashing over her in relentless waves.

As she struggles against the serpents' grasp, Mirabel's vision swims with darkness, the world around her fading into a murky haze. The air is heavy with the cloying scent of decay and rot, suffocating her with its foul stench. She claws desperately at the serpents' coils, but they only tighten their grip, binding her tighter with each futile struggle.

In the midst of her torment, Mirabel's mind is consumed by a sense of profound emptiness, a yawning void that threatens to swallow her whole. Her screams are drowned out by the relentless hissing of the serpents, their twisted forms coiling around her like a suffocating shroud. She is consumed, an another ouroboros in the making, doomed to eternally wander in the limbo of life and death.

As Mirabel's eyes flutter open, she finds herself drenched in a cold sweat, her heart pounding against her chest like a frantic drumbeat. The remnants of her nightmare cling to her mind like tendrils of darkness, leaving her feeling unsettled and disoriented. She sits up slowly, her breath coming in ragged gasps as she tries to shake off the lingering sense of dread that clings to her like a shroud.

With trembling hands, Mirabel reaches for a journal, hands frantically searching her bag. As she flips open to a blank page, the memories of her nightmare flood back with a visceral intensity, each image seared into her mind like a brand. She picks up a pen, its tip poised over the paper, hesitating for a moment before she begins to write.

Her hand moves with a frantic urgency, scribbling down every detail of her harrowing ordeal with feverish determination. Each word spills forth like a torrent of emotion, the ink staining the page with the raw intensity of her fear and despair. She writes until her hand cramps and her vision blurs with exhaustion, the words flowing from her like a stream of consciousness pouring forth from the depths of her soul. As she lays down her pen, the weight of her experience still heavy upon her, Mirabel feels a sense of catharsis wash over her.

Mirabel decides to venture further in the maze, and comes across hidden oasis of tranquility tucked away behind a crumbling archway draped with cascading hydrangea blossoms. The air is heavy with the scent of sweet floral perfume, enveloping her in a delicate embrace as she steps into the serene sanctuary.

Before her lie reflective ponds, their surface as smooth as polished glass, mirroring the ethereal beauty of the surrounding temple in perfect clarity. Each pool is a shimmering canvas, capturing the dappled moonlight filtering through the verdant canopy above and painting it with hues of silver and green.

Around the edges of the ponds, delicate water lilies sway gently in the breeze, their petals unfolding like works of art. The water ripples softly as tiny fish dart beneath the surface, their iridescent scales glinting in the moonlight like slivers of precious gemstones.

Above, the canopy of climbing hydrangea creates a canopy of emerald leaves, casting dappled shadows upon the tranquil waters below. Shafts of moonlight filter through the foliage, casting an otherworldly glow upon the scene and lending it an aura of enchantment.

Despite the tranquil and peaceful ambiance of the hidden oasis, Mirabel's recent dreams have left her feeling hesitant and wary of the serenity that lies before her. The air is thick with the scent of blooming flowers and the gentle murmur of trickling water, yet she cannot shake the lingering unease that clings to her like a shadow.

For a long while, she stands at the threshold, her heart heavy with uncertainty as she weighs the risks of venturing further into the unknown. The allure of the shimmering pools beckons to her, promising respite from the weariness that weighs upon her soul, yet she cannot shake the nagging feeling of apprehension that gnaws at the edges of her mind.

But eventually, the allure of the tranquil oasis proves too tempting to resist and with a resigned sigh, Mirabel steps forward, crossing the threshold into the hidden sanctuary. The cool touch of the stone beneath her feet sends a shiver down her spine, and for a moment, she hesitates, her resolve faltering.

Yet as she moves further into the oasis, the gentle embrace of the surrounding beauty begins to soothe her troubled spirit, and with each step, she feels a weight lifting from her shoulders. The sound of her footsteps echoes softly against the stone walls, a reassuring rhythm that guides her forward into the heart of the sanctuary.

As she approaches the edge of the reflective pools, Mirabel pauses, her gaze sweeping over the shimmering surface of the water. The sight of her own reflection staring back at her sends a shiver down her spine, and for a moment, she is overcome by a sense of vulnerability.

But then, with a determined shake of her head, she banishes the doubt from her mind and steps forward, dipping her toes into the cool, refreshing water. The sensation is invigorating, washing away the weariness of her journey. With a contented sigh, Mirabel sinks deeper into the tranquil waters, allowing herself to be enveloped by their soothing embrace, the cool waters caress her skin like a lover's gentle touch, soothing away the weariness that weighs upon her soul.

Yet beneath the surface calm, a tempest of conflicting emotions swirls within her, threatening to engulf her in its tumultuous embrace.

As she closes her eyes and allows herself to drift, the memories come flooding back, each one a sharp pang of regret and longing that pierces her heart like a dagger. She recalls the countless times she has stood on the sidelines, watching as her family dazzle and delight with their magical prowess, while she remained trapped in the shadows, invisible and forgotten.

The feeling of being overlooked and worthless gnaws at her from within, a relentless whisper that echoes in the depths of her mind, reminding her of her perceived inadequacies and shortcomings. No matter how hard she tries to bury these feelings beneath a facade of indifference, they persist, a constant reminder of her place in the world.

Her thoughts drifts to the mirrors, its surfaces reflecting back an empty, gaping void and the image of her bruised, frail self. The echoes of her pain resurface, elusive and haunting, as she struggles to grasp the weight of her emotions. Was she truly so undeserving of their love that they couldn't even hear her cries for help? The thought gnaws at her, lingering like a shadow in her mind. With a gentle touch, she runs her fingers through the dry ends of her hair, feeling the sharp sting of each pull.

Abuela, whose presence looms large in her memories like a shadow cast by the setting sun. She recalls the sternness in Abuela's gaze, the weight of her disapproval hanging heavy in the air like a shroud. Despite her best efforts to earn her approval, Mirabel often found herself falling short. The memory of Abuela's disapproval cuts deep, a painful reminder of the rift that has always existed between them since the failed ceremony.

Turning her thoughts to her relationships with her siblings, Isabella and Luisa, Mirabel feels a pang of longing mingled with envy. She admires Isabella's grace and poise, her effortless charm a stark contrast to Mirabel's own clumsy attempts at fitting in. Always managing to earn Abuela’s approval so effortlessly, while she would give her soul and body and still manage to disappoint her. And Luisa, too busy with her responsibilities, she down’t even remember the last time they had a conversation.

Her mind drifts to the figures of her parents, Julieta and Agustin, whose presence in her life often feels more like a distant shadow than a guiding light. She reflects on the lack of involvement and support she receives from them, a void that seems to widen with each passing day.

Julieta, with her gentle smile and warm embrace, seems perpetually preoccupied with the demands of running the family and tending to the needs of others. Mirabel can't help but feel a pang of longing for the mother-daughter bond she's always craved, a connection that seems to elude her grasp like a fleeting dream.

As for Agustin, his absence looms large in Mirabel's memories, a silent reminder of the void left behind by his absence. Always busy, he seemed more preoccupied with Luisa and Isabella, than to have more than a few words in passing with her.

Despite their best intentions, Mirabel senses a distance between herself and her parents that feels insurmountable at times. Their preoccupations with the family and the demands of daily life seem to overshadow any attempts at genuine connection, leaving Mirabel feeling like an outsider in her own home.

As the silver hues of twilight casted a soft glow across the lake, reflecting like a thousand diamond, she finds herself lost in thoughts of her younger cousin, Antonio. Memories of their time together flood her mind, reminding her of the bond they shared and the role she played in his upbringing.

She recalls the countless hours spent caring for him, soothing his cries and sharing in his laughter, all while barely more than a child herself. For nearly two years, she was his constant companion, his protector, his surrogate mother in all but name. And though the responsibility weighed heavily on her young shoulders, she wouldn't have traded those moments for anything in the world. She missed him, but she knew that the more she stayed there, the more it would destroy her.

Her thoughts turn to, Camilo, her cousin and former partner in mischief, with whom she shared a bond so strong they called each other twins. But as they grew older, their paths diverged, leading them down separate roads filled with new experiences and responsibilities. Camilo became engrossed in his duties within the family while Mirabel was left behind.

Their once unbreakable bond began to fray, frayed by the passage of time and the weight of their individual burdens. But it's not just the distance that weighs on Mirabel's heart; it's the memories of Camilo's hurtful words and actions, of the jokes he made about her lack of a gift and how his friends took that as an invitation to bully her. She recalls the sting of their taunts, the humiliation of being singled out and ridiculed.

And yet, as much as she longs to retaliate, Mirabel knows she can't. She knows that any attempt to stand up for herself would only result in further punishment from Abuela, who always took the villagers’ side without question. So instead, she bears the brunt of their cruelty in silence, her heart heavy with the weight of their betrayal.

As she reflects on her relationship with Camilo and the pain he's caused her, Mirabel can't help but wonder if their bond can ever be repaired. She longs for the days when they were inseparable, when they laughed and played without a care in the world. But now, as she sits alone, she can't help but feel the sting of his betrayal, the ache of his absence, and the uncertainty of what the future holds for their fractured friendship.

Mirabel can't help but feel a sense of sadness and longing for the love and support she so desperately craves from her distant family. And yet, amidst the pain, there is a glimmer of hope, a belief that one day she may find the connection and acceptance she's always yearned for, even if it lies beyond the confines of her own family.

In the soft glow of twilight, weary from the tumultuous thoughts that had plagued her mind, Mirabel decides to try something she read in a distant time. She closed her eyes, allowing the world around her to fade into a hazy blur of colours and shapes.

As she breathed in, the air felt like a gentle caress against her skin, carrying with it the sweet scent of blooming flowers and distant melodies. With each exhale, she released the tension that had gripped her body, letting it dissipate into the ether like wisps of smoke.

With each cycle of breath, Mirabel finds herself sinking deeper into a state of calm and tranquility. She lets go of the swirling thoughts that had been plaguing her mind, allowing herself to be fully present in the here and now. It was as though time seemed to stand still and the worries of the world melted away like dewdrops on a summer's morning.

She became acutely aware of the rhythm of her breath, a gentle ebb and flow that echoed the gentle pulse of the universe itself. She notices the rise and fall of her chest with each inhale and exhale, the gentle expansion and contraction of her diaphragm as it moves in rhythm with her breath.

Her body grew heavy with a profound sense of peace and contentment. It was as if she were floating on a cloud, weightless and free, enveloped in the soft embrace of darkness and silence.

With each passing moment, the boundaries between wakefulness and sleep began to blur, until they became indistinguishable from one another. Time seemed to stretch and warp, flowing like a lazy river through the depths of her consciousness.

And then, ever so gradually, the gentle pull of slumber began to take hold, drawing her deeper into its embrace with each fluttering breath. The edges of her awareness grew soft and fuzzy, like wisps of fog dancing on the surface of a tranquil pond.

In this liminal space between wakefulness and dreams, Mirabel felt herself slipping away, her thoughts becoming distant echoes in the recesses of her mind.


Soo! Another chapter. I actually managed to write three chapters in a day, so yay? Also, I can explain the symbolism, once the time for spoilers pass, if you'd like. But there is some foreshadowing here, tell me your theories on it!

I was actually planning to write a chapter on the rest of the family and how they're coping, but it didn't fit well so I'm continuing on with her journey first.

Anyways, I hope you like it!

Chapter 18: The Maze of Reflections: Part II


Mirabel explores the maze some more, and enters the hypnagogic glade.


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

As Mirabel stirred from her slumber, the tendrils of sleep slowly loosening their grip on her consciousness, she found herself enveloped in a haze of drowsy confusion. Blinking away the remnants of her dream filled reverie, she reached for the pen and parchment that lay nearby, eager to capture the fleeting images that lingered on the fringes of her memory.

Her dreams, like wisps of morning mist, danced just beyond her grasp, their ephemeral beauty tantalisingly elusive. Yet amid the swirling fog of her subconscious, one vivid image emerged with crystalline clarity – the sensation of rocks being thrown, sharp and stinging against her skin.

In the dim glow of starlight, Mirabel set her pen to paper, each stroke a delicate dance of ink upon the pristine surface. With each word, she sought to capture the ethereal essence of her nocturnal visions, weaving a tapestry of words that shimmered with otherworldly beauty.

As Mirabel embarked once more into the labyrinthine depths of the maze, a curious sight caught her eye—a family tree, its branches stretching outwards like gnarled fingers, its roots buried deep in the earth below. Yet instead of the verdant greenery she expected, the tree stood wilted and forlorn, its once lively leaves now withered and drooping.

The air around the tree seemed heavy with a sense of melancholy, as if the very essence of life had been drained from its veins. The branches, once teeming with vitality, now hung limply, their twisted forms casting eerie shadows upon the ground below.

Mirabel approached the tree with cautious curiosity, her footsteps echoing softly against the damp earth. As she drew nearer, she could see the faint traces of decay that marred its bark, the signs of neglect and abandonment etched into its weathered surface.

The tree was a poignant symphony of colours—a haunting tableau of beauty tinged with sorrow. To the left, was leaves tinged with yellow, red, and orange rustled softly in the breeze, their once vibrant hues now muted and faded.

Among them, a single red flower drooped forlornly, its petals curling inward as if to shield itself from the world. Each delicate fold seemed to whisper of secrets untold, of dreams deferred and hopes left unfulfilled.

Beside it, two yellow flowers stood side by side, their petals frayed and frazzled like the edges of a worn-out tapestry. Their golden faces bore the telltale signs of anxiety, their delicate forms trembling ever so slightly in the cool autumn air.

Further along the branch, an orange flower swayed gently in the breeze, its petals shifting and morphing as if caught in the throes of some unseen turmoil. Each subtle change in shape spoke volumes, a silent testament to the inner conflict that raged within.

And at the end of the branch, a tiny red bud awaited its moment to bloom, its delicate petals tinged with a faint hint of teal blue. Yet even in its nascent state, the bloom appeared wilted and weary, as if burdened by the weight of expectations yet to come.

Mirabel felt the scratch of familiarity as dread washed over her, was this… her thought trailed of as she looked at the center of the tree.

Among them, a rose of perfect lavender hue, its petals shimmering with an ethereal glow that belied its artificiality. Yet as Mirabel reached out to touch its delicate form, the flower crumbled beneath her fingers, its once-vibrant beauty reduced to a heap of spiky thorns—a silent scream frozen upon its withered lips.

Nearby, a light blue blossom quivered and heaved, as if burdened by the weight of the heavens themselves. Its delicate form seemed to tremble with the effort of holding back an ocean of tears, each petal a testament to the pain of existence. Beside it, another flower of darker shade mirrored its plight, its once-glorious bloom now wilted and faded, a mere shadow of its former self.

Further still, a navy flower hung limply from its stem, its once-bold colour now muted and subdued. It seemed to sway in the breeze with a sense of resignation, as if resigned to its fate of fading into obscurity.

And at the heart of the branch was a teal flower lay crushed beneath the weight of its own existence. Its delicate form seemed to shimmer in the dappled light, caught in the limbo between life and death, its petals tinged with the bittersweet taste of sorrow and regret.

But it was the final flower—a delicate teal bloom—that captured Mirabel's gaze, its form crushed and twisted as if caught in the merciless embrace of the waves. In its silent suffering, it seemed to embody the liminal space between life and death, a poignant reminder of the fragility of existence and the inevitability of decay.

Her lips trembled as she looked at the right, amidst the tangled web of skeletal branches, lay a single emerald green flower. Its delicate petals, once vibrant and full of life, now hung limp and ashen, their once-lustrous hue faded to a pale, ghostly grey. Despite its withered state, the flower seemed to emanate a haunting beauty, similar to shattered glass.

Above the wilted blooms, a solitary purple flower stood out against the barren landscape, its petals aglow with a faint ethereal light. The flower was also faded and heaved as though it carried a great burden, the flower seemed disconnected from the rest of the tree, the branches connecting them were dead and thin.

Further apart, the branches of the tree stretched outwards like gnarled fingers, their skeletal forms twisting and contorting in silent agony. Each limb seemed to bear the weight of centuries, bearing witness to the passage of time and the relentless march of decay.

The roots of the tree, too, were a tangled mass of gnarled tendrils, their twisted forms burrowing deep into the earth below. They seemed to reach outwards in search of sustenance, their desperate quest for life a stark contrast to the barren landscape above. And as the gentle breeze whispered through the withered branches, the tree seemed to sigh in resignation, its mournful lament echoing through the silent air.

As Mirabel stood in the shadow of the wilted family tree, a storm of emotions raged within her. Anger, like a fierce wildfire, consumed her as she thought of Abuela's stern gaze and the weight of her expectations pressing down upon her fragile shoulders. How could she have expected so much from them?

But beneath the fury lay a wellspring of grief—a deep, aching sorrow for the love and acceptance she had craved but never received. Tears welled in her eyes as she thought of her parents, distant and preoccupied, their absence a constant reminder of her own insignificance in their eyes.

Of her Tia Pepa, constantly never allowed to truly feel, of being forced to cry to water crops the farmers could do themselves. Of Luisa being a pack mule, working day in and day out, never getting a moment of rest. She looked at the thorny rose, petals still in an agonised scream, and thought that perhaps Isabella also felt burnered under Abuela’s expectations, of being perfect. She thought of her mother, slaving away in the kitchen to meet Abuela’s and the villagers demands. Dolores, constantly suffering underneath the onslaught of noise, being nothing more than a gossip listener. Camilo, always shifting into others when asked, has anyone other than her family, asked him to just be himself?

As she traced the contours of the twisted branches, Mirabel felt a sense of kinship with the tree—a shared understanding of the scars that marked their shared history. In that moment of clarity, Mirabel knew that she could not change the past, nor could she undo the damage that had been done. But she could choose to forgive—to release the burden of anger and resentment that had been unknowingly brewing inside her, its weight a constant reminder.

And so, with a heavy heart and tear-stained cheeks, Mirabel made a silent vow—to let go of the pain of the past. Even so, the weight still burned but she knew, perhaps eventually, she would let go. For in forgiveness, she will find freedom—a chance to heal the wounds that had long festered within her soul.

With that thought in her mind, Mirabel left the wilted family tree behind her, the sight distant as she left further along the labyrinthine path. Mirabel came across a garden in the eerie corners of the maze, the garden, she realised, was an exact copy of the garden she saw when she first arrived. Except a stillness descended upon the landscape, suffocating the air with an oppressive silence.

The once vibrant flora and fauna now stood frozen in time, their leaves and petals wilted and lifeless, as if drained of all vitality. Shadows danced across the barren earth, casting ominous shapes that seemed to whisper of unseen horrors lurking just beyond the edge of perception.

In this desolate garden, the usual cacophony of chirping birds and rustling leaves was conspicuously absent, replaced by a profound emptiness that echoed through the air like a mournful dirge. The Dreamsong birds stared eerily at her, not a single sense of comfort or sound resonated within her as she stared back. Even the gentle breeze seemed to falter, its soft sighs stifled by the weight of the silence that hung heavy in the air.

Mirabel's footsteps echoed hollowly as she moved through the garden, her heart pounding in her chest with a sense of dread that seemed to grow stronger with each passing moment. She reached out to touch a nearby flower, but recoiled in horror as she realised that it too was devoid of life, its petals brittle and lifeless beneath her trembling fingers as she sensed nothing through it’d desolate petals.

A sense of helplessness washed over her, suffusing her very being with a profound sense of despair. She opened her mouth to scream, to cry out for help, but no sound emerged, her voice silenced by some unseen force that held her captive in its icy grip.

Panic surged through her veins like a tidal wave, threatening to overwhelm her fragile resolve. She was trapped in this silent prison, cut off from the world outside, with no means of escape and no hope of rescue.

It was as if she had stumbled into a realm of nightmares, where the very fabric of reality had been twisted and distorted beyond recognition. Shadows danced in the corners of her vision, whispering secrets too dreadful to comprehend, while the cold touch of fear sent shivers coursing down her spine.

And then, like a noxious fog seeping into her senses, the scent of alcohol drifted through the air, its bitter tang mingling with the stifling silence of the garden. It was a chilling reminder of the darkness that lurked within, a reminder of the dangers that lay in wait.

With trembling limbs, Mirabel turned away from the Voiceless Garden, her spirit weighed down by the burden of helplessness and despair. She did not wish to face the horrors yet, and so she ran, her heart racing with fear and uncertainty.

Her pace slows down to a stop as she gasped breathless, so occupied in catching her breath, she did not notice the mystical guardian until it spoke.

“What ails you, dear wanderer?” a creature of ethereal beauty and otherworldly grace spoke. Its form was like a wisp of fog given life, its body shimmering with an iridescent glow as if woven from strands of moonlight and star shine.

Each feather of the Mist Owl seemed to ripple and flow like liquid mercury, catching the faintest glimmer of light and reflecting it back in a dazzling display of spectral colours. Its eyes, twin pools of liquid darkness, held a wisdom beyond mortal comprehension, gazing upon Mirabel with a mixture of curiosity and ancient knowing.

In the presence of the mystical guardian, time seemed to slow and the air grew thick with the hazy embrace of dreams. Its movements were as fluid as the shifting tides of the ocean, gliding effortlessly through the swirling mists that enveloped them like a protective cloak.

Mirabel hesitated, her eyes clouded with uncertainty.“I’m too scared to face my past,” she confessed, her voice barely above a whisper.

The guardian's gaze softened, understanding the weight of her words. "It is in facing our fears that we find our true strength," he replied gently, a flicker of ancient wisdom in his eyes. "For only by confronting the darkness within can we truly embrace the light.”

She shifted, unsure if she wanted to, the guardian seemed to catch this as it said, "I am the emissary of Hypnos. I guide those in need, and show the truth that lies within the mind and soul,” voice resonating with ancient authority.

"But what if I don't want to see what lies there?" Mirabel asked, her voice tinged with uncertainty.

The guardian regarded her with compassion, understanding the weight of her fear. “Repression of memories can cast shadows upon our lives, influencing our choices and shaping our destinies," he explained gently. "It is the unspoken whispers of the past that often hold us captive, binding us in chains of fear and uncertainty."

"But know this," he continued, his eyes alight with ancient wisdom, "within the depths of your being lies the strength to break free from these chains, to unravel the knots of the past and weave a new story of resilience and courage. Embrace the journey within, for it is there that you will find the keys to unlock the doors of your soul.”

"What should I do then?" the young girl asked, her voice tinged with uncertainty.

The ancient guardian regarded her with a knowing gaze. "Go into the hypnagogic glade," he instructed, his voice gentle yet firm. "There, amidst the shifting dreams, you will find the answers you seek. Trust in the journey, and the path will reveal itself to you."

Mirabel’s eyes were alight with determination, despite the slight tremble of her hands, she followed the path the mist owl pointed her down to.

As Mirabel approached the entryway of the Hypnagogic Glade, a hushed reverence enveloped her being. The entryway was a towering elegant arch, the crawling vines and climbing hydrangea adorned the hazy stone.

As she walked inside, she was hit with the soothing scent of lavender and the sweet aroma of ripe figs, weaving together in a delicate symphony that caressed her senses. Deep purple fog clung to the air, softening the edges of reality and casting a dreamlike haze over the landscape.

With each step, the ground beneath her feet seemed to shift and ripple, as if the very earth was alive and breathing. Soft tendrils of mist curled around her ankles, like gentle fingers beckoning her forward into the unknown. The air was alive with a chorus of whispers, faint murmurs that seemed to emanate from the very fabric of the world itself.

As she breathed in the fragrant air, Mirabel felt a sense of calm wash over her, like a warm embrace from an old friend. In this sacred space, the boundaries between wakefulness and dreaming blurred, and reality itself seemed to bend and shift to the whims of the mind. It was a place of magic and wonder, where anything was possible and dreams could take flight on gossamer wings.

Mirabel sits upon a billowy cloud, its softness enveloping her like a gentle embrace. The cloud yields beneath her weight, moulding to the contours of her body with exquisite comfort. As she settles into its plush embrace, a profound sense of tranquility washes over her, soothing her weary soul.

Above, the sky stretches out in an endless expanse of pale purple, dotted with wisps of lavender clouds that drift lazily by. The air is cool and crisp, tinged with the faint scent of rain and the distant melody of birdsong. Mirabel inhales deeply, savouring the fresh, invigorating aroma that fills her lungs.

Beneath her, the cloud pulses with a gentle rhythm, like the steady beat of a heart. Its surface is cool and smooth against her skin, like the touch of silk against bare flesh. She sinks deeper into its embrace, feeling herself becoming weightless as if gravity itself has released its hold.

The gentle rustle of the wind whispers through her hair, tousling the strands in a playful dance. She closes her eyes, surrendering to the sensation of weightlessness as she drifts further into the dreamlike haze.

In the distance, a chorus of voices murmurs softly, their words blending together in a melodic symphony that lulls her senses into a state of blissful oblivion. Each word is a thread in the tapestry of her dreams, weaving together memories and fantasies in a kaleidoscope of colour and sound.

In the vast softness of the realm, Mirabel whispers, “Show me the truth of what happened when I was seven.” The words dissolving into the air like wisps of smoke.

And then, the realm answers her call, its response a gentle caress upon her consciousness. She feels herself being drawn deeper into the dream, the boundaries between reality and fantasy melting away until she is lost in a world of her own creation.


So, what do you happened in her past? leave your theories in the comments below!

Anyways, hope you like it.

Chapter 19: The Truth


Mirabel finds out the truth of what happened.


This chapter contains scenes depicting physical violence, including assault and brutality towards a child.

This chapter contains themes and scenes depicting death and mortality, including the death of a character.

This chapter contains allusions to sexual violence, including descriptions of a character's vulnerability and the predatory behaviour of others. Reader discretion is advised.

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Mirabel, seven years old, barefoot and trembling, ventures out into the moonlit night, her steps cautious and hesitant. The woods loom ominously around her, casting twisted shadows that dance eerily upon the forest floor. The air is thick with an oppressive stillness, broken only by the distant hoot of an owl and the rustle of leaves in the wind.

Her small frame trembles with uncertainty as she tiptoes deeper into the shadows, guided only by the pale moonlight filtering through the dense canopy above. The air is thick with the scent of damp earth and decaying leaves, sending shivers down her spine with each inhale. As she ventured deeper into the grove, the underbrush seemed to close in around her like a suffocating embrace, ensnaring her in its tangled web of thorns and brambles. The ground beneath her feet felt slick and treacherous, the damp earth oozing between her toes like the clammy fingers of a corpse.

The shadows danced and flickered around her, their shifting forms twisting and contorting into grotesque shapes that seemed to mock her every move. She could hear the rustle of leaves and the creak of branches overhead, the forest itself alive with a malevolent energy that sent shivers down her spine. And then, as she stumbled into a moonlit clearing, she saw it—the remnants of her forgotten playthings scattered haphazardly among the trees.

A fairytale book depicting the enchanting world of "The Little Mermaid," and nine handcrafted dolls, each lovingly fashioned in the likeness of her family members. They are her companions, her solace in a world filled with uncertainty and fear. Mirabel, in her elation, immediately rushes forward and then freezes, the sound of heavy footsteps crunching through the underbrush and drunken laughter, drawing closer with each passing moment.

In the dim glow of flickering torchlight, Mirabel had come across a scene she had feared most—a group of drunken men, their faces twisted into grotesque masks of malice, gathered around her cherished dolls. She knew these men, they would shove her around in town, pretending it to be an accident as the mocking grin belayed their lies.

Their laughter echoed through the night air like the cackling of demons, mingling with the sound of shattered porcelain and splintering wood as they callously stomped upon her beloved companions. Anger surged within Mirabel like a raging inferno, fuelling her courage as she stepped forward to confront the brutes who dared to defile her treasures. "Stop!" she cried, her voice trembling with righteous fury, but her words were drowned out by the raucous laughter of her tormentors.

A chill of fear crept up Mirabel's spine as one of the men turned to face her, his bloodshot eyes gleaming with malice as he slurred his words with drunken insolence. The stench of alcohol wafted from his breath like a noxious cloud, suffocating her senses with its sickening sweetness.

"You're nothing but a worthless little girl," one of them sneered, his voice dripping with contempt. "No wonder your family doesn't want you. You're just a burden to them.”

Another joined in, his laughter like the echo of distant thunder. "Look at her, crying like a pathetic little baby," he jeered. "What a joke!”

Their words cut Mirabel to the core, each one a painful reminder of her deepest insecurities and fears. She felt as though she were drowning in a sea of hatred and cruelty, suffocating beneath the weight of their relentless onslaught. The scene descended into a nightmare of brutality and violence, each blow and insult a savage assault on Mirabel's fragile innocence. The men's laughter echoed like the chilling howls of demons as they descended upon her with ruthless abandon, like a pack of dogs with a bone.

With each stomp of their heavy boots, Mirabel felt the earth tremble beneath her, the pain shooting through her body like fiery tendrils of agony. They tore at her hair with merciless hands, ripping and tearing until she could feel strands of her very essence being torn away. Her screams pierced the air like the anguished cries of a wounded animal, desperate and primal in their plea for mercy. But there was no mercy to be found in the hearts of her tormentors, only the cold, unfeeling embrace of cruelty and malice.

As they tore her beloved book from her grasp, it felt as though they were tearing away a piece of her very soul. The pages fluttered to the ground like the shattered remnants of her dreams, each word and image a testament to the innocence they sought to destroy. In that moment of utter despair, Mirabel's thoughts turned to Dolores. She cried out for her, her voice a desperate plea for salvation in a sea of darkness and despair.

And then came the rock—a crude instrument of pain and suffering wielded with chilling intent. It collided with Mirabel's skull with a sickening thud, sending shards of agony shooting through her mind like lightning. As darkness threatened to engulf her, she heard their cruel words—words that cut deeper than any physical blow.

The impact was like a thunderbolt, a sickening crack reverberating through the air as the rock collided with her head. Pain exploded behind Mirabel's eyes, a searing agony that threatened to consume her very consciousness. Darkness encroached upon the edges of her vision, a sinister veil descending to cloak her in its suffocating embrace. But even as the world spun dizzily around her, Mirabel's ears caught the vile words that spilled from her assailant's lips like venomous bile. His voice dripped with disdain and contempt, each syllable laced with a toxic blend of hatred and cruelty.

"We should've done this to Bruno when he was still here," he spat, the words dripping with malice and vindictiveness. The mention of Bruno's name sent a chill coursing down Mirabel's spine, her heart constricting with a sudden surge of fear.

The men continued their savage assault, Mirabel lay curled up upon the unforgiving earth, her pristine white nightdress now torn and tattered. The once pure fabric, now stained with the crimson hue of her own blood, resembled crushed pomegranate seeds scattered upon the ground. As she lay there, vulnerable and exposed, the men descended upon her like a pack of ravenous dogs going after a bone, their faces twisted in cruel savagery. In their frenzy, they showed no mercy, no remorse—only a cruel hunger that demanded to be sated at any cost — like pigs eating through a field of flowers.

Her once pristine feathers now stained with the darkness of her surroundings. She felt herself morphing into something else entirely—a black swan amidst a sea of white. She is Medusa, crying out for her goddess to save her. Mirabel felt her hair being yanked and tangled into cruel knots, each tug sending waves of agony rippling through her fragile frame.

With each passing moment, she felt herself growing weaker, her body becoming little more than a puppet in the hands of her merciless tormentors. Like a butterfly pinned to a board, she was rendered powerless, her once graceful movements reduced to feeble flutters against the cold, unyielding surface beneath her.

As the pain threatened to overwhelm her, Mirabel closed her eyes tight against the brutality, seeking refuge in the sanctuary of her own mind. She recounted fragments of fairy tales she had read in happier times, clinging to their fantastical imagery as a lifeline in the darkness. But even the comforting embrace of her own imagination could not shield her from the harsh reality of her plight. The voices of her assailants echoed in her ears like sinister whispers, their cruel laughter mingling with the sounds of her own laboured breaths.

The men realised the gravity of their actions, panic seized them like a vice, squeezing the air from their lungs and filling their hearts with dread. They cast furtive glances at one another, their eyes wide with fear as they grappled with the enormity of what they had done. With trembling hands, they hoisted Mirabel's limp form and flung her unceremoniously into the murky depths below. The water closed in around her with a suffocating embrace, swallowing her whole and dragging her down into its dark, watery embrace.

For a moment, all was stillness and silence beneath the surface, the only sound the gentle lapping of the waves against her motionless body. But then, with a sudden and violent thrash, Mirabel's limbs began to flail wildly, desperate for purchase in the cold, unforgiving depths. Her lungs burned with the searing pain of oxygen deprivation, each breath a futile gasp for air that would never come. As the water filled her vision, obscuring the world around her in a swirling maelstrom of darkness, she felt herself slipping away, surrendering to the icy embrace of death.

With each frantic kick and desperate gasp for air, she felt the weight of her own mortality pressing down upon her, a crushing burden that threatened to consume her very soul. In the swirling currents of the river, Mirabel's struggles grew weaker, her limbs growing heavy with exhaustion as the icy waters closed in around her like the jaws of a relentless predator. Like Ophelia, ensnared in the tangled weeds and murky depths of her own despair, Mirabel was powerless to break free from the suffocating embrace of death.

As her vision grew dim and her consciousness began to fade, she found herself drifting further and further away from the world of the living, lost in a sea of darkness and despair. And in that final, fleeting moment of awareness, she could almost feel the gentle caress of phantom hands reaching out to claim her, their icy fingers tracing patterns of death upon her pallid skin.

And then, in an instant, it was over. Mirabel's body lay still and lifeless beneath the surface of the river, her spirit forever lost to the cruel whims of fate. And as the waters closed in around her, swallowing her whole, she became little more than a memory, a tragic echo of a life cut short by the merciless hand of destiny—

—Mirabel’s eyes fluttered open, she was met with a world shrouded in darkness, her senses still reeling from the horrors of what had transpired. A suffocating weight pressed down upon her chest, each breath a struggle against the crushing weight of despair that threatened to consume her whole.

Her body trembled with a primal fear, every nerve tingling with the lingering echoes of agony and terror. The memory of her ordeal lingered like a festering wound, raw and unrelenting, searing her soul with the searing heat of anguish and despair. In the wake of her trauma, Mirabel felt as though a part of her had been irreparably shattered, her innocence ripped away in a brutal onslaught of violence and violation. The purity of her girlhood, once a beacon of light in a world of darkness, now lay tattered and torn, a casualty of the cruelty of fate and the savagery of man.

Amidst the chaos, laid confusion, how is she alive? The question lingered, did the Candle somehow bring her back to life? Mirabel’s thoughts swirled in confusion as picked herself up. Still reeling from the ordeal, she made her way past the Glade, the realm shifting, as a wave of comfort washed over her. It seemed like it was worried about her, she thought wryly as she patted a nearby cloud in a daze.

The realm shifted its path, leading her to a serene pavilion. Here, in the heart of the ethereal realm, nestled amidst the whispers of wandering spirits and the soft caress of moonlit mists, lies the Pavilion of Serenity. It stands as a beacon of tranquility, a sanctuary of solace where weary souls may find respite from the tumultuous currents of existence.

As Mirabel approaches the pavilion, a sense of hushed reverence descends like a silken veil, enfolding her in a cocoon of tranquil stillness. The air is suffused with a delicate fragrance, a symphony of floral notes mingling with the sweet perfume of incense that hangs heavy in the air.

The pavilion itself is a marvel of architectural grace, its elegant form rising gracefully from the earth like a phoenix ascending from the ashes. Delicate arches adorned with intricate filigree stretch skyward, their slender pillars entwined with ivy and trailing vines that cascade like liquid silver in the pale moonlight. Within the pavilion, time seems to stand still, the boundaries between reality and dreams blurred into a seamless tapestry of existence. Soft, dappled light filters through stained glass windows, casting kaleidoscopic patterns of colour and shadow upon the polished marble floors.

In the center of the pavilion stands a fountain, its waters crystal-clear and shimmering with an otherworldly luminescence. From its depths, a gentle cascade of water flows, its soothing melody a lullaby to the weary soul. Surrounding the fountain are clusters of plush cushions and velvet draperies, inviting visitors to recline and surrender themselves to the gentle embrace of slumber.

The ponds shimmer like liquid silver in the dappled sunlight, their glassy surfaces mirroring the azure expanse of the sky above. Each ripple upon the water's surface is a fleeting echo of a passing breeze, a gentle caress that dances across the skin like the flutter of butterfly wings. Surrounding the ponds, are tranquil blossoms unfurl their delicate petals in hues of palest pink and lilac, their fragrance a heady symphony of floral notes that hangs heavy in the air. Each blossom is a testament to the beauty of impermanence, a fleeting moment of perfection that blooms and fades like a dream.

There, amidst the verdant tapestry of the forest, a butterfly emerges from its cocoon, its delicate wings unfurling like petals of the most exquisite flower. Each movement is a ballet of grace and elegance, as if nature herself were performing a symphony for an audience of one.

As she marvels at this wondrous sight, kneeling near it as a presence makes itself known to Mirabel – a woman with whose very essence is woven into the fabric of the enchanted flora. She appears before Mirabel as a shimmering figure, bathed in the soft glow of the moonlight that filters through the canopy above. Her form seems to flicker and dance, like the play of shadows upon a sunlit stream, ethereal and otherworldly.

Her skin, the colour of the palest dawn, shimmers with a faint luminescence, casting a gentle radiance that illuminates the surrounding forest. Her hair cascades down her shoulders like a waterfall of gold, each strand gleaming with an otherworldly sheen. It flows around her like a veil, trailing behind her like wisps of mist on a cool morning breeze. Her eyes, pools of liquid moonlight, hold a depth of wisdom and ancient knowledge that seems to stretch back to the very dawn of time. She moves with a grace that defies description, her movements fluid and effortless as she glides through the forest with the grace of a woodland sprite. Her voice, when she speaks, is like the melody of a distant song, haunting and beautiful in its cadence.

"Child," she spoke softly, her voice a comforting melody in the night, "what troubles your dreams? You carry a heavy burden upon your soul.”

Mirabel's eyes shimmered with unshed tears as she gazed upon the women. She hesitated, the weight of her memories too heavy to bear. But her presence, filled with warmth and inspiration, stirred something deep within her.

"I am Eirene," she continued, her voice a gentle breeze that stirred the air. “I am Hypnos’s Alseide, the weaver of dreams.”

She smiled gently as she continued, ”I am here to listen, to offer solace in times of darkness. Tell me your name, dear one, and let us share the weight of your burden together.”

Mirabel's lips trembled as she whispered her name, her voice barely a whisper in the night. And then, with a heavy heart, she began to speak of her journey into the Hypnagogic Glade, of the memories she had uncovered, of the pain and terror that still haunted her soul. Eirene listened with a compassionate heart, her presence a beacon of light in the darkness. "You have faced the shadows of your past, dear Mirabel," she said, her voice filled with tenderness. "But know this: you are not alone. Together, we will find the strength to heal, to mend the broken pieces of your soul.”

Gently guiding Mirabel to a tranquil grove bathed in moonlight, Eirene spoke with quiet resolve. "Here, within the sanctuary of the Glade, let us begin the journey of healing," she said, her words a soft echo in the night.

A little excerpt of Casita and Candle during that night.

As the flickering flame of the Candle danced in the darkness, it bore witness to the harrowing scene unfolding before it. The Candle's glow quivered with apprehension, casting long, wavering shadows that danced across the walls like spectres of dread.

With each passing moment, the intensity of the candle's panic grew, its waxen form trembling with a primal fear that threatened to consume it whole. It woke Casita, who upon finding out what happened, rushed to wake the inhabitants. But despite the loud banging, nothing happened, and Casita prepared to embark on a warpath unlike any it had ever known.

“Wait! Wait, something’s happening,” The Candle said, its voice quivering with fear as Casita loomed with a furious aura.

Amidst the chaos and despair, something shifted. A subtle transformation began to take hold, weaving its way through the fabric of Mirabel's being like a whisper on the wind. Slowly, tentatively, the flame of life lit up, still flickering uncertainly as she teetered between life and death.

In that moment of respite, as the world around it seemed to hold its breath, the candle paused, taking in the sight of Mirabel stirring back to life.

Gratefully, it relayed this to Casita who sagged in relief.

“… I’m still going to punish them,” It said bitterly, the Candle could only nod, its own anger at the men making the false burn bright in righteous fury.


Soo, what did you think? I'm sure you weren't expecting it and also have a lot of questions.
Her gift by the candle was actually not her wings, you'll see, but its somewhat related to it. Her wings actually is related to her coming back to life. Her coming back to life wasn't done by the Candle. Also i'm leaving her SA ambiguous, so its up to you if you want to read it that way or not.

I'll also explain all the recurring symbolism in the previous chapters too.

1) The River Styx:

Mirabel’s experience with the River Styx reflects her incomplete journey between life and death.
Unlike souls who are ferried across the river in Greek mythology, Mirabel's crossing was interrupted when she was brought back to life.This incomplete journey could symbolise her unresolved feelings and lingering trauma from her near-death experience. The river serves as a reminder of the boundary between life and death that Mirabel came close to crossing but ultimately did not.

2) The River Lethe:

In Greek mythology, the River Lethe is one of the five rivers of the underworld, and drinking from its waters causes forgetfulness. Similarly, Mirabel's repressed memories of her traumatic past could be likened to the effects of the River Lethe, as she has unwittingly suppressed these memories in order to cope with the pain and trauma they represent. The river symbolises the unconscious desire to forget, to escape the burden of painful memories and find solace in oblivion. Just as the souls in Greek mythology must drink from the River Lethe to forget their earthly lives before reincarnation, Mirabel must confront the memories she has suppressed in order to move forward on her path to healing.

3) Ouroboros:

It represents the idea that everything in the universe is interconnected and undergoes a perpetual cycle of birth, death, and rebirth.

Mirabel's experience of drowning and subsequent revival places her in a liminal space between life and death, much like the serpent of the Ouroboros inhabits a space between consumption and renewal. This liminality becomes a central aspect of her identity, as she grapples with the dualities of existence and seeks to reconcile her past trauma with her newfound lease on life.

4) Ophelia from “Hamlet"

Ophelia is often portrayed as a symbol of innocence corrupted by the chaos and deceit surrounding her.
Similarly, Mirabel's childhood innocence is shattered by the traumatic events she endures at a young age, leading to a loss of innocence and a struggle to reconcile her past with her present.

Ophelia’s betrayal by Hamlet and abandonment by her family echoes Mirabel's experiences of betrayal and neglect. Both characters grapple with feelings of abandonment and rejection, seeking solace and redemption amidst the chaos of their circ*mstances.

Ophelia’s attire in the scene where she drowns in "Hamlet" is often depicted as white, flowing, and ethereal, symbolising innocence and purity. Similarly, Mirabel is wearing a white nightdress when she drowns.

5) Pomegranate Seeds

Pomegranates are often associated with life, vitality, and fertility due to their abundance of seeds and rich, red colour. Crushing or destroying them could represent the shattering of these life-giving qualities, symbolising loss, devastation, or the breaking of something precious. Crushed pomegranates could also symbolise betrayal and the loss of innocence.

6) The Myth of Medusa:

Medusa's gaze symbolises the psychological defence mechanism of repression, which allows individuals to avoid confronting their deepest fears and desires. Medusa's transformation into a Gorgon represents the consequences of repressed trauma and the eruption of unconscious forces into conscious awareness. The allusions to Medusa also represent the possible SA.

7) The Symbol of the Broken Doll and The Symbolism of a Torn Book:

A broken doll can symbolise the loss of innocence and girlhood. A torn book may symbolise the loss of identity or selfhood. The torn pages could represent fragmented memories, shattered beliefs, or the erosion of one's sense of self. A torn book may symbolise the corruption or perversion of innocence, particularly if it is associated with acts of violence, cruelty, or depravity.

8) Pigs eating flowers:

It was a Lacey's games's reference.

9) Black swans:

White is often associated with purity and innocence, while black can symbolise loss of innocence. It is also a symbol of isolation and alienation, and transformation.

10) The dead animals:

Lambs, doves, fawns, rabbits and butterflies all represent innocence, by having them dead, it not only foreshadows Mirabel's death but also the loss of her innocence.

That's all i could think of, what did you think? Also here's a hint about Mirabel's powers, the fairytale is foreshadows it a bit. Anyways, what do you think?

Chapter 20: The Hypnagogic Glade: Part I


Mirabel starts to heal and meets Melia.


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

As the night draped its cloak over the world, Mirabel found herself seated beside Eirene, the ethereal figure whose presence seemed to emanate tranquility. The air was filled with the delicate fragrance of blossoms, their sweet scent mingling with the soft murmur of the nearby stream. The scent wafted around her, a gentle caress on her senses, momentarily transporting her away from the harsh reality she had faced.

Mirabel's senses felt dulled, as if she were observing the world through a foggy haze. Her body felt heavy, weighed down by the memories of pain and violence that still lingered like shadows in the corners of her mind. Numbness seeped into her bones, a shield against the overwhelming emotions that threatened to engulf her.

Eirene's voice, like a gentle breeze through the trees, stirred Mirabel from her reverie. "Child, would you like to rest?" she inquired, her words carrying a soothing melody that wrapped around Mirabel like a warm embrace.

Mirabel shook her head slowly, her gaze fixed on the shifting patterns of moonlight filtering through the leaves above. "Not yet," she murmured, her voice barely a whisper. "I'm not ready to sleep.” Her words felt heavy in her mouth, weighed down by the gravity of her trauma.

And so they talked, their conversation weaving through the night like a delicate tapestry of words and memories. Eirene spoke of fragrant flowers and the art of flower arranging, her voice like a melody that danced upon the air. The scent of moonflowers lingered in the air, their intoxicating fragrance mingling with the earthy aroma of the forest floor.

"I find solace in the delicate beauty of flowers," Eirene remarked, her eyes alight with a gentle warmth. "Their presence speaks of the eternal cycle of life and death, a reminder of the fleeting nature of existence." Mirabel breathed in deeply, allowing the scent of the flowers to envelop her senses, a balm for her weary soul.

Mirabel listened, her heart stirring with a faint glimmer of interest. "My sister Isabella," she began hesitantly, "she's loves flowers. She can grow anything, you know? Her arrangements are like works of art." As she spoke, a flicker of life returned to Mirabel's eyes, a spark of vitality amidst the darkness that threatened to consume her. She closed her eyes, recalling the sight of Isabella's beloved orchids in full bloom. The memory brought a bittersweet smile to her lips, a brief respite from the pain that weighed heavily on her heart.

"Cattleya orchids," she continued, her voice soft with nostalgia. "Those were her favourite. She used to say they were like little pieces of sunshine, brightening up even the darkest of days.”

Eirene nodded in understanding, her expression serene. "Orchids are symbols of elegance and beauty," she remarked, her words carrying a weight of ancient wisdom. "They bloom in the most unexpected places, a testament to the resilience of the human spirit.”

The conversation flowed effortlessly between them, a gentle current that carried them through the night. Eirene spoke of moonflowers and the secrets of brewing tea, her words like threads woven into the fabric of Mirabel's consciousness.

As the night wore on, Mirabel felt the weight of exhaustion pressing down upon her like a heavy blanket. She yawned, her eyelids growing heavy with sleep. The sound of the nearby stream filled her ears, a soothing lullaby that echoed through the forest.

Eirene rose gracefully from her seat, her form shimmering in the moonlight. "Come, child," she said softly, extending a hand to Mirabel. "Let us find a place where you may rest.”

Together, they wandered through the forest, Eirene's words guiding them like a compass through the darkness. And as they reached a hidden alcove bathed in moonlight, Mirabel sank into the softness of the pillows, her eyes fluttering closed.

"Goodnight, dear one," Eirene whispered, her voice a gentle lullaby in the stillness of the night. "May your dreams be filled with peace and beauty." Mirabel's mind drifted, the sound of Eirene's voice fading into the distance as sleep claimed her, wrapping her in its comforting embrace.

Unfortunately, the comfort would not last as in the realm of her dreams, Mirabel found herself ensnared in a twisted tapestry of memories, her mind a battleground where nightmares waged war against her fragile sanity. The air, thick with the scent of damp earth and decay, clung to her skin like a suffocating shroud, while the taste of fear lingered bitter on her tongue.

Around her, shadows danced and flickered with malicious intent, their shifting forms morphing into grotesque shapes that seemed to mock her every move. Each step she took sent shivers down her spine, the ground beneath her feet slick and treacherous with the clammy touch of death.

Suddenly, she was no longer Mirabel but Medusa, fleeing from the pursuit of Poseidon. Panic seized her heart like icy tendrils, sending waves of terror crashing against the walls of her sanity. The sound of her frantic footsteps echoed like thunder in her ears, drowning out the steady rhythm of her pounding heart.

As she ran blindly through the darkness, the cold embrace of the wind whipped against her skin, sending chills racing down her spine. The taste of salt stung her lips, a bitter reminder of the ocean's unforgiving depths, while the distant roar of crashing waves filled her ears with a primal sense of dread.

But just as she thought she had escaped, the ground beneath her feet gave way, plunging her into the icy depths below. The waters closed in around her with a suffocating embrace, dragging her down into the murky abyss.

As she sank deeper into the darkness, a transformation began to take hold, seizing her body with relentless force. Waves of agony rippled through her, her muscles convulsing and contorting in unnatural spasms. With sickening crunches, her bones snapped and rearranged themselves, bending to the will of some unseen force.

Feathers erupted from her skin, bursting forth like dark blossoms unfurling in the moonlit gloom. Each plume shimmered with an otherworldly sheen, casting eerie reflections upon the murky waters that enveloped her. The glossy black plumage danced and swirled around her, a stark contrast to the pallid flesh it now adorned.

Desperation fuelled her every movement as she thrashed and struggled against the suffocating embrace of the water. Agony lanced through her fractured form with each futile attempt to break free from her watery prison. But no matter how hard she fought, the relentless grip of fate refused to loosen its hold.

With each passing moment, her strength waned, her struggles growing weaker as the darkness closed in around her. She felt as though she were drowning not only in water but in her own despair, the weight of her terror dragging her down into the abyss.

Yet even in the midst of her torment, the familiar sense of acceptance washed over her. With a resigned sigh, she ceased her struggles, allowing herself to be carried away by the inexorable tide. And as the waters closed in around her, swallowing her whole, she surrendered to the inevitable fate that awaited her in the depths below.

Just as she felt herself slipping away into oblivion, she jolted awake with a strangled gasp, her heart pounding like a drum in her chest. Sweat coated her skin like a sheen of dew, her body trembling with the aftershocks of terror that still gripped her with merciless claws. Breathe, Mirabel, just breathe, she urged herself, her chest heaving with the effort.

The room seemed to spin around her, shadows dancing and swirling in the corners of her vision. Every sound echoed like a thunderclap in her ears, a cacophony of chaos that threatened to overwhelm her fragile senses. It's just a dream, she repeated like a mantra, though the words rang hollow in the darkness of her mind. Her wings curved around her, as though it longed to hide her away from horrors of the world.

The room spun around her in a dizzying whirlwind, shadows dancing and swirling in the corners of her vision. Every sound reverberated like a deafening cacophony in her ears, threatening to overwhelm her fragile senses with its relentless assault. Focus, she commanded herself, though the chaos continued to rage unabated.

Her breath came in ragged gasps, each inhalation a struggle against the suffocating weight of fear that pressed down upon her chest. She clutched at the sheets with trembling hands, seeking refuge in the tangible reality of her surroundings amidst the chaos of her fractured psyche. Hold on, she thought desperately, her grip tightening as if to anchor herself against the tempest raging within.

But gradually, as the seconds ticked by, the panic began to ebb away like a receding tide, leaving Mirabel trembling and exhausted in its wake. She took deep, shuddering breaths, willing herself to calmness as she clung to the faint glimmer of light that pierced the darkness of her nightmares.

As Mirabel's tumultuous emotions ebbed away, she found herself enveloped in a tranquil sanctuary, a haven of serenity amidst the verdant embrace of nature's bounty. Shafts of sunlight, like liquid gold, filtered through the verdant canopy of hydrangeas, casting a luminous glow upon the scene below. The air was heavy with the sweet perfume of the flowers, their delicate fragrance mingling with the subtle notes of floral honey carried by the cool breeze.

Nestled upon sumptuous silken pillows, Mirabel felt as if she were reclining upon clouds themselves, each cushion moulding effortlessly to the contours of her form. The space around her was a symphony of colour, a harmonious blend of blues and purples that danced in the shifting light.

As she surveyed her surroundings, Mirabel's keen gaze alighted upon the dew-kissed petals of the hydrangeas, each droplet shimmering like a miniature gemstone in the soft light. A silver jug, adorned with intricate celestial glyphs, caught her eye, and beside it lay a delicate glass cup, waiting to be filled.

Mirabel reached for the jug, pouring herself a glass of water that sparkled like liquid moonlight. As the cool liquid cascaded down her throat, she felt a wave of refreshing relief wash over her, soothing her parched throat and washing away the sickly heat.

As the morning light filtered through the pavilion's stained glass windows, casting a soft, ethereal glow upon the room, Mirabel entered, her footsteps tentative upon the polished marble floors. The air was suffused with a delicate fragrance, a symphony of floral notes mingling with the sweet perfume of incense that hung heavy in the air.

Eirene sat gracefully amidst the plush cushions, her presence a beacon of tranquility amidst the swirling currents of existence. Her voice, when she spoke, was like the melody of a distant song, haunting and beautiful in its cadence.

"Good morning, Mirabel," Eirene greeted her with a gentle smile, her words carrying the faint echo of a whispering breeze. "How are you feeling today?”

Mirabel's response was hesitant, her posture stiff and guarded as she settled into the seat across from Eirene. Her gaze shifted restlessly around the room, avoiding any semblance of vulnerability.

"I'm fine," she murmured softly, her voice barely above a whisper. "Just tired, I guess.”

Eirene nodded understandingly, her eyes filled with quiet compassion. "It's okay to feel tired, Mirabel," she reassured her, her words a soothing balm against the jagged edges of her uncertainty.

Attempting to break the ice, Eirene shifted the conversation to lighter topics, sharing stories of her recent discoveries in the forest. "I found some moonstone jewelry the other day," she said, her voice filled with quiet excitement. "Do you have a favourite gemstone, Mirabel?”

Mirabel's response was hesitant at first, but as they continued to talk, a flicker of warmth began to thaw the icy walls she had erected around herself. She spoke of her love for amethyst and opals, her eyes bright with enthusiasm as she shared stories of her adventures in the magical islands.

As the conversation delved into more personal territory, a subtle shift in Mirabel's demeanour became apparent. The once bright spark in her eyes dulled, replaced by a guarded expression that seemed to shield her from the probing questions of the world. Her shoulders tensed, as if bracing for an impending storm, and her hands fidgeted nervously in her lap, betraying the turmoil brewing beneath the surface.

Eirene's voice, soft as a whispering breeze, carried the weight of her concern as she spoke. “Mirabel,” she began, her eyes meeting the girl's with a depth of empathy that mirrored the ancient wisdom of the forest. “I sense there are shadows lingering within you, echoes of past storms that still haunt your dreams. Will you share with me the burdens that weigh heavy upon your heart?”

Eirene's gentle inquiries seemed to strike a nerve, causing Mirabel to retreat further into herself. When pressed for details about her past traumas or emotional struggles, Mirabel's responses grew increasingly vague and guarded. She skirted around the edges of the topic, offering only surface-level insights or changing the subject altogether in a desperate bid to avoid confrontation.

"It's not important," Mirabel murmured softly, her voice barely above a whisper, as if hoping her words would fade into the air unnoticed. She offered a tight-lipped smile, a feeble attempt to deflect the conversation away from the shadows that lurked within her.

Each question felt like a dagger aimed at her fragile defences, threatening to breach the carefully constructed walls she had erected around her heart. Memories of past hurts lingered just beneath the surface, like ghosts haunting the corridors of her mind, and she feared what might happen if she dared to let them in.

Eirene watched with quiet understanding, her gaze filled with compassion for the girl sitting before her. She knew that healing took time, that wounds as deep as Mirabel's could not be mended with mere words alone. And so, she offered Mirabel a silent promise—that she would be there whenever she was ready to share her burden, to offer solace in times of darkness and pain.

Despite Mirabel's reluctance to open up, Eirene remained patient and unwavering in her support. She knew that trust was not easily earned, that it required patience and understanding to break through the barriers that guarded Mirabel's fragile heart.

And as the gentle rhythms of their conversation ebbed away, Eirene's eyes softened with a compassionate understanding. She reached out a hand, palm upturned in a silent offering of support, the warmth of her presence like a comforting embrace in the dimly lit pavilion.

"Remember, Mirabel," Eirene's voice was soft, laced with a gentle reassurance that echoed through the quiet space between them. "I am here whenever you need me. My arms are always open to offer solace, my ears ready to listen to the pains of your heart.”

Mirabel's guarded expression softened ever so slightly at Eirene's words, a flicker of vulnerability flashing in the depths of her gaze. She nodded curtly, her lips forming a tight line as she gathered her belongings to leave.

"Thank you," she murmured, her voice barely above a whisper, the weight of unspoken emotions hanging heavy in the air between them.

Eirene offered a gentle smile in return, a silent reminder that she would always be there, a steadfast lighthouse in the darkness of Mirabel's struggles. And as the girl turned to leave, Eirene watched with a heart filled with hope, knowing that in time, Mirabel would find the courage to share the burdens that weighed heavy upon her soul.

The days pass like this, until one day, Eirene does something different. The pavilion was bathed in a soft, golden glow as Eirene and Mirabel sat facing each other, the air around them alive with the murmurs of the forest. Eirene's eyes, deep pools of wisdom, held Mirabel's with a gentle reassurance, while the girl's own gaze flickered with uncertainty and trepidation.

"Mirabel," Eirene's voice, like the whisper of leaves in the wind, broke the silence, "would you like to try something different today?”

Mirabel's shoulders tensed slightly, a subtle flicker of apprehension dancing across her features, but she nodded hesitantly in agreement. Though her outward demeanour exuded an aura of bright optimism, a careful observer could detect the subtle tremors of unease that rippled beneath the surface.

As she settled into her seat across from Eirene, her movements betrayed a subtle hesitance, her limbs moving with a delicate precision that bordered on cautious restraint. Her fingers, usually nimble and expressive, now curled inward upon themselves, knuckles white with tension as they clutched at the fabric of her dress. It was as if she sought solace in the familiar texture of the fabric, anchoring herself against the swirling currents of uncertainty that threatened to engulf her.

The tilt of her head spoke volumes, a slight cant that belied the weight of unspoken thoughts pressing upon her mind. Her gaze, though fixed upon Eirene with a facade of attentiveness, flickered with fleeting glimpses of doubt and apprehension, like shadows dancing across a moonlit pond.

With each breath she took, there was a subtle hitch in her chest, a telltale sign of the invisible burden she carried within. It was as if the weight of her own fears bore down upon her, compressing her lungs with an oppressive weight that made each inhale a struggle.

Despite her efforts to maintain a facade of composure, there was a tremor in her hands, a barely perceptible quiver that betrayed the roiling currents of emotion swirling beneath the surface. They hovered uncertainly in the air, as if unsure of where to settle, fingers twitching with a restless energy that mirrored the turmoil of her thoughts.

In the subtle tension that lingered in the line of her shoulders and the furrow of her brow, one could sense the silent battle being waged within her—a conflict between the desire to open up and the instinct to withdraw into the safety of her own inner world.

"Close your eyes," Eirene's words were a gentle command, imbued with the soothing cadence of a lullaby. "Take deep breaths and focus on the world around you.”

Mirabel obeyed Eirene's gentle command, her eyelids fluttering shut like the delicate wings of a butterfly seeking refuge from the world. With each inhalation, she drank in the crisp, invigorating air of the forest, a refreshing balm that soothed her weary spirit. The cool kiss of the breeze caressed her skin, sending shivers of anticipation dancing along her spine.

With each exhale, Mirabel felt the weight of the world begin to lift from her shoulders, dissipating into the ether like morning mist beneath the warmth of the rising sun. In its place came the gentle symphony of nature's song—a chorus of unseen creatures harmonising in the twilight.

The babbling brook nearby murmured its soothing melody, a rhythmic cadence that echoed through the pavilion like the heartbeat of the forest itself. Its waters flowed like liquid silver, carrying with them the secrets of the earth as they danced over smooth stones and moss-covered banks.

Above, the melodies of dream-song birds filled the air with their ethereal music, each trill and warble a testament to the timeless beauty of the natural world. Their voices wove together in a tapestry of sound, painting the air with hues of sound that shimmered like sunlight filtering through the canopy above.

And all around, the rustle of leaves in the breeze hinted of unseen secrets and hidden wonders, their gentle murmurs a symphony of serenity that wrapped around Mirabel like a comforting embrace. Each leaf danced and swayed in the wind, its movements a graceful waltz that spoke of the eternal dance of life and death. The ground beneath her felt cool and solid, the earthy scent of moss and ferns mingling with the sweet fragrance of wildflowers.

"Feel the rise and fall of your chest with each breath," Eirene's voice, like a gentle breeze through the trees, urged Mirabel onward. "Let your breath become your anchor, grounding you in this moment.”

Mirabel followed Eirene's guidance, her breaths deep and steady as she surrendered herself to the rhythm of her own body. With each inhale, she felt tension unraveling like knots in a tangled thread, softening and releasing with each exhale.

"Now, starting from the top of your head," Eirene's voice was a comforting presence in the darkness behind closed eyes, "slowly scan down through your body. Notice any areas of tension or discomfort.”

With each deliberate exhalation, the weight that had settled upon her shoulders, burdening them with unseen worries, began to lift, leaving behind a sense of liberation akin to the sun breaking through a thick canopy of leaves.

Her chest, once constricted by the grip of anxiety, expanded with newfound freedom, each inhale a gentle swell of relief as if a dam had burst, allowing a sense of calm to flow forth. And her hands, which had been clenched tightly like the fists of a warrior bracing for battle, gradually unfurled, fingers stretching outwards like tendrils seeking the warmth of the sun, soft and yielding as the petals of a blooming flower in the first light of dawn.

As Mirabel continued to draw in each breath, she felt as though she were weaving a delicate tapestry of serenity with the very essence of her being. With each inhale, the cool embrace of the forest air caressed her lungs, infusing her with a sense of calm. The exhales, like gentle sighs of relief, carried away the remnants of tension and worry that had once gripped her.

Eirene's voice, a gentle whisper amidst the symphony of nature, guided Mirabel through the currents of her own breath. It was a melody that resonated deep within her soul, each note a balm to her weary spirit. The timbre of Eirene's voice was imbued with gratitude and compassion, wrapping around Mirabel like a warm embrace on a cold winter's night.

"Thank you, Mirabel," Eirene's words were a tender caress against the fabric of the universe, "for allowing yourself to experience this sense of peace and safety." Her voice carried the weight of countless generations, a reminder of the ancient wisdom that flowed through her veins.

As Mirabel's eyes fluttered open, she felt the world around her pulsating with vibrant energy. The colours seemed richer, the sounds clearer, and the scents more intoxicating. She could hear the gentle babble of the nearby brook, the chirping of birds in the trees, and the rustle of leaves in the breeze.

But it was the sensation of Eirene's presence, like a guiding light in the darkness, that anchored Mirabel to the present moment. It was a feeling of safety and belonging, a knowing that no matter how tumultuous life may become, she would always have a sanctuary within herself.

"Remember," Eirene's voice echoed in Mirabel's mind, a gentle reminder of the truths she had uncovered within the depths of her own being, "it is always within your reach, whenever you need it." And in that moment, amidst the tranquil embrace of the forest and the comforting guidance of Eirene's words, Mirabel felt the first glimpse of peace ever since that fateful recollection.

The days stretched out before Mirabel like an endless expanse of canvas, each one a blank page waiting to be filled with the colours of her experiences. But try as she might, she found herself unable to paint over the haunting shadows that lurked at the edges of her consciousness.

Despite Eirene's gentle guidance and the soothing embrace of the forest, Mirabel remained ensnared in the grip of her nightmares. They clung to her like cobwebs spun by unseen hands, their tendrils weaving through the fabric of her thoughts and leaving her feeling suffocated by their weight.

In the quiet moments before dawn, when the world lay still and silent, Mirabel would find herself ensnared in a tangle of twisted dreams. They were like spectres rising from the depths of her subconscious, whispering secrets she dare not acknowledge, their voices echoing in the caverns of her mind.

Try as she might to shake them off, the nightmares persisted, their tendrils reaching out to ensnare her in their icy grasp. They haunted her like ghosts from a forgotten past, their presence a constant reminder of the darkness that lurked within.

And so the days passed in a blur for Mirabel, each one blending seamlessly into the next like the strokes of a painter's brush on a canvas. She longed for respite, for a moment of peace amidst the chaos of her thoughts, but it remained elusive, just beyond her grasp.

Eirene, ever attuned to the subtle shifts in Mirabel's emotional landscape, recognised the lingering torment that weighed heavy on the young girl's heart. With a knowing glance and a gentle smile, she decided it was time to introduce Mirabel to someone who might offer solace amidst the storm—Melia, the earth nymph.

In the ethereal embrace of the garden, Melia, with her graceful movements akin to the dance of petals in the breeze, takes Mirabel under her wing, guiding her through the verdant tapestry of flora and fauna that thrives within the enchanted realm.

Melia, the ethereal nymph of the garden, moves with a grace that seems borrowed from the gentle sway of blossoms in the wind. Her presence is like a shimmering mirage amidst the verdant foliage, her form weaving seamlessly between the dappled sunlight that filters through the canopy above.

Her skin glows with an otherworldly luminescence, as if kissed by the moonlight itself, and her eyes sparkle with the secrets of the earth. Each step she takes is like a dance, a fluid motion that carries her effortlessly through the lush undergrowth, her feet barely touching the earth beneath her.

Long tendrils of ivy cascade from her hair, intertwined with delicate blooms that seem to bloom in her wake, and her laughter rings out like the tinkling of wind chimes in a summer breeze. She is the embodiment of nature's beauty, a living testament to the harmony that exists between the mortal realm and the realm of the fae.

As she moves through the garden, her fingertips brush against the petals of flowers, coaxing them to bloom with a gentle caress. She speaks in a voice that is as soft as the rustling of leaves in the breeze, her words carrying the wisdom of centuries past.

"Melia," Eirene's voice was soft, like the whisper of leaves in the wind, "this is Mirabel. She's been struggling with some nightmares lately.”

Melia's laughter bubbled forth like a hidden spring, her joy infectious as she stepped forward to greet Mirabel. "Ah, Mirabel, dear one," her words flowed like a melody, each syllable a note in a song of welcome, "welcome to my humble abode amidst the wonders of the forest.”

Mirabel's shoulders relaxed, her tense posture dissolving like morning mist beneath the gentle rays of the sun, her guarded demeanour softening with each word spoken by Melia. A tentative smile tugged at the corners of her lips, uncertainty giving way to a flicker of hope in her eyes, in the presence of such genuine warmth and kindness.

As Melia led her inside the garden, Melia wove a tapestry of wonder and enchantment, each syllable a thread in the fabric of a story waiting to be told. With a voice as melodious as the rustling leaves in a gentle breeze, she began to recount the ancient tale of the moon flowers, their delicate petals imbued with the magic of the night sky.

"In the heart of the forest," Melia began, her voice carrying the weight of centuries-old wisdom, "where the moonlight kisses the earth and the stars whisper secrets to the night, there blooms a flower unlike any other. Legend has it that these ethereal blossoms were born from the tears of the moon herself, falling to the ground and taking root in the fertile soil of the woodland glades.”

Her words painted vivid portraits of moonlit meadows and shadowed groves, where the moon flowers danced in silent celebration of the night. "Each petal," Melia continued, her eyes alight with the fire of storytelling as her hands waved in grandeur gestures, "holds a piece of the moon's enchantment, glowing with a soft, silvery light that illuminates the darkness and guides lost souls back to the path of light.”

As she spoke, the air seemed to shimmer with the faint luminescence of light, casting a gentle glow over their surroundings. "But beware," Melia cautioned, her tone turning solemn, "for the magic of the moon flowers is not easily tamed. Their beauty is as fleeting as the night itself, and those who seek to possess them risk losing themselves to the darkness that lurks within.”

With a gentle smile, Melia reached out to Mirabel, her hand extended like a bridge between worlds. "But fear not, young one," she whispered, her words a soothing melody in the stillness of the forest. "For as long as the moon flowers bloom, there will always be light to guide you home.”

Mirabel found herself drawn into the rhythm of Melia's speech, her heart opening like the petals of a flower to the warmth of the sun. With each tale spun, she felt the tendrils of her apprehension unfurling, replaced by a sense of curiosity and wonder that danced like fireflies in the night.

"And though the darkness may seem daunting," she continued, her voice filled with quiet determination, "it is in the shadows that the most beautiful secrets lie hidden, waiting to be uncovered. I will teach you the ways of the night, the secrets whispered only to those who dare to listen.”

Melia's smile, radiant as a sunbeam, danced across her lips as she playfully tousled Mirabel's hair, a melodious laugh escaping her. With a gentle touch, she extended her hand, beckoning Mirabel to embark on an enchanting journey through the garden's splendours as she continued to spin enchanting stories.

Mirabel’s breath caught in her throat as they reached the garden. The garden sprawled before them, a kaleidoscope of hues and scents that ignited the senses. Mirabel's eyes widened in awe as she took in the riotous display of colours, each petal and leaf a vibrant stroke in the canvas of nature's artistry. The air was alive with the symphony of fragrances, from the heady sweetness of blooming roses to the earthy musk of freshly turned soil.

Melia's voice, like the babble of a brook, beckoned Mirabel forward with boundless energy and enthusiasm. Her words danced on the breeze, weaving tales of the garden's wonders and mysteries. With each step, Mirabel felt the tension in her shoulders melt away, replaced by a sense of calm and belonging.

"We'll start with moonflowers," Melia's voice, like the gentle rustle of leaves in the wind, carried across the garden as she led Mirabel to a patch of wilted blooms. "These delicate beauties need a bit of tender care to coax them back to life."

Mirabel's face lit up with excitement, a radiant smile gracing her features as she nodded eagerly. With boundless energy and enthusiasm, Melia led the way, her steps light and graceful as she moved among the flowerbeds.

Mirabel watched with rapt attention as Melia knelt beside the moonflowers, her fingers deftly coaxing them from their slumber. "Did you know, Mirabel," Melia's words dripped with boundless enthusiasm, "that I have the power to communicate with plants? To encourage them to grow and flourish with our empathy?”

Mirabel's eyes widened in awe, a smile tugging at the corners of her lips. "Really?" she breathed, her voice filled with wonder.

Melia nodded, her laughter like the tinkling of wind chimes on a breezy day. "Indeed, my dear. And I believe you have the potential to do so too, to a certain extent.”

Excitement bubbled within Mirabel as she awaited Melia's instructions, her heart aflutter with anticipation. Melia led Mirabel to a row of moonflowers, their petals drooping like weary travelers in need of respite.

"Close your eyes, Mirabel," Melia's voice, soft as the flutter of butterfly wings, guided her into a state of serene tranquility. Mirabel's thoughts danced like dappled sunlight on the forest floor, flitting from one fleeting notion to the next before finding refuge in the stillness of the present moment.

Mirabel's thoughts danced like fireflies in the darkness, her mind racing with a whirlwind of distractions. But with each passing moment, she felt herself sinking deeper into the tranquil embrace of the garden.

But amidst the serenity of the garden, Mirabel found her thoughts wandering, like wayward butterflies flitting through the tangled underbrush of her mind. It took time, each breath a struggle against the tide of distractions, but eventually, she surrendered to the gentle rhythm of her own heartbeat.

In the depths of her trance, Mirabel felt herself drifting, her consciousness merging with the ebb and flow of the natural world around her. She became one with the garden, her senses expanding to encompass the myriad sensations that enveloped her.

The soft caress of a gentle breeze brushed against her skin, carrying with it the whispers of a thousand secrets hidden within the folds of the garden's embrace. The earth beneath her seemed to pulse with life, the steady rhythm of its heartbeat echoing in perfect harmony with her own.

Amidst the symphony of sounds that surrounded her, Mirabel could hear the gentle rustle of leaves overhead, the distant melody of birdsong, and the rhythmic hum of insects as they danced upon the air. Each sound was a note in the timeless song of the garden, a melody that echoed through the ages.

"Extend your senses, Mirabel," Melia's voice was a soothing melody in the recesses of her mind. "What do you feel? What emotions do you sense from the budding flowers around you?"

Mirabel struggled at first, her brow furrowing in concentration as she attempted to grasp the elusive connection. But then, like a distant memory resurfacing from the depths of her subconscious, she recalled her first encounter with the garden in the realm of dreams.

And then, as if guided by an unseen hand, Mirabel felt herself drawn deeper into the heart of the garden. She sensed the presence of the moonflowers, their dormant spirits stirring as she approached. With a sense of wonder, she reached out with her senses, extending tendrils of empathy toward the wilting blooms.

Melia, ever perceptive, notices the change in Mirabel's demeanour, her eyes alight with a knowing spark as she recognises the telltale signs of a blossoming connection. She doesn't need words to convey her understanding, her presence alone speaks volumes as she gently guides Mirabel through the depths of her own consciousness.

Mirabel, in turn, feels a flicker of surprise at Melia's keen perception, a fleeting moment of wonder before she banishes the thought from her mind. She focuses instead on the task at hand, channeling her intentions into the nurturing embrace of the garden around her.

With each breath, Mirabel feels a swell of warmth radiating from the depths of her being, a wellspring of encouragement and support that flows freely from her heart. She speaks words of affirmation and love, her voice a gentle melody that dances upon the breeze, mingling with the soft rustle of leaves and the sweet chorus of birdsong.

In the quiet sanctuary of the garden, Mirabel's words take on a life of their own, weaving themselves into the very fabric of creation as they echo across the expanse of the earth. Each syllable is like a seed planted in the fertile soil of the garden, nourished by the tender touch of her intentions and watered by the gentle tears of her compassion.

As Mirabel speaks, she feels a profound sense of connection blossoming within her, a bond that transcends the boundaries of time and space to unite her with the essence of all living things.

Melia observed with a knowing smile, her eyes sparkling with pride as Mirabel's efforts bore fruit. "Now, open your eyes," she instructed, gesturing toward the moonflowers that stood a little taller, a little stronger than before.

That’s it? Mirabel thought, her lips formed a pout of disappointment, but Melia's laughter chased away her fleeting doubts. "You did wonderfully, Mirabel," she reassured, her voice a beacon of encouragement in the twilight.

And then, in the quiet peace of the garden, with a wisdom that belied her years, Melia shared a piece of Eirene's timeless wisdom. "Healing is hard, growing is hard," she spoke with gentle reverence, her words weaving a tapestry of understanding and empathy. "But one day, you will be able to sleep easy, breathe with peace, and move on. It will just take time.”

As the golden rays of the setting sun cast a warm glow over the garden, Mirabel sat amidst a sea of vibrant blooms, her thoughts drifting like petals on a gentle breeze. Melia's words echoed in the recesses of her mind, their weight settling upon her soul like a delicate mantle of introspection.

"The healing is hard," she mused inwardly, her heart heavy with the gravity of Melia's wisdom. "Growing is hard... but one day..."

The air around her was alive with the soft murmur of the wind, carrying with it the sweet fragrance of blossoms in bloom. The gentle rustle of leaves danced like a whispered secret, mingling with the melodic trill of songbirds perched amidst the branches.

But before the silence could stretch into the realm of introspection, Melia's laughter shattered the tranquility like a pebble skipping across a placid pond. Her voice, like the tinkling of wind chimes on a breezy day, wove through the garden with playful abandon.

"Ah, Mirabel, my dear," Melia's words were like sunlight breaking through the canopy above, casting warm rays of laughter upon the garden. "Do not let the weight of the world burden your spirit. Life is but a dance, and we are but players upon the stage."

Mirabel felt a smile tug at the corners of her lips, the weight of her thoughts lifting like a fog dissipating beneath the morning sun. In that moment, surrounded by the beauty and magic of the garden, she felt a sense of lightness wash over her, carrying her worries away on a gentle tide of laughter and joy.

Mirabel's laughter mingled with Melia's, the sound echoing through the garden like the chiming of bells. As they shared jokes and exchanged stories, a warmth bloomed within Mirabel, spreading from the depths of her chest to the tips of her fingers.

“Let me teach you how to drink from honeysuckle,” Melia said, her eyes curving into crescents as they meandered through its enchanting pathways. Mirabel breathed in deeply, the scent of blooming flowers mingling with the earthy perfume of the soil beneath her feet.

As they approached the honeysuckle vines, Mirabel's heart fluttered with anticipation, her gaze dancing with excitement. She watched intently as Melia demonstrated the delicate art of harvesting nectar, her movements fluid and graceful like the dance of the wind through the trees.

"Feel the gentle pull of the vine," Melia's voice, soft and melodic, washed over Mirabel like a soothing caress. "Listen to the whispers of the flowers as they offer their sweet nectar to you."

Mirabel closed her eyes, allowing herself to be enveloped by the tranquility of the moment. She reached out with trembling fingers, her touch light and reverent as she plucked the ripest blossoms from the vine.

With each gentle tug, a drop of golden nectar glistened in the fading light, like a tear of joy shed by the flowers themselves. Mirabel's lips curled into a smile, her heart swelling with a sense of wonder and awe.

"Isn't it magical?" Melia's laughter bubbled forth like a spring-fed stream, her eyes sparkling with delight. "To think that such beauty exists right here."

Mirabel nodded, her voice lost in the soft sigh of the breeze as she savoured the moment. In the gentle embrace of twilight, she felt a seed of hope take root within her heart, its tender shoots reaching out toward the heavens.

As they gathered the last of the honeysuckle nectar, their laughter mingled with the fading light, a chorus of joy that echoed through the garden like the final notes of a symphony.


So, what do you think? Hope you liked it!

Chapter 21: The Hypnagogic Glade: Part II


Mirabel meets Galene and Arethusa.


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

The garden bloomed with an array of colours, each petal vibrant with life under the warm embrace of the sun. Mirabel sat beside Melia, her gaze wandering over the delicate blossoms that swayed in the gentle breeze. The air was alive with the sweet fragrance of flowers, a symphony of scents that danced on the breeze and filled her senses with wonder.

Mirabel's heart poured forth the bittersweet memories of her sister Isabella, like petals falling from a wilting flower. She spoke of their bittersweet past, of the days when Isabella would teach her the names of each bloom and the secrets of their growth.

"I used to love spending time with my sister, Isabella," Mirabel's voice was tinged with a hint of sadness as she spoke, her words soft and melancholic like the whisper of falling leaves. "But everything changed when she grew distant.”

Melia listened with a compassionate heart, her eyes filled with understanding as she reached out to gently pat Mirabel's hand. Although quickly becoming uncomfortable with Mirabel’s sadness, she rushed to find something to distract Mirabel with.

In a flurry of motion, Melia whisked Mirabel away from the depths of despair, guiding her towards a riot of colours and scents that bloomed like a vibrant tapestry before them.

“Look!" her words were a playful melody, a gentle reminder to savour the sweetness of the present moment. "Here, amidst the petals and leaves, lies a world of wonders waiting to be discovered." With a playful twirl, she led Mirabel to a nearby cluster of plants, each one a masterpiece of nature's design.

"Look here, Mirabel," Melia's voice was like a ray of sunshine cutting through the darkness, her eyes alight with excitement. "This is the rosemary plant—a symbol of remembrance and love. With just a touch of your hand, you can awaken its aromatic essence and breathe in its healing energy.”

Mirabel's laughter bubbled forth like a babbling brook, her eyes dancing with a whiplash at Melia's quick change of tone. And so the days continued in a similar manner. Although Mirabel seemed to be in a happier disposition, Eirene notices that Mirabel needs more help. Her discerning eye caught a glimpse of Mirabel's facade. Though her countenance bore the semblance of contentment, there lingered a subtle weariness in the arch of her brow and the slump of her shoulders. It was as though her spirit, once buoyant and bright, now strained beneath the weight of unseen burdens, seeking solace in the shadows of her weary frame.

As Mirabel stepped into the tranquil sanctuary of Eirene's session room, the air seemed to hum with anticipation, as if it held its breath in anticipation of the magic about to unfold. Soft, golden light filtered through the canopy of leaves overhead, casting dappled shadows that danced like playful spirits across the room.

Eirene, her presence like a gentle breeze rustling through the trees, greeted Mirabel with a warm smile that seemed to melt away the tension that had settled in her shoulders. But beneath the facade of serenity, Eirene's keen eyes once more caught sight of the telltale signs etched upon Mirabel's weary visage—the shadows beneath her eyes, the subtle tremor in her hands—a silent cry for solace amidst the storm raging within.

"Mirabel," Eirene's voice, soft as the murmur of a babbling brook, drew her attention back to the present moment. "I would like you to meet Galene—a master of the ancient art of dance, and a guardian of the waters that flow through the realms of dreams.”

Galene, the nymph of the dancing waters, moves with a fluidity that mirrors the graceful flow of a river winding its way through a sun-dappled forest. Her every movement is a symphony of elegance and poise, her lithe form gliding effortlessly across the shimmering surface of the pool. Her hair, the colour of moonlit silver, cascades in a waterfall of curls down her back, adorned with delicate blooms plucked from the banks of the stream. Her skin was the colour of milky tan, like the sun itself kissed her. Her eyes, the colour of the deepest ocean depths, twinkle with mischief and mirth.

Mirabel's gaze widened in awe as she took in Galene's ethereal beauty, her features illuminated by an inner radiance that seemed to emanate from the depths of her soul. The intricate tattoos adorning her back told stories of enchanted waters and mystical creatures, weaving a tapestry of magic that beckoned Mirabel to dive deeper into the mysteries of her own being.

"Ah, Mirabel," Galene's voice was like the gentle lapping of waves against the shore, her eyes sparkling with ancient wisdom and mischief alike. "It seems we are kindred spirits, you and I, fellow sea dwellers in this vast ocean of existence.”

Mirabel blinked in confusion, her brow furrowing at Galene's cryptic words. Yet, beneath the surface of her uncertainty, there was a flicker of curiosity—a spark of connection that bridged the gap between their worlds. Galene led Mirabel to a secluded beach, the beach was a sanctuary of serenity, where the rhythmic crash of waves against the shore formed a soothing melody that echoed through the salty air.

As the sun dipped below the horizon, casting a golden hue upon the water, the sky ignited with a kaleidoscope of colours, painting the heavens with hues of pink, orange, and indigo. Mirabel stood on the soft sand, her heart pounding with a mixture of anticipation and trepidation. The gentle breeze whispered secrets of the sea, stirring the tendrils of her hair as she watched Galene with wide-eyed wonder. Galene, with her hair flowing like strands of moonlit silver and seashells adorning her like treasures from the deep, exuded a calming presence that seemed to envelop Mirabel like a warm embrace.

"Let us begin, dear Mirabel," Galene's voice was a gentle whisper, the sound echoing like distant waves lapping against the shore. "Feel the earth beneath your feet, rooted and steady, like the ancient oaks that stand sentinel in the heart of the forest."

Galene moved with undeniable grace, her movements fluid and effortless as she danced to the rhythm of the waves. Her feet left delicate imprints in the sand, each step a testament to the timeless dance of creation and renewal. Mirabel's own movements were hesitant and uncertain, her feet stumbling over the uneven terrain as she attempted to mimic Galene's graceful steps. Her body felt heavy with self-doubt, her muscles tense with the fear of failure.

"Flow like the rivers, Mirabel," Galene's words were like the gentle murmur of a babbling brook, soothing and reassuring. "Let the currents guide you, carrying you effortlessly downstream, where the waters meet the vast expanse of the open sea."

With each faltering step, Mirabel's frustration grew, her movements stiff and uncoordinated against the backdrop of Galene's effortless elegance. She longed to surrender herself to the music of the ocean, to lose herself in the dance and find solace in its embrace. Yet, despite her best efforts, Mirabel found herself caught in a whirlpool of insecurity, her spirit buffeted by the waves of self-doubt. Tears welled in her eyes as she struggled to keep pace with Galene, her movements faltering beneath the weight of her own uncertainty.

But then, as if sensing Mirabel's inner turmoil, Galene approached her with a gentle smile, her eyes shimmering with empathy and understanding. With a reassuring touch, she guided Mirabel's trembling hands, leading her in a dance. Together, they moved as one, their bodies swaying in harmony with the rhythm of the waves. With each step, Mirabel felt a surge of confidence wash over her, her fears melting away like foam upon the shore.

Galene's movements were like poetry in motion, each step a delicate dance between strength and elegance. Her hair, the colour of moonlit silver, cascaded around her like a waterfall of silk, framing a face of ethereal beauty that seemed to glow with an inner radiance. Adorned with seashells and intricate tattoos depicting flowing water and aquatic creatures, she moved with a sense of purpose and conviction, her every gesture imbued with a deep sense of empathy and compassion.

Beside her, Mirabel moved with an ethereal grace, a newfound confidence infusing every step as though choreographed by the hand of fate itself. Her ebony locks, reminiscent of the ocean's deepest abyss, cascaded in a mesmerising dance with the wind, echoing the undulating rhythms of Galene's own celestial mane. As her alabaster wings unfolded in silent proclamation, she embraced a sense of liberation, akin to the boundless freedom found amidst the ocean's embrace. No longer tethered by doubt or insecurity, she danced with a spirit unshackled. In that moment, and as she twirled in the embrace of the ocean's song, beneath the canopy of stars and the watchful gaze of the moon, she knew that she had found a home amidst the waves.

The next day found Mirabel in a secluded clearing by the babbling brook, Galene stood with Mirabel, their figures outlined by the dappled sunlight filtering through the lush canopy above. Around them, the air was alive with the symphony of nature—the gentle rustle of leaves, the melodious trill of songbirds, and the soothing murmur of the nearby stream.

"Mirabel," Galene's voice was a gentle ripple on the surface of the pond, carrying with it the weight of ancient secrets. "You possess a gift unlike any other—a connection to the water that runs deep within your soul. With time and practice, you will learn to harness its power, bending its currents to your will like a master of the waves.”

Mirabel's eyes widened in astonishment, her breath catching in her throat at the revelation. She had always felt a strange affinity for water, despite her bad experiences, to hear Galene speak of it in such reverent tones filled her with a conflicting sense of wonder and unease.

"However," Galene continued, her voice tinged with a note of solemnity. "We can only do so much to guide you on this journey. Your magic is unique, Mirabel, shaped by the circ*mstances of your past and the mysteries that lie buried within your soul.”

Mirabel's brow furrowed in confusion, a thousand questions swirling like eddies in her mind. Did her ability to manipulate water have anything to do with her death? But before she could voice her thoughts aloud, a heavy silence fell between them, thick with unspoken truths and unanswered questions. Mirabel bit her lip, her gaze drifting to the rippling surface of the pond, where the sunlight danced like a golden ribbon on the water's edge.

With a heavy heart, Mirabel pushed aside her doubts and fears, burying them deep beneath the surface like treasures hidden in the depths of the ocean. For now, all she could do was embrace the path that lay before her, trusting in the wisdom of those who walked beside her and the magic that flowed within her veins. Galene stood beside a tranquil brook, its surface shimmering like liquid glass in the soft glow of the sun. Mirabel stood opposite her, her brow furrowed in concentration as she attempted to manipulate the water before her.

"Feel the water, Mirabel," Galene's voice was a gentle murmur, the sound blending seamlessly with the rustle of leaves and the distant chirping of birds. "Let its essence flow through you, connecting you to the very heart of the earth.”

Mirabel closed her eyes, attempting to heed Galene's guidance. She reached out with trembling hands, her fingertips brushing lightly against the surface of the water. But try as she might, she felt nothing—no connection, no sense of control.

"It's not working," Mirabel's voice was tinged with frustration, her words hanging heavy in the air like a gathering storm. "I don't understand.”

Galene placed a comforting hand on Mirabel's shoulder, her touch like a gentle breeze caressing her skin. "Patience, dear Mirabel," she said softly, her words a soothing melody amidst the chaos of Mirabel's emotions. "You must learn to trust in the ebb and flow of the universe. Only then will the waters bend to your will.”

As the hours stretched on, the atmosphere grew heavy with the weight of Mirabel's mounting frustration. Each attempt to connect with the water felt like grasping at mist, her fingers closing around nothing but empty air. With every failed attempt, her confidence waned, and the spark of hope that had ignited within her began to flicker and fade. The sun dipped lower in the sky, casting long shadows across the clearing as evening approached. The gentle sounds of the forest seemed to mock Mirabel's struggles, their soft melodies a stark contrast to the turmoil raging within her. Galene watched Mirabel's efforts with a mixture of sympathy and concern, her heart aching for the young girl's plight. She could see the toll that the fruitless attempts were taking on Mirabel, the lines of frustration etched deep into her brow, her shoulders slumped with exhaustion.

"Keep trying, Mirabel," Galene urged, her voice a gentle reminder of the perseverance needed to master the elements. "You are closer than you think.”

But despite Galene's words of encouragement, Mirabel's frustration continued to mount, her once bright optimism giving way to a sense of defeat. With each passing moment, the weight of her inability to control the water bore down upon her like a leaden burden, threatening to crush her spirit beneath its weight. Tears welled in Mirabel's eyes, their shimmering trails tracing silent paths down her cheeks as she fought to keep her emotions in check. The fear of failure gnawed at her insides, a relentless adversary that refused to be vanquished.

Galene stood by, a silent observer amidst the tumult of Mirabel's emotions. She watched with a heavy heart as the young girl's frustration mounted, her struggle palpable in the air like a gathering storm on the horizon. With each failed attempt to manipulate the water, Mirabel's resolve wavered, her spirit battered by the relentless onslaught of doubt and uncertainty. And then, in a sudden burst of raw emotion, Mirabel unleashed her frustration upon the pond before her. The air crackled with energy as her anguish tore through the stillness like a bolt of lightning, sending ripples cascading across the water's surface in all directions.

For a moment, the world seemed to hold its breath, caught in the grip of Mirabel's storm. And then, as quickly as it had begun, the tempest subsided, leaving behind a sense of calm in its wake. In that same instant, as if responding to the tumultuous storm raging within Mirabel's heart, the tranquil surface of the pond erupted in a spectacular display of raw power. Water surged upwards in a violent explosion, each droplet catching the sunlight like a myriad of sparkling diamonds before cascading back down to earth in a shimmering cascade.

The once calm pond transformed into a tempestuous whirlpool, its surface roiling and churning like the belly of a restless beast. Waves crashed against the banks with thunderous force, sending ripples racing across the water's surface like ripples in a pond. Galene's eyes widened in astonishment as she watched the water respond to Mirabel's tumultuous emotions, swirling and roiling with an intensity that mirrored the young girl's inner turmoil. In that moment of revelation, it became clear to Galene that Mirabel's ability to manipulate water was not simply a matter of technique or skill—it was a reflection of her deepest desires and fears, a manifestation of her innermost emotions.

"Mirabel," Galene's voice was filled with awe and wonder, her words soft yet imbued with a profound sense of reverence. "You have unlocked a power within you that few can understand. It is a gift—one that flows from the depths of your soul, a testament to the strength and resilience that lie within.”

As she spoke, Galene could see the realisation dawning in Mirabel's eyes, the flicker of uncertainty giving way to a sense of wonder and possibility. It was a moment of transformation, a turning point in Mirabel's journey as she came to embrace the full extent of her newfound abilities.

"Embrace it, dear one," Galene continued, her voice a gentle encouragement in the midst of uncertainty. "Let it guide you on your journey, like a beacon of light amidst the darkness. For within you lies a power beyond measure—a power that has the potential to change the course of your destiny.”

In the tranquil setting of the pavilion, the air was alive with anticipation as Mirabel's voice, filled with excitement and wonder, danced through the space like a melody. Her words, like delicate petals unfurling in the warm embrace of the sun, painted vivid pictures of her newfound powers, each syllable dripping with the intoxicating fragrance of possibility.

"Eirene, you won't believe it!" Mirabel's voice was like the gentle rustle of leaves in the breeze, alive with the energy of a thousand whispered secrets. "I managed to awaken my powers, I could move water just like Galene!”

Eirene's expression, serene and enigmatic, betrayed no hint of surprise as she listened to Mirabel's tale. Her eyes, deep pools of ancient wisdom, seemed to hold the secrets of the universe within their depths, their gaze unwavering as they studied Mirabel with a mixture of curiosity and compassion. But as Mirabel's excitement reached its peak, a shadow of hesitation flickered across her features, like a fleeting cloud obscuring the brilliance of the sun. With a hesitant breath, she broached a question that had lingered in the depths of her mind like a ghost haunting the corridors of her soul.

"Eirene," Mirabel's voice faltered, the words catching in her throat like leaves caught in a sudden gust of wind. "Do you think... do you think my powers have anything to do with... with my death?”

Eirene's brow furrowed in apparent confusion, her expression a mask of serene innocence that belied the truth lurking beneath the surface. But Mirabel, her intuition honed sharp as a blade forged in the fires of adversity, refused to be swayed by Eirene's feigned ignorance.

"I know you know, Eirene," Mirabel's voice was like a clarion call, piercing through the veil of illusion to reveal the stark truth lurking in the shadows. "I never told you, but you know. You know what happened to me.”

The silence that followed hung heavy in the air, thick with unspoken truths and unanswered questions. Mirabel's eyes, filled with frustration and longing, searched Eirene's inscrutable gaze for answers—answers that seemed to dance just beyond her reach, like elusive fireflies flitting through the darkness of night.

"Eirene," Mirabel's voice was a whispered plea, soft and tremulous as the flutter of butterfly wings. "Please, you must know something. Anything. I need to understand.”

Eirene's expression remained impassive, her features a mask of serene detachment as she met Mirabel's gaze with an unwavering stare. Yet, in the depths of her eyes, there flickered a glimmer of ancient sorrow—a sorrow as old as time itself, etched into the very fabric of her being like runes carved upon the bark of an ancient tree.

"I cannot answer your question, child," Eirene's voice was like a gentle breeze, carrying with it the echoes of distant whispers and half-forgotten dreams. "I am bound by a pact forged in the crucible of time—a pact that bounds even the stars themselves.”

Mirabel's frustration boiled over like a tempest unleashed, her voice rising in a crescendo of emotion that echoed through the glade like the distant rumble of thunder. "But why? Why must you keep me in the dark, Eirene? I need to know. I deserve to know!”

Eirene's silence was like a stone dropped into a still pond, sending ripples of quiet contemplation cascading through the air. And then, with a sigh as soft as the flutter of falling leaves, she spoke. Her words like riddles whispered on the wind, their meaning veiled in layers of mystery and intrigue. "A war—a war fought in the shadows, where truth and deception dance hand in hand, their steps shrouded in the mists of time."

But as quickly as the words had come, they faded into the ether, leaving behind only the lingering echo of their resonance. Eirene offered no further explanation, her silence a testament to the depths of the secrets she held within her grasp. Mirabel's mind was a whirlwind of confusion and curiosity, each thought swirling like leaves caught in a tempestuous gust. As Eirene's cryptic words hung in the air, they sparked a wildfire of questions that blazed through her consciousness, consuming her with an insatiable hunger for answers.

"What war?" Mirabel's voice trembled with uncertainty, her brow furrowed in a tangled web of confusion. She struggled to make sense of Eirene's enigmatic words, each syllable a puzzle piece in a jigsaw of mysteries yet to be solved. Images of battles fought in shadowy realms and warriors clad in armour forged from moonlight danced through her mind, their edges blurred by the mists of time. She reached out, grasping at the wisps of memory that eluded her grasp like elusive phantoms slipping through her fingers.

"And what pact?" Her voice, though soft, echoed with the weight of a thousand unanswered questions, each word a plea for understanding in a sea of uncertainty. She longed to unravel the tangled threads of fate that bound her to this ancient pact, to uncover the truths hidden beneath layers of time-worn secrets.

But as she searched for answers, she found only silence—a yawning chasm of emptiness stretching out before her like an endless abyss. It was as if the very air around her had grown heavy with the weight of untold secrets, their whispers lost to the winds of time. Mirabel's curiosity burned like a beacon in the darkness, illuminating the path ahead with a flickering light of hope. She knew that the journey would not be easy, that the road ahead would be fraught with peril and uncertainty.

But she was undeterred, her spirit unyielding in the face of adversity, for she knew that the truth was out there, waiting to be discovered, like a hidden gem waiting to be unearthed from the depths of the earth. With a determined nod, she resolved to seek out the answers she sought, to unravel the tangled threads of mystery that bound her fate like knots in a labyrinth of shadows.

And so the days continued in a similar fashion, Mirabel found herself ensconced in a routine as enchanting as the morning dew. With Eirene as her guiding light, she would greet the dawn in quiet meditation, her spirit alight with the promise of a new day. As the sun ascended to its zenith, she would join Melia amidst the verdant splendour of the garden, tending to the blossoms that bloomed beneath their tender care.

In the hush of the afternoon, Mirabel would retreat to the sanctuary of her studies, delving into the ancient tomes and scrolls that whispered secrets of times long past. With each turn of the page, she would unravel the mysteries that lay dormant within, her thirst for knowledge unquenchable as the thirst of the desert sands as she looked for any mention of wars and pacts.

As the day waned into twilight, Mirabel would find solace in the company of Galene, their laughter echoing like the melody of a forgotten symphony. Together, they would dance beneath the moonlit sky, their movements a graceful homage to the ever-shifting tides of fate. With brush in hand, Mirabel would paint with watercolours, each stroke a testament to the beauty that surrounded her, each hue a reflection of her boundless imagination.

And in the quiet moments of dusk, Galene would take Mirabel under her wing, teaching her the ancient art of water magic. Together, they would stand by the waters of the river and sea, their hands outstretched to the heavens as they called upon the power of the elements. And when the shadows grew long and the stars began to twinkle in the heavens above, Eirene would come to collect her, their footsteps falling in time with the rhythm of the earth. As they walked side by side, they would share the tales of their day.

It was when she was with Galene during a charming twilight, that she met someone new. The river whispered secrets as it flowed, its gentle murmurs weaving through the air like a siren's song. Mirabel stood ankle-deep in the cool, crystal-clear waters, her toes sinking into the soft riverbed as she felt the gentle caress of the currents against her skin. Around her, water lilies swayed in a graceful dance, their delicate petals unfurling like blossoms in the morning sun. Beside her stood Galene, a vision of ethereal beauty bathed in the soft light of dawn.

"Feel the river, Mirabel," Galene's voice, like a gentle breeze through the leaves, drifted across the water, carrying with it a sense of calm and serenity. "Let its currents flow through you, like the ebb and flow of the tide.”

Mirabel closed her eyes, allowing herself to sink into the rhythm of the river. She felt the water swirling around her, wrapping her in its embrace like a lover's arms. With each breath, she reached out with her mind, gently coaxing the currents to stillness, like a conductor guiding an orchestra into harmony. But try as she might, the river remained restless, its surface roiling and churning with unseen currents. For every moment of calm she managed to summon, it slipped away like sand through her fingers, leaving her feeling frustrated and defeated.

"I can't do it," Mirabel's voice was tinged with frustration, her brow furrowed in concentration. "It keeps slipping away from me, like water through a sieve.”

Galene placed a hand on Mirabel's shoulder, her touch as gentle as the brush of a summer breeze. "Patience, dear one," she said, her voice a soothing melody in the stillness of the morning. "The river is a wild creature, untamed and free. It will yield to you in its own time.”

Suddenly, their serene moment was interrupted by a playful voice that danced through the air like a mischievous breeze. "Well, well, well, what do we have here?" the voice teased, carrying with it a sense of playful mischief.

Mirabel turned towards the newcomer, her eyes widening in awe at the sight of the elegant figure before her. Her presence is like a whisper in the wind, ethereal and elusive, yet imbued with a magnetic charm that draws all who encounter her into her orbit. Adorned in a gown of woven moonbeams and starlight, she moves with a grace that is both otherworldly and mesmerising.

Her hair cascades down her back in a cascade of purest white, each strand shimmering with an iridescence that mirrors the dance of the constellations above, intricate floral accessories werewoven into her hair. Her eyes are the colour of the cerulean sky, deep and mysterious, holding within their depths the secrets of the cosmos as her skin, sun-kissed hue of honeyed caramel, seemed to be bathed in a radiant glow that seemed to emanate from within.

As she moves through the forest, the very air seems to hum with a melodic resonance, as if the very earth itself is singing her praises. Flowers bloom in her wake, their petals unfurling to reveal hues of amethyst and sapphire, as if paying homage to the nymph who walks among them. There is a timeless elegance to her, a sense of ancient wisdom that belies her youthful visage. She is the embodiment of grace and poise, her every movement a symphony of beauty that captivates all who behold her.

Galene's face lit up with a smile as she greeted her friend. "Ah, Arethusa, always popping up when least expected," she said, her voice like a soft ripple on the water.

Arethusa grinned impishly, her eyes twinkling with mischief. "I didn't know you had taken on a mentee, Galene," she remarked, her words laced with playful curiosity. "What's the occasion? Planning to pass on some of that ancient wisdom of yours?”

Galene chuckled softly, her laughter echoing through the trees like the gentle rustle of leaves in the wind. "Something like that," she replied, her voice tinged with warmth. "This is Mirabel. She's just beginning to explore her connection to the water.”

Mirabel smiled nervously, feeling a surge of excitement and apprehension at the prospect of meeting Galene's friend. "Nice to meet you, Arethusa," she said, her voice a mixture of eagerness and uncertainty.

Arethusa regarded Mirabel with a playful glint in her eye, her expression inscrutable as she took in the young girl before her. "Well," she repeated, her voice dripping with amusem*nt. "Looks like we've got ourselves a little fish out of water, eh?”

Mirabel blushed furiously, feeling a rush of embarrassment at Arethusa's teasing. But beneath the embarrassment, there was a flicker of confusion. This wasn't the first time she had been referred to as something out of the sea, and she couldn't shake the nagging feeling that it had something to do with her newfound connection to water. Yet, she couldn't understand how that could be possible, especially since Melia possessed similar abilities. She wasn't a nymph, Eirene would tell her if she was.

As Arethusa continued to tease her, Mirabel shot a pleading glance at Galene, silently imploring her friend to come to her rescue. But Galene simply laughed, her eyes dancing with mirth as she watched the playful banter unfold. "Oh, don't mind Arethusa," she said, her voice filled with affection. "She's just being herself.”

Feeling a mixture of embarrassment and curiosity, Mirabel forced a sheepish smile and tried to play along with Arethusa's banter.

“Is this one as hopeless as the last?” Arethusa continued as Galene rolled her eyes playfully, her laughter tinkling like a mountain stream. "You know very well that all my pupils are stars waiting to shine," she retorted, her voice filled with mock indignation.

Mirabel chuckled at their banter, feeling a sense of camaraderie building between them. "I'll do my best to live up to your expectations," she interjected, earning a wink from Arethusa in response.

"Ah, a quick learner, I see," Arethusa teased, her tone light and playful. "Just make sure she doesn't get lost in the currents, Galene. We wouldn't want another drowning incident on our hands.”

Galene shot Arethusa a mock glare before turning back to Mirabel with a smile. "Don't mind her, Mirabel. Arethusa has a habit of exaggerating," she reassured her, her voice gentle and soothing.

Despite her initial discomfort, Mirabel found herself laughing along with them, swept up in the infectious energy of their playful exchange. As she said goodbye to Galene and Arethusa, she felt that she found herself a new friend.


Another chapter! What do you think of the new characters? I'm sorry if they're a bit weird, this is my first time writing. Anyways, hope you liked it!

Chapter 22: The Hypnagogic Glade: Part III


Mirabel bonds with Arethusa


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

The forest loomed tall around Mirabel, its ancient trees stretching skyward like towering sentinels guarding the secrets held within. Sunlight filtered through the dense canopy above, casting dappled shadows that danced across the forest floor in a mesmerising display of light and shadow. Yet, despite the beauty that surrounded her, Mirabel couldn't shake the feeling of unease that gripped her heart like icy tendrils.

Lost amidst the labyrinthine paths of the forest, Mirabel felt a sense of isolation and vulnerability creeping over her like a suffocating shroud. Each rustle of leaves or snap of twigs sent her heart racing, her senses on high alert for any sign of danger lurking in the shadows. She longed for the safety and familiarity of home, but the dense undergrowth seemed to swallow her cries for help, leaving her stranded in a sea of green.

Just when despair threatened to overwhelm her, a voice pierced the silence like a ray of sunlight cutting through the darkness. "Lost, are we?" The voice was playful, tinged with a hint of mischief that sent a shiver down Mirabel's spine.

Turning toward the sound, Mirabel's eyes widened in surprise, “Arethusa? What are you doing her?” Mirabel asked as she sagged in relief at a familiar face.

Arethusa raised a brow, “This forest? It is my domain, my home.” She said as she languidly made her way to Mirabel, her posture deceptively relaxed as she moved with the grace of a predator.

"But enough about me," Arethusa continued, her tone playful as she regarded Mirabel with a mischievous glint in her eyes. "What brings a sea wanderer like yourself to my humble abode?”

"I... I got lost," Mirabel admitted, her cheeks flushing with embarrassment. "I was trying to find my way home, but I ended up here instead.”

Arethusa's laughter rang out like the tinkling of wind chimes, filling the air with a sense of joy and lightness. "Ah, the forest has a way of leading lost souls to where they need to be," she remarked cryptically, her eyes twinkling with hidden wisdom. "But fear not, dear child. You are safe now, under my watchful eye.”

With a graceful flourish, Arethusa extended her hand to Mirabel, offering her a lifeline amidst the tangled undergrowth of the forest. And as Mirabel reached out to grasp it, she couldn't help but feel a sense of gratitude for the unexpected guardian who had come to her aid in her time of need.

“Besides,” she continued, “Galene would have my head if I left her little mentee lost in the woods.” Her voice laughingly said, Mirabel giggled nervously as they trekked down the twisting paths.

As the dense clouds gathered overhead, casting a shadow over the forest, Mirabel's heart began to race with trepidation. The once serene woodland now echoed with the ominous rumble of thunder, and the air crackled with the promise of an impending storm. She glanced up at Arethusa, her cerulean eyes reflecting the concern etched on Mirabel's own face.

"Arethusa, do you think we'll make it back before the storm hits?" Mirabel's voice wavered with uncertainty as she clung tightly to Arethusa's hand, her fingers trembling with fear.

Arethusa flashed Mirabel a reassuring smile, her honeyed skin glowing softly in the dim light filtering through the dense canopy above. "Fear not, little one," she murmured, her voice as soothing as the gentle rustle of leaves in the breeze. “We’ll make it back safely, we’ll just have to take shelter for the time being.”

With that, Arethusa led Mirabel off the beaten path, weaving effortlessly through the tangled undergrowth as they ventured deeper into the heart of the forest. The wind picked up, tugging at Mirabel's hair and sending shivers down her spine as the first droplets of rain began to fall.

As they trudged on, the storm intensified, the rain pounding against the earth like a relentless drumbeat. Mirabel stumbled over gnarled roots and slippery rocks, her heart pounding in her chest as fear threatened to overwhelm her. But Arethusa remained a steady presence at her side, guiding her with unwavering confidence and strength.

Finally, after what felt like an eternity of wandering through the tempest, Arethusa led Mirabel to a small cave nestled amidst the rocky cliffs. The entrance was obscured by hanging vines and moss-covered boulders, but inside, the cavern offered a welcome respite from the raging storm outside.

Mirabel followed Arethusa into the cave, her breath catching in her throat as she gazed around in awe at the natural beauty of their surroundings. The walls were adorned with shimmering crystals that glowed softly in the dim light, casting dancing shadows across the cavern floor. The air was cool and damp, carrying with it the earthy scent of wet moss and ancient stone.

The air was heavy with the scent of rain as Arethusa and Mirabel stumbled into the shelter of the cave, their clothes clinging to their skin, drenched from the downpour outside. The sound of water dripping echoed off the walls, blending with the distant rumble of thunder as the storm raged on outside.

As they reached the mouth of the cave, the air inside was cool and musty, the walls damp with moisture. Arethusa led Mirabel inside, the sound of their footsteps echoing softly off the cavern walls. Arethusa's playful demeanour shifted slightly, a hint of concern creasing her brow as she glanced at Mirabel. "You won't catch a cold, will you?" she mused aloud, her voice as light and airy as a breeze through the treetops.

Mirabel opened her mouth to respond, but before she could utter a word, Arethusa continued, her words tumbling forth in a playful stream. "Of course, you will. Mortal children are always catching colds at the slightest provocation," she quipped, her tone teasing as she busied herself with gathering dry wood for a fire.

Mirabel huffed indignantly, her cheeks flushing with a mixture of embarrassment and amusem*nt at Arethusa's jest. "I'm not a child," she protested half-heartedly, though there was a spark of laughter in her eyes as she watched Arethusa work.

In the flickering glow of the fire, Arethusa's radiant presence seemed to shimmer like a mirage, casting dancing shadows against the rough-hewn walls of the cave. Her hair, cascading in ethereal waves around her, gleamed with an otherworldly luminescence, while her cerulean eyes held a depth of wisdom that belied her youthful appearance.

Mirabel watched with rapt attention as Arethusa deftly arranged the dry wood into a makeshift pyramid, her movements fluid and graceful as she demonstrated the art of fire-building. Each twig and branch seemed to fall into place effortlessly under Arethusa's skilled hands, as if guided by some unseen force of nature.

As the flames began to lick hungrily at the tender kindling, Arethusa turned to Mirabel with a playful twinkle in her eyes. "There, you see? It's not so difficult," she said, her voice a melodic symphony that echoed through the cavernous chamber.

Mirabel nodded eagerly, her eyes alight with curiosity as she absorbed Arethusa's teachings. Despite her initial wariness of the enigmatic dryad, she found herself drawn to the warmth of the fire and the infectious joy that seemed to emanate from Arethusa like a tangible aura.

"I'll give you a lighter," Arethusa offered, her voice laced with amusem*nt as she plucked a small, silver device from the depths of her pocket. "Since you can't quite snap fire into existence like I can," she added with a mischievous grin.

Mirabel accepted the lighter with a grateful smile, her fingers tracing the smooth contours of the metal casing as she marvelled at its simplicity. "Thank you," she murmured, her voice filled with genuine appreciation.

The flames crackled merrily in the heart of the cave, casting a warm glow that danced across the rough-hewn walls, illuminating the space with flickering shadows. Arethusa and Mirabel sat huddled close to the fire, their damp clothes slowly drying as they basked in its comforting warmth.

"Did I ever tell you about the time I convinced a group of travelers that I was a ghost haunting these woods?" Arethusa asked with a mischievous twinkle in her cerulean eyes, her voice carrying the lilt of a playful melody.

Mirabel chuckled, her own laughter blending with the crackling of the flames. "No, you didn't! Do tell," she urged, leaning in closer to catch every word.

"Well," Arethusa began, her voice dropping to a conspiratorial whisper, "it was a moonlit night much like this one, and the travelers were passing through the forest, their hearts heavy with fear of the unknown.”

As Arethusa spun her tale, her words wove a tapestry of magic and mystery, painting vivid images of moonlit glades and shadowy figures lurking in the darkness. Mirabel listened with rapt attention, her imagination taking flight as she lost herself in the enchanting world of Arethusa's storytelling. Suddenly, a loud clap of thunder reverberated through the cave, sending a shiver down Mirabel's spine. She glanced nervously at the entrance, where the storm still raged outside, but Arethusa's steady presence beside her offered reassurance.

"Don't worry, little one," Arethusa said, her voice soft and soothing as she laid a gentle hand on Mirabel's shoulder. "The storm will pass soon enough, and until then, we have each other.”

The storm raged on further and Arethusa distracted Mirabel by teaching her how to make art using the materials they found in the cave. Arethusa and Mirabel's hands danced over the scattered treasures they had collected from the cave, each item telling its own story of the forest's hidden wonders. With deft fingers and a keen eye, Arethusa guided Mirabel through the intricate process of crafting a masterpiece from the natural materials at their disposal.

"Let's start with this," Arethusa said, her voice a gentle melody as she picked up the shiny rock, its surface glimmering like a star caught in the depths of the earth. "This will be our centrepiece, the heart of our creation.”

Mirabel watched in awe as Arethusa placed the rock on a sturdy piece of driftwood, positioning it just so to catch the flickering light of the fire. It seemed to come alive beneath her touch, a beacon of enchantment drawing the eye and stirring the soul.

"Now, we'll weave a tapestry of twigs around it," Arethusa continued, her fingers plucking slender branches from their pile with effortless grace. "Like the branches of the forest reaching out to embrace the light.”

Mirabel followed her lead, arranging the twigs in a delicate lattice around the rock, each one adding its own unique texture and character to the composition. They curved and twisted like the boughs of ancient trees, forming a natural frame that encircled the centrepiece with an aura of wild beauty.

"Next, the shells," Arethusa said, her eyes alight with creative fervour as she scattered the shells around the base of the arrangement. "They'll add a touch of the sea to our woodland tableau, a reminder of the hidden depths that lie beneath the earth.”

Mirabel marvelled at the shells' intricate patterns and pearlescent hues, each one a tiny treasure washed ashore from distant shores. They lent a sense of magic and mystery to the scene, their whispers of the sea mingling with the whispers of the forest in a symphony of natural harmony.

"And now, the final touch," Arethusa declared, her gaze falling on the dried large leaf that lay waiting to be transformed. "This leaf will be our storyteller, weaving tales of wind and rain, of sun and shadow, with every twist and turn of its delicate form.”

With a flourish, Arethusa positioned the leaf at the edge of the arrangement, its graceful curves adding a sense of movement and flow to the composition. It seemed to dance on the edge of eternity, caught between worlds yet rooted in the timeless rhythm of the earth.

"And there you have it," Arethusa said, stepping back to admire their handiwork. "A masterpiece born from the heart of the forest, a testament to the beauty and wonder that surrounds us at every turn.”

They spent the night like this, as the fire crackled and popped, sending tendrils of warmth dancing through the air. Arethusa leaned back against a moss-covered rock, her cerulean eyes sparkling with mischief as she regaled Mirabel with tales of the forest's hidden secrets.

"Did you know," Arethusa began, her voice a melodious whisper that seemed to echo with the whispers of the trees, "that deep in the heart of the forest, there lies a glade where time stands still and the stars dance in endless spirals across the sky?”

Mirabel's eyes widened in wonder, her imagination taking flight as Arethusa's words painted vivid images in her mind's eye. She could almost see the glade, bathed in the soft glow of moonlight, its secrets waiting to be discovered by those brave enough to seek them out.

"But beware," Arethusa continued, her tone taking on a playful edge as she leaned in closer, "for the glade is also home to the mischievous spirits of the forest, who delight in playing tricks on unsuspecting travelers.”

A shiver ran down Mirabel's spine, her senses tingling with a mixture of excitement and trepidation. She could almost feel the presence of the forest spirits, their laughter ringing in her ears like the rustle of leaves on a breezy day.

"But fear not," Arethusa said, a mischievous twinkle in her eye, "for as long as you carry the light of courage in your heart, no darkness can touch you.”

Mirabel smiled, her fears melting away like dewdrops beneath the morning sun. With Arethusa by her side, she felt invincible, ready to face whatever challenges the forest might throw her way. And so the night passed, with Arethusa spinning tales of wonder and woe, each one more captivating than the last. Mirabel listened with rapt attention, her laughter mingling with the flickering firelight as she drank in every word. But as the hour grew late, Arethusa's stories took a darker turn, weaving tales of haunted woods and ghostly apparitions that sent a shiver down Mirabel's spine.

"Arethusa, are these stories true?" Mirabel asked, her voice trembling with a mixture of fear and fascination.

Arethusa chuckled softly, her eyes dancing with amusem*nt. "Who's to say, my dear? Perhaps some are true, and others are nothing more than fanciful tales spun from the threads of imagination.”

Mirabel laughed, her fear dissipating like mist in the morning sun. She had seen enough of Arethusa's tricks to know that not everything she said could be taken at face value. And so, with laughter ringing in their ears and the fire burning bright, Arethusa and Mirabel spent the night with laughter in the fire’s warmth. As the first rays of dawn stretched across the sky, Arethusa glided through the tranquil forest with the slumbering form of Mirabel cradled in her arms. With each step, the soft rustle of leaves beneath her feet echoed the quiet stirrings of the waking world.

At the edge of the clearing, Eirene stood with furrowed brow, her heart heavy with worry. Yet, as Arethusa approached, a wave of relief washed over her, melting the tension from her shoulders like snow in the warmth of spring. Eirene's heart fluttered with relief at the sight of her returning charge, her worries momentarily lifted by her safe return. With a grateful nod to Arethusa, Eirene cradled Mirabel in her arms, the weight of her dreams heavy upon her slumbering form.

In the tender embrace of the morning sun, Eirene laid Mirabel upon her pillows, the gentle light casting a halo around her delicate features. As she smoothed the tousled strands of Mirabel's hair, Eirene's touch was infused with a whispered prayer for peace and tranquility. Her fingers, soft as the caress of morning dew, traced the contours of Mirabel's tousled hair, seeking to soothe the troubled dreams that plagued her slumber. With a tender touch, she wove delicate strands of hope and serenity into the fabric of Mirabel's restless sleep, a whispered prayer against the encroaching darkness of nightmares.

As the first light of dawn filtered through the forest canopy, casting dappled shadows upon the forest floor, the pavilion emerged from the mist like a vision from a dream. Its graceful arches and delicate filigree seemed to dance in the golden light, while the fragrant scent of wildflowers hung heavy in the air, mingling with the faint whisper of the breeze. Within the pavilion, Eirene stood at the center, her presence radiant and ethereal as she gazed out at the tranquil scene before her. Her long, flowing robes shimmered like moonlight on water, adorned with intricate patterns that seemed to shift and change with every movement.

But despite the beauty of the morning, a shadow lingered in Eirene's eyes, a flicker of worry that betrayed her concern for Mirabel's troubled dreams. She had sensed the girl's turmoil in the depths of the night, felt the echoes of her nightmares reverberating through the dream realm like ripples on a pond. And so, as Mirabel stepped into the pavilion, her brow furrowed with the weight of her troubled dreams, Eirene's heart went out to her, a silent prayer for peace and solace.

"My dear Mirabel," Eirene said, her voice a soft melody that seemed to echo with the whispers of the wind, "I sense the shadows that haunt your dreams, the echoes of fear and doubt that linger in your heart.”

Mirabel nodded, her eyes glistening with unshed tears as she struggled to find the words to express her inner turmoil. Eirene understanding her struggle, reached out a hand, her touch gentle as a feather upon Mirabel's brow. "Fear not, dear one," she said, her words a soothing balm for the girl's troubled spirit. "For though the night may be dark, there is always light to be found, if one knows where to look.”

Mirabel looked up, her eyes searching Eirene's face for answers. "What do you mean?" she asked, her voice trembling. Eirene smiled, her gaze soft and knowing as she met Mirabel's eyes. "There is one who dwells in the realm of dreams, a lunar nymph known as Hypnosia," she explained, her words filled with a sense of reverence and awe. "She is a guardian of the night, a keeper of secrets and a weaver of dreams. If anyone can help you find peace in the darkness, it is she.”

Mirabel's eyes flickered with uncertainty as she spoke, her voice barely more than a whisper amidst the surrounding silence. Her fingers danced nervously, tracing delicate patterns in the air as she searched for the right words. "Can't you...?" She trailed off, the question hanging in the air like a fragile thread waiting to be woven into something more substantial.

Eirene hesitated for a moment, her expression thoughtful as she considered Mirabel's request. "While I may understand the nature of dreams and the mysteries of the night, there are aspects of nightmares that even I cannot comprehend," she admitted, her voice tinged with regret. "Hypnosia, however, has spent centuries delving into the depths of the dream realm, unravelling its secrets and guiding those who seek solace in their darkest hours. She will be able to help you in ways that I cannot.”

Mirabel's gaze shifted uneasily, flickering between Eirene and the ground beneath her feet. A thousand thoughts seemed to race through her mind, each one vying for attention as she struggled to find the courage to speak. Finally, after what felt like an eternity of internal debate, she nodded reluctantly, her movements hesitant and weighed down by the burden of her uncertainty.

As Eirene guided Mirabel away from the pavilion, a serene smile graced her lips, casting a gentle glow upon her features. The path they tread upon, adorned with smooth pebbles, seemed to unfurl like a ribbon leading them deeper into the heart of the glade. Above them, the canvas of the sky transformed before their very eyes, shifting from the vibrant hues of day to the velvety embrace of night. A soft purple dusk enveloped the horizon, merging seamlessly with the inky darkness that descended upon the land. Each star that emerged in the heavens above seemed to shimmer with a celestial brilliance, casting its light upon the world below. Mirabel, entranced by the spectacle unfolding before her, could scarcely tear her gaze away from the celestial ballet overhead. The transition from day to night felt like a mesmerising dance, a symphony of colours and shadows playing out against the backdrop of the universe.

"Though the dance of day and night persists within our corner of the Hypnagogic Glade, Hypnosia's domain remains forever enshrouded in the embrace of night's tender veil.”

At Eirene's soft words, spoken with a hint of reverence, Mirabel's tired eyes widened in astonishment. The veil of night that enveloped Hypnosia's domain held a mystical allure, a realm where dreams and realities intertwined in a delicate embrace. In that moment, amidst the ethereal beauty of the glade, Mirabel felt a sense of wonder and reverence wash over her, as if she had been granted a glimpse into the secrets of the cosmos.

As they approached the towering archway, its grandeur loomed like a sentinel in the twilight. Wisps of midnight-blue fog curled around the pillars, weaving a delicate tapestry that seemed to shimmer with otherworldly allure. Moonflower vines, adorned with petals like pearls, cascaded over the silver structure, their fragrance lingering in the air like a whispered secret.

The atmosphere was steeped in a surreal dreaminess, as if the very fabric of reality had been infused with magic. Each breath carried the scent of moonflowers and the faint tang of distant stars, while the soft rustle of leaves overhead seemed to echo the whispers of unseen spirits. As they stepped through the archway, it felt as though they were crossing into another realm, where time flowed like liquid silver and the boundaries between dreams and reality blurred into nothingness.

As they stepped into the realm, it stretched endlessly before them, its boundaries lost in a haze of enchantment. The landscape seemed to blur and shimmer like a mirage, casting everything in a dreamlike aura. Mirabel's eyes drank in the sight of a towering structure rising majestically towards the heavens. Its tan-hued stones, weathered and aged by the passage of time, told tales of ancient mysteries and forgotten lore. Each brick seemed to whisper secrets of bygone eras, beckoning Mirabel closer with promises of adventure and wonder.

As they strolled toward the heart of the realm, Mirabel's eyes caught the glimmer of a river mirroring the moon's luminescence. Its surface danced with the gentle touch of moonbeams, weaving through the landscape like liquid silk unfurling in a celestial ballet. The river seemed to whisper secrets of forgotten dreams, its currents carrying the hopes and yearnings of all who dared to dream.

Further past the river was enchanted forest, the ancient trees whispered secrets of forgotten tales, their gnarled branches reaching towards the heavens like ancient sentinels guarding sacred mysteries. Through the shifting shadows and dancing light, Mirabel's gaze fell upon a twilight cathedral, its spires rising majestically amidst the verdant canopy. The mere sight of the Cathedral ignited a spark of curiosity within Mirabel's heart, like a flame flickering to life in the depths of a long-forgotten chamber. It beckoned to her, its allure as captivating as a siren's song, promising untold wonders and mysteries waiting to be unraveled.

Yet, despite the tantalising temptation that tugged at her spirit like a playful breeze, Mirabel chose to remain steadfast in her resolve. With each step she took beside Eirene, her curiosity swirled within her like a tempest, threatening to pull her towards the Cathedral's ethereal embrace. But like a lone ship navigating treacherous waters, Mirabel steered clear of the Cathedral's enchanting pull, choosing instead to follow Eirene's steady guidance.

Stepping inside the heart of the realm, Mirabel found herself enveloped in the ethereal splendour of a garden unlike any she had ever seen. Each step she took led her deeper into a realm of enchantment, where the very air seemed to hum with magic. The garden unfolded before her in a breathtaking display of natural beauty, its winding pathways weaving like ribbons through a tapestry of colour and light. Vibrant blooms adorned every corner, their petals unfurling in a riot of hues that danced in the dappled sunlight.

Beneath her feet, the earth seemed to pulse with life, its rich soil teeming with hidden wonders waiting to be discovered. The scent of wildflowers and fresh greenery filled the air, a heady perfume that intoxicated the senses and beckoned Mirabel further into the depths of the garden. As she wandered, the gentle sound of babbling brooks and trickling streams serenaded her, their soothing melodies a symphony of nature's embrace. Tranquil ponds shimmered like liquid mirrors, reflecting the azure sky above and the verdant canopy of trees that stretched towards the heavens.

The garden was filled with an abundance of exotic flora, their fragrant blooms releasing intoxicating scents that perfume the air with their heady fragrance. Moonlight orchids, with their delicate petals that seem to shimmer like silver in the night, dot the landscape with splashes of ethereal beauty. Celestial lilies unfurl their petals to reveal intricate patterns that mimic the constellations in the night sky, while shimmering starflowers bloom in clusters, their luminescent blooms glowing softly in the darkness.

Among the flowers, iridescent butterflies flit and flutter, their wings aglow with an otherworldly radiance. Moonbeam butterflies, with wings the colour of pale moonlight, drift lazily on the breeze, their delicate forms weaving intricate patterns in the air. Celestial swallowtails, with wings adorned in hues of sapphire and amethyst, dart among the blooms, their graceful movements a testament to the beauty of the night.

Regrettably, to Mirabel's dismay, they do not stay to explore the celestial as Eirene's guiding hand led her not to a sanctuary of splendour but to Hypnosia's abode, a place that mimicked celestial opulence.

The house stood as a testament to divine extravagance, its spires piercing the heavens with audacious grace, while domes shimmered like molten silver beneath the moon's tender caress. Embraced by verdant gardens teeming with ethereal blooms, each petal, a deep indigo, seemed to whisper secrets bathed in the moon's luminescence. An archway, entwined with vines and blossoms, framed the entrance, beckoning visitors into a realm where time and imagination melded seamlessly into an eternal tapestry of beauty and wonder.

Standing outside, was who she assumed to be Hypnosia. Her form is bathed in the soft glow of moonbeams, her skin luminous as the palest pearl. Cascading locks of midnight silk tumble down her back like a waterfall of shadows, their strands catching the light in a mesmerising dance. Her eyes are pools of liquid silver, reflecting the mysteries of the night sky and the secrets whispered by the stars. With each flutter of her long, delicate lashes, she casts a spell of enchantment upon all who behold her, drawing them into the depths of her otherworldly gaze.

Her gown is woven from the finest threads of moonlight and stardust, shimmering with a celestial radiance that rivals the brilliance of the Milky Way. Each movement she makes is like a wisp of mist upon the breeze, ephemeral and elusive yet imbued with a quiet power that commands attention. In her presence, time seems to slow to a languid crawl, and the cares of the waking world fade into insignificance.

“Eirene, it is a pleasure to cross paths with you once more," she murmured, her voice a gentle melody woven with the whispers of the night. Her silver gaze drifted to Mirabel, a serene curiosity gleaming within her eyes. "And is this your ward, perchance?" she inquired, her words carrying a subtle elegance reminiscent of celestial hymns.

"Indeed, this is Mirabel." Her smile, akin to the soft caress of moonlight, graced Mirabel gently. "Fear not, for Hypnosia shall tend to you with utmost care. I shall return for you in an hour," she reassured the apprehensive Mirabel. Giving her farewell to them, Eirene disappeared into the mist of the realm.

The air was thick with the scent of night blooming flowers and the soft glow of moonlight danced upon the velvet tapestry of the sky, Hypnosia gently guided Mirabel through the threshold of her ethereal abode. With each step, the floor seemed to shift and sway beneath their feet, as if they were walking upon clouds adrift in a sea of dreams. Hypnosia moved with a grace that belied her otherworldly nature, her movements as fluid as the rippling surface of a moonlit pond.

Mirabel's breath caught in her throat as she beheld the interior of Hypnosia's abode. It stood there, a sanctuary of ethereal allure and cosmic grace, its very presence an ode to the mysteries of the celestial realm. The walls, adorned with tapestries that seemed to ripple and undulate like the surface of a tranquil lake beneath the moon's caress, whispered secrets of dreams yet dreamt. Each thread bore witness to the dance of moonbeams and starlight, weaving together a symphony of hues that danced in harmony with the shifting tides of the night.

Stepping over the threshold, Mirabel found herself enveloped in a world of softness and serenity. The floor beneath her feet, paved with tiles that shimmered like liquid moonlight, seemed to sway and sway beneath her weight, guiding her further into the heart of the enchantment that awaited within. Hypnosia led her into a room adorned with the opulence of celestial comfort. Plush pillows and sumptuous throws lay strewn about with the carefree elegance of fallen stars, inviting weary travelers to rest their weary souls upon their celestial embrace. At the center of it all, a table of polished mahogany stood proudly, adorned with the delicate trappings of a lunar feast.

A porcelain teapot, adorned with the delicate tendrils of moonflower vines, stood sentinel beside a collection of delicate tea cups, each one a vessel of dreams waiting to be poured. Beside them, a plate of mooncakes sat in silent offering, their sweet fragrance mingling with the heady scent of jasmine that hung heavy in the air. As they settled into their seats, Mirabel found herself overcome by a sense of peace and wonder, their quiet chatter filling the air.

“And what rituals do you partake in before drifting into the realm of dreams, dear Mirabel?" she inquired, her voice carrying the weight of ancient wisdom and gentle concern.

Mirabel shrugged, her eyes reflecting a hint of uncertainty. "Not much, really," she admitted, her voice soft and tentative.

With a gentle smile, Hypnosia offered her guidance. “Perhaps, it is time to embrace calming activities to soothe your restless spirit before the night's embrace," she suggested, her words flowing like a tranquil stream. "Consider indulging in the art of reading, allowing the whispered tales of words to carry you into realms unknown. Alternatively, immerse yourself in the harmonious melodies of soothing music, letting each note lull you into peaceful serenity.”

Mirabel's eyes brightened with interest at the suggestion. "Or," Hypnosia continued, her voice gentle yet firm, "you may find solace in the practice of gentle yoga stretches or the art of meditation, akin to the teachings of Eirene. Allow the rhythms of your breath to guide you into the tranquil depths of relaxation, where the cares of the world fade into the mists of dreams.”

"And do you keep a dream journal, dear Mirabel?" she inquired, her words flowing like the ethereal dance of constellations in the night sky.

Mirabel nodded, a flicker of curiosity dancing in her eyes. "Yes, I do," she replied, her voice tinged with anticipation.

"Excellent," Hypnosia murmured, her voice a soft melody weaving through the silence. "After a restful night's slumber, I shall impart upon you the art of lucid dreaming.”

Mirabel hesitated, a hint of uncertainty clouding her expression. "But... what if I have nightmares?" she whispered, her voice trembling like a leaf caught in the nocturnal breeze.

Hypnosia's gaze softened, a gentle reassurance emanating from her luminous eyes. "Fear not, dear Mirabel," she whispered, her voice a soothing balm to the troubled soul. "As long as I am here, no shadows of the night shall disturb your dreams. You are safe within the embrace of my realm.”

Mirabel's apprehension melted away, replaced by a sense of peace and trust in Hypnosia's otherworldly presence. "Thank you, Hypnosia," she murmured, her gratitude echoing through the hushed chamber like a whispered prayer.

Hypnosia offered a serene smile, her ethereal aura enveloping Mirabel like a protective cloak against the darkness. "Rest now, dear one," she whispered, her words a gentle lullaby to guide Mirabel into the tranquil depths of sleep. With a sense of serenity settling over her, Mirabel surrendered to the embrace of slumber, knowing that beneath the watchful gaze of Hypnosia, no nightmares could disturb her peaceful repose.

In the weeks that followed, Mirabel often found herself returning to that moment of serene tranquility, nestled within the protective embrace of Hypnosia's guidance. Though time had passed, the memory remained vivid, like a cherished dream woven into the fabric of her consciousness. In the velvety embrace of twilight's tender caress, Hypnosia and Mirabel found themselves nestled within the cozy confines of a hidden alcove, where the air was heavy with the scent of lavender and moonlight danced in silvery tendrils upon the dew-kissed petals of midnight blooms. Mirabel's fingers traced delicate patterns upon the back of her neck, her cheeks flushed with a soft blush as she stole a hesitant glance at Hypnosia, whose eyes sparkled with an otherworldly light that seemed to mirror the stars themselves.

"It's quite alright, dear Mirabel," Hypnosia reassured, her voice a soothing melody in the tranquil air. "We need not pursue lucid dreaming if it does not suit you. There are myriad other paths to explore.”

Mirabel breathed a sigh of relief, a weight lifting from her shoulders like mist dissipating beneath the warmth of the morning sun. For weeks, she had struggled in vain to grasp the elusive threads of lucid dreaming, only to find herself adrift in a sea of uncertainty and doubt. However, Hypnosia’s advice of coping with the night-terrors did work. With each passing night, Mirabel clung to these lifelines, weaving them into the fabric of her dreams like threads of silver moonlight. Though there were setbacks along the way, moments when the nightmares threatened to consume her like a ravenous flame, she held fast to the knowledge that she was not alone.

And so, as the first tendrils of dawn painted the sky in hues of pink and gold, Mirabel emerged from the depths of the night like a butterfly breaking free from its cocoon. Though the path to lucid dreaming still lay shrouded in mystery, she took solace in the knowledge that she was no longer at the mercy of her nightmares.

In the midst of a dream interpretation session with Hypnosia, the air hummed with the soft susurration of whispered secrets, each word a delicate filament woven into the tapestry of the subconscious. Mirabel, nestled in the embrace of Hypnosia's ethereal realm, felt the tendrils of slumber gently caress her senses, drawing her deeper into the labyrinth of her dreams.

But like a ripple disrupting the surface of a tranquil pond, an unexpected visitor shattered the fragile tranquility of the dream world. Through the mists of reverie, a figure materialised, cloaked in the shimmering veil of moonlight. Mirabel’s eyes widened with awe as she looked at the figure, with tresses as black as the midnight sky, cascading like a silken waterfall down her slender form, she moved with the serpentine grace of a siren beckoning from the depths. Eyes the hue of amethysts aglow with the secrets of the cosmos, gleamed beneath the veil of night, their depths unfathomable, luring unsuspecting souls into the labyrinth of her gaze.

Adorned in robes as dark as the abyss, woven with threads of deepest purple that shimmered like starlight on a moonless eve, she bore the weight of her ancient lineage with a regal poise. Around her neck, silver jewelry gleamed, catching the faintest glimmer of moonbeams that dared to pierce the gloom. In her hair, silver bells chimed with the ethereal melody of the night, their soft cadence a symphony to the nocturnal wanderer's ear.

At her lips, painted crimson with the hue of forbidden desire, she held a long, slender smoking pipe of shimmering silver, its intricate engravings whispering secrets of the celestial spheres. Her hands encased in black leather as she exhaled, wisps of fragrant smoke curled and twined around her, weaving a tapestry of intoxicating allure that hung heavy in the air. In her presence, time itself seemed to hold its breath, as if afraid to disturb the delicate balance of her domain.

With a weary sigh that echoed through the ether, Hypnosia turned to the mysterious figure, her voice tinged with a weary exasperation. "You were not invited," she murmured, her words a gentle reprimand wrapped in the silken threads of exhaustion. And though her tone was soft, there was an unmistakable edge to her words, a weariness born of countless interruptions and intrusions.

“Why, so rude, I only wished to see my dear sister in her hermit hut.”

“Halt your tongue from labelling my house a mere 'hermit hut,” Hypnosia gently admonished, her voice carrying a hint of ethereal grace even in the midst of discord. "And might I inquire as to the reason for your unexpected presence?"

"Who might this be? When did you start keeping company with sea dweller?" Medea's words cut through the air, her gaze fixed on Mirabel as she circled her, paying no heed to her sister's inquiry.

Mirabel's fingers fluttered like startled birds, their delicate dance betraying the tumultuous storm raging within her. Beneath the weight of Medea's piercing gaze, she felt as though a thousand unseen eyes bore into her soul, stripping away the layers of her facade to reveal the vulnerable core beneath.

As Medea's eyes bore into her own, Mirabel felt a strange sensation stirring within her, a flicker of recognition dancing on the edges of her consciousness. It was as though she had stumbled upon a long-forgotten memory, buried deep within the recesses of her mind, now clawing its way to the surface.

Hypnosia's serene demeanour faltered, a rare flicker of annoyance flashing in her liquid silver eyes. "It's not your concern, sister," she interjected, her voice soft yet tinged with a hint of firmness. "Please, take leave.”

In a sudden burst of clarity, the pieces fell into place like stars aligning in the night sky. Mirabel's eyes widened in realisation as she remembered where she had encountered this mysterious figure before. It was in the garden of nightshade, amidst the moonlit blooms and whispered secrets of the night.

“It's you!” Mirabel exclaimed, her voice carrying astonishment and excitement. Her sudden outburst drew the immediate concern of Hypnosia, whose brows furrowed with worry as she glanced between Mirabel and her enigmatic sister.

Medea's curiosity was piqued, her eyes narrowing slightly as she regarded Mirabel with a calculating gaze. There was a hint of intrigue in her expression, a flicker of interest sparked by Mirabel's revelation. It was as though she sensed the threads of fate weaving around them, drawing them together in an intricate dance of destiny. With a graceful motion, Medea raised an eyebrow in silent inquiry, silently urging Mirabel to continue her revelation.

Mirabel nervously stuttered, “I saw you in the garden of nightshades.”

Hypnosia's concern rippled through the air like a gentle breeze, her gaze fixed on Mirabel. "Did you venture inside, Mirabel?" she inquired softly, her voice carrying a note of worry.

Mirabel shook her head, her eyes cast downward. "No, I only observed from a distance," she replied.

Medea chuckled darkly, her eyes glinting with amusem*nt. "I wouldn't let a mere babe roam freely in my garden.”

Hypnosia's response was sharp, a hint of accusation in her tone. "I wouldn't put it past you to find entertainment in the suffering of an innocent.”

Medea's eyes rolled as she reclined on a chair, tendrils of smoke curling lazily from her lips, swirling into the air like ghostly wisps. Hypnosia caught a whiff of the noxious fumes and her heart leaped in alarm.

"Medea!" she hissed urgently, her voice a frantic whisper as she hurriedly ushered Mirabel outside the room, throwing open windows in a flurry of panicked movements. "Why would you indulge in nightshade in the presence of a child who lacks immunity?”

"Oh, don't fret. It won't be fatal, just a little trip through her mind," Medea remarked nonchalantly, a lazy smirk dancing on her lips. "After all, it's the law of the jungle, isn't it? Survival of the fittest.”

Hypnosia's soft hiss echoed with rare irritation, her eyes aglow with a subtle intensity of annoyance. Turning towards Mirabel, she spoke in a tone laced with concern.

"Please, wait in the gardens, Mirabel," she instructed gently, her voice a soothing melody amidst the turmoil. "Eirene will be there shortly to escort you.”

Mirabel nodded, ready to depart, but before she could take a step, Medea draped herself over her. "Leaving so soon? We haven't even been properly introduced," she purred. Hypnosia acted swiftly, pulling Mirabel away from Medea's grasp with a protective urgency. "And I'd prefer it to stay that way, thank you," she retorted, her tone firm and resolute.

Medea's eyes glinted with amusem*nt. "Must you always be so protective, sister? I'm not some malevolent force lurking in the shadows." she remarked casually. Hypnosia's response was firm and unwavering.

"Perhaps not, but your idea of harmless often veers into dangerous territory, Medea. I won't stand by and watch as you lead others astray with your whims." she countered, her voice tinged with a hint of warning.

Medea smirked, her eyes gleaming with an enigmatic light. "Whims? My dear sister, you underestimate the depth of my wisdom," she remarked, her voice laced with a subtle edge of amusem*nt. "Sometimes, a little darkness is necessary to illuminate the path forward."

Hypnosia's expression tightened, her irritation evident in the furrow of her brow. "And sometimes, that darkness consumes everything in its wake, leaving naught but ruin behind," she countered, her tone tinged with a note of caution. "Your audacity knows no bounds, Medea. You dance dangerously close to the edge of calamity with your every move.”

"Ah, but it's precisely on the edge where one finds the most exhilarating truths, sister. You should try it sometime.” Medea shot back, her voice ringing with defiance. "You cling too tightly to the light, Hypnosia. Embrace the shadows, and you'll see the world in a whole new light."

Hypnosia shook her head, her gaze unwavering. "I'll pass, thank you," she replied coolly. "Some of us prefer to navigate without stumbling in the dark, Medea. Perhaps you should try it sometime.”

As their exchange unfolded, Mirabel observed in silence, the tension between the two sisters palpable in the air. She couldn't help but feel a sense of unease, caught between the opposing forces of light and darkness that seemed to swirl around them like a tempestuous storm. Despite the danger lurking beneath Medea's seductive charm, there was a curious allure that tugged at the edges of her curiosity, beckoning her closer to the enigmatic nymph of the night.

Ignoring the fuming presence of her sister nearby, Medea's voice slithered forth, laced with a seductive allure.

"So you never wandered into my garden," she purred, each syllable dripping with intrigue. "Tell me, dear Mirabel, what did you find there amidst the shadows and moonlight? Secrets, perhaps? Or perhaps something far more enticing?”

Mirabel's breath caught in her throat, caught between the allure of Medea's words and the warning whispers of her own intuition. Before Mirabel could respond, Hypnosia interjected, her ethereal voice slicing through the tension like a chill wind. "And why would she, sister dear, when your garden is but a thicket of secrets and deceit?”

Medea's eyes narrowed, a dangerous glint dancing in their depths. "Ah, but secrets, dear sister, are the currency of the night. And deceit? Merely a dance we all must learn to master.”

The two sisters locked gazes, sparks of ancient rivalry crackling between them like lightning in a stormy sky. Mirabel watched in silence, caught between their opposing forces, until finally, unable to contain themselves any longer, they erupted into a whirlwind of bickering and barbs, their words a symphony of discord in the stillness of the night.

Medea's lips curled into a sly smile, her eyes dancing with mischief. "Your garden, sister? A mere patch of moonlight and flowers. But mine? Ah, mine is a labyrinth of intrigue and allure," she declared, her voice dripping with honeyed venom.

Hypnosia's expression remained stoic, though a flicker of annoyance flashed in her eyes. "Intrigue, you say? More like a maze of shadows and lies. You weave your spells like a spider, ensnaring all who dare to venture near," she retorted, her voice carrying a cool edge of disdain.

"And what of your dreams, dear sister?" Medea countered, her tone mocking. "A realm of fleeting fantasies, soon forgotten with the light of dawn."

"Dreams, yes, but dreams hold power," Hypnosia countered, her voice tinged with conviction. "They whisper truths that your shadows dare not speak."

"Truths? Ha!" Medea scoffed, her laughter ringing like silver bells in the night. "Your truths are but illusions, fleeting as mist in the morning sun."

"Illusions?" Hypnosia's voice grew sharper, her gaze piercing. "And what of your charms, sister? A facade to hide the darkness that lurks within.”

The soft echo of a knock interrupted the tense exchange between Medea and Hypnosia. With a creak, the door swung open, revealing Eirene standing in the threshold, her expression a mosaic of concern and shock. Her usually serene countenance was marred by furrowed brows and widened eyes, a silent testament to the gravity of the situation.

Mirabel watched Eirene's reaction with growing fascination, her curiosity piqued by the unexpected display of emotion from the usually composed nymph. What secrets lay beneath the surface of Medea's enigmatic persona to stir such unrest in Eirene and Hypnosia? The air crackled with unspoken tension as Mirabel pondered the mysteries that shrouded Medea's presence like a cloak of shadows.

"Medea, a pleasure," she acknowledged, her tone carrying a hint of tension. "Come, Mirabel, let us depart," she urged, her words flowing with a sense of urgency.

"So rude, Eirene, indeed, you and my sister are one and the same." Medea replied, her gaze lingering on the rush Eirene was making to get Mirabel away from her, amusem*nt dancing in her eyes.

"Worried I'll ruin the impressionable?" Her words dripped with sarcasm, a sly grin playing at the corners of her lips.

"And rightfully so," Hypnosia interjected, her patience wearing thin as she waved Eirene and Mirabel away, her eyes on the brink of rolling in exasperation. Today had been a lesson indeed, she mused, her astonishment mounting at the palpable annoyance radiating from Hypnosia.

On their journey homeward, Eirene gently pressed Mirabel with inquiries. “Did she do anything?” Mirabel shook her head, she then paused, tilting her head, “Why are both of you so cautious around Medea?” Mirabel asked, her voice lilting in curiosity as she stared at Eirene’s worried visage.

“It's..." Eirene sighed softly, her voice carrying the weight of contemplation. "Medea's reputation precedes her. Stories of her command over shadows and her elusive demeanour have traversed realms. Yet, it's not solely her prowess that gives us pause. It's... it's the uncertainty that surrounds her. The sense that her thoughts remain veiled, and her true motives elusive.”

"I see," Mirabel murmurs, her voice soft but tinged with a hint of apprehension. She pauses, her gaze drifting to the horizon as she contemplates Eirene's words. "I suppose it's natural to be wary of what we don't understand," she continues, her tone reflective. "But there's something about Medea... something that draws me in, despite the warnings.”

Mirabel turns her gaze back to Eirene, her eyes searching for reassurance. "Do you think she means us harm?”

A gentle sigh escapes her lips, her expression troubled yet resolute, ”As much as I wish to foster unity among us, dear Mirabel, there are currents in the river of fate that must be navigated with care. Medea's path, though intriguing, is fraught with perilous undertows that may pull the unwary into treacherous waters.”

Her expression grim as she places a comforting hand on Mirabel's shoulder, her touch imbued with protective warmth "For your safety, dear one, I must advise caution. Until the stars align more favourably, it would be wise to keep a prudent distance from Medea's enigmatic embrace. Your well-being is my paramount concern, and I shall not allow any harm to befall you under my watchful gaze.”

Mirabel's response is one of gratitude mixed with a hint of reluctance. She meets Eirene's troubled gaze with a gentle nod, acknowledging the gravity of her words.

"I understand, Eirene," Mirabel murmurs, her voice soft but resolute. "Thank you for your concern and guidance. I trust your judgment, and I'll heed your advice.”

She offers a faint smile, attempting to reassure Eirene even as uncertainty gnaws at her own heart. Eirene smiles back, her brows relaxing in relief as she asked about her day, their footsteps quiet in the tranquil night.


So, they next chapter! and probably my longest one to date. What so you think? How are the ocs, because I feel like I'm not really writing their relationship perfectly? Like I feel like its a bit rushed sometimes but going through every single thing she does would be too tedious, so I feel like I can't seem to strike a balance between it.

Anyways, hope you like it!

Chapter 23: The Hypnagogic Glade: Part IV


Mirabel seeks answers about her identity amidst confusion and deception.


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

Mirabel and Melia nestled amidst a tapestry of vibrant blossoms, each petal adorned with the glistening remnants of a recent rain shower. The air was alive with the sweet fragrance of jasmine and honeysuckle, mingling with the earthy aroma of damp soil. Sunlight filtered through the emerald canopy above, casting a dappled kaleidoscope of light upon the verdant landscape.

Melia, her verdant locks aglow in the golden rays, moved gracefully through the garden, her nimble fingers weaving delicate forget-me-nots into Mirabel's hair. The azure petals shimmered with dewdrops, their tiny droplets refracting the sunlight into a myriad of prismatic hues. Against the backdrop of Mirabel's midnight-black hair, the vibrant blossoms seemed to radiate with an otherworldly luminescence, their delicate beauty stark against the dark cascade of her tresses.

As Melia worked, Mirabel’s alabaster wings unfurled behind her, radiant and ethereal in the gentle sunlight. The delicate feathers of her wings shimmered with an otherworldly luminescence, their edges blurring between transparency and solid white, like wisps of gossamer caught in a celestial breeze.

As Mirabel animatedly discussed the ancient tome she had immersed herself in, the air around them seemed to crackle with the energy of her excitement. Melia's interruption pierced the air, her voice carrying a subtle urgency that belied the serenity of their surroundings. The tension in her shoulders was palpable, a silent echo of the weighty revelation she was about to impart. As she spoke, the rustle of leaves in the gentle breeze seemed to hush, as if nature itself were holding its breath in anticipation of her words.

"Mirabel, wait," Melia interjected, her voice a soft yet firm command that demanded attention. The words hung in the air, pregnant with unspoken meaning, as if the very fabric of reality trembled in anticipation of what was to come. "Before you delve too deeply into that," she continued, her tone laced with a sense of foreboding, "there's something important I need to tell you.”

As Melia’s words hung in the air, the atmosphere around them seemed to shift, a subtle undercurrent of tension weaving through the tranquil glade. Mirabel could sense it in the way Melia's usually bright demeanour dimmed, replaced by a solemnity that mirrored the weight of her words.

"What is it, Melia?" Mirabel inquired, her voice a gentle caress against the backdrop of nature's symphony. The rustle of leaves overhead and the distant chirping of birds formed a natural chorus to their conversation.

Melia leaned in closer, her features etched with concern, the usual spark of joy in her eyes replaced by a somber intensity. "It's about Medea," she began, her voice soft yet earnest, carrying the weight of unspoken caution. "I know you're curious, but please, be cautious around her. It's better not to get too close.”

Mirabel nodded, the gravity of Melia's warning settling like a heavy cloak around her shoulders. Her excitement tempered by the concern in Melia's voice, she couldn't help but recall similar advice from Eirene. The memory brought a furrow to her brow.

“I've heard similar advice from Eirene. She warned me to stay away from Medea.” Mirabel admitted.

“Eirene's right to be cautious.” Melia said, her voice tinged with unease. “There's something about Medea that... unsettles me. I don't want to see you get hurt, Mirabel.”

Uncomfortable, Mirabel shifted the conversation, attempting to lighten the mood. "Did I tell you about my meeting with Medea?" she asked, her voice deceptively light.

Melia sighed as she nodded. "Yes, I heard about it. That's why I wanted to warn you. Please, say you'll be careful, Mirabel. Trust your instincts and stay safe.”

Mirabel offered a reassuring smile, her eyes reflecting gratitude. "I know, Melia. I'll tread carefully," she replied, a sense of resolve lacing her words.

Melia sighed softly, her voice carrying a hint of sadness. "Just tell me you won't let that curiosity lead you into danger, Mirabel," she implored, her concern palpable in the gentle touch of her hand.

"Ok, Melia. Thank you for looking out for me," Mirabel replied, her voice filled with gratitude and a sense of awe at the concern of her friend. As the conversation with Melia came to a close, Mirabel felt a weight settle in the pit of her stomach. The tranquility of the garden seemed to fade into the background, replaced by a sense of unease that gnawed at the edges of her thoughts.

With a heavy heart, Mirabel retreated to the quiet solitude of her alcove, seeking solace in the familiar pages of her journal. The soft rustle of parchment filled the air as she opened the leather-bound tome, the blank pages waiting patiently for her to fill them with her thoughts and fears.

As Mirabel flipped through the weathered pages of her journal, she couldn't help but marvel at how quickly time seemed to slip through her fingers. It had been roughly two months since she arrived on the island, seeking refuge from a past that still haunted her every waking moment. Eleven months since she had run away, desperate to escape the pain and trauma that threatened to consume her whole.

Her thoughts drifted back to the dreams that had plagued her since her arrival, the cryptic messages whispering secrets she had struggled to decipher, so starkly clear now. They were a constant reminder of the past she so desperately tried to forget, a shadowy spectre that lurked just beyond the edges of her consciousness.

As she delved deeper into the memories, Mirabel felt herself teetering on the brink of despair, the weight of her past threatening to drag her under. With a shaky breath, she forced herself to focus on the present, desperate for any distraction that would pull her back from the abyss.

Turning her attention to the ancient tome that lay before her, Mirabel sought solace in the words of those who had come before her. Yet, as she attempted to immerse herself in the words of the past, her mind remained clouded by a relentless storm of thoughts and memories.

The script danced before her eyes, swirling and distorting into incomprehensible shapes. Each word seemed to mock her, taunting her with its elusiveness as she struggled to grasp even a shred of understanding.

Her heart raced in her chest, a frantic rhythm that echoed the frantic pace of her thoughts. Panic surged through her veins like wildfire, consuming her from within as she fought to regain control.

But the harder she tried to focus, the further the words slipped from her grasp, slipping through her fingers like grains of sand. Each attempt to make sense of the jumbled mess only served to deepen her sense of helplessness and despair.

With a desperate grasp at Eirene's teachings, Mirabel attempted to summon the calming breaths she had practiced under the nymph's gentle guidance. But as she drew in the air, she found her lungs constricted, the oxygen failing to reach the depths of her being where the panic resided.

Frustration mingled with her fear, each shallow inhale a reminder of her inability to find peace amidst the chaos raging within. She could hear Eirene's soothing voice in her mind, urging her to focus on the rhythm of her breath, to let it anchor her amidst the storm. Yet try as she might, the storm refused to abate, its winds whipping her thoughts into a frenzy.

With a resigned sigh, Mirabel closed off her senses, shutting out the world around her in a desperate bid to escape the turmoil within. The sounds of the garden faded into a distant hum, the vibrant colours of the flowers blurring into an indistinct haze.

Numbness enveloped Mirabel like a thick fog, blurring the edges of her perception and dulling the sharpness of her senses. It was as though she were cocooned in a hazy veil, disconnected from the world around her yet unable to escape the turmoil within.

Sensations became muted echoes of their former selves. The vibrant colours of the garden faded into muted shades of grey, their beauty lost in the fog of her mind. The gentle rustle of leaves and the melodious chirping of birds became distant whispers, barely registering against the backdrop of her inner turmoil. Fear, anger, sadness—all seemed to fade into the background, their sharp edges blunted by the suffocating weight of the numbness.

Physically, she felt weightless, as though her body were nothing more than a hollow vessel adrift in an endless sea. Limbs felt heavy and unresponsive, anchored to the ground yet disconnected from her conscious will. Even the air she breathed seemed devoid of life, its taste bland and insipid against her parched lips.

In the grip of this pervasive numbness, Mirabel felt as though she were adrift in a sea of emptiness, disconnected from the world around her and from her own self. It was a sensation both eerie and disconcerting, leaving her feeling hollow and lost amidst the swirling currents of her own mind.

As the day wore on, she found herself in the company of Galene, her hair held up by silver and pearls this time. Mirabel found herself going through the motions of her lesson with Galene, her movements strangely disconnected from the world around her, she felt as though she were merely a spectator in her own body.

As they concluded their lesson, Galene's words seemed to drift in and out of Mirabel's consciousness, her mind preoccupied with the lingering unease that had taken root within her. It was as if she were watching herself from a distance, her actions guided by muscle memory rather than conscious intention.

When it came time to practice her watercoloring, Mirabel struggled to focus her thoughts, her hands moving with a hesitant uncertainty across the canvas. Each stroke felt clumsy and disjointed, lacking the fluidity and precision that had once come so naturally to her.

Galene watched with growing concern as Mirabel's usual confidence seemed to wane, her movements faltering as if weighed down by an invisible burden. Sensing her student's distress, Galene gently suggested they focus on practicing Mirabel's water powers instead, hoping to offer a distraction from whatever troubled her.

But even here, Mirabel found herself grappling with a sense of detachment, her attempts to channel the water's energy met with frustration and resistance. The control she had once wielded with ease now felt frayed and unreliable, slipping through her fingers like grains of sand.

Despite her best efforts, Mirabel found herself reverting to the familiar techniques she had already mastered, clinging to them like a lifeline in the midst of her uncertainty. Each movement felt strained and forced, lacking the fluidity and grace that had once defined her abilities.

As the lesson drew to a close, Mirabel couldn't shake the feeling of disquiet that lingered within her, a nagging sense of inadequacy that gnawed at the edges of her consciousness. It was as though she were standing on the precipice of a vast and unknown abyss, unsure of what lay beyond.

With a heavy sigh, Mirabel gathered her belongings and prepared to take her leave from Galene's side. Yet, despite the warmth of the summer evening and the gentle breeze that ruffled her feathers, her mind remained clouded with conflicting thoughts. As if compelled by an invisible force, Mirabel found herself turning to Galene, her voice hesitant yet determined to seek answers to the questions that plagued her mind.

"Galene," Mirabel began, her words tinged with uncertainty, "what do you think of Medea?”

Galene paused, her azure eyes reflecting the shifting hues of the ocean depths. "Medea?" she echoed, her voice soft yet contemplative. "She's... intriguing, to say the least.”

Mirabel nodded, eager for Galene's insight into the enigmatic figure who had captured her curiosity. "But do you trust her?" she pressed, her voice tinged with a note of apprehension.

Galene hesitated, her gaze drifting out towards the horizon where the sea met the sky. "Trust is a complicated thing, Mirabel," she mused, her words carrying the weight of experience.

"I admire Medea's intelligence and resourcefulness, there's no denying that. But... she's also unpredictable, and at times, her ambitions can be... overwhelming.” Mirabel listened intently, absorbing Galene's words with a mixture of apprehension and curiosity.

"So you're saying she's dangerous?" she ventured, her voice barely above a whisper.

Galene's expression softened, a gentle smile playing at the corners of her lips. "Not necessarily dangerous, Mirabel," she replied, her tone reassuring. "But she's certainly not someone to be underestimated. Just... tread carefully, and trust your instincts.”

Mirabel nodded, "Thank you, Galene," she murmured, her voice filled with sincerity. "I'll keep that in mind."

As the day waned and the sun dipped below the horizon, Mirabel found herself wandering through the tranquil glades of the forest, the fading light casting long shadows across the verdant landscape. Her steps were slow and contemplative, the gentle rustle of leaves beneath her feet the only sound in the stillness of the evening.

Yet, amidst the serene beauty that surrounded her, Mirabel grappled with conflicting emotions. Frustration knotted her jaw as she navigated the winding paths, her movements erratic against the smooth cobblestones. Each step felt heavy and laboured, as though she were wading through molasses, her motions sluggish and uncoordinated.

Mirabel couldn't shake off the heavy cloak of numbness that enveloped her, dulling the sharp edges of her emotions and leaving her feeling disconnected from the world around her. It was as though a thick fog had descended upon her consciousness, blurring her thoughts and muffling the intensity of her feelings. As she absentmindedly brushed her fingertips against the velvety petals of a rose bush, the softness offered no comfort against the turmoil brewing within her. The sensation was muted, dulled by the overwhelming weight of her conflicting emotions.

Lost in thought, Mirabel barely noticed her wings dragging behind her awkwardly, almost as if they were playing a game of peek-a-boo with the shadows. The war Eirene had mentioned lingered like a dark cloud over Mirabel's thoughts, its absence from the ancient books echoing louder than any tale told. The very silence surrounding it sent shivers down her spine, a haunting reminder of the magnitude of the unspoken horrors.

Mirabel couldn't help but wonder about the significance of this gaping void in history. What secrets lay buried beneath the surface of those untold stories? What cataclysmic events had transpired, leaving scars too deep for words to heal and what did they have to do with her? The questions swirled around her like shadows in the twilight, elusive and enigmatic, teasing at the edges of her consciousness.

The constriction in her chest tightened, a persistent ache that seemed to gnaw at her insides, just out of her grasp like an elusive itch.With each passing moment, the numbness threatened to suffocate her, its grip tightening with each laboured breath. Yet, beneath the surface, the ember of frustration continued to smoulder, a constant reminder of the turmoil that churned within.

It was infuriating, to feel so lost and helpless, to have no answers to the questions that plagued her mind. The timeline of events remained frustratingly vague, teasing her with the promise of understanding yet always just out of reach.

The garden, usually a sanctuary, felt suffocating today. Mirabel's gaze darted from one vibrant bloom to another, yet all she saw were reminders of the unanswered questions plaguing her thoughts. The gentle rustle of leaves overhead offered no solace, each whisper seeming to mock her with its elusive secrets.

Her wings, usually a source of freedom and grace, twitched with restless energy, betraying the unease churning within her. With each faltering step, she felt the weight of the unknown pressing down upon her, a suffocating presence that threatened to overwhelm her.

With a weary sigh, Mirabel closed her eyes and drew in a deep breath, willing herself to find solace in the stillness of her surroundings. The gentle rustle of leaves overhead and the soft chirping of birds provided a soothing backdrop to her turbulent thoughts, offering a brief respite from the storm brewing within. The air was heavy with the scent of damp earth and dew-kissed blossoms, their delicate perfume mingling with the subtle hint of something sweet and slightly musky, like the lingering embrace of twilight.

As she rounded a corner, a sudden shift in the atmosphere drew Mirabel's attention, pulling her from her reverie with an abrupt jolt. She froze in place, the hairs on the back of her neck prickling as a familiar scent wafted towards her, wrapping around her senses like a silken shroud.

With a sharp inhale, Mirabel's nostrils filled with the aroma of nightshade, its fragrance a faded blend of honeyed sweetness and undertones of vanilla. The scent stirred something deep within her, a primal instinct that sent a shiver of apprehension cascading down her spine.

Turning slowly, Mirabel's gaze fell upon the figure standing before her, a mysterious smile playing at the corners of her lips like a hidden treasure waiting to be discovered. It was Medea, her presence as enigmatic as ever, her eyes sparkling with an unreadable glint.

Mirabel was caught off guard by Medea's sudden appearance, her breath hitching in her throat. Despite the curiosity tugging at her, she struggled to fully connect with the reality of the moment, her mind drifting like a ship lost at sea.

The corners of Medea's lips curled upwards in a subtle arc, the curve of her smile exuding an air of enigmatic confidence that filled Mirabel with a sense of unease. It was the kind of smile that danced upon the edges of allure and menace, drawing others in with its tantalising charm while simultaneously erecting barriers of mystery and intrigue.

As Mirabel watched, transfixed by the play of light and shadow across Medea's features, she couldn't help but feel a sense of disquiet settle over her. There was something inherently unsettling about the way Medea carried herself, as if she held the weight of the world's mysteries upon her shoulders and revealed in the power of her own enigma.

Yet, despite the undercurrent of tension that pulsed beneath the surface of their interaction, there was also a palpable sense of assurance in Medea's demeanour. Her leather-gloved fingers deftly manipulated the silver smoking pipe in her grasp, tapping it with a rhythmic cadence that mirrored the beat of Mirabel's racing heart.

Each tap of the pipe echoed through the stillness of the pavilion, a subtle reminder of Medea's quiet confidence and unwavering self-assurance. It was as if she existed outside the realm of mortal concerns, a creature of shadow and smoke who danced upon the edges of darkness with effortless grace.

As Mirabel stood there, caught off guard by Medea's sudden appearance, a whirlwind of emotions churned within her. Despite her attempts to gather her thoughts and address the situation at hand, she felt as though she were drifting through the scene rather than actively participating in it.

Her gaze, though fixed upon Medea, seemed to falter at the edges, as if her mind were unable to fully process the reality of the moment. The whirlwind of emotions that churned within her—curiosity, trepidation, and a faint undercurrent of apprehension—seemed to swirl like distant echoes in the recesses of her mind, their intensity dulled by the fog of her detachment. Gathering her thoughts, she summoned the courage to break the uneasy silence that hung between them.

"Medea," Mirabel began tentatively, her voice soft and unsure, "what brings you here?" Her eyes darted around, searching for Eirene, a subtle gesture betraying her intentions.

Her words lingered in the air, a delicate balance of invitation and caution. Mirabel's curiosity was evident, her gaze fixed on Medea with a mixture of fascination and wariness, unsure of what to expect next.

Medea's smirk widened at Mirabel's question, her eyes glittering with amusem*nt as she observed the younger girl’s cautious demeanour. Her wings fluttered nervously, betraying the anxiety that her composed exterior did not reveal. Only the slight rigidity of her spine hinted at the tension coursing through her body, Medea observed as she leaned casually against a nearby tree, the silver smoking pipe held loosely in her hand. Her relaxed posture stood in sharp contrast to Mirabel’s tense demeanour.

"What brings me here, you ask?" Medea's voice was smooth as velvet, laced with a hint of mystery. "Why, the same thing that draws the moth to the flame or the tide to the shore." She paused, letting her words hang in the air, a subtle invitation to unravel the enigma she presented. Her lips curled into a sly smile as she observed Mirabel's guarded and dazed demeanour, the subtle flicker of uncertainty in her eyes betraying her wariness. It amused Medea to no end, the way the younger girl danced around her, like a delicate flower caught in a web of intrigue.

"Curiosity," Medea replied, her voice laced with amusem*nt, "a desire to see where the winds of fate might lead us, my dear Mirabel. After all, what could be more intriguing than the unexpected encounters that grace our path?”

Mirabel shifted uneasily, uncertain about how much she should reveal or if she should simply walk away. She glanced at Medea's lounging posture, at the tilt of her head, and the glint in her eyes, reminiscent of a predator toying with its prey.

Medea's smirk deepened, her gaze lingering on Mirabel with a knowing glint. "Ah, so you return from your lessons with Galene," she remarked, her voice carrying a note of understanding. "Yet here you stand, within the sanctuary of Eirene's garden once more. Tell me, little sea dweller, what draws you back to this tranquil haven?”

Mirabel's surprise showed briefly before she composed herself, her guarded demeanour slipping ever so slightly as Medea's insight breached her defences. Though her initial reaction was one of surprise, there was also a glimmer of curiosity that stirred within her, a spark of interest in the enigmatic figure before her. It was as though a dormant ember had been reignited, casting a warm glow amidst the cold haze of her detachment.

Yet, even as Mirabel's curiosity flickered to life, she remained cautious, her instincts warning her to tread carefully in the presence of one as unpredictable as Medea. The conflicting emotions swirling within her—surprise, curiosity, and a faint undercurrent of wariness—began to chip away at the numbness that had held her in its grip, like cracks forming in a thick layer of ice.

"I find solace in the tranquility of Eirene's garden," Mirabel replied, her tone measured yet tinged with curiosity. “I find it a haven amidst the chaos of the world, a place where one can seek refuge.”

She paused, her gaze steady as she considered Medea's probing question. "As for my lessons with Galene," Mirabel continued, her voice laced with a hint of suspicion, "How did you come by that information? Did you hear about it from Hypnosia, perhaps?”

Medea's lips curled into a sly smile, a glint of amusem*nt dancing in her eyes as she regarded Mirabel with a knowing gaze.

"Hypnosia?" she mused, her tone tinged with a hint of mischief. "Ah, yes, dear sister. Always with her ear to the ground, isn't she?”

There was a subtle undercurrent of satisfaction in Medea's voice, as if she found amusem*nt in the thought of her sister unwittingly divulging information. Yet, beneath her playful facade, there lingered a sense of calculation, as if she were carefully weighing her words before revealing too much.

"But enough about her," Medea continued, her gaze lingering on Mirabel with unabashed curiosity. "Tell me, little sea dweller, what secrets do you seek to uncover beneath the waves? What do you hope to unlock, with Galene's guidance?”

Her question was laden with layers of meaning, a subtle invitation for Mirabel to reveal more about herself while simultaneously probing for any hidden motives or desires. Mirabel hesitated for a moment, her gaze flickering with a mix of uncertainty and guarded curiosity. She had not expected Medea to be aware of her lessons with Galene, and the realisation sent a ripple of unease through her.

"Galene..." Mirabel trailed off, choosing her words carefully as she sought to navigate the delicate balance between honesty and caution. "She... teaches me about the sea, about its power and its secrets."

There was a note of hesitation in Mirabel's voice, a subtle indication of her wariness at revealing too much to someone she barely knew. Her gaze lingered on Medea, her curiosity piqued by the enigmatic figure before her. There was something about Medea that stirred a sense of fascination within her, a magnetic pull that she couldn't quite resist. Despite the wariness that tugged at the edges of her mind, Mirabel found herself drawn to the mystery that surrounded Medea like a cloak of shadows.

As she observed Medea's subtle movements and cryptic smile, Mirabel couldn't help but wonder what lay beneath the surface of this mysterious woman. What drove her to seek out Mirabel's company in the tranquil confines of Eirene's garden? Was it mere curiosity, or something more?

For Medea, it was a different story altogether. Boredom had long been her constant companion, a relentless shadow that followed her wherever she went. As a being who had lived for centuries, the monotony of existence weighed heavily upon her, driving her to seek out new sources of amusem*nt wherever she could find them.

And in Mirabel, she had found just that—a rare gem amidst the dullness of her immortal life. The circ*mstances of Mirabel's presence among the nymphs, in a time when such alliances were scarce since the war, further fuelled Medea's curiosity. As Mirabel's frustration peaked and she turned to leave, Medea's voice cut through the air like a whisper of darkness, stopping her in her tracks.

"Ah, but Mirabel," Medea purred, her tone taking on a sinister edge, "perhaps you hold more than just the light that guides your way. After all, what is a sea dweller without secrets flickering in the depths?”

Mirabel froze, a chill creeping up her spine as she turned slowly to face Medea, her eyes narrowing with confusion. The hairs on the back of her neck prickled as Medea's words sank in, the implications swirling through her mind like a stormy sea.

"What... what do you mean?" Mirabel asked, her voice trembling with uncertainty. "I don't understand.”

Medea's smile widened, a predatory gleam dancing in her eyes as she stepped closer, her presence suffocating in its intensity.

"Oh, my dear Mirabel," she murmured, her voice a low murmur that sent shivers down Mirabel's spine. "You may think yourself ordinary, but there are forces at play that would beg to differ. You are not like the others, bound by the chains of mortality. No, you possess a power that few can comprehend.”

The words hung in the air like a heavy fog, obscuring Mirabel's thoughts as she struggled to make sense of Medea's cryptic revelation. She felt as though she were standing on the edge of a precipice, teetering on the brink of a truth that threatened to shatter her reality.

"But... but I'm just a girl," Mirabel protested weakly, her voice trembling with uncertainty. "I don't understand what you're saying.”

Medea's smirk twisted into a knowing grin, her eyes alight with amusem*nt as she regarded Mirabel with a mixture of fascination and contempt.

"Oh, Mirabel," she murmured, her voice dripping with mockery, "you are so much more than just a girl. You are a vessel of power, a beacon in the darkness, whether you choose to acknowledge it or not.”

The revelation struck Mirabel like a bolt of lightning, jolting her from the numbing haze that had shrouded her senses and electrifying her senses as she struggled to come to terms with the truth of Medea's words. But even as the weight of Medea's revelation settled upon her shoulders, Mirabel couldn't shake the feeling of unease that gnawed at the edges of her consciousness. There was something about Medea's words, something sinister and foreboding, that sent a chill down her spine.

As Medea's cryptic words continued to swirl around Mirabel like a tempest, frustration bubbled within her, simmering just beneath the surface. She had grown weary of the enigmatic dance that Medea seemed so fond of, the constant twists and turns of her riddles leaving Mirabel feeling more confused and disoriented than ever before.

"I've had enough of your games, Medea," Mirabel snapped, her voice tinged with irritation as she glared at the woman before her. "If you have something to say, then say it plainly. I'm tired of your cryptic riddles and half-truths."

Medea's smirk faltered for a moment, surprise flickering across her features before it was quickly replaced by a mask of indifference. She regarded Mirabel with a cool detachment, her eyes glittering with amusem*nt.

"My, my, such fire in your words, Mirabel," Medea remarked, her tone dripping with mock concern. "But perhaps it is not I who speaks in riddles, but rather the truth that eludes you."

Mirabel gritted her teeth in frustration, her patience wearing thin as she struggled to contain the storm of emotions raging within her. With a frustrated sigh, she turned on her heel and began to walk away, her steps heavy with the weight of unresolved tension.

"I don't have time for this," Mirabel muttered under her breath, her voice barely above a whisper. "I need answers, not mind games."

As she disappeared into the shadows of the forest, the echoes of her frustration lingered in the air. And as the darkness closed in around her, Mirabel couldn't help but wonder if the truth she sought would ever be within her grasp.

Mirabel rushed towards her alcove, her wings dragging behind her like weighted anchors, a burden she had grown accustomed to but one that still weighed heavily upon her. Each step felt heavier than the last, the weight of her thoughts pressing down upon her like an unseen force. The vibrant hues of the flowers seemed to blur together, their once vibrant colours muted by the shadow of her unease.

As she moved through the garden, the air crackled with tension, a palpable echo of her frustration. The gentle rustle of leaves overhead sounded like a chorus of whispers, their hushed tones mirroring the tumultuous thoughts racing through Mirabel's mind. The scent of blooming jasmine and honeysuckle hung heavy in the air, mingling with the earthy aroma of damp soil. But instead of offering solace, the fragrance seemed to suffocate her, a constant reminder of the weight of the secrets she carried.

In the distance, the tranquil melody of a babbling brook provided a soothing backdrop to her chaotic thoughts. But even the gentle babble of water seemed to taunt her, its rhythmic flow a stark contrast to the turbulent currents churning within her. As she reached her alcove, a sense of urgency gripped Mirabel, driving her onwards despite the heaviness of her limbs. The soft petals of the flowers brushed against her fingertips as she moved, their delicate touch a fleeting reminder of the beauty that surrounded her.

Was what she was intricately woven into the fabric of this conflict? And if so, what did it mean for her? The notion unsettled her, stirring up a storm of uncertainty and doubt. Medea's cryptic words lingered, haunting her thoughts like shadows in the night. ‘A vessel of power, a beacon in the darkness.’ The implications of those words sent a shiver down her spine. Was she not truly human, as Medea seemed to suggest? Was there something more to her identity, hidden beneath the surface?

Doubt gnawed at Mirabel's mind as she considered Medea's motives. Could she trust the words of someone so enigmatic, someone who seemed to revel in ambiguity and manipulation? The uncertainty gnawed at her, casting a shadow over her already turbulent thoughts. The memory of her death resurfaced, the trauma of that fateful day etched into her consciousness like scars upon her soul. She wasn't human. Not anymore. Not since the moment she drew her last breath all those years ago. The realisation sent shockwaves through her, shaking the very foundation of her identity.

Within Mirabel, frustration churned like a fiery inferno, threatening to consume her from within. She clenched her fists, nails digging into her palms, as she grappled with the uncertainty of her own identity. What was she, if not human? Did she not have the right to know the truth about herself?

Mirabel stumbled inside her alcove, her heart pounding with a mix of desperation and determination. With trembling hands, she reached for the stack of books piled haphazardly in the corner, each one a potential source of answers.

The leather-bound tomes and weathered scrolls whispered promises of hidden knowledge as she rifled through them, their pages fluttering like eager companions in her quest for understanding. But as she delved deeper into their contents, her hopes began to wane.

With a furrowed brow, she flipped through the first tome, her eyes scanning each line with a desperate intensity. But as she turned page after page, her hopes dwindled with each empty passage, leaving her grasping for answers in a sea of uncertainty.

With a frustrated sigh, she set aside the first book and reached for the next, her movements quickening with a sense of urgency. Yet once again, her efforts proved fruitless as she found nothing but silence within its pages.

Undeterred, Mirabel cast her gaze across the cluttered expanse of her alcove, her eyes alighting on a stack of books piled high on the farthest shelf. With a sense of trepidation, she reached for them, her heart pounding in anticipation of what she might find.

Page after page blurred together in a whirlwind of frustration, the words becoming indistinguishable as she frantically scanned each passage for any mention of a creature born from death or something akin to her powers. However, every time she encountered a reference that seemed promising, it was inevitably contradicted by some conflicting detail or inconsistency. Like a mirage in the desert, the answers she sought seemed to shimmer tantalisingly close before slipping away, leaving her grasping at shadows in her search for truth.

A sudden realisation dawned on her, a flicker of insight that cut through the haze of her panic. With renewed determination, she returned to the pile of books, her movements swift and purposeful as she combed through them once more.

Mirabel's heart quickened as her fingers brushed against the edges of the books. It was as though an invisible force guided her, drawing her attention to the subtle imperfections that had eluded her before. With a mounting sense of anticipation, she opened each book, her breath catching in her throat as she discovered the telltale signs of tampering.

In the dim light of her alcove, the torn pages stood out like glaring scars against the otherwise pristine surface of the books. Each tear was precise, methodical, as though someone had meticulously combed through the pages, extracting only the information they deemed necessary while leaving the rest behind.

The edges of the torn pages were jagged, the remnants of once-precious knowledge now reduced to tattered fragments. Mirabel ran her fingers along the ragged edges, tracing the lines of each tear with a mix of curiosity and trepidation.

As she examined the torn pages more closely, she noticed something odd—the tears were not random but deliberate, as though someone had targeted specific passages with surgical precision. It was as though they had been searching for something, extracting morsels of information while discarding the rest.

As she pored over the torn pages, Mirabel's mind raced with questions. Who had done this? And more importantly, why? What secrets lay hidden within the pages of the books, and what did they have to do with her?


So, here's the next chapter! First of all, a big thank you for all your advice; it really helped me write this chapter. Please share your thoughts. What stood out to you? I'll be diving into a chapter on the Madrigals soon. Do you have a favorite original character so far? Anyways, I hope you enjoy it!

Chapter 24: The Madrigals and Mirabel


We get a peak into the Madrigals, and the aftermath of Mirabel's discovery.


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

The room was shrouded in a heavy silence, the air thick with unspoken grief and despair. Sunlight filtered weakly through the curtains, casting long shadows across the cluttered space. Dust motes floated lazily in the slanting rays, undisturbed by the stagnant air. Julieta lay motionless on her bed, a mere shell of her former self, her eyes vacant and distant as she stared off into the emptiness of her room. Pepa sat beside her, a steadfast presence amidst the swirling storm of emotions that threatened to consume them both. Her hand rested gently on Julieta's shoulder, offering silent support and understanding in the face of overwhelming sorrow.

Julieta's voice broke the silence, raw with anguish and self-doubt. "I'm a horrible mother," she whispered, her words barely audible above the hushed stillness of the room. "I lost Mirabel... just like I lost Bruno.”

Pepa's heart ached at the pain etched across Julieta's features, the weight of her words like a heavy burden pressing down upon them both. She reached out, enfolding Julieta in a tender embrace, offering solace in the midst of her despair.

"We were all at fault," Pepa murmured softly, her voice a gentle reassurance amidst the turmoil. "We lost them together, Julieta.”

"Julieta," Pepa's voice was a soft murmur, barely above a whisper, yet it cut through the oppressive silence like a knife. "It's time to move on.”

Julieta's eyes, hollow and vacant, shifted to meet her sister's gaze, a flicker of resistance mingled with desperation. Pepa continued, her tone gentle but resolute. "I know you lost one daughter, but don't neglect the others. They need you, Julieta.”

Julieta's breath hitched, a fresh wave of guilt washing over her. Pepa's grip tightened, her fingers pressing into Julieta's shoulder with a firm yet tender insistence.

"I'm not saying to forget Mirabel," Pepa continued, her eyes glistening with unshed tears. "We will never stop looking for her, never stop thinking of her. But we must use this guilt, this pain, to change. We have to let it go, for the sake of those who are still here, who still need us.”

The words pierced through Julieta's numbness, each syllable a pinprick that slowly drew her back to the present. The wall of stoic resignation she had built around herself began to crumble, giving way to a torrent of pent-up emotion. Julieta's face contorted, her lips trembling as the first sob escaped her. She clung to Pepa, her body shaking with the force of her grief, each sob a raw, unfiltered release of the agony she had held inside for so long.

Julieta wiped her tears, her breath still coming in shaky gasps. "You're right, Pepa," she whispered, her voice hoarse from crying. "I can't keep doing this. I need to be there for them."

Pepa nodded, a soft smile breaking through her own tears. "No one's asking you to get back to work right away," she said gently. "I'll handle Mama. You just focus on yourself and your daughters.”

They hugged, a tight embrace that conveyed a depth of emotion words could never capture. For the first time since Bruno left, they felt a connection, a heart-to-heart that had been long overdue. It was as if the weight of their shared grief had brought them closer, mending the rift that had slowly formed between them over the years. Unbeknownst to them, the house seemed to respond to their reconciliation. The cracks in the walls, which had mirrored their family's fractures, began to heal. The edges of the cracks faded into the walls, still present but slowly mending. It was a subtle transformation, but it signified hope and renewal. It was a start. The room, which had been a place of despair, now held a faint glimmer of promise. The bond between the sisters had strengthened, and with it, the foundation of their home began to restore itself. In that moment of vulnerability and connection, they took the first step toward healing, both within their hearts and within the walls of their beloved Casita.

On the other end of the house, Luisa sat on the edge of the old wooden bench, her powerful frame hunched over, shoulders shaking with quiet sobs. The shadowed sunlight painted her in shades of melancholy, the long shadows dancing around her as if it were sharing her sorrow. Her tears fell silently, darkening the fabric of her dress in irregular patterns. Agustin knelt beside her, his own weariness evident in every line etched into his face. Dark circles underlined his eyes, the skin there bruised with fatigue. His hair, usually neatly combed, now stuck out in disheveled tufts, and his clothes were wrinkled, hanging loosely as if he’d dressed in a hurry and hadn’t bothered to fix them all day. Despite his own exhaustion, his focus was entirely on his daughter. He reached out with one hand, rough and calloused from work, gently touching her arm, a gesture of comfort and reassurance.

“Luisa,” he said softly, his voice cracking with the weight of unspoken worries and sleepless nights. “What’s wrong, mi hija?”

Luisa tried to speak, but her voice broke, and another wave of tears streamed down her cheeks. The bench creaked under her as she shifted, burying her face in her hands. Agustin’s heart ached at the sight, and he gently pulled her into an embrace. The scent of the earth and the faint sweetness of the flowers in the garden mingled with the salt of her tears. He held her, his fingers threading through her hair, once so immaculately tied back, now falling in loose strands around her face. The air was cool, but Agustin’s embrace was warm, a small island of solace in her sea of despair. Luisa's sobs gradually quieted, her breaths coming in ragged gulps as she clung to him, seeking the comfort only a father could provide.

Luisa lifted her head from her father’s shoulder, her eyes red-rimmed and glassy with tears. She drew in a shaky breath, the words spilling out in a rush, raw and unfiltered. “Papa, I’ve been so tired... My gift, it’s fading. I can’t lift as much, and I feel weak. It’s my fault Mirabel disappeared. If I had been stronger, if I had done more, maybe she’d still be here.”

Agustin blinked, dazed by the torrent of her confession. The flood of words hung in the air, heavy and suffocating. He tightened his grip on her shoulders, anchoring himself in the reality of her pain. For a moment, he felt lost, the weight of her words pressing down on him, but then he shook himself free from the fog of his own exhaustion.

“No, Luisa,” he said firmly, his voice cutting through the haze of her despair. “It is not your fault that Mirabel disappeared.”

Luisa looked at him, her eyes brimming with doubt. The anguish in her gaze mirrored his own, a shared torment that gnawed at both of them. She looked just as haggard as he did, her face pale and drawn, the vitality drained from her usually vibrant expression. Agustin noticed the dark circles under her eyes, the way her shoulders slumped as if the weight of the world was pressing down on her.

“When was the last time you took a break?” he asked, his voice softening with concern.

Luisa blinked, her brow furrowing as she tried to recall. The days had blurred together into an endless cycle of work and worry, leaving no room for rest. She opened her mouth to answer but found she had none. The realisation hit her like a physical blow, and she looked away, ashamed.

Agustin sighed, his heart aching for her. “You can’t keep doing this to yourself,” he said gently. “You need to rest, to take care of yourself. Mirabel wouldn’t want you to suffer like this.”

Luisa bit her lip, tears welling up again. “But I feel so useless, Papa. If I’m not strong, what am I?”

“You are my daughter,” Agustin said, his voice filled with conviction. “You are Luisa, and you are more than just your strength. We all have our limits, and it’s okay to need help. It’s okay to rest.”

She leaned into him again, the tension in her body slowly easing. The garden around them, usually so vibrant and full of life, seemed muted in the fading sunlight, the flowers drooping slightly as if in sympathy with their sorrow.

Agustin held her close, the steady beat of his heart a comforting rhythm against her ear. “We’ll find Mirabel,” he promised, his voice a whisper. “But we need you to be well, Luisa. We need you to take care of yourself, too.”

Agustin gently pulled back to look into Luisa’s eyes, his expression a mix of determination and tenderness. The dim light of the sun cast long shadows across their faces, making the lines of worry and fatigue even more pronounced.

“You need to take a break,” he said firmly. “The town can handle a day without you, or even a few days. They’ll manage, Luisa. You’ve done so much already.”

Luisa shook her head, her tears glistening in the fading light. “I have to help, Papa. There’s always so much to do. And Abuela... she won’t agree to me taking a day off.”

Agustin’s face softened with a resolute kindness. “I’ll handle Abuela,” he promised. “You don’t have to worry about her. All you need to focus on is resting.”

Luisa hesitated, her brow furrowing with concern. The thought of stepping away from her responsibilities, even for a day, seemed impossible. But as she looked into her father’s eyes, she saw the unwavering support there, the assurance that he would stand by her side and face whatever challenges came their way.

“Papa, I...” she began, but the words caught in her throat.

“Trust me,” Agustin said gently. “Just rest.”

As he spoke, the house around them seemed to respond to his words. The cracks that had marred the walls for so long started to fade, the jagged edges softening as if the very structure of the house was drawing strength from their moment of connection. It was a subtle change, almost imperceptible, but it was there—a quiet promise of healing.

Luisa finally nodded, her resistance crumbling under the weight of her father’s compassion. “Okay, Papa,” she whispered, her voice trembling with relief and exhaustion.

Agustin pulled her into a tight embrace, his hand gently stroking her hair. The garden around them, bathed in the warm hues of sunlight, seemed to hold its breath, as if sharing in their moment of solace. The air was filled with the sweet scent of blooming flowers, a soft breeze rustling the leaves in a soothing symphony. As they stood there, the cracks in the house continued to heal, the edges blending seamlessly into the walls. It was a small, almost invisible sign of progress, but it was enough. It was a start.

Inside, in the dim, muted light of her room, Isabela sat alone on her bed, her usually pristine posture slumped with an unfamiliar heaviness. Her fingers absently twisted a strand of her dark hair, her eyes fixed on the floor, vacant and unfocused. The room, once vibrant with a riot of blooming and flowers, now felt stifling and cold, the petals wilted and the leaves tinged with brown. The air, once perfumed with the sweet scent of blossoms, now held a stagnant stillness, reflecting the gloom that had settled in her heart.

"Nine months," she whispered, the words a mantra she couldn't escape. "Nine months.”

The echo of her own voice felt hollow, almost ghostly, as it filled the silent room. Mirabel had been gone for nine long months, and the weight of her absence was a constant, gnawing presence. In the beginning, the townspeople had rallied around them, their support a fragile lifeline. But as weeks turned into months, the solidarity had fractured. Some townsfolk returned to their demanding ways, their voices grating against Isabela's frayed nerves, their expectations an unbearable burden.

"Nine months," she repeated, her voice barely more than a breath.

A chasm had opened in the town, a palpable divide that mirrored the fissures in her own heart. Those who had once been close, friends and neighbours who had shared their joys and sorrows, now kept their distance, their gazes averted and their voices hushed. The warmth of community had given way to a cold, uneasy silence, and Isabela felt adrift in the sea of isolation.

She stood up slowly, her movements lethargic, and walked over to the window. The view outside, once a source of comfort, now seemed bleak and uninviting. The garden below, usually a kaleidoscope of pink hues, was muted and dull. She pressed her forehead against the cool glass, her breath fogging up a small circle.

"Nine months," she murmured again, the words tinged with a despair that seeped into her bones.

The room was heavy with the scent of earth and decaying petals, the remnants of her once-celebrated gift now a stark reminder of her inability to change the past. She could still hear the whispers, the quiet conversations that ceased when she entered a room, the pitying looks that made her skin crawl. Each day without Mirabel felt like an eternity, each passing month a deeper descent into a grief that seemed endless.

The weight of her sister's disappearance bore down on Isabela like a crushing weight, pressing against her chest until it felt impossible to draw breath. She was a horrible sister, she thought bitterly, her own insecurities magnified by the gaping void left in Mirabel's absence. Camilo had been right all along, his words a sharp dagger that pierced through her defences, leaving her raw and exposed.

What was the last thing she said to Mirabel? When was the last time she hugged her? The questions haunted Isabela, taunting her with their unanswerable echoes. Nine months had passed, and in that time, memories had blurred and faded, leaving only a hollow ache in their wake. She tried to grasp onto fragments of their shared past, but they slipped through her fingers like grains of sand, leaving her grasping at shadows.

And then, in a sudden, overwhelming rush, the floodgates of Isabela's grief burst open. It wasn't the pretty, gentle crying that Abuela would have expected from her, the delicate tears that could be wiped away with a silk handkerchief. No, it was an ugly, gut-wrenching wail, a primal scream of anguish and despair that tore through her like a hurricane.

Her cries echoed off the walls of her room, mingling with the soft rustle of the curtains and the faint hum of the night outside. In that moment, all pretence fell away, leaving Isabela raw and exposed, her pain laid bare for all to see. Her sister was gone, and the weight of that loss threatened to consume her whole.

As Isabela's sobs wracked her body, she clung to the memories of Mirabel, each one a precious lifeline in the sea of her despair. She remembered their laughter, their shared secrets, the warmth of Mirabel's embrace, those memories were so far away.

The flowers in her room, once a testament to her power, now stood as silent witnesses to her sorrow. Their faded beauty a reflection of the void left by Mirabel's disappearance, a void that no amount of magic could fill. The petals, fragile and brittle, fell one by one, the soft sound barely audible but each drop a hammering reminder of time slipping away. Beneath the wilted flowers, the walls, once sturdy and grand, now bore cracks that snaked across their surface like veins of despair. The floors, too, showed signs of wear, their once-smooth surface marred by jagged lines that mirrored the shattered pieces of a broken heart.

"Nine months," she whispered through her tears, the words a solemn vow and a lament. "Nine months, and you're still not here."

At the same time, Alma sat, in the quiet solitude of her room, her brow furrowed in deep contemplation as she wrestled with the fragments of her dream. It had been months since the vision had first visited her in the dead of night, yet its haunting echoes still lingered in the recesses of her mind, refusing to be silenced.

The dream was elusive, slipping through her grasp like smoke on the wind, yet one thing remained clear amid the haze of confusion. She was destroying the family, the very foundation upon which their legacy stood. The house, a symbol of their safety, teetered on the brink of collapse, its once-sturdy walls threatened by unseen forces. And at the heart of it all, the candle—the flickering flame that had illuminated their path—was in danger of being snuffed out forever.

As Abuela traced the lines of the dream in her mind's eye, a sense of urgency gripped her heart like a vice. She knew she couldn't ignore the warning, couldn't dismiss it as mere fancy or superstition. No, it was a message—a dire prophecy that demanded her attention. With a heavy heart, Abuela recalled the morning after the dream, the confusion that had clouded her thoughts as she descended the stairs to Isabela's chamber. She had sought solace in her granddaughter's presence, hoping to dispel the lingering unease that clung to her like a shroud. Yet even as she posed the question—was she truly unhappy? Was her family unhappy?— the answer a negative, still eluded her.

She refused to believe that she was the harbinger of destruction, convinced instead that every action she took was in service of protecting the fragile miracle that bound their family together. It was a conviction born of love, a fierce dedication to safeguarding their legacy at any cost. But even as she clung to this belief, the world around her seemed to echo with discordant whispers of doubt. Behind her, unseen and unnoticed, the walls began to tremble, fissures spreading like tendrils of darkness across the aging plaster. Fracture lines snaked their way across the surface, weaving a delicate web of destruction that crept ever closer.

As the new day dawned, casting its golden hues across the tranquil landscape, Eirene's keen eyes caught sight of Mirabel's weary form. There was a haggardness to her features, a weariness that belied a night spent in restless turmoil. Shadows lingered beneath her eyes like darkened crescents, evidence of a sleepless night that had left its mark upon her.

In their usual spot amidst the garden, where the gentle melodies of nature often served as a soothing backdrop to their therapy sessions, Mirabel's restlessness was palpable. Her movements were fidgety, her hands unable to find solace as they twisted and turned in her lap, her wings fluttered restlessly as though it longed to fly free. A nervous energy seemed to course through her body, manifesting in the way her fingers drummed impatiently against her thighs. With each passing moment, the tension in Mirabel's body seemed to escalate, a coiled spring waiting to be released. Her shoulders were hunched, her posture tense, as if she were bracing herself against an invisible force that threatened to overwhelm her. Every movement was fraught with an underlying sense of urgency, a desperate need to escape the confines of her own restless mind.

Yet, despite her best efforts to maintain composure, Mirabel's facade of calm began to crumble. A frustrated sigh escaped her lips, a small yet telling sign of the inner turmoil that raged within. It was as though she were fighting a battle on two fronts—struggling to contain the storm that raged within while also striving to appear composed in the presence of Eirene. The air between them seemed to thicken with tension as Mirabel's frustration bubbled to the surface like a simmering cauldron. Her eyes bore into Eirene's, searching for answers amidst the veil of secrecy that surrounded them. With each passing moment, the weight of unanswered questions pressed down upon her like a leaden cloak, threatening to suffocate her with its oppressive presence.

"Why?" The word escaped Mirabel's lips in a whispered plea, heavy with the weight of centuries of curiosity. "Why are there torn pages in the books? What happened?”

Eirene's response came in the form of a weary sigh, her expression tinged with regret as she met Mirabel's gaze. "Centuries ago," she began, her voice carrying the weight of ancient secrets, "there were events that transpired... events that shook the very foundations of our world. The torn pages are remnants of a time long past, a time of chaos and upheaval.”

Mirabel's frustration only seemed to grow, her brows furrowing in confusion and anger. "But why keep it hidden?" she pressed, her voice tinged with desperation. "If I can't find the answers in the books, where else can I look? Don't I have the right to know?”

Eirene's response was measured, her tone gentle yet firm as she met Mirabel's gaze with unwavering resolve. "You have every right to seek the truth, Mirabel," she replied, her words carrying the weight of wisdom earned through centuries of existence.

Eirene's expression softened, a hint of sadness in her eyes as she met Mirabel's gaze. "I'm sorry, Mirabel," she murmured, her voice tinged with regret. "You have every right to seek the truth, but there are forces at play beyond our control. My hands are tied in this matter, and there are some truths that I cannot reveal."

Mirabel's frustration simmered beneath the surface, her heart heavy with disappointment at Eirene's response. She had hoped for answers, for clarity amidst the murky waters of uncertainty. But now, faced with Eirene's reluctance to divulge the secrets of the past, she couldn't help but feel a sense of defeat wash over her like a crashing wave, dragging her further into the depths of frustration and despair. Mirabel stormed away from Eirene's dwelling, her steps heavy with frustration, each footfall echoing through the forest like a silent protest. The canopy of trees loomed overhead, their branches reaching out like accusing fingers, casting eerie shadows upon the forest floor below.

With each passing moment, Mirabel's anger simmered beneath the surface, a tempest raging within her as she struggled to contain the storm of emotions threatening to consume her. She longed to lash out, to scream into the void and demand answers to the questions that haunted her restless mind. But instead of succumbing to the urge to unleash her fury upon the world, Mirabel sought solace in the only sanctuary she knew—the open sky. With a determined flick of her wings, she launched herself into the air, her body soaring effortlessly into the heavens.

The rush of wind against her face, the exhilarating sensation of weightlessness as she glided through the air—it was a balm to her frayed nerves, a fleeting moment of respite amidst the chaos of her thoughts. For a brief instant, she felt truly free, unencumbered by the burdens that weighed her down. But as she climbed higher into the sky, a sense of unease began to gnaw at the edges of her consciousness. Her wings, once strong and sure, began to falter, their rhythm disrupted. Panic surged within her chest as she struggled to maintain altitude, her heart pounding in her ears like a drumbeat of dread.

The world spun around her in a dizzying blur as she hurtled towards the ground, her wings flailing in a futile attempt to regain control. With a sickening lurch, Mirabel felt herself plummeting towards the earth below, her stomach lurching as the ground rushed up to meet her. With a resounding splash, Mirabel crashed into the cool waters of a nearby lake, the shock of impact jolting her senses back to reality. Gasping for breath, she thrashed in the water, her limbs heavy with exhaustion as she fought to keep herself afloat amidst the churning currents.

Mirabel's lungs burned as she fought to break the surface of the river, but with each frantic kick, her mind was pulled deeper into a whirlpool of memories. Images flashed before her eyes, vivid and haunting, as if the past were reaching out to claim her once more. She was seven years old again, her small body gripped by rough hands, merciless and cruel. The taste of saltwater filled her mouth, drowning out her desperate cries as she struggled against the relentless pull of the currents. The men surrounding her wore twisted smiles, their laughter echoing in her ears like a sinister symphony.

Fear clawed at her chest, squeezing her heart with icy fingers. Each gasp for air felt like a battle against the weight of the ocean itself, dragging her down into its dark depths. The water closed in around her, a suffocating embrace that threatened to swallow her whole. As she struggled against the weight of her past, Mirabel's vision blurred, her senses overwhelmed by the suffocating embrace of the lake. Panic surged through her veins, a primal scream building in her throat as she fought against the relentless pull of the water.

As Mirabel's trembling form was hoisted from the water's icy embrace, she found herself enveloped in a tumult of conflicting emotions. The overwhelming rush of fear and panic threatened to drown her once more, sending her spiralling into a state of numb detachment as she struggled to make sense of the chaos raging within. Through the haze of her disorientation, a figure materialised before her, their features blurred and indistinct against the backdrop of her fractured reality. It was Medea, her presence a disconcerting blend of familiarity and enigma, her piercing gaze boring into Mirabel's soul with unsettling intensity.

With a trembling breath, Mirabel attempted to focus her gaze, to anchor herself in the present moment. But the world seemed to spin and sway around her, her vision swimming with a dizzying array of colours and shapes. She blinked, her eyes struggling to regain their focus as she stared up at Medea, her expression a mask of confusion and vulnerability.

In the midst of her daze, a sharp snap echoed through the air, jolting Mirabel from her stupor with a suddenness that bordered on violence. She flinched instinctively, her muscles tensing as she recoiled from the unexpected sound, her senses overwhelmed by the onslaught of stimuli assaulting her fragile psyche. Curling into herself, Mirabel sought refuge from the onslaught of sensations, her trembling form trembling as she withdrew into the safety of her own mind. The world around her faded into a blur of noise and motion, her consciousness retreating into the recesses of her fractured psyche as she struggled to fend off the overwhelming tide of emotions threatening to engulf her once more.

Medea's keen gaze swept over Mirabel's trembling form, noting the subtle signs of distress that betrayed the turmoil raging within her fragile psyche. Despite Mirabel's attempts to mask her inner turmoil, Medea's acute perception caught the telltale signs of her silent struggle. Mirabel's movements were sluggish and disjointed, her once graceful gestures reduced to a series of jerky, involuntary motions. She rocked back and forth with a rhythmic cadence, the motion barely perceptible save for the subtle shifting of her weight against the ground. Her fingers traced aimless patterns against her nails, a nervous tic born of her mounting anxiety.

The expression on Mirabel's face was a mask of blankness, devoid of any discernible emotion save for the faint glimmer of fear that flickered in the depths of her vacant eyes. Her breath came in shallow gasps, each inhalation a struggle against the invisible weight pressing down upon her chest. Medea's mind raced as she assessed the situation before her, grappling with the unfamiliar territory of dealing with Mirabel's silent panic attack. The urgency of the moment spurred her to action, her thoughts racing as she searched for a way to break through to the younger girl.

With a furrowed brow, Medea stepped closer to Mirabel, her voice soft yet firm as she sought to penetrate the fog of confusion that enveloped her. "Mirabel," she began, her tone gentle yet commanding, "listen to me. I need you to focus, to come back to me.”

But as the seconds stretched into eternity, it became painfully clear that Mirabel was beyond reach, her vacant gaze fixed on some distant point that lay beyond Medea's grasp. The weight of her silence hung heavy in the air, a barrier that seemed insurmountable in the face of Medea's efforts. Medea racked her brain for a solution, her thoughts racing like wildfire through her mind. The urgency of the moment spurred her to action, prompting her to resort to the only strategy she could think of—distract her.

With a furrowed brow, Medea posed a riddle to Mirabel, her voice soft yet firm as she sought to penetrate the fog of confusion that enveloped the younger girl's fragile mind. But as the seconds stretched into eternity, it became painfully clear that Mirabel was beyond reach, her vacant gaze fixed on some distant point that lay beyond Medea's grasp. As Medea persisted in her attempts to distract Mirabel from the grip of her silent panic, she settled on a different approach, hoping to find some semblance of clarity in the fog of confusion that shrouded the younger girl's mind.

"Tell me, Mirabel," Medea began, her voice gentle yet insistent, "do your lungs burn?”

For a fleeting moment, confusion flickered across Mirabel's features, her brow furrowing as she struggled to make sense of Medea's question. But then, like a distant echo reaching her from some far-off place, understanding dawned in her eyes, and she shook her head faintly in response. Medea seized upon the thread of thought, tugging gently in hopes of breaking through the haze that clouded Mirabel's mind.

"A sea dweller like you cannot drown," Medea murmured, her voice a soothing whisper amidst the tumult of Mirabel's thoughts. "If you were human, perhaps. But you are not human, are you?”

The words hung in the air, pregnant with significance, as Mirabel's head snapped towards Medea, her gaze locking onto the enigmatic figure before her. For a fleeting moment, the fog that had shrouded her mind seemed to part ever so slightly. Mirabel's eyes widened in surprise at the confirmation as Medea’s lips quirked up ever so slightly. Mirabel’s brows furrowed as she opens her mouth to answer, her tongue heavy like lead as her head pounded.

Medea melted seamlessly into the shadows, just as Hypnosia emerged from the darkness, her silhouette illuminated by the soft glow of sunlight filtering through the dense canopy above. A furrow creased her brow, a silent testament to the concern etched upon her features as her gaze fell upon Mirabel, who stood before her, drenched and disoriented.

The air crackled with tension as Hypnosia's eyes narrowed in scrutiny, taking in the sight of Mirabel's trembling form with a mixture of curiosity and apprehension. She stepped forward cautiously, her movements deliberate as she closed the distance between them, her brow furrowing further in concern.

"Mirabel," Hypnosia murmured, her voice gentle yet tinged with worry. "What has happened to you?" Her words hung in the air, a subtle inquiry that masked the deeper currents of concern swirling beneath the surface.

Mirabel's gaze flickered towards Hypnosia, her expression a mask of bewilderment as she struggled to make sense of the tumultuous whirlwind of emotions raging within her. The events of the day had left her shaken and disoriented, her mind reeling from the revelation that had been thrust upon her with startling clarity.

As she stood before Hypnosia, her senses still reeling from the trauma of her silent panic attack, Mirabel found herself at a loss for words. How could she begin to explain the maelstrom of thoughts and emotions that churned within her, threatening to overwhelm her fragile grasp on reality? With a weary sigh, Mirabel shook her head, her lips parting in a silent plea for understanding. Hypnosia's concern was palpable, a tangible presence that enveloped her like a comforting embrace, yet Mirabel couldn't bring herself to voice the turmoil that raged within her soul.

As the twilight faded into darkness, the stars cast its ethereal glow upon the forest, Hypnosia led Mirabel through the winding paths, her steps deliberate yet gentle as she guided Mirabel towards the sanctuary of her home. The air was thick with the scent of earth and night-blooming flowers, the soft rustle of leaves overhead a soothing melody that echoed through the tranquil glades.

Upon reaching her house, Hypnosia ushered Mirabel inside, the warm glow of lamplight casting dancing shadows across the walls. The cozy interior enveloped them like a comforting embrace, offering respite from the chaos of the outside world.

Hypnosia moved with practiced grace, fetching a soft blanket to cocoon Mirabel in its warmth. With gentle hands, she wrapped the blanket around Mirabel's trembling form, tucking it snugly around her shoulders like a protective shield against the cold. Turning her attention to the hearth, Hypnosia set a pot of moonflower tea to steep, the fragrant aroma filling the air with its calming presence.

The delicate scent mingled with the soft crackle of the fire, creating an atmosphere of serenity that enveloped them like a cloak. Once the tea was ready, Hypnosia poured a steaming cup for Mirabel, the delicate porcelain warming her chilled fingers. She offered it to Mirabel with a gentle smile, her eyes filled with silent understanding and compassion.

"Here, Mirabel," Hypnosia murmured, her voice a soothing whisper. "Drink this. It will help calm your nerves and ease your mind." Her words were a balm to Mirabel's frazzled senses, offering a glimmer of hope amidst the darkness that threatened to consume her.

Mirabel took the cup gratefully, cradling it in her hands as she inhaled the fragrant steam rising from its depths. The warmth of the tea seeped into her bones, chasing away the chill of the night and soothing the ache of her weary soul. As she sipped the tea, Hypnosia watched over her with a quiet vigilance, her presence a reassuring anchor in the stormy sea of Mirabel's emotions.

With each sip, Mirabel felt herself drifting closer to the embrace of sleep, the weight of her burdens growing lighter with each passing moment. With a gentle smile, Hypnosia offered Mirabel a soft pillow and a warm blanket, her voice a gentle murmur as she encouraged her sister to rest.

"Close your eyes, Mirabel," Hypnosia whispered. "I will stay with you until sleep claims you. You are safe here, in my care. Let go of your worries and surrender to the peace of dreams."


The next chapter! I hope you liked it, what do you think? Leave your thoughts in the comments below!

Chapter 25: The Hypnagogic Glade: Part V


Mirabel and Medea talk, things happen, the plot moves forward.


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

Mirabel wandered through the forest, her steps heavy and dragging as if each one took an immense effort. Her wings, usually aglow with a heavenly light, were dim and ruffled, lugged behind her like a dead weight. The world around her seemed muted, the vibrant greens and blues of the foliage dulled by the fog of her exhaustion. She couldn't escape the relentless cycle of her dreams, the horrifying repeats of that day seared into her mind, replaying with cruel precision.

Her breath came in shallow, weary gasps as she thought of the suffocating terror of drowning. The memory was so vivid she could almost feel the icy water closing over her, the crushing pressure against her chest. Her lungs burned as she struggled for air that wasn't there, panic clawing at her insides as she was pulled deeper into the darkness. The water was cold, seeping into her bones, numbing her from the inside out.

She shuddered, wrapping her arms around herself as if to ward off the chill. The summer breeze brushed against her skin, warm and gentle, but it did nothing to dispel the lingering cold of her memories. Her fingers brushed the bark of a nearby tree, the rough texture grounding her for a moment before she sank back into her thoughts.

The drunk men loomed large in her mind, their leering faces twisted with cruelty. She remembered the ruthless beatings, each blow landing with a sickening thud, the pain radiating through her body. Their mocking laughter echoed in her ears, a soundtrack of her torment that she couldn't silence. The scent of booze, sharp and acrid, filled her nostrils, mingling with the phantom taste of blood and fear.

She closed her eyes, trying to escape the sensory overload. The forest around her was peaceful, the air filled with the sweet scent of blooming flowers. She could hear the birds chirping in the distance, their songs a stark contrast to the jeers that haunted her. The sounds of life carried on, oblivious to her internal struggle.

Mirabel sank to the ground, her back against a tree, the bark digging into her skin. She held a book in her hands, the pages rough and familiar beneath her fingertips. It was a small comfort, a tenuous link to the present as she fought against the weight of her memories. But her exhaustion was overwhelming, a constant drag on her spirit that left her feeling hollow and spent.

With a sigh, she let her head fall back against the tree, the cool shade offering a brief respite from the relentless heat of the day. Her body ached with fatigue, every muscle screaming for rest, but her mind refused to quiet. She was trapped in the liminal space between waking and dreaming, unable to escape the horrors that pursued her, unable to find peace in the present.

With a shaky breath, she opened the worn pages of a book, its cover faded and edges frayed from countless readings. She forced her eyes to focus on the text, her gaze settling on the rune Raidho. The intricate symbols blurred before her eyes, refusing to coalesce into coherent meaning. Her mind, dulled by the relentless cycle of nightmares and waking dread, could barely grasp the words.

Her eyes moved sluggishly over the lines, attempting to absorb the description of Raidho—the rune of new beginnings and journeys. But the sentences trailed off into nothingness, the meaning slipping through her fingers like grains of sand. Each word felt distant and hollow, as if separated from her by an insurmountable gulf.

She shifted restlessly, the rough bark of the tree at her back a stark contrast to the smoothness of the pages. Her fingers brushed absently over the book's surface, the texture a faint distraction. Yet, no matter how she tried, the act of reading provided no solace. It was a futile effort to escape the prison of her thoughts.

Mirabel's body was taut with a restless energy, her muscles twitching involuntarily. She startled when her wing suddenly lashed out in a jerky weighted move, she could feel the gnawing ache of her fatigue, a relentless reminder of her sleepless nights and the weight of her nightmares. Her breath came in uneven gasps, her chest rising and falling with a shallow rhythm that mirrored the erratic beat of her heart.

The forest around her was filled with the sweet scent of blooming flowers, a stark contrast to the acrid stench of booze that haunted her memories. The cheerful chirping of morning birds seemed almost mocking, a cruel juxtaposition to the mocking leers that echoed in her mind. She closed her eyes, trying to ground herself in the present, but the darkness behind her lids only amplified the relentless parade of haunting images.

With a frustrated sigh, Mirabel let the book slip from her fingers, the soft thud as it hit the ground barely registering in her tired mind. She wrapped her arms around her knees, drawing them close to her chest as if trying to protect herself from the onslaught of her own thoughts. The listlessness seeped into her very being, an all-encompassing weariness that threatened to consume her entirely.

A presence enigmatic and subtly disconcerting took over the vast space of the forest, Medea emerged, her presence was as unsettling as ever. She moved with a fluid grace, her dark eyes glinting with an unsettling knowledge that always set Mirabel on edge. Medea’s attire was a blend of rich fabrics that seemed to shift colour with the light, and her long, flowing hair framed a face that was both beautiful and inscrutable. She exuded a mysterious allure, every movement confident and deliberate, as if she held secrets that the world was not yet ready to uncover.

“Reading something interesting?” Medea’s voice was casual, but there was an undercurrent of tension that Mirabel couldn't ignore. She felt a prickle of unease, her wariness sharpening.

Mirabel’s response was guarded, her tone flat with fatigue. “Just trying to learn more. It doesn’t always make sense.”

Medea took a slow drag from her pipe, the smoke curling around her in tendrils. The scent was potent—sweet and stinging, a blend that was almost intoxicating. As the tendrils of smoke from Medea's pipe curled through the air, weaving a delicate dance around Mirabel, they carried with them more than just a sweet and stinging aroma. They carried memories, buried deep within the recesses of Mirabel's mind, memories she had long tried to suppress.

At first, it was just a faint whiff, a fleeting sensation that pricked at the edges of her consciousness. But as the scent grew stronger, it became a tangible presence, wrapping around her like a suffocating blanket, dragging her back to a place she had fought so hard to forget. The memory surged violently to the surface, crashing over Mirabel with the force of a tidal wave. She was seven years old again, small and helpless, the rough hands of the men grabbing her, their grip like iron as they dragged her towards the river, her head pounding from the harsh assault.

The fear was overwhelming, a primal instinct that threatened to consume her whole. She struggled against their grasp, her heart pounding in her chest, but it was futile. They were too strong, too determined to inflict their cruelty upon her. And then came the moment of betrayal, the moment they hurled her into the icy depths below. The shock of the cold enveloped her, stealing her breath away as she plunged beneath the surface. The water burned her eyes, her throat, her lungs, as she fought desperately for air, for escape from the relentless grip of the water.

But there was no escape, only darkness and suffocation and the relentless onslaught of terror. It was a memory etched into her very soul, a wound that refused to heal, no matter how hard she tried to bury it beneath layers of denial and repression.As the memory washed over her, Mirabel felt herself unraveling, her grip on reality slipping away like grains of sand through her fingers. The present dissolved around her, replaced by the all-encompassing nightmare of her past.

Mirabel’s breaths came in short, ragged gasps, each one more desperate than the last. It felt like her lungs were constricting, a vice tightening around her chest with each inhale. Colours bled into one another, shapes twisting and distorting until they were unrecognisable. The vibrant greens of the leaves turned murky and ominous, the shadows beneath the trees stretching like sinister claws. The air grew thick and heavy, pressing in on Mirabel from all sides. It felt suffocating, as though the very atmosphere was conspiring to choke the life out of her.

Medea’s eyes widened with a mix of concern and surprise. She stepped forward, placing a cool, firm hand on Mirabel’s shoulder. “Breathe with me, Mirabel,” she commanded gently, her voice a steady anchor in the storm of Mirabel’s panic. “In and out. Focus on my voice.”

Mirabel tried to concentrate on Medea’s words, the firm grip on her shoulder a lifeline pulling her back to reality.“Feel the ground beneath your feet, the air in your lungs. You’re safe now. Focus on the present.”

Slowly, painfully, Mirabel’s breathing began to regulate. The haze of panic receded, and the forest around her came back into focus. She felt vulnerable, the raw edges of her trauma exposed, but also a profound sense of gratitude. Medea had yet again seen her through the darkest moments, she wanes’t sure how she felt about that.

As Mirabel’s thoughts cleared, she looked up at Medea, her eyes filled with a mixture of vulnerability and appreciation. “Thank you,” she whispered, her voice trembling but sincere.

"Is everything alright, Mirabel?" she asked, her voice gentle yet probing.

In the wake of her gratitude, however, a heavy silence settled over Mirabel. The weight of her trauma pressed down on her chest, making it hard to speak. Mirabel's voice trembled as she began to speak, each word weighed down by the heavy burden of her trauma. It felt like trying to navigate a labyrinth in the dark, unsure of what lay around each corner.

She hesitated often, her sentences trailing off into uneasy silence as she grappled with the memories clawing at the edges of her consciousness. But Medea was like a skilled puppeteer, pulling invisible strings to coax Mirabel's story from her lips. With each subtle question and gentle prompt, she guided Mirabel through the tangled maze of her thoughts and emotions.

"It's alright, my dear," Medea murmured, her voice a soothing balm against the raw edges of Mirabel's pain. "Take your time. There's no need to rush. I'm here for you, every step of the way.” It was as if Medea could see right through her, peeling back the layers of her defences with unnerving precision.

Mirabel felt exposed beneath Medea's scrutiny, like a butterfly pinned to a board for inspection. She couldn't help but notice the way Medea's gaze lingered a fraction longer than usual, or the subtle shift in her demeanour when certain details were revealed. It was as though Medea were unraveling her secrets thread by thread, unraveling the fabric of her being with every passing moment. Mirabel's drummed furiously in her chest as she teetered on the edge of disclosure, her words poised to spill forth like a floodgate about to burst. But even as she opened her mouth to speak, a wave of apprehension washed over her, sending her thoughts careening into a tumultuous whirlpool of uncertainty.

She hesitated, her voice faltering as she struggled to find the courage to reveal the depths of her pain. It was as though each word were tethered to her soul, dragging her deeper into the murky waters of her memories. Despite the overwhelming urge to unburden herself, a part of Mirabel remained anchored to the safety of silence, wary of the consequences of laying bare her innermost fears and insecurities.

And yet, despite the discomfort that gnawed at her, Mirabel found herself opening up in ways she never thought possible. It was as though Medea's presence had a hypnotic effect, drawing out truths she had long buried beneath layers of denial and repression. Eventually, Medea's probing inquiries drifted into the quiet ether, dissipating like smoke in the wind as Mirabel retreated into the recesses of her own thoughts. Each question hung in the air, unanswered and unacknowledged.

Sensing Mirabel's withdrawal, Medea's lips curled into a reassuring smile. With a subtle shift in conversation, she steered their dialogue toward the ancient runes, spinning a web of words that bridged the realms of past and present. But even as Medea spoke, a faint unease crept into the edges of Mirabel's consciousness, a whispering voice of caution that echoed in the depths of her mind. It was a subtle sensation, a tingling at the nape of her neck, a prickling of unease that refused to be ignored.

Mirabel's senses remained on high alert, attuned to the subtle shifts in Medea's demeanour, the fleeting glimmers of emotion that flickered across her regal features. It was as though her very instincts were sounding a silent alarm, warning her to tread carefully in the presence of this mysterious figure. She felt a palpable shift in the air as she sat across from Medea, the cooling sunlight casting dancing shadows on the forest floor . The tension between them was a taut string, ready to snap at any moment. Mirabel's wings, delicate yet strong, rustled slightly as she adjusted her seating, their iridescent hues catching the light and drawing Medea's gaze like a moth to a flame.

Medea's eyes, sharp and calculating, traced the contours of Mirabel's wings with an almost predatory intensity. Mirabel noticed the way Medea's pupils dilated ever so slightly, a sign of her deep, analytical focus. The way Medea's lips curved into a faint, enigmatic smile sent a shiver down Mirabel's spine. It was as if Medea saw more than what was physically present, peeling back layers to reveal hidden truths.

Mirabel's heart pounded in her chest, a rhythmicthumpthat echoed her growing apprehension. She couldn't shake the feeling of being studied, dissected under Medea's penetrating gaze. Her own eyes darted to Medea's hands, elegant and poised, her leather gloved hands empty from the pipe she usually carried. Those hands, Mirabel knew, held power both formidable and ancient.

Pushing down the unease that gnawed at her, Mirabel squared her shoulders and met Medea's gaze head-on. "Tell me more about the runes," she demanded, her voice steady despite the tumult of emotions swirling within her. She refused to be intimidated, to let the unspoken tension sway her resolve.

Medea's smile widened, a gracious acceptance of Mirabel's diversion. "Of course," she replied smoothly, her voice a silken thread weaving through the charged atmosphere. She leaned forward slightly, her eyes never leaving Mirabel's face. "The runes hold the key to understanding the very fabric of our reality. Each symbol is a doorway, a path to untold knowledge."

As Medea spoke, Mirabel noted how her gaze occasionally flickered back to her wings, as if drawn by some magnetic force. The scrutiny was unnerving, yet Mirabel clung to her focus on the runes, forcing herself to ignore the undercurrent of Medea's silent analysis. She absorbed Medea's words, the rich lore, all while feeling the weight of Medea's unspoken questions pressing down on her.

The room seemed to pulse with energy, a heady mix of curiosity, tension, and the unrelenting push and pull between two formidable wills. Mirabel's curiosity about the runes was genuine, but it was also a shield, a way to deflect Medea's probing interest in her. As Medea continued to speak, her voice a melodic cadence that could lull one into complacency, Mirabel couldn't help but wonder what Medea truly saw when she looked at her, and what secrets those piercing eyes were seeking to uncover.

It struck her as peculiar, the ease with which Medea shared such coveted knowledge. For someone with Medea's air of inscrutability and power, information like this surely came with a price. Mirabel couldn't shake the nagging feeling that this favour would have its repercussions, lurking in the shadows, ready to ensnare her when she least expected it.

Yet, as she watched Medea's eyes flicker with that same keen intensity, she realised that this exchange was not entirely one-sided. Medea was gleaning something from her, drawing threads of insight from their interaction. Perhaps, Mirabel mused, this was a form of barter—knowledge for observation. She was as much a subject of study as the runes were.

As the sun dipped below the horizon, the forest around Mirabel and Medea faded into the darkness of night. The once vibrant hues of green and gold gave way to a tapestry of indigo and deep violet, the last vestiges of daylight fading into obscurity. Despite the encroaching darkness, the two remained locked in conversation, their forms illuminated by the soft glow of moonlight filtering through the canopy above. The air hung heavy with the scent of damp earth and pine, the rhythmic chorus of nocturnal creatures providing a melodic backdrop to their discourse.

Medea's voice, smooth and unyielding, brought Mirabel back to the moment. "To decipher a language solely from its patterns... it speaks volumes of your intellect, dear Mirabel. Truly remarkable." she said, her tone carrying an almost genuine admiration.

Mirabel blinked, taken aback by the compliment. It felt like a carefully laid trap, designed to make her lower her defences. She could feel the weight of Medea's gaze, still sharp and probing, searching for cracks in her facade. Mirabel's heart skipped a beat, her mind racing with the possibility that Medea's praise was a ploy, a tool to pry open her thoughts and secrets.

She forced a smile, graciously accepting the compliment with a nod. "Thank you," she murmured, though disbelief gnawed at her insides. She had never considered herself particularly smart or exceptional; her achievements felt like mere accidents of persistence rather than true intellect. The notion that Medea might be using flattery to manipulate her only reinforced her insecurities.

The conversation wound down, the air settled into a heavy silence, filled with the unspoken tension of their exchange. Mirabel's wings twitched restlessly, their subtle movements betraying her inner turmoil. She knew this encounter would linger in her mind, a puzzle piece that refused to fit neatly into place. Medea's compliment echoed in her thoughts, mingling with the doubts and suspicions that clung to her like a second skin. As they parted ways, Mirabel couldn't shake the feeling that she had been both enlightened and ensnared. Medea's words and gaze had left an indelible mark, a reminder that in this world of runes and hidden meanings, nothing was ever truly given freely.

Mirabel walked home, the night air cool against her skin, her thoughts churned with newfound insights and lingering doubts. The cobblestone path beneath her feet was uneven, each step a small jolt that mirrored the uneasy rhythm of her mind. The moon hung low in the sky, its silvery light casting long shadows that seemed to follow her like silent spectres.

The encounter with Medea replayed in her mind, each glance, each word dissected and examined from every angle. Mirabel's wings, now folded neatly against her back, felt heavy with the weight of unspoken questions. She couldn’t shake the feeling that Medea's interest in her was more than just academic. The way Medea’s eyes had traced the contours of her wings, the subtle shifts in her expression—there was something more there, something deeper. Mirabel’s thoughts wandered to her own nature, the very essence of her being that set her apart from the humans around her. She wasn’t human, and the specifics of her existence remained a mystery.

As she walked, the cool night breeze ruffled her hair, carrying with it the faint scent of pine and earth. The stars above twinkled with an otherworldly light, reminding her of the vast unknown that surrounded her. Perhaps Medea was trying to decipher the same enigma that plagued Mirabel’s thoughts. Maybe Medea’s curiosity was driven by a desire to uncover the truth of Mirabel’s origins, to understand the secrets woven into the fabric of her being.

The idea that Medea might know something—or be close to discovering something—about her true nature was both thrilling and terrifying. Mirabel's pulse quickened at the thought. Was that why she had been so intently analysing her, trying to piece together the puzzle of Mirabel's existence? With each step, the questions grew louder in her mind, a cacophony of curiosity and fear. Mirabel's breath came in shallow, thoughtful sighs as she considered the implications. What if Medea held the key for a way to find out what she is? And what would that knowledge cost her?

The night seemed to close in around her, the darkness both comforting and oppressive. The distant hoot of an owl echoed through the trees, a reminder of the nocturnal world that thrived in shadows. Mirabel’s footsteps slowed as she neared the hidden alcove. The encounter with Medea had left her with more questions than answers, but it had also ignited a spark of determination. If Medea was indeed seeking the truth about her, then Mirabel would not shy away, not if it would also benefit her.

The days passed in a blur, each one blending into the next as Mirabel tried to navigate the tumultuous waters of her emotions. At times, she felt a glimmer of hope, a fleeting moment where she believed she was healing, only to be dragged back into the depths by an unexpected trigger. Her progress was erratic, a cruel dance of two steps forward, one step back, leaving her feeling perpetually stuck in a cycle of pain and recovery.

One evening, as the sun cast a warm golden glow over the glade, Mirabel stood before her mirror, a delicate butterfly pin in her hand. The pin, a gift from Eirene, was a beautiful piece of stained glass, its wings an array of amber yellow, fiery red, royal purple, and deep blues. She carefully slid it into her hair, securing a loose strand behind her ear.

As she gazed at her reflection, something caught her eye. Her eyes, once a familiar warm brown, now seemed fractured, as though they were made of jagged shards of glass. The hues of brown and gold within them shifted and churned, creating an unsettling, almost hypnotic effect. She blinked, startled by the sight, the image refusing to settle.

A memory surfaced, unbidden. She was seven years old, drowning in the cold, unforgiving sea. The men who had thrown her in stood above, their leering faces blurring with the water that filled her lungs. When she emerged from the depths, her eyes had changed. At first glance, they looked normal, but upon closer inspection, they held churning glass like gold, the jagged like edges bobbing up and down, out of sight and in view. Now, the effect was even more pronounced. It created a sense of unease in her, the broken mirror like visage inside her eyes.

She tore her gaze away from her eyes and let it travel over the rest of her reflection. Her cheeks, once full and rosy, were still sunken, though she noticed a slight improvement—a whisper of weight returning. The weight loss she had suffered before coming to the glade still clung to her, her eyes appearing almost too large for her gaunt face. Her wings bore heavily upon her hallowed back, their once unyielding weight now somewhat manageable. Despite her efforts, the feathers remained ruffled, mirroring her exhaustion.

Her fingers trembled as she adjusted the butterfly pin one last time, the colours catching the light and casting a kaleidoscope of hues across her face. She took a deep breath, trying to steady herself, but the sight of her own eyes, like churning broken glass, haunted her. As Mirabel stared into the mirror, her reflection blending with the dark memories that haunted her, she couldn’t help but let her mind wander over everything that had brought her to this moment.

Her family, what a beautiful mess they were, a woeful tangle of neglect and misunderstanding. The realisation of her non-human nature only added to her sense of isolation. She wasn't just different; she was something entirely other, an outcast within her own skin.

The memory of her death replayed in her mind with cruel clarity. She could still feel the icy grip of the water, the way it had filled her lungs, stealing her breath and her life. The men who had thrown her in had laughed, their faces twisted with cruelty. The terror of drowning, of feeling her life ebb away while surrounded by indifferent laughter, was a shadow that clung to her, refusing to let go.

Her gaze shifted away from the mirror, landing on the looming vine walls that now encircled the garden. The walls, once verdant and vibrant, seemed oppressive in the dim light, their thick, intertwining vines creating a barrier between her and the outside world. Eirene had constructed them after learning of Mirabel’s meetings with Medea, intending to protect her from further harm. But to Mirabel, those walls felt like a cage, a constant reminder of her entrapment.

Her mouth twisted into a grimace, a complex swirl of emotions playing across her features. There was gratitude for Eirene's concern, a small comfort in knowing someone cared enough to try to keep her safe. Yet, that gratitude was tainted with frustration and resentment. The walls were a physical manifestation of her lack of control, her inability to navigate her own life without intervention.

The garden, once a sanctuary, now felt more like a prison. The lush greenery, the vibrant flowers, and the serene paths were all overshadowed by the imposing walls. Each vine seemed to whisper her confinement, their presence a constant reminder that she was being watched, protected, and ultimately, restricted.

Mirabel sighed, her breath shuddering with the weight of her reflection. The butterfly pin in her hair, a gift of beauty and hope, now felt like a token of irony against the backdrop of her confinement. She touched it gently, her fingers tracing the delicate stained glass wings, and for a moment, she allowed herself to feel the frustration fully.

She stepped away from the mirror and approached the vine walls, her feet moving almost of their own accord. Her wings brushed clumsily against the stone, but she scarcely noticed. The sensation grounded her, pulling her back from the brink of her chaotic thoughts. She could feel the life pulsing within the plants, a stark contrast to the deadness she sometimes felt inside herself.

As she stood there, her hand resting on the vine, Mirabel closed her eyes and took a deep breath. The scent of the garden—earthy, floral, and slightly sweet—filled her lungs, contrasting sharply with the memory of the salty, suffocating seawater. The warmth of the summer breeze brushed against her skin, a gentle reminder that she was still here, still alive, despite everything.

Mirabel paced the garden, her steps quick and agitated against the soft earth. The restlessness within her was a storm, churning with an intensity that made her feel like she might burst. The walls of vines were thick and unyielding, a testament to Eirene's determination to protect her. Mirabel understood the intent behind them; she knew Eirene's actions were born out of love and fear. But understanding did little to quell the bitterness that gnawed at her. She felt like a bird trapped in a gilded cage, safe but unable to spread her wings and soar.

She clenched her fists, her nails digging into her palms as she tried to channel her frustration. The garden, for all its beauty, had become a prison. No one could enter without Eirene's permission, and she couldn't leave. The realisation that she was powerless, that her fate was in someone else's hands, was suffocating.

Mirabel's thoughts circled back to her own nature, the mystery of what she had become since her death. She had died, of that she was certain. The drowning, the cold embrace of the water, the brutal laughter of the men—it was all etched into her memory with a clarity that haunted her dreams. But she had come back, and in her return lay the unanswered question: what was she now?

The bitterness in her chest tightened. Eirene's protective measures, though well-meaning, were keeping her from discovering the truth. Every time she tried to probe, to understand the essence of her being, she was met with walls—literal and figurative. Eirene’s fear was palpable, a shadow that loomed over every interaction they had. It was as if she believed that knowing too much would somehow bring about more harm.

Mirabel stopped pacing and stood still, her eyes scanning the high walls of vines. The setting sun cast long shadows, deepening the green and making the garden feel more like a labyrinth. She closed her eyes and took a deep breath, the scent of earth and flowers filling her lungs. The familiar aroma was comforting but did little to ease the turmoil inside her.

She felt a wave of understanding wash over her, mingling with the bitterness. Eirene's fear wasn't unfounded. Getting involved with Medea was a dangerous thing, and Mirabel had already suffered more than anyone should. But the understanding didn't make the confinement any easier to bear. It didn't quell the burning need to uncover the truth about her existence.

Her eyes snapped open, and she stared at the walls with a mixture of resolve and resentment. She couldn't continue like this, caught between gratitude and frustration, between safety and the desperate need for answers. The garden was a haven, but it was also a cage. And she was tired of feeling like a prisoner in her own life.

Mirabel walked towards the center of the garden, where a small fountain gurgled softly. The sound of the water was soothing, a gentle contrast to the storm inside her. She dipped her hand into the cool water, watching the ripples spread outwards. The reflection staring back at her was one of determination. She had to find a way to balance Eirene's protectiveness with her own need for discovery. She had to find a way to break free, not just from the physical walls, but from the shackles of uncertainty that bound her.

She opened her eyes and stared at the walls again, her expression a mix of determination and resignation. She was caged, yes, but she was also strong. Strong enough to endure, to find moments of peace amidst the chaos. The walls might confine her, but they could not define her. She was more than her past, more than her trauma.

As she stared at the water an idea began to form, born out of her desperation to break free and uncover the truth about herself. The vines around the garden were strong, but perhaps they could be weakened. Taking a deep breath, she moved her arms in a graceful arc, the water following upwards. It swirled around her fingers, a fluid extension of her will.

She walked over to the nearest vine-covered wall, her steps deliberate and measured. As she let the water trickle down the thick, intertwining roots, she concentrated, reaching out with her empathetic powers. She sent soothing waves of reassurance, trying to lull the plants into a sense of security, ensuring they wouldn’t alert Eirene or Melia.

The vines shivered slightly at her touch, their usually vigilant stance seeming to relax. Mirabel could sense their faint awareness, a whispering consciousness that guarded the garden. She repeated the process, carefully pouring water and extending her empathetic influence. Her movements were deliberate, masking her intentions with calm energy. Each drop of water was a whisper, a promise that nothing was amiss.

Mirabel's heart raced with a mixture of fear and hope, sweat dripping down her furrowed brow. Her connection to the plants was tenuous, like a thread that could snap at any moment if she wasn't careful. She continued, her fingers now trembling with both exhaustion and determination.

She watched intently as the vines absorbed the water. Slowly, she began to sense the water not just nourishing but draining them, pulling their energy away. The vines' grip on the garden walls loosened just a fraction, their vitality seeping into the water. It wasn’t much, but it was a start. Mirabel felt a spark of hope ignite within her. The scent of the earth mingled with the fresh, clean smell of the water, grounding her as she worked. She had to be cautious, every movement calculated to avoid drawing unwanted attention. Unbeknownst to her, as she channeled her powers into draining the vines, her wings began to radiate with a soft, moonlit glow—an ethereal sight against the backdrop of the night. At the same time, the scent of salt water and sea breeze drifted into the air, weaving with the earthy floral fragrance of the garden.

As she bent down to gather more water, the butterfly pin in her hair glinted in the fading light, a reminder of Eirene’s protective yet confining care. Mirabel’s resolve hardened. She couldn’t afford to let fear or exhaustion hold her back. She needed to know what she truly was, to understand the changes that had occurred since her death.

The night grew darker, the shadows lengthening and blending into the forest. The chirping of the evening crickets mixed with the gentle rustle of the leaves, creating a symphony of night sounds that enveloped her. She kept her focus, tuning out the noises and centering herself on her task.

Gradually, she sensed the vines beginning to yield, their strength waning under the persistent flow of water and her empathetic influence. The water continued to draw out their energy, weakening them further with each passing moment. She felt a small thrill of triumph but kept her emotions in check, maintaining the calm facade for the plants. It was a delicate balance, requiring all her concentration and energy.

The process was slow and gruelling, and the weight of her weariness bore down on her. Her muscles ached, her mind teetered on the edge of fatigue, but she pressed on. This was her chance, and she couldn’t let it slip away. The taste of freedom, the possibility of uncovering her true nature, drove her forward.

The night air was thick with tension as Mirabel worked stealthily, the soft gurgle of water the only sound accompanying her determined efforts. The vines clung stubbornly to the garden walls, their strength a challenge she met with unwavering resolve. Her fingers moved with precision, bending the water to her will, guiding it to drain the vitality from the entwined roots. Each drop whispered promises of freedom, but the shadows seemed to close in around her, amplifying her anxiety.

As she focused on the task at hand, a shiver ran down her spine. The sound of approaching footsteps was barely audible, but unmistakable. Mirabel’s heart pounded in her chest, a drumbeat of dread. She straightened, the pin in her hair catching the moonlight, casting fleeting sparks of coloured light around her.

"Mirabel," she called softly, her voice laced with worry, "what draws you into the night's embrace at this late hour?”

Mirabel froze, then turned to face Eirene, her expression a tumult of emotions. She could feel the weight of Eirene’s gaze, probing, questioning. Her fingers still tingled from the exertion, and the cool night air felt like a harsh reminder of her clandestine activities.

Mirabel's voice trembled with a mixture of frustration and desperation as she finally confronted Eirene, her mentor and confidante. "Eirene, I need you to understand something," she began, her words measured but charged with emotion. "I've been taking care of myself for as long as I can remember. Ever since I was a child, I've had to be strong, independent. I get where you're coming from, I do. But I can't live like this, constantly feeling restrained, contained.”

She paused, taking a steadying breath, her eyes locking onto Eirene's with unwavering intensity. "You're afraid, I know. Afraid that I'll get hurt again. But you have to understand, I've been hurt before. More times than I can count. I've faced death and come back. I'm not as fragile as you think, Eirene. I'm stronger, more resilient than you give me credit for.”

With each word, Mirabel felt the weight of her emotions lifting, a sense of catharsis washing over her. "You're one of the few people who truly cares about me, Eirene. I appreciate everything you've done to protect me, to keep me safe. It means more to me than you'll ever know. But I can't keep feeling like I'm trapped in a cage. I need to be free to make my own choices, to live my life on my own terms."

Eirene’s eyes widened slightly, hurt flickering across her face. She took a step closer, her voice gentle but firm. “Mirabel, I’ve never wanted to cage you. My only intention has been to keep you safe, to prevent any harm from coming to you.”

Eirene’s expression softened, the understanding deepening the lines of worry on her face. She sighed, a sound heavy with regret and unspoken fears. “Mirabel, I never meant to make you feel this way. It’s just...after what happened to Melia, I’ve been terrified that the same fate might befall you.”

Mirabel’s anger faltered, replaced by a surge of empathy. She could see the genuine fear in Eirene’s eyes, the pain of past losses haunting her. The vines around her seemed to retreat slightly, their grip loosening as if in response to the shift in emotions. Her voice softens with concern "Eirene, what happened to Melia? Why are you so afraid for me?”

Eirene sighed as she gathered her thoughts, lips pursed and brows furrowed. Her voice, when she finally spoke, was a gentle breeze through ancient trees, carrying the weight of timeless wisdom and the whisper of forgotten secrets.

"Mirabel," she began, her words a symphony of sorrow and caution, "Medea came to Melia like the dawn mist, soft and seemingly pure, cloaked in the guise of friendship. She wove tales of admiration, expressing a longing to bask in the light of Melia's powers, to learn and grow under her gentle guidance. Melia, with a heart as open as the sky and as trusting as the earth, welcomed her with open arms, eager to share the secrets of her soul.

But as time unfurled, the true nature of Medea's intent began to reveal itself. She was a shadow in the garden, siphoning the light to feed her own dark ambitions. She twisted the teachings of Melia, bending the elements to her will, not for harmony, but for control. The very forces of nature that Melia cherished and nurtured became tools of manipulation in Medea's hands.

When the veil of deception was finally lifted, Melia's heart was shattered. The betrayal cut deep, a wound of trust broken and faith shattered. To discover that one she called friend had woven such a web of lies and used her kindness as a weapon was a pain too great to bear. Melia, feeling the bitter sting of disillusionment, severed the ties that bound her to Medea, retreating from the reach of her poisonous influence.

Medea is a tempest cloaked in calm, a serpent hidden in flowers. She seeks to ensnare and exploit, her true face masked by charm and deceit.” Eirene's words hung in the air, resonating with the ancient magic of the forest, wrapping Mirabel in a cocoon of protective wisdom and gentle, yet firm, warning.

Eirene's words lingered in the air, the resonance of her wisdom echoing through the quiet forest. Mirabel absorbed the weight of the message, her thoughts a swirl of determination and caution. She took a deep breath, her resolve crystallising like the morning dew.

"I understand where you and Melia are coming from," Mira said, her voice steady but earnest. "I promise I'll be careful. But Medea...she's the key to finding out what I am.”

Eirene's brow furrowed slightly, her confusion evident. The ancient wisdom in her eyes softened as she gently replied, "Even Medea is bound by the pact, Mirabel. She cannot reveal all.”

"I know," Mirabel nodded, her gaze intense. "But Medea is interested in my powers, in what I am. This obsession of hers—it's my way to more information. I believe she holds clues, pieces of the puzzle that I need. Medea covets knowledge. The moment she encounters something she doesn't understand, she becomes fixated, hoarding every scrap of information she can find. If she knows anything about my nature, she'll be unable to resist leveraging it, even if she can't speak directly due to the pact.”

Eirene's eyes darkened with a mix of concern and understanding. "Mirabel," she said softly, her voice like the rustle of leaves in a gentle breeze, "you tread a dangerous path. Medea's fascination can be as consuming as it is enlightening. She is not one to be trifled with lightly.”

"I know," Mirabel replied, her voice unwavering. "But this is my journey. I have to take the risk, to find out who I really am. I can't remain in the dark, not when the answers might be within reach.”

Eirene sighed, a sound filled with the weight of ancient forests and ageless wisdom. "Very well," she said, her tone a blend of reluctance and resignation. "But remember, Mirabel, knowledge can be a double-edged sword. Seek it with caution and guard your heart against the shadows that come with it.”

Mirabel blinked, surprised by Eirene's easy agreement. She had expected more resistance, more caution. Eirene, always attuned to the subtleties of emotion, noticed Mirabel's surprise.

"You're wondering why I agreed so readily," Eirene said softly, her voice like the murmur of a hidden stream. She turned to face Mirabel fully, her eyes a-glow like a moonlit lake.

"Hypnosia came to me before, seeking to ease my worries and persuade me to let you meet with Medea. She assured me that Medea wouldn't harm you.”

Mirabel's eyebrows shot up. "Hypnosia did? But why? I thought she would be just as concerned."

Eirene's lips curved into a gentle, knowing smile. "Hypnosia has her ways of seeing things, of understanding the flow of fate and intentions. She believes that your path, though perilous, is one you must walk. She trusts that Medea’s interest in you, while intense, does not harbour malice. Hypnosia’s words were meant to allay my fears, and she spoke of your strength, your determination.”

The forest around them seemed to hold its breath, the night growing deeper, stars beginning to pierce the dark canopy above. Mirabel felt a mix of relief and apprehension.

"I still don't fully understand why Hypnosia would support this," Mirabel admitted, her voice tinged with confusion. "She’s was so protective the last time.”

Eirene nodded, her gaze softening. "She is protective, but she also sees the necessity of your growth, of your discovery. We cannot shield you from every danger, Mirabel. To keep you caged here, within these vine walls, would be to deny you the answers you seek. And perhaps, in your search, you will find not only the truth of what you are but also the strength to face whatever comes next.”

Mirabel took a deep breath, absorbing Eirene’s words. She felt the weight of her responsibility and the support of those who cared for her. "I’ll be careful," she promised, her voice firm. "I won't let my guard down, but I need to know. I need to understand.”

Eirene's eyes then twinkled with a touch of playfulness as she gazed at Mirabel. "Enough of these heavy thoughts for tonight," she said, her voice still soft but now with a hint of warmth. "You need rest, Mirabel. You’ll never grow as tall as us if you keep skipping sleep."

Mirabel couldn’t help but smile at the gentle teasing, feeling a sense of normalcy amidst the chaos of her thoughts. Eirene's hand was firm yet tender as she guided Mirabel towards the small, cozy alcove that had become her refuge. The stars above glittered, whispering promises of new beginnings and untold secrets.

"Off to bed with you," Eirene urged, shooing her gently. "The world can wait until morning."

With a final, grateful glance at Eirene, Mirabel slipped into the warmth of her bed. As she closed her eyes, the promise of sleep brought a soothing balm to her weary soul. Eirene's parting words echoed softly in her mind, mingling with the chirping of nocturnal creatures and the rustle of leaves in the night breeze. For the first time in a long while, Mirabel felt a fragile sense of peace.

Eirene watched over her until she was certain Mirabel had drifted into slumber. Only then did she turn away, her heart heavy with worry but lightened by the strength she saw in the young girl. As Eirene stepped back into the moonlit garden, she whispered a silent prayer for Mirabel's safety and the discovery of the truths she so desperately sought.


Sooo, what do you think? What's you're theories of what Mirabel and Medea's relationship will be like? Leave your comments below! Actually tell me what you think of the ocs too! Oh and a list of Mirabel's powers so far is: hydrokinetic abilities, empathy and flying. It's all related to what she is, and hint: her powers are actually amplified.

Anyways, I hope you like it!

The Lost Door - perseph_M (2024)


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Name: Kelle Weber

Birthday: 2000-08-05

Address: 6796 Juan Square, Markfort, MN 58988

Phone: +8215934114615

Job: Hospitality Director

Hobby: tabletop games, Foreign language learning, Leather crafting, Horseback riding, Swimming, Knapping, Handball

Introduction: My name is Kelle Weber, I am a magnificent, enchanting, fair, joyous, light, determined, joyous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.